Sensory-Friendly T. Rex
Uncover the History of T. Rex
Working with top tyrannosaur scientists, a coalition of natural history institutions, and pioneering paleo and visual effects artists, GSF’s original giant screen production on this iconic dinosaur — and its carnivorous Cretaceous cousins — aims to be the most dazzling and accurate T. rex documentary ever made.
With hat tips to famous specimens, landmark discoveries, and wild cinematic depictions over the last century, the film will explore the interplay between speculation and evidence, and reveal how the process of science refreshes and reimagines our understanding of this legendary dinosaur.
Sunday, September 8th
1:00 pm | GIANT Screen Theater
Tickets: $5*
To purchase tickets to this sensory friendly showing please call 563-324-1933 or visit the ticketing office.
What is a Sensory Friendly Film?
- Theater lights dimmed
- Volume is turned down
- Movies are in 2D
- No trailers are shown unless they are embedded in the film
- Handicap accessibility in theater
- Freedom to move around and make noise in theater
- A “chill out zone” outside of the theater
For more questions about sensory friendly movies please call 563-324-1933.
*Sensory friendly films are supported by the Autism Society of the Quad Cities.