Photo Inventory: P

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This is the archived photo inventory at the Putnam Museum for P. To request access, please contact our research staff.


Panama Canal Collection, XXV

Inclusive dates: c. 1904-1914

Scope Notes:

This collection consists of 55 black & white photographs which document the construction of the Panama Canal. Provenance is not known.

Folder 1

Inventory, 33 photos

Folder 2 

32 photos



Persian Gulf Collection 1993-45

Inclusive dates: March 1993


This collection is comprised of 32 color images (32 prints, 32-35mm negatives) of patriotic homefront displays taken shortly after the end of the Persian Gulf War. All images were photographed by local photographer Jay Strickland on a contract basis with the Putnam Museum.

Folder 1

Inventory, copy of contract, negatives (32)

Folder 2

Color prints (32)


Pete C. Petersen, Sr. Collection 1997-60 (includes accessions 1997-105, 2004-10)

Date: 1869 – 1968

Scope Notes:

This large collection of photographs, scrapbooks, sketchbooks, and documents is associated with a military uniform, pins and metals, and items that are part of the same accessions, 1997-105 and 2004-10. The collection consists of materials related to Davenport organizations, souvenirs and automobile memorabilia. Photographs are of Peter C. Petersen, Sr.’s service in the military, automobile racing, automobile dealership, local industry, a parade, civic service, and family.

Peter C. Petersen, Sr., was born in Denmark, fought in Spanish-American War and served in World War I at Ft. Omaha and in France. He was active in the automobile racing circuit in the Quad Cities and raced at Indianapolis, opened one of the first automobile dealerships in the Quad Cities, alderman in Davenport, IA, involved with many Quad City (Davenport) organizations. 

A couple of photographs are of Pete’s wife’s family, the Schmidts and the Roddewigs. See Petersen Collection 1999-29 for most info and images from these families.

Non-accession material (loose in Box 1) includes genealogical information – photostat copies of a book or books, newspaper clippings etc. – on the Roddewig and Schmidt families.

Not Found during inventory – listed in accession records

1997.105.69 photograph of ‘Airmen balloon Fort. Omaha’, 1915

Image Description

Box 1

Folder 1

1997.105.65 Group portrait of Peter C. Petersen Sr., Peter Petersen Jr., and Paula Christian [Christine?] (Roddewig), c. 1938

1997.105.70 Portrait of Peter C. Petersen ‘night after Armistice in France near Mallan Court, 1918

1997.105.71 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen, Commander, Armistice Day Parade, November 1924

1997.105.72 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen driving his Hartford car, c. 1920s

1997.105.74 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen leading Decoration Day Parade, American Legion, Davenport #28, May 1925

1997.105.75 Portrait of Peter C. Petersen holding a French driver’s license, March 24, 1965

1997.105.76 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen greeting Eddie Rickbacker, October 18, 1964

1997.105.77 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen sitting in the back of a car with three other individuals in Mostern car in Monmouth, Ill, c. 1906

1997.105.82 Pete, Gunfohn, Gust Burmaste and unidentified person sitting in Pete’s Pope Hartford in Central Park [now Vander Veer], c. 1906

1997.105.83 Portrait of Capitan Eddie Rickenbacker autographed ‘To my friend Pet Petersen’

1997.105.84 Cartoon drawing of Peter C. Petersen racing ‘Pete’s Pope’, c. 1906

1997.105.86 Bowling team, Davenport City Champions, Tri-City League, c. 1922

1997.105.108 Ft. Omaha, Nebraska, during service – Pete driving a Hartford, c. 1917

1997.105.109 Photograph postcard of ‘A few Pope Hartford Cars in Service, Davenport, Iowa’ Petersen Auto Co. in background, c. 1906-1920

1997.105.110 Photograph postcard ‘Brady Street Hill Climb, Davenport, IA,’ c. 1906

1997.105.117 Portrait of Peter C. Petersen, October 4, 1963

Folder 2

2004.10.23 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen, Sr. in WWI uniform, June 1917

2004.10.24 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen, Sr. and Eugene Ely in airplane, September 1911

2004.10.25 Photograph of Eugene Ely in plane, c. 1910

2004.10.26 Photograph of President Taft in a motorcade in Connecticut

2004.10.27 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen, Sr. in car race up Rock Island [now Pershing] street, Davenport, c. 1912

2004.10.28 Photograph postcard of Peter C. Petersen in a car during road race, c. 1912

2004.10.29 Slide of photograph of Peter C. Petersen in race car, c. 1910

2004.10.30 Photograph of Eddie Rickenbacker and Peter C. Petersen, c. 1966

2004.10.31 Eight photograph postcards of the construction of the Crescent Macaroni company factory, June 1915

2004.10.32 Photograph of Schmidt family reunion in Holstein, IA, June 26, 1948

2004.10.33 Photograph of Schmidt family reunion

2004.10.34 Photograph of the Paulo Roddewig family, May 17, 1933

2004.10.35 Photograph of Ferd (?) Roddewig family, c. 1936

Folder 3

1997.105.66 Certificate of appointment, Peter C. Petersen, Master Electrician, 11 Balloon Company, November 30, 1921

1997.105.67 Certificate rewarding Peter C. Petersen honorable discharge, April 26, 1898

1997.105.68 Certificate discharging Peter C. Petersen, April 26, 1898

1997.105.78 Certificate appointing Peter C. Petersen as Sergeant, 1st class, February 19, 1918

1997.105.79 Certificate appointing Peter C. Petersen as Sergeant, 1st Class, Balloon School Squadron Signal Corps, September 7, 1917

1997.105.80 Certificate appointing Peter C. Petersen Corporal, 1st Balloon School Squadron, Signal Corps, August 4, 1917

1997.105.81 Maroon booklet containing honorable discharge certificate, printed in German. May 29, 1919

1997.105.87 3 calling cards of ‘Mrs. Peter C. Petersen’, c. 1900-1920

1997.105.85 List of Peter C. Petersen’s ‘Life Bowling Activities’

Folder 4

1997.60.8 Handbook, 3rd Edition, Davenport High School, Davenport, Iowa, 1950-51

1997.60.10 17 page mimeograph version of the History of the U.S.S. with envelope

1997.60.11 Photograph of a Grotto Parade in Davenport, IA, c. 1940s

1997.60.12 Photograph of Packard automobile inside B&W Motors Inc. Peter C. Petersen standing next to automobile, c. 1949

1997.60.13 Photograph of row of cars, including a hearse lined up at Memorial Park in Davenport, IA

1997.60.14 Photograph of Warren Lang with Cadillac and Pontiac staff, 1940

1997.60.15-22 7 postcard photographs of the construction of the Crescent Macaroni Company, Davenport, IA, c. July 1915

1997.60.23 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen Sr. racing an airplane in his car at the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds in Davenport, IA, c. 1910-1912

1997.60.24 Reproduction photograph of 1997.60.23

1997.60.25 5-page typed report of Peter C. Petersen’s race across Iowa, December 28, 1912

