This is the archived photo inventory at the Putnam Museum for R. To request access, please contact our research staff.
Reck Collection, 1966-9
Dates: 1920s
Scope Notes
This collection consists of 54 photographs of New Guinea scenes. Activities of people native to New Guinea are depicted as well as western [missionary?] activities are depicted.
Folder 1
25 photos, 1 newspaper clipping
Folder 2
29 photos
Richardson Collection, XXX
Inclusive dates: c. 1870
Scope Notes
This small collection consists of portraits of the Richardson Family (15 cartes-de-visite and 1 tintype). The work of Davenport photographers: Hastings, White & Fisher; Jones & Elliot; P.B. Jones; I.N. Cook.
Folder 1
Inventory, copy negatives
Folder 2
Richardson, Anna
Richardson, Belle
Richardson, Bird
Richardson, D.N. *
Richardson, J.J. *
Richardson, Jennie
Richardson, Mary
Richardson, Morris
Richardson, Susie
*Negative in file
Rotary City Beautiful Collection XLIX
Inclusive dates: 1914
Scope Notes
Lantern slide collection which documents the effort by the Davenport Rotary Club to beautiful the city by encouraging planting of gardens and flowers. Slides include before and after plantings of various houses as well as slogans and certificates related to the program. Most lantern slides have been added to the Upper Mississippi Valley Digital Image Archive.
Collection contains 73 slides. Note that gaps in numbering on slides were maintained instead of the slides being renumbers. This was done hoping the rest of the slides would be found and incorporated into this collection. Also see Lantern Slide Collection LXVIII. Some of the missing slides may have been incorporated into this collection.
Box 1
1 Home of H. W. Korn, secretary Korn Baking Co., 730 West 8th Street.
2 Davenport Rotary Club Certificate for the City Beautiful contest Presented to Camilla L. P. Burrows
3 Entry coupon in the Rotary Club City Beautiful Contest
4 slogan “Flowers are the sweetest thing God ever made and forgot to put a soul into. How many have you in your yard?”
5 slogan “Have you a house or have you a home? Is it four bleak walls or has it attractive setting of flowers and shrubs?”
6 slogan “A Yard is an expression of the character of its occupants. What is you yard? Tin cans or flowers?”
7 slogan “Your home – bet it ever so humble, but make it attractive.”
8 slogan “Make your neighbor sit up and take notice.”
12 couple in front of their frame house.
13 John H. Steffen back yard before planting
14 [John H. Steffen] sitting in his back yard, after planting
15 Yard next to John H. Steffen
16 Back yard of W. T. Waterman, before planting, 1602 Park Avenue
17 Back yard of W. T. Waterman, after planting, 1602 Park Avenue
18 Side yard, before planting of Rudolph Norelius, a printer for the “Democrat”; residence 2416 Farnam
19 Side yard, after planting of Rudolph Norelius residence 2416 Farnam
20a-b Home of J. P. back yard before planting (John Paarman? 324 Cedar?)
21a-b Home of J. P. back yard after planting (John Paarman? 324 Cedar?)
22 J. P. sitting on his porch. Front yard before planting (John Paarman? 324 Cedar?)
23a-b Home of J. P. after planting, front yard (John Paarman? 324 Cedar?)
29 Home of J. H. P. (J. H. Paarman? Curator of Davenport Academy of Sciences, 1542 Clay) back yard after planting, group of children sitting and standing.
30a View from kitchen door, home of J. H. P. (J. H. Paarman? Curator of Davenport Academy of Sciences, 1542 Clay)
30b View of back yard, after planting, from window, home of J. H. P. (J. H. Paarman? Curator of Davenport Academy of Sciences, 1542 Clay)
31 back yard after planting, a girl and boy standing by the bushes. Home of J. H. P. (J. H. Paarman? Curator of Davenport Academy of Sciences, 1542 Clay)
32 Yard of Mrs. Hans Lantau (Ida), 1930 W. 6th Street
34 Fay Winters yard before planting
35 Fay Winters yard after planting
36 Mrs. Louis Fuqua’s after planting, 723 Eastern Avenue
38 Mrs. J. Klingbiel Garden, 222 W. 13th Street
42 Freight house with a couple standing in front of it.
45 slogan “Early to bed early to rise, working in the garden, no matter what size, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
46 The Ladies’ Industrial Relief Society was to maintain the spirit of relief to the deserving poor, enabling them to help themselves. Children working in the garden.
