Photo Inventory: V

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This is the archived photo inventory at the Putnam Museum for V. To request access, please contact our research staff.


Visiting Nurse Association Collection, XXXI

Inclusive Dates: ca. 1925-1955

Scope Notes

The collection consists of 18 black & white photographs which document the activities of the Davenport Visiting Nurse Association.



Voss Collection 1963-14

Inclusive Dates: 1888-c. 1950 (predominant dates 1920s – 1940s)

Scope Notes 

This collection contains 260 images from two accessions given by the same donor (1963-14 and 1963-40). The images all relate to companies owned by William H. Voss and the Voss family including the Voss Bros. Mfg. Co. and the Blackhawk Foundry. Subjects include early photos of the Voss company, photos used to advertise Voss washing machines, photos of factory, company picnics, and two albums containing images of “E” award ceremonies for the Voss Bros. Mfg. Co. and Blackhawk Foundry recognizing contributions to the war effort during World War II.

Note: While identifying photographs in this collection in 1993, John Voss also provided the following information about the end of the Voss Bros. Mfg. Co.

The main Voss Bros. Mfg. Co. factory was sold to Kartridg Pak (then a subsidiary of Oscar Mayer) in 1952. Kartridg Pak continued to produce washing machines for two years after the sale. Oscar Mayer then expanded into the factory and used it as a machine shop.

The Vosses also owned the Blackhawk Foundry. They sold this company to Ben Butterworth a few years after the sale of the Voss Bros. Mfg. Co.

Archival materials from the same two accessions have been removed and are stored with the Manuscripts/ Archives. Included with those materials are patent applications submitted by William H. Voss.

Two short histories of William H. Voss and the Voss companies are included in Box 1, Folder 1. For more images relating to the Voss company see also the Bawden Bros. Collection 1962-75 and the O’Meara Collection 1970-105.

Box 1

Folder 1

   Inventory, negatives (#138-141), identification lists for photos in albums, and two histories of William H. Voss and the Voss companies [“The Thinker who turned work into play: A Tribute to Wm. H. Voss,” Geo. N. Sheets (Davenport

Democrat); and “A Story by Walter K. Voss about his father, William H. Voss and his father’s brothers, Fred and John, as pioneers in the clothes washing machine industry. Also included are the many events and changes the industry experienced through the ensuing years.” Walter K. Voss]

Folders 2-6

Individual prints

f. 2 (#1-18)            f. 5 (#59-74)

f. 3 (#19-48)           f. 6 (#75-80)

f. 4 (#49-58)

Box 2

Folders 1-6

Individual prints

f. 1 (#81-86)           f. 4 (#108-126)

f. 2 (#87-99)           f. 5 (#127-134)

f. 3 (#100-107)         f. 6 (#135-137,142)

Box 3

Album 1 [“E” Award ceremony at Voss Bros. Mfg. Co., May 31, 1944 (1963-40)]

Album 2 [“E” Award ceremony at Blackhawk Foundry, June 29, 1945]

Oversize (filed separately with oversize photos)

CAB1–5 #10 “Office & Factory–Voss Bros. Manufacturing Co. Oct. 20, 1929.” Exterior of building with employees. C. Hufford, photographer

CAB1–5 #11 “The Voss Family Party–Voss Bros. Mfg. Co. Blackhawk Foundry, Friendly House, Dec. 1931.” People seated in an auditorium. Fromader,



   Voss, William H. (75, 76)

   Voss, Fred P. (77, 78, 79)

   Voss, Herman? (80)

Subject Headings Represented In Collection:

AVIATION–MISC. (101-105; Album 1: 1-77; Album 2:   1-38)


BUSINESS & INDUSTRY–EMPLOYEES (49-51, 53, 57, 108-117, 125, 138, 141; Album 1: 64, 67, 68)

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY–FOUNDRY (109, 110; Album 2: 








BUSINESS & INDUSTRY–WASHING MACHINES (54, 57, 59-74, 81-99, 108, 111-126, 138, 139, 141, 142)




HOLIDAYS & CELEBRATIONS–PATRIOTIC (Album 1: 1-77; Album 2: 1-38)




MILITARY & WAR–MISC. (100-107)

MILITARY & WAR–WORLD WAR II–EQUIPMENT (100-106, 109, 110, 127-137; Album 1: 1-77; Album 2: 1-38)

MUSIC–BANDS (1; Album 1: 6; Album 2: 1)



















Identification Of Images In Album 1

Album 1 (1963-40) contains scenes from the “E” Award ceremony held on May 31, 1944 on the second floor of the West building of the Voss Bros. Mfg. Co. The

entire floor was cleared for the event.

Note: The images are numbered on the back in the lower left corner. Most images identified by John Voss in 1993. Not all images identified.

 1. Most of the day shift from Voss Bros. Mfg. Co. during World War II. Photo includes August Rathman (worked in experimental department, front left in apron), Leonard Wendt (front third from left in overalls), Floyd Duvall (to right of man with beard), Ted Whitson (center of front row with round button), Leo Keller (with glasses and overalls, center front), Art Holm (front row third from right in white shirt and overalls), Irene Healy (John Voss’s secretary, in black dress about seventh from left in back row), Al Beary (standing at far right), and Dick Schwab (in suit with striped tie standing near center of group under open window)

 2. (left to right) ?, Walter K. Voss, Mike Ellis (represented employees, worked in tool crib), Fred Voss

 3. Belly turret for B-17 airplane. Voss Bros. Mfg. Co. made gear units and aluminum doors were made by Voss at their Blackhawk Foundry.