1997.105.118 Photograph of car racing an airplane, ’50 mile race, Pete in Car, Niles in plane, Pete won by a mile’ c. 1916

1997.105.119 Colorized photograph of ‘P.C. Petersen in Pope Hartford, Davenport, IA’, July 4, 1911

1997.105.120 Photograph postcard of P.C. Petersen in airplane

1997.105.121-124 Negative strip [4 shots] of airplane and car race, c. 1916

1997.105.125 Photograph of airplane and car race c. 1916

1997.105.126 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen and three unidentified individuals in a Pope Hartford car next to Niles in airplane, c. 1916

Folder 5

1997.60.9 Scrapbook with wooden spine containing clippings related to planes, mainly World War II, c. 1943

Folder 6

2004.10.12 Driver’s license, French, for Peter C. Petersen, Sr., c. 1899

2004.10.13 Ticket to World’s Fair, 1900

2004.10.14 Letter with envelope from Eddie Rickenbacker to Peter C. Petersen, Sr., January 7, 1966

2004.10.15 Booklet, voyage to the U.S.A. by Johann F. C. Schmidt Family, handwritten in German, c. 1847

2004.10.16 Written history of the Schmidt family spanning from 1929 to 1929, written in German, c. 1929

2004.10.17 Booklet, History of the Schmidt Family by Albert W. Schmidt, 1947

2004.10.18 Brochure for The Cracker Barrel, Crescent Macaroni & Cracker Co., c. 1925

2004.10.19 Handwritten history of Roddewig Family spanning from 1770-1922, written in German, c. 1922

2004.10.20 Letter written to Otto Koehler, c. 1868

Folder 7

2004.10.37 Business card of Barney Oldfield, Oldfield Tire Co., Cleveland, OH

2004.10.38 Christmas card from Paulo Roddewig to Dr. Ed Strohbehn

2004.10.39 Card for New Year’s from Denmark

2004.10.40 Postcard of Onsbjeng Kirke in Samso, Denmark

Folder 8

1997.105.51  Photograph ‘Pete’s outfit at Ft. Omaha’, c. 1914-18

1997.105.52 Photograph postcard of Peter C. Petersen in army uniform, c. 1914-18

1997.105.53 Photograph of ‘Ewing Boomer and Peter at Fort. Omaha’

1997.105.54 Photograph of ‘Machine shop truck designed by Stg. Peter Petersen at Fort Omaha’

1997.105.55 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen with machine shop truck he designed at Ft. Omaha, Neb.’, 1917

1997.105.56 Photograph of truck convoy at Ft. Omaha, August 1917, Peter C. Petersen in charge, Chief Truckmaster at Ft. Omaha

1997.105.57 Portrait of Peter C. Petersen as Chief Truckmaster at Ft. Omaha, August 1917

1997.105.58 Portrait of Peter C. Petersen, Fort Omaha, Neb., June 29, 1917

1997.105.59 Photograph postcard ‘homebound, our transport from France to Newport, Maine, May 5, 1919’

1997.105.60 Photograph postcard ‘Our transport homebound, Peter C. Petersen’, c. 1919

1997.105.61 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen ‘after my airplane ride sitting on the Wing of the plane piloted by Eugene Ely at Credit Island’, September 1911

1997.105.62 Photograph of Peter C. Petersen sitting on military vehicle, c. 1917

1997.105.63 Membership card to United Spanish War Veterans to camp No. 10 dated January 1, 1960

Folder 9

2004.10.8 Book of quotes and poetry in German, c. 1876

2004.10.9 Skudsmaalsbog [passport?] for Ane Dorthe Pedersen, c.1876

2004.10.10 Skudsmaalsbog [passport?] for Peder Christian Pedersen, c. 1890

1997.105.116 12 American Legion membership cards, 1920 to 1963, belonging to Peter C. Petersen, Sr., found inside leather card case

Folder 10

2004.10.6 Sketchbook, c. 1869, by Paulo Roddewig

2004.10.7 sketch book, 1870 by Paulo Roddewig

Folder 11

2004.10.21 Journal written in German, dated from 1848-1863 and 1886-1899

Folder 12

N/A photocopies of newspaper clippings related to Peter C. Petersen, Sr. including his obituary

Folder 13

 – photos removed from Album 1997.105.128

1997.105.128 B Photograph of Peter C. Petersen with sunflower, 12 feet tall in his yard, August 24, 1964

1997.105.128 C Photograph of Peter C. Petersen riding in the back seat of a convertible car in uniform for a parade, June 4, 1966

1997.105.128D Photograph of ‘Pete headed to parade in convertible’, June 4, 1966

1997.105.128E Photograph of ‘Parade and Pete going west on 3rd [street]’, June 4, 1966

1997.105.128F Photograph of Peter C. Petersen in uniform accepting an award(?) And shaking the hand of another man wearing a military hat

1997.105.128G Photograph of Peter C. Petersen standing next to a sunflower plant, August 1965

1997.105.128H Photograph of Peter C. Petersen on ladder next to 12ft. sunflower plant

1997.105.128 I Photograph of Peter C. Petersen posing with his French driver’s license (2004.10.12), March 24, 1965

1997.105.128 J Photograph of Peter C. Petersen wearing a beret and holding three racing trophies

1997.105.128 K Photograph ‘Blackhawk, Rickenbacker Talk (?)’, c. 1963

1997.105.128 L Photograph of Pete Petersen and Nels Peterson holding a flag that say; ‘Walter G. Nagel Camp No. 110 Department of Iowa United Spanish War Veterans’, May 30, 1963

1997.105.128 M Photograph of Peter C. Petersen standing on ladder looking at 12ft. sunflower, August 24, 1964

1997.105.128 N Photograph of Peter C. Petersen wearing military hat greeting Eddie Rickenbacker, October 18, 1964

1997.105.128 O Photograph of ‘Pete selling Packards for spring 1936’

1997.105.128 P Photograph of Peter C. Petersen looking at a photograph of himself

1997.105.128 Q Photograph of Pete in a park wearing his uniform sitting in ‘Dr. Chandler’s Packard’, c. 1926

1997.105.128 R Photograph of Pete and Gil Ruehman Potentate representing the Kaaba Shrine standing next to a Packard in Municipal Stadium, August 1949

1997.105.128 S Photograph of wall plaque listing members of the Elks Lodge 298 in Davenport, IA

Folder 14

1997.105.128 T Photograph of Peter C. Petersen in uniform standing at attention at Camp Morrison, VA, note written on back to his sister, April 1, 1918

1997.105.128 U Photograph of Peter C. Petersen in uniform with helmet on in France during World War I, c. 1917

1997.105.128 W Group portrait of Peter Sr., Mary Lou, and Peter Jr. Petersen, February 1938

1997.105.128 X Portrait of Peter C. Petersen wearing a suit and tie, October 1951

1997.105.128 Y Portrait of Peter C. Petersen wearing glasses in a suit and tie

1997.105.128 Z Portrait of Peter C. Petersen (same as 1997.105.128 Y)

1997.105.128 AA Portrait of Peter C. Petersen wearing a military hat ‘Grand Chief Iowa 40/8’, c. 1938

1997.105.128 BB Portrait of Peter C. Petersen, written on back ‘Pete Alderman’, c. 1948

1997.105.128 CC Portrait of Peter C. Petersen in his ‘NAT LIFE USA’ bowling uniform holding a bowling ball, ‘Champion Bowler – won City Championship…’, c. 1922