47 slogan “We believe boys and girls should raise vegetables and flowers rather then Cain. Do you?”
48 Larrie Doyle in his garden at 219 W. High Street
49 The garden of Mrs. Mattie Luetje at 728 1/2 W. 2dn Street
51 Home and garden of County Recorder Frank G. Holm at 1420 Franklin. Mr. & Mrs. Holm (Emma W.) working in the garden.
52 Jos. Sebastian garden, before planting
53 Jos. Sebastian working in his garden after planting
60 Pool of Edward C. Crossett gardens at 227 Mississippi Avenue, President of Crossett Timber Co.
61 Yard of Edward C. Crossett at 227 Mississippi Avenue, showing garage
62a-b Back yard of Edward C. Crossett at 227 Mississippi Avenue
63 View across the rear yard of Parke T. Burrows (architect) at 221 Mississippi Ave.
64a-b View down of rear yard of P. T. Burrows residence at 221 Mississippi Ave.
65a-c Entrance to P. T. Burrows residence at 221 Mississippi Ave.
66 slogan “The kiss of sun for pardon, The songs of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God’s heart in a garden Then any place else on earth.”
94 Cottage and garden
101 A park-like setting for “Rotary Welkom” sign, planted with flowers.
102 A frame house with porch
103 Woodbine on stucco house
104 Large tree in foreground, in the background, two homes on wooded lots.
105 Garden scene with flowers and trees, young woman sitting under one of the trees.
106 Large garden with flowers and trees. In the background a house.
107 Large garden with lawn, flowers and trees in the background.
108 Backyard with trees and a bench. Older woman sitting on steps.
109 Looking down in a circle flower garden. A couple standing back of the house, small back porch. On the side of the picture a boy and girl standing.
110 Large stucco home with screened in front porch.
111 Frame house with front porch, board walk leading to house.
112 Large white frame house with flower garden.
113 Large backyard planted with flowers and vegetables. In the background several houses.
114 Large frame home with front porch and balcony. Iron fence around property.
115 Large frame house with front porch. Couple sitting on porch.
116 Large stucco home with porch.
117 Side view of stucco home with back porch and flower garden.
118 Large stucco home with tile roof, possibly by Vanderveer Park. Two boys sitting on porch.
119 Brick home surrounded by large trees.
120 Vineyard end of the walk. Two women standing, behind them is back of a frame house.
121 View of a garden with vines and flowers.
122 View of a vegetable and flower garden, with homes and outbuildings.
123 Large frame house with flower garden. Young man standing by gazebo.
124 Large frame home with lawn, surrounded by trees.
125 Small frame home. Young woman standing on porch with wicker rocker. Small trees and flower garden.
126 Side view of frame house with garden.
127 View of backyard with nine girls sitting and standing next to a sandbox.
Subject Cross Reference
Business & Industry—Advertisements (15)
Documents & Letters—Misc. (2-8, 45, 47, 66)
Houses & Households—Architectural Designs (65a-c)
Houses & Households—Gardens (13, 14, 16-18, 29-32, 35, 36, 38, 46, 48, 49, 51-53, 60-64a-b, 65a-c, 105-109, 113, 120-122, 127)
Houses & Households—Misc. (15)
Houses & Households—Urban—Exterior—Identified (1, 20-23, 32, 34, 35, 49, 51, 64a-b, 65a-c)
Houses & Households—Urban—Exterior—Unidentified (12, 94, 102, 103, 110-112, 114-119, 123-126)
Nature—Trees (104)
Organizations & Clubs—Rotary (101)
Railroads—Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific (42)
Railroads—Depots—Misc. (42)
Recreation—Children’s Activities (29, 127)
Social Life & Customs—Clothing—1850-1919 (14, 32, 42, 48, 51, 105, 108, 109, 120, 123, 125, 127)
Social Services—Misc. (46)
Transportation—Bicycle (29)
Transportation—Horseback (52)
Transportation—Wagons & Buggies (15)
Portraits—Doyle, Larrie (48)
Portraits—Sebastian, Jos. (53)