 4. Ed F. Voss is in middle.

 6. Hal Wiese Orchestra playing at “E” Award ceremony.

 7. Ed Delarue (Sales Mgr., standing) speaking to Mrs. Walter K. (Rose) Voss.

 8. Probably people from WOC broadcasting “E” Award event.

 9. Jack Cope (from sales dept., standing behind woman in center), Art Christiansen (draftsman, second from right), William L. Voss (at far right)

10. Mike Ellis (tool crib attendant, at far left)

13. (left to right) Rudy Beck (machinist, later in service dept.), Carl Minnick, Ed Strasser (shipping clerk), Earl Wulf (foreman in machine shop), August Rathman (experimental shop), Emma Engel (billing clerk); units from B-17 airplane belly turret and aluminum doors on shelves behind them

17, 18. Production of range finder carrying case at Voss Bros. Mfg. Co. (Feb. 25, 1942)

19-57. “The following pictures show how the tooling records were kept, so as to familiarize the users with the tooling.”

58-78. “Voss factory pictures of items manufactured in World war two, also interior factory views.”

58. Fuel injection unit, assembled unit at bottom (for a B-25 airplane?)

60. Pieces from belly turret of B-17 airplane. Doors at right were spot welded sheets of aluminum, interior of one door cut away (on table at bottom). Fire interrupter (to prevent gunner from shooting his own plane) pieces near left of table.

61. At left is hand crank used in B-17 airplane belly turret to turn turret up and down if electrical power went out. The cardboard cartons behind them were tested for strength by throwing them out of a third story window at the Voss factory. The units were shipped to the Emerson Co.

63. Packing boxes, top view.

64, 65. Tool crib area at Voss factory. Inspection and security were very rigid during the war. Note guard at left (image 64).

67. Broaching machine in front, lathes in rear (at Voss factory).

68. Small lathes and drill presses. Jimmy Register (front left), Al Geiger (back to camera near pole on left side). Good photo with American flag in center.

69. Basement where raw material (like this bar stock) was kept and fed to lathes. Aluminum turret doors for B-17 airplane at bottom (knobs on for molding purposes, later cut off). Bins along back held all sorts of hardware.

70. First floor machine shop with lathes in background (more machines added later).

71. Prominent machine is drill press with several bits for machine (in basement of East building at Voss factory)

72. Rear of East building. Overhead bridge in background went from East to West building. Kohr’s packing plant at right. Voss storage building for aging wood at left.

74. Basement where raw material (like this bar stock) was kept and fed to lathes. Bins along back held all sorts of hardware.

75, 76. Machines designed and built by Voss for “bluing” metal (except this process made it black). Series of six tanks filled with gas-fired liquid. Machines used only during World War II production.

77. Degreaser for cleaning parts in a hot vapor. Used only during World War II production.

78. Several air compressors. Also used to blow whistle in summer when steam power was off.

Identification Of Images In Album 2

Album 2 contains scenes from the “E” Award ceremony held on June 29, 1945 at the Blackhawk Foundry.

Note: The images below are listed in the order in which they appear in the album. The original numbers written on the obverse of each image are used to identify these photos but, unfortunately, they are not mounted sequentially. Most images identified by John Voss in 1993. Not all images identified.

 6. ?

13. At left is John Dietrich (manager of the Blackhawk Foundry), at right is Walter K. Voss 4. Men inside Blackhawk Foundry

 9. Mayor Art Kroppack of Davenport at right

16. ?

15. ?

 7. ?

36. Original section of Blackhawk Foundry. Walter K. Voss in suit fifth in line, John Dietrich sixth in line, Mayor John Kroppack ninth in line.

 2. Women holding brochures and awards that were later handed out to each employee (sterling pin engraved with “100% Production Soldier” and small flag included)

 8. Children outside Blackhawk Foundry during ceremony

30. ?

18. People seated along Clark Street in front of Blackhawk Foundry.

20. ?

 1. Band outside Blackhawk Foundry

11. People along Clark Street

17. People along Clark Street

14. People along Clark Street

12. People along Clark Street

34. “E” Award ceremony, Davenport’s Mayor Kroppack at podium

19. “E” Award ceremony. Soldier standing to left of podium is Jim Morris (later a salesman for Voss Bros. Mfg. Co. who married Ed Voss’s daughter). Davenport’s Mayor Kroppack at podium, John Diedrich seated second from right.

32. ?

31. ?

26. ?

23. Jim Morris (see #19 above) pinning award onto John Dietrich (manager of Blackhawk Foundry).

24. Jim Morris in uniform (see #19 above)

27. Jim Morris in uniform (see #19 above)

33. John Dietrich (manager of Blackhawk Foundry) receiving “E” flag for Blackhawk Foundry.

35. John Dietrich (manager of Blackhawk Foundry) receiving “E” flag for Blackhawk Foundry.

21. John Dietrich (manager of Blackhawk Foundry) receiving “E” flag for Blackhawk Foundry.

29. John Dietrich (manager of Blackhawk Foundry) receiving “E” flag for Blackhawk Foundry.

28. John Dietrich (manager of Blackhawk Foundry) receiving “E” flag for Blackhawk Foundry.

38. Raising the “E” flag at Blackhawk Foundry.

Please Note: The Museum & Science Center will be closed for maintenance, cleaning, and updates January 8 -12.

We will resume normal hours on Saturday (1/13). Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support!

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