1997.105.128 DD Photograph of a large group of men in a field with a large balloon that has a basket connected to it, ‘Amer. Balloon World War I’, c. 1917

1997.105.128 EE Portrait of Peter C. Petersen in uniform in a studio.

1997.105.128 FF Portrait of a young Peter C. Petersen wearing a suit and tie, c. 1905

1997.105.128 GG Portrait of Peter C. Petersen in military uniform – World War I

1997.105.128 HH Photograph of ammunition truck at Ft. Omaha, Nebraska, August 1917

1997.105.128 II Photograph of Sgt. Jones and Pete in their balloon uniforms, 11th Balloon Cal., February 1918

1997.105.128 JJ Portrait of ‘Peter C. Petersen, Alderman 5th Ward’ wearing suit and tie, c. 1925

Loose in Box 1

1997.105.127 Photograph album of Petersen family, c. 1900-1920

2004.10.5 Daguerreotype of unidentified man

2004.10.22 Photo album of Roddewig and Schmidt families, c. 1885

Box 2

1997.60.26 Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings and photographs of or relating to Peter C. Petersen Sr. 

1997.105.128 Scrapbook of Peter C. Petersen [took apart due to falling apart and put photos in archival envelopes; see box 1 folders13 and14 or oversized cabinet]

1997.105.6 Framed document promoting Peter Christian Petersen to ‘Quartermaster’, March 20, 1924

Stored in oversized cabinet (OSCab1—10 #34 to 37)

1997.105.128 A Photograph of Peter C. Petersen in uniform being awarded a trophy for entertaining underprivileged children, c. 1938

1997.105.128 KK Portrait of Peter C. Petersen after Spanish American War, wearing a suit, c. 1899

1997.60.27 Photograph of Eugene Elly – pilot, Peter C. Petersen Sr. – passenger, c. 1910

2004.10.36 Photograph of Co. I [2nd] Infantry, Illinois Volunteers, Camp Tanner, Mary 16, 1936 (in 2 parts)

Subject Cross Reference

Arts – Misc. (Folder 1) 

Aviation – Airplanes (Folders 2, 4, 5 and 10)

Business & Industry – Automobiles (Folder 9)

Business & Industry – Automotive (Folder 4)

Business & Industry – Construction (Folder 2 and 4) 

Business & Industry – Garage (Folder 1)

Business & Industry – Misc. (Folder 2 and 4)

Business & Industry – Photography (Folder 4)

Cemeteries & Headstones – Unidentified (Folder 4)

Entertainment & Amusement – Fairs – Misc. (Folder 2) 

Entertainment & Amusement – Fairs – Mississippi Valley (Folder 4) 

Groups – Identified (Folders 1, 2, 5, 9, and 10)

Groups – Unidentified (Folders 1, 2, 9 and 11)

Holidays & Celebrations – Memorial Day (Folder 1)

Holidays & Celebrations – Misc. (Folder 1) 

Houses & Households – Garden (Folder 9)

Military & War – Misc. (Folder 9)

Military & War – Spanish American – Portrait (Folders 9 and 11)

Military & War – Spanish American – Misc. (Folder 9)

Military & War – World War I – Camp (Folder 9)

Military & War – World War I – Equipment (Folder 8)

Military & War – World War I – Misc. (Folders 1, 8 and 9)

Military & War – World War I – Portraits, Group (Folders 8 and 9)

Military & War – World War I – Portraits, Individuals (Folders 1, 2, 8, and 9)

Organization & Clubs – American Legion (Folder 1)

Organization & Clubs – Elks (Folder 9)

Organization & Clubs – Shrine (Folder 9)

Parade (Folders 1 and 9)

Parks & Park Recreation – Credit Island (Folder 5)

Parks & Park Recreation – Vander Veer (Folder 1)

Portrait – Bruhn, Peter (album 1997.105.127)

Portrait – Clasenbach, Emil (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Clasenbach, Emma (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Clasenbach, Hedwig (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Clasenbach, Ida (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Koehler, Ernestine Potthoff (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Koehler, Ferdinand (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Larsen, Minnie (album 1997.105.127)

Portrait – Petersen, Axel (album 1997.105.127)

Portrait – [Petersen], Nels (album 1997.105.127)

Portrait – Petersen, Peter C., Jr. . (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Petersen, Peter C., Sr. (Folders 1, 2, 8, and 9)

Portrait – Rickenbacker, Eddie (Folders 1, 2 and 9)

Portrait – Roddewig, Christina D. Schmidt (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Roddewig, Ferdinand, Jr. (Ferd) (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Roddewig, Ferdinand, Sr. (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Roddewig, George (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Roddewig, Lina (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Roddewig, Meta Koehler (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Roddewig, Paulo (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Roddewig, Peter Ernst (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Ruehman, Gil (Folder 9)

Portrait – Schmidt, Bertha (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Schmidt, Fritz T. (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Schmidt, Mrs. Fritz T. (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Schmidt, Gustav (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Schmidt, Julius (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Schmidt, Tillie (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Tholen [sic], Helen (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait – Voss, Louise Hoering (album 2044.10.22)

Portrait – Wallace, Frank (album 2004.10.22)

Portrait –Unidentified (Folder 9)

Portrait – Unidentified Man (Loose in Box 1)

Railroads – Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (Folder 4)

Railroads – Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific (Folder 2) 

Railroads – Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific (Folder 2) 

Railroads – Cars – Exterior (Folder 2)

Social Life & Customs – Family Activities (Folder 2) 

Social Life & Customs – Misc. (Folder 9)

Social Life & Customs – Clothing – 1850 – 1919 (Folder 1) 

Sports – Automobile Racing (Folders 1, 2, 4 and 9)

Sports – Bowling (Folders 1 and 9)

Transportation – Automobile (Folders 1, 2, 4 and 9)

Transportation – Bicycle (album 1997.105.127)

Cities – Davenport – Bird’s Eye & Aerial Views (Folder 4)

Cities – Davenport – Misc. (Folder 8)

Cities – Davenport – Municipal Government (Folder 9)

Cities – Davenport – Street Scenes – Business – 1900 – 1919 (Folder 1 and 2) 

Cities – Davenport – Street Scenes – Business – 1920 – 1959 (Folder 1) 

Cities – Davenport – Street Scenes – Business – 1960 – 1999 (Folder 9)

Cities – Davenport – Street Scenes – Residential – 1880 -1919 (Folder 2) 

National – Presidents – Taft, W.H. (Folder 2)


Petersen Collection 1999-29

Scope Notes:

The collection contains photographs and materials related to the Roddewig, Struck and Schmidt families of Davenport and the life and career of Peter C. Petersen, Jr. Ferdinand Roddewig, Sr., started Crescent Macaroni Co. and Roddewig/Schmidt Candy Company, which the three sons operated.

Pete Petersen was a local ornithologist and Davenport Public Museum staff member. He also ran a local bird supply shop. The following is a possible, partial family tree based on information in the album. 

Peter Roddewig family info from Peter Roddewig’s obit dated Nov. 1, 1905

Ferdinand Roddewig, (Paul Ferdinand Roddewig), b. June 26, 1828, died Dec. 6, 1885, m. Meta Koehler (Ferdinandine Harrietta Meta Koehler) b. Jan. 19, 1834, d. Sept. 2, 1875

Children: Paulo, Peter E, Lina and Ferd[inand] Roddewig, Jr.

a. Paulo [a.k.a. P.R.] Roddewig m. Christina D. Schmidt, May 17, 1883

Children: Martha W. m. Frank Wallace

George W. b. 1884, d. March 15, 1961, mining engineer


Paula Christine m. Peter C. Petersen on Jan. 11, 1936

Peter C. Petersen, Jr.

Frances Bertha Roddewig, b. Dec. 18, 1897, m. Grover C. Claussen, d. April 24, 1989

Lived in Minneapolis, interred at Fr. Snelling National Cemetery

Children (at time of death)

William Claussen of Stratford, CT

Richard Claussen of Minneapolis, wife Betty

5 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren

b. Peter E. Roddewig born July 28, 1859 in Davenport; died Oct. 31, 1905

Married Minnie Struck in 1882 [sic]

Son Harry died 1901

c. Lina

d. Ferd, Jr.

Struck family info from Henry Christian Struck, Sr.’s obit dated April 23, 1902

Henry Sr born in Holstein, Germany, July 20, 1820, died April 23, 1902, emigrated in 1854, arrived in Davenport 1855

Married Sophia Dorothea Streilmer in 1852; she died March 17, 1900

Children (not necessarily in age order)

a. George J. died 1892

b. Henry C. Struck, Jr

c. Charles Struck of Chicago

d. Mrs. Minnie Roddewig wife of Peter E. Roddewig

e. Mrs. Emma Krabbenhoeft, wife of Theo. Krabbenhoeft

f. Mrs. Augusta Neff, wife of Charles Neff, of Omaha

g. Julius J. Struck

h. Amelia Hale

Folder 1

• Peter C. Petersen, Jr.’s high school diploma (1999.29.1)

• “A Tribute to John L. Sullivan” flyer, 1918 (1999.29.6)

• 3 letters from John L. Sullivan to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chandler (1999.29.6-9)

• Memorial Tribute for Frances Bertha Claussen and death notice newspaper clipping, removed from photo album

Folder 2

1999.29.5 photograph of cottage with sign “Tom Chandler’s/Maple Grove Cottage, near Linwood, IA, 1934

1999.29.10 George. W. Roddewig, c. 1930-1950

1999.29.11 Peter C. Petersen, Jr. seated in wicker chair, age 2, 1939

1999.29.12 Sudlow School safety patrol, Peter Petersen, Jr. first row, second from left, c. 1949-1950

1999.29.13 group photograph L to R, back: Dee Kimberly, Doris Wosonke, Dub Daniels, Peter C. Petersen, Jr.; L to R, front: Donna Lee Daniels, Kay Kimberly, c. 1942

1999.29.14 Peter C. Petersen Jr., holding a saw-whet owl at McBride lake, June 4, 1963

1999.29.15 Peter C. Petersen, Jr., 9th grade graduation, June 1951

1999.29.16 L to R: Fred Lesher, Mrs. Paul Ryan, Peter Petersen, Mike Yeast, taking 1960 Christmas bird  count

1999.29.17 Peter Petersen taking bird count, December 25, 1960

1999.29.18 Peter Petersen at Davenport Public Museum, March 13, 1959

1999.29.19 Peter Petersen looking at wooden eagle (1920-4) at Davenport Public Museum, c. 1959-1960

1999.29.23 Ms. Marilyn Steenburgh’s pre-school class, December 21, 1940

5 tintypes removed from red leather case. Note: These are not part of this donation but are connected to the Roddewig family and so are being stored with this collection.

a. Peter E. Roddewig and Minnie A Struck, married Nov. 5, 1881, wedding portrait

b. Theo. Krabbenhoeft and Emma D. Struck, married Nov. 5, 1881, wedding portrait

c. Portrait of Emma D. Struck, 1881

d. Unidentified woman, probably Emma D. Struck

e. Group portrait Em, Theo, and Nina [or Mia?], Nov. 2, 1881 or 1878

Folder 3

Magazine article about Davenport Public High School from 1953 or 1954 entitled “U. S. Public High School”

• Roddewig Family Album – 1999.29.22

a. Christina d. Schmidt and Paulo Roddewig, 1882, ages 23 and 25

b. Fritz T. Schmidt, n.d.

c. Anna Dorothea Schmidt, n.d.

d. Ferdinand Roddewig, n.d.

e. Meta Koehler, [c. 1865]

f. Paulo, Peter, Lina & Ferd Roddewig, 1875-1876

g. Christina D. Schmidt, wife of Paulo, 1881, age 22

h. George W. Roddewig, son of Paulo & Christina, 1890

i. Martha W. Roddewig, daughter of Paulo & Christina, late Mrs. Frank Wallace, n.d., age 2?

j. Paula Christine Roddewig, n.d., age 2?

k. Nanon Roddewig, n.d., age 1?

l. Frances Roddewig, married Grover Claussen, n.d. age 1?

m. 4 photographs: 

a) George Roddewig, 1885 age 1?

b) Christel Roddewig, died 1888

c) 3 children unidentified

d) 2 children unidentified

n. 4 images

a) tintype of 3 unidentified women

b) Frances Roddewig, [c. 1915]

c) Christina S. Roddewig n,d, [mother]

d) George Roddewig, [c. 1900]

o. 4 photographs “Ferninand & Meta Roddewig’s children

a) Lina

b) P. R. 1878 [Paulo]

c) Peter

d) Ferd [Jr., c. 1885]

p. 4 photographs

a) Lina Roddewig, [c. 1915]

b) 2 women unidentified [Struck sisters??]

c) Lina Roddewig, [c. 1900]

d) 2 women unidentified

q. 4 photographs

a) unidentified group of women, studio portrait, [c. 1890]

b) unidentified [family] group, c. 1910

c) P.R., Hugo P., Ed Lischer, 1883

d) B. Schwarting, Oswald S., P.R., 1890

r. 4 photographs

a) P. R. and Dr. H. Pantzer, 1905

b) 4 unidentified women, [c. 1885]

c) 3 unidentified children, [c. 1905]

d) Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Clannbach, parents to Hedwig, tintype, [c. 1865]

s. 4 generation photograph: great grandmother Ernestine Koehler, grandmother Anna Meyer, mother Emma Pauda [?], daughter Clara Hayden, taken in Milwaukee, [c. 1885]

t. Nanon & Martha Roddewig, n.d, Brandt Bros. studio Davenport

u. Paula & Frances Roddewig, [c. 1900]

v. Exterior view of unidentified house

w. Paula, Martha, & Nanon Roddewig, [c. 1895]

x. Martha, Nanon & Paula Roddewig, [c. 1897]

y. Unidentified boy and George Roddewig, n.d.

z. Unidentified child

aa. Unidentified child 

ab. Unidentified child

ac. 2 Unidentified children

ad. Unidentified child

af. 5 Unidentified children [Paulo’s children?]

ag.  4 Unidentified children [Paulos’ children?]

ah. 2 Unidentified children

ai. Unidentified child

aj. 4 photographs

a) Gil

b) Dick

c) Lu Schmidt

d) Harry Schmidt

ak. 4 unidentified photographs

al. 4 unidentified photographs, 2 are group photos

am. 4 unidentified photographs, 3 are single portraits, one is mother with baby

an. 4 unidentified photographs, may be some of Paulo’s children; 2 are single portraits, 2 are a 

pair of children

ao. 2 photographs

a) Peter C. Petersen, 3 mos., hand tinted photo, [c. 1900]

b) Peter C. Petersen, son of Paula Roddewig Petersen, [c. 1900]

ap. 2 photographs

a) unidentified group of 7, studio portrait, 1892

b) unidentified [family] group, c. 1910 [Roddewigs?]

• Pete Petersen’s Audubon Field Notes, 1953

• 1954 Blackhawk, Davenport High School yearbook

• Photographic button of Peter C. Petersen, senior class photo, 1954

• Red leather photograph case which held tintypes stored in Folder 2. Note: This case was found when cleaning library. Accession is unknown, but stored with this collection since it was probably donated by the Petersen family and is associated with the Roddewig family.




GROUPS–UNIDENTIFIED (22m, 22p, 22q, 22ac, 22af, 22ag, 22ah, 22al, 22am, 22an, 22ap)





NATURE–BIRDS (14, 16, 17, 18)





PORTRAIT–?, GIL (22aj)


















PORTRAIT–PETERSEN, PETER C., JR. (11, 14, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19)





PORTRAIT–RODDEWIG, GEORGE W. (10, 22h, 22m, 22n, 22y)


PORTRAIT–RODDEWIG, MARTHA W. (22i, 22t, 22w, 22x)


PORTRAIT–RODDEWIG, NANON (22k, 22t, 22w, 22x)


PORTRAIT–RODDEWIG, PAULO (P. R.) (22e, 22f, 22o, 22q, 22r)











PORTRAIT–UNIDENTIFIED (22z, 22aa, 22ab, 22ad, 22ai, 22ak, 22al, 22am, 22an)



Phoenix Collection 1993-75

Inclusive dates: 1965


This collection contains 41 stereographic color transparencies of the 1965 flood of the Mississippi River in Davenport, Iowa. John Phoenix took the photographs, 

most of which are of downtown Davenport and the Village of East Davenport.

Folder 1

Inventory, slides #1-19

Folder 2

Slides #20-41









BUSINESS & INDUSTRY–FUEL (5, 8, 22, 24, 29)




BUSINESS & INDUSTRY–MISC. (7, 9, 32, 33)







22, 23, 29, 32, 33, 38, 41)

DAMS (28, 31)

DISASTERS–FLOODS–1900-1999 (1-41)












Plambeck Collection, XXVI

Dates: c. 1865-1880

Scope Notes: This collection consists of 48 photographs, primarily carte-de-visite portraits (and 3 tintypes), of local people and people of national fame. The images are housed in a leather-bound photograph album. It is likely this album is part of a donation given the accession number 1950-19. As this is undocumented the number has not been assigned as a collection number.

 Photos by page:

1. Dr. Thatcher

2. Dr. Farnsworth

3. Dr. Nobby?

4. Dr. Clapp

5. Dr. Shrader

6. Henry Ward Beecher

7. Josh Billings

8. Bayard Taylor

9. John B. Gough

10. John G. Saxe

11. Curtis

12. S.R. Wells

13. Joe Jefferson

14. [Bronson?] Alcott

15. Louise [sic] Alcott

16. ? Helen Hunt Jackson

17. Lucy Stone

18. Elizabeth Cady Stanton


20. Unidentified woman


22. 2 Unidentified women (loose tintype)

23. Eva Wilcott (loose tintype)

24. Andrew Chamberlain (loose tintype)

25. Unidentified woman

26. Unidentified woman

27. Unidentified woman

28. Unidentified man

29. Unidentified woman

30. Unidentified woman

31. Unidentified woman

32. Unidentified man

33. Unidentified woman

34. Unidentified man

35. Unidentified woman

36. Unidentified woman

37. Unidentified woman

38. Unidentified woman

39. Unidentified woman

40. Unidentified woman

41. Unidentified woman

42. Unidentified woman

43. Unidentified woman

44. Unidentified woman

45. Unidentified woman

46. Miss Meacham

47. Unidentified woman

48. Unidentified woman

49. Unidentified woman

50. Unidentified woman


Playcrafters Collection, XXVII

Inclusive dates: 1956-1984

Scope Notes: 

This collection contains 33 images of scenes, sets, actors and facilities of the Playcrafters Barn Theatre in Moline, Illinois. Playcrafters is a professional “summerstock troop.”



Inclusive Dates: 1884-1917 

Scope Notes

This collection is housed in two boxes, and is comprised of a folder of loose portraits, including three tintypes, and two albums. There are 193 portraits of Pohlmann family members in all. (See also the Iowa Steam Laundry.) 

Box 1 

Folder 1 


Folder 2 

21 portraits: 

Pohlmann, Anne  7 portraits 

Pohlmann, Richard  4 portraits 

Pohlmann, Wm. Jr.  3 portraits 

Pohlmann, Anne & Wm.  1 + 1 with children 

Pohlmann, Wm. Sr. w/ Wm. Jr. and Richard 

Pohlmann Anne  1 tintype 

Pohlmann, Wm. Jr. 2 tintypes 

Pohlmann, Anne w/ Lillie Price 

Album 1

 50 portraits: 


#1: missing, 2 loose photos

#2: missing 

#3: missing 

#4: 4 women, including Anne Price Pohlmann 

#5: Anne Price Pohlmann 

#6: Mr. Pohlmann? 

#7: group photograph 

#8: William Pohlmann 

#9: ? 

#10: ? 

#11: group photograph 

#12: missing 

#13: boy 

#14: ? 

#15: William Price 

#16: ? + 2 loose photos 

#17: missing 

#18: Celia Thoms + 3 loose photos 

#19: missing 

#20: missing 

#21: Anne Price Pohlmann 

#22: Anne Pohlmann 

#23: Pohlmann children 

#24: Anne Pohlmann 

#25: Celia Thoms 

#26: missing

#27: missing 

#28: Celia Price Schroeder 

#29: group portrait 

#30: G. Kluppenburg, loose photo Jessie Schutte, 

#31: missing 

#32: J.S. Price 

#33: J.S. Price 

#34: Anna Price, James Price 

#35: G. Kluppenburg, John Kluppenburg, 

#36: Anna Price, Lillie Price 

#37: Anne Price, Lillie Price 

#38: John Kluppenburg 

#39: boy 

#40: boy 

#41: Anne Price 

#42: missing 

#43: Anne Price, Lillie Price 

#44: 2 women 

#45: 2 women 

#46: James Price 

#47: ? + 3 loose tintypes 

Box 2

Album 2

122 portraits 

#1: William Pohlmann 

#2: William Pohlmann 

#3: Anne Price Pohlmann 

#4: missing 

#5: Richard + William Pohlmann 

#6: Unidentified woman 

#7: Unidentified woman 

#8: Dr. Hessel 

#9: Katie Hessel 

#10: Gustave Price 

#11: Unidentified woman 

#12: Lillie + boys 

#13: Theodore Price? 

# 14: Mrs. Price? 

#15: Willie Price? 

#16: Mr. Mittelbuscher 

#17: Mrs. Mittelbuscher 

#18: missing 

#19: Mrs. Lucht 

#20: Mary Goebel 

#21: Anna Becker 

#22: Mr. Petersen 

#23: Mrs. Petersen +Lena Elder 

#24: John Arp 

#25: missing 

#20: Mrs. Chris Ehler 

#27: Mr. & Mrs. Chris Ehler 

#28: John Spindler + sister 

#29: unidentified children 

#30: John Arp 

#31: missing 

#32: W. Reuter 

#33: W. Steffen 

#34: Lillie Price? 

#35: Anna Becker 

#36: Emilie Mittelbuscher 

#37: Emma. Stoelker 

#38: Theo Pohlmann 

#39: Gus Pohlmann 

#40: Fritz Poh1mann 

#41: Mr. Lemhuis 

#42: Uncle O. Ehlers 

#43: Mr. & Mrs. Price 

#44: John Bracker 

#45: H. Moeller 

#46: C. Krause 

#47: J. Arp 

#48: Unidentified man 

#49: Unidentified man 

#50: Mrs. Price 

#51: missing 

#52: Mr. Hartmann 

#53: Brother Willie 

#54: Theodore 

#55: Willie 

#56: Brother Theodore 

#57: Chris Ehlers 

#58: Uncle George Ehlers 

#59: missing 

#60: Mr. & Mrs. L. Hessel 

#61: Laura Hessel 

#62: Theodore Pohlmann + Wanda Toll 

#63: Pearl Ehlers 

#64: Mr. Kirchmann 

#65: John Arp 

#66: Cousin Braker 

#67: Cousin Braker 

#68: Mr. Mittelbuscher

#69: Albert Mittelbuscher 

#70: Emilie Mittelbuscher 

#71: Anna Mittelbuscher 

#72: Willie 

#73: missing 

#74: Ernst Sass 

#75: Louie Wahle 

#76: Mueller 

#77: Reuter 

#78: Uncle Ehlers 

#79: Ed Mueller 

#80: Mother 

#81: Louise’s mother 

#82: his children

#83: Cousin Braker 

#84: Louise’s mother 

#85: J.Gehram 

#86: H. Taub 

#87: Mase Thomsen 

#88: Betelmann 

#89: Willie Wahle 

#90: Mother’s brother + wife 

#91: Another brother + wife 

#92: George Ehlers

#93: Mrs. Ehlers

#94: Mr. & Mrs. Chris Tolk 

#95: Mr. & Mrs. J. Schwann 

#96: unidentified group 

#97: Mr. & Mrs. Thom Munn 

#98: L. Goldschmidt 

#99: William Spindler 

#100: R. Stoelker 

#101: Lillie Price 

#102: Laura Mittelbuscher 

#103: Lillie Price + uncle 

#104: George Schramm 

#105: missing 

#106: Anna Becker 

#107: ? 

#108: unidentified man 

#109: Gustave? and friend 

#110: Julius Hasler 

# 111: Theo Krabbenhoeft 

#112: H. Klahn 

#113: John Spindler 

#114: unidentified man 

#115: unidentified boy 

#116: Emilie Mittelbuscher 

#117: William Mittelbuscher 

#118: Minnie Goebel 

Four loose photos, unidentified, in album



Priess Collection 1990-515

Inclusive dates: c. 1895-1955


This collection is comprised of 9 portrait photographs of the Priess and Jebens families. Color copy negs exist for two of the photos. Also included are a few manuscript materials including 1 elementary school and 1 high school diploma for Wilma Priess (both removed to oversize mss) and some materials concerning the Masonic Lodge’s celebration of George Washington’s 200th birthday addressed to Fred Priess.

Folder 1

Inventory, negatives

Folder 2

Photographs (9)

Folder 3

Manuscript materials



Putnam Building Collection XLVI

Inclusive dates 1864 – 1910

Scope notes:

This collection of 8 lantern slides shows the progression of buildings on the northeast corner of 2nd and Main streets in Davenport. This property, originally owned by Antoine LeClaire, was purchased by W. C. Putnam and became part of the Putnam Estate. The Estate constructed the office structure known as the Putnam Building in 1910.


1. Original LeClaire House built by Antoine LeClaire in 1839. Torn down for Putnam Building, 1910, image dated 1864

2. 4th of July Celebration during Civil War, LeClaire House, 1864

3. LeClaire House remodeled into Newcomb House; later know as north Putnam Building, c. 1900

4. Foundation for new Putnam Building, 32 feet under ground, 1910

5. Beginning of steel structure, Putnam Building 1910

6. Erecting the steel fram. Putnam Building. 1000 tons of steel used, 1910

7. Putnam Building 6 months after starting, 1910

8. Putnam Building designed by D. H. Burnham & Co. Business Center of Davenport, 1910

Subject cross reference

Business & Industry—Construction (4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Ethnic & Minority Groups—Black Americans (4)

Holidays & Celebrations—Independence Day (2)

Hotel, Motel, Restaurant, Tavern—Hotel (1, 2, 3)

Social Life & Customs—Clothing–1850-1919 (4)

Transportation—Automobiles (8)

Transportation—Trollies, Interurbans & Horsecars (8)

Transportation—Wagons & Buggies (7)

Cities—Davenport–Business–Street Scenes—1900-1919 (5, 6, 8)


Putnam Family Collection XXVIII

Inclusive dates: ca. 1790-1940

Scope Notes:

This collection consists of 384 images collected by various members of the Putnam family of Davenport, Iowa. Many rare images document the lifestyle of this prominent family (especially during the Nineteenth Century). A wide range of subjects are documented including: portraits, architecture, recreational boating on the Mississippi River, Davenport area landscapes, and an especially fine collection of stereographs record the “Kettledrum” fundraising event for the Davenport Academy of Science. There are 72 glass plate negatives included in the Putnam Collection. These are both original and copy negatives.

Box 1

Folder 1

Inventory, notes, negatives (16)

Folder 2

Portrait – Duncan, (Mrs. Joseph) E.C. (2)

Folder 3

Portrait – Duncan, (Gov.) Joseph (6)

Folder 4

Portrait – Putnam, Charles Edwin (16)

Folder 5

Portrait – Putnam, Edward Kirby (6)

Folder 6

Portrait – Putnam, Elizabeth (6)

Folder 7

Portrait – Putnam, John C. (12)

Folder 8

Portrait – Putnam, Joseph Duncan (29)

Box 2

Folder 1

Portrait – Putnam, Mary Louisa Duncan (34)

Folder 2

Portrait – Putnam, William C. (22)

Folder 3

Miscellaneous Portraits (11) Including:

Putnam, Benjamin R. (2)

Putnam, Charles (1)

Putnam, George Rockwell (3)

Putnam, Hamilton (2)

Putnam, James Bethand (2)

Putnam, (II) William C. (1)

Folder 4

Miscellaneous portraits (11) including:

Caldwell, Elias B. (1)

Caldwell, Hannah (1)

Cantrell, (Mrs.) ___? (1)

Duncan, Annie (1)

Duncan Elizabeth (1)

Duncan, Hannah (1)

Duncan, (Capt.) J.W. (3)

Duncan, (Gen.) Thomas (2)

Folder 5 Group photographs (12)

Box 3

Folder 1 Houses & Households [Woodlawn] (33)

Folder 2 Houses & Households [Brady Street] (16)

Folder 3 Houses & Households [Brady Street] (5)

Folder 4 Holidays & Celebrations – Festivals – Kettledrum (8)

Folder 5 Miscellaneous Subjects (9)

Folder 6 Miscellaneous subjects (26)

Box 4

Stereographs (26)

Tintypes (6)

Album #1 (48)

Box 5

Cased images [portraits etc.] (5)

Album #2 [portraits] (12) on shelf

The glass plate negatives included in this collection (55 [56?]) are stored with other glass negatives in the museum collection.



Putnam Trust Collection 2005-14

Date: 1909-1964

Scope Notes:

This collection consists 1 photograph album documenting construction of the Putnam Building in 1910 and Parker Building in 1922, loose photographs including duplicates of album photos and interiors of the Putnam Building, exteriors of the Putnam Trust buildings. Architect D. H. Burnham designed the Putnam Building. George A. Fuller Co. constructed the Parker Building with architects Graham, Anderson, Probst and White.

Photographers of some images identified, with most being Hostetler, and as a few by Fromader, Bawden and others.

Box 1 photographs and archival materials 

Box 2 contains photo album 2005.14.1 and oversized photographs 2005.14.2iiii-nnnn

2005.14.3 stored in OS CAB – 7 #30

Summary of collection

2005.14.1 photograph album

2005.14.2  Photographs 

2005.14.3 Oversized rendering of conceptual design for properties

2005.14.4 Aerial view of properties, c. 1965

2005.14.5 Archival materials

Image Description

2005.14.1 Photograph album containing photographs of Putnam and Parker Building construction, taken  by Hostetler (stored in Box 2) Putnam Building construction, 1910

a. Demolition work, looking east from across Main Street, building facing 2nd Street still standing  (detached)

b. Demolition work, looking east from across Main Street, Petersen store/Redstone Building visible right  center (detached)

c. Demolition work, showing exposed wall and wallpaper of building facing 2nd Street, March 15

d. Demolition work, rubble mostly cleared away, looking northeast from upper story of bank building,  some of city skyline also visible, March 15

e. Demolition work, rubble mostly cleared away, looking down at site from upper story of bank building

f. Preparing construction site, street level view from corner of Main and 2nd Street, March 25

g. Preparing construction site, street level view from alley with Petersen store in background, March 28

h. Work on foundation showing workers among beams and foundation

i. Site preparation, view looking southeast from across Main Street, Petersen store in background, April  18

j. Site preparation, view looking northeast from bank building, April 18

k. Site preparation, view from upper story of bank building, April 25

l. Site preparation, view from upper story of bank building, May 1

m. Site preparation, view from upper story of bank building, May 11

n. Site preparation, view from upper story of bank building, May 16

o. Foundation work, probably view of northeast corner of site, looking under adjacent building on alley,  May 20

p. Steel beams beginning to go up, view from bank building, May 24

q. Steel beam in foundation, view from bank building, nice view of skyline in background, May 31

r. Steel beam in foundation, view from bank building, view of skyline in background and façade of  LeClaire row buildings, June 7

s. Erection of structural steel, view from bank building, view of skyline in background, June 13

t. Erection of structural steel, view from bank building, June 21

u. Erection of structural steel, view from bank building, July 8

v. Erection of structural steel, concrete block stacked along 2nd street, view from bank building, July 18

w. Erection of structural steel, 4 workers standing on beam hanging from crane, top center, July 28

x. Erection of structural steel and first floor concrete block, August 6

y. Erection of structural steel, floors, second floor walls, August 13

z. Erection of structural steel, floors, second floor walls, August 22

aa. Erection of structural steel, floors, third floor walls, August 25

bb. Construction of walls up to fifth floor, view looking up Main Street, Sept. 14

cc. View looking up Main Street from south of 2nd Street, Sept. 21

dd. Construction of exterior walls almost complete, view from bank, Sept. 21

ee. Construction of exterior walls almost complete, view from bank, Sept. 26

ff. Construction of exterior walls complete, view from bank, Oct. 7

gg. Scaffolding around first floor gone, Oct. 22

hh. Windows installed in all but first two floors, Oct. 28

ii. Street level view of almost completed building, looking up Main Street

jj. View of completed building from bank and view up Main Street

kk. Looking east on 2nd Street from just west of Main Street with view of Putnam Building and LeClaire  Row, building at left similar to Peterson building

ll. Looking west on 2nd Street from Brady with Putnam Trust property at left

mm. Looking south on Main Street from 3rd Street, showing Putnam Building and building at corner of Main  and 3rd Street

nn. Interior view of first floor of [Putnam] Building looking out store windows (see duplicate 005.14.2eeee)

oo. Interior view of first floor of [Putnam] Building looking towards back of room 4 blank pages then  changes to black pages and continues with: Parker Building construction, 1922

pp. View of northwest corner of 2nd and Brady showing LeClaire Row building with the Martin cigar store  and YWCA cafeteria

qq. Demolition of LeClaire Row building, removing foundation, view up Brady Street, April 17 (duplicate of  2005.14.2f)

rr. View of construction of building foundation from inside pit, including view of The Bee Hive and the Bon  Ton buildings on south side of 2nd Street, May 3

ss. View of construction on building foundation from Brady Street side of pit, May 16

tt. View of construction on building foundation from west, shows buildings on east side of Brady Street  including Hickeys Brothers and Finch’s Cigar Stores, May 16

uu. View of construction of building foundation from south, start of steel beam construction, people in  dress clothes lower left of photo including bunting covered stage area, June 6

vv. View from south of steel framing being constructed, June 13

ww. View from south of steel frame construction up to 4th floor and floor construction started including  sign with list building contractors, June 28 (page detached)

xx. View from south of steel frame construction, July 5 (duplicate of 2005.14.2i)

yy. View from south of steel frame construction, July 15 (duplicate of 2005.14.2j)

zz. View from southeast of steel frame construction working on top floor and concrete work on lower  floors, July 25 (duplicate of 2005.14.2k)

aaa. View from southeast of steel frame and concrete construction, August 5 (duplicate of 2005.14.2l

bbb. View from southeast of interior structure construction, August 19 (duplicate of 2005.14.2m)

ccc. View from southeast of construction, exterior up to 3rd floor, August 29

ddd. View from southeast of construction, exterior up to 4th floor, some windows installed, September 11  (duplicate of 2005.14.2n)

eee. View from southeast of construction, exterior up to 6th floor, September 22 (duplicate of 2005.14.2o)

fff. View from southeast of construction, exterior up to top floor, October 2 (duplicate of 2005.14.2p)

ggg. Street level view from southeast, most windows installed, October 13 (duplicate of 2005.14.2q)

hhh. Street level view form southeast, nearing completion, November 1 (duplicate of 2005.14.2r)

iii. View from southeast of completed building, December 30

Folder 1 

2005.14.2 – Construction of Parker Building (except 2e), 1922

a. Demolition work on LeClaire Row buildings, preparing for Parker Building construction, view from [top  of Putnam Building], looking east, Spring 1922

b. Same as previous

c. Similar to previous, view from slightly to right of previous shot

d. Same as previous

e. Construction of Putnam Building, street level view from southwest, showing first three stories, August  1910

f. Demolition of LeClaire Row building on site of Parker Building, removing foundation, view up Brady  Street, April 14, 1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1qq)

g. Construction work on foundation area of Parker Building with trucks parked on ramp, view from top of  ramp, [May] 1922

h. Construction work on foundation area of Parker Building with steam shovel in pit and truck on ramp,  [May] 1922

i. View from south of steel beam construction of Parker Building, floors starting to go in on ground floor,  July 5, 1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1xx)

j. View from south of steel beam construction of Parker Building up to 5th floor and above, July 15,  1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1yy)

k. View from southeast of Parker Building construction, steel beams almost completed and exterior  cement work started in first floor, July 25, 1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1zz)

l. View from southeast of Parker Building construction, steel work almost complete and cement work  started on lower floors, August 5, 1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1aaa)

m. View from southeast of Parker Building construction, steel beams almost complete, concrete work up  to 2nd floor, August 19, 1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1bbb)

n. View from southeast of Parker Building construction, steel work complete, exterior up to 4th floor,  some windows installed, September 11, 1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1ddd)

o. View from southeast of Parker Building construction, exterior completed up to 6th floor, some windows  installed, September 22, 1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1eee)

p. View from southeast of Parker Building construction, exterior south wall completed, working on 6th  floor east wall, some windows installed, October 2, 1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1fff)

q. View from southeast street level of Parker Building construction, nearing completion, most windows  installed, October 13, 1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1ggg)

r. View form southeast street level of Parker Building construction nearing completion, November 1,  1922 (duplicate of 2005.14.1hhh)

Folder 2 – Interior views of Putnam Building, c. 1913, most businesses and names confirmed in 1913 Davenport City Directory, 2005.14.2 cont.

s. Lobby area of Putnam Building showing elevators, operators and [doorman?], [1913]

t. Duplicate of previous

u. Boiler room of Putnam Building, October 1913 (calendar on wall)

v. Barber shop in northwest corner of Putnam Building basement, chairs, sinks and mirrors along left  side, [1913]

w. Corridor of 7th floor of Putnam Building, elevator at left, [1913]

x. “Ladies Rest Room” of Putnam Building from verso, 8th floor, [1913]

y. “Berrys Shoe Store R. 207 Putnam Bldg” from verso, salesmen standing and 2 customers seated in  chairs, [1913]

z. “Berrys Shoe Store R. 208 Putnam Bldg” from verso, several salesmen customers with walls lined with  shelves of shoe boxes, [1913]

aa. “Martin Cigar Store/211 Main St” from verso, in Putnam Building, man standing behind counter,  [1913]

bb. “Jones – Real Estate/R. 304 Put[nam]” from verso, H. B. Jones, October 1913

cc. “Fred Waterman/306 Putnam Bldg”, from verso, Waterman & Thuenen, insurance agents, man and  woman at desk, [1913]

dd. “Dr. J. S. Weber/R. 401 Putnam Bldg”, from verso, view of parts of 3 offices with man and woman in  central office, [1913]

ee. “Mr. Hutton/R. 405 P.B.”, from verso, Hutton & Collins, grain comm., man seated at desk, [1913]

ff. “Lamson Bros. R. 405” from verso, man standing at board showing market value of grains, meat and  stocks, October [1913]

gg. “R. 407 Put/Dr. Karrigan” from verso, man [J A Kerrigan] standing next to dentist chair with patient in  chair, [1913]

hh. “R. 410 Put/Hy-tex Brick C” from verso, [Hydraulic Press Brick Co.], view of office interior with bricks on  table in foreground, two men at table, wall of various styles of bricks in background, [1913]

ii. “Marshall, O’Brien & Wortham/R. 414 Putnam Bldg.” from verso; probably O’Brien & Worthen, dental  supplies, three men at workbenches with various of equipment and tools, September? [1913]

jj. “Dun & Co./606-607 Putnam Bldg./Mr. Sauer” from verso, R G Dun & Co., mercantile agency, outer  office with employees at desks, inner office in background, October 21 [1913]

kk. “R. 710/Mr. Brown/Mut Life Ins Co/709” from verso, Mutual Life Ins Co of New York, A. W. Brown,  [agent], several employees at their desks, [1913]

ll. “R. 710/Mr. A. W. Brown/Mut Life Ins Co. 709 PB” from verso, Mutual Life Insurance Company of New  York, [A. W. Brown] seated at desk, [1913]

mm. “D.P.M. Historical Lib./805 Putnam Bldg.” from verso, Academy/Museum library with book cases and  framed lithos and prints lining walls, desks and chairs in center, [1913]

nn. “Central Engineering Co./R. 809 Put”, from verso, man and woman seated at desks, [1913]

oo. “Putnam Estate Office/(Miss Gertrude Bryan)/R. 813 Putnam Bldg” from verso, woman seated at desk  with long counter at left, [1913]

pp. Elevators on main floor of Putnam Building, [c. 1920]

qq. [Elevators in Putnam Building, c. 1920s]

rr. Duplicate of previous

ss. Elevators in [main entrance of Putnam Building, n.d.] doors have been remodeled

tt. Duplicate of previous

uu. Elevators in [main entrance of Putnam Building, n.d.], similar to previous, left doors open

vv. Elevators [on upper floor of Putnam building, n.d.]

ww. Duplicate of previous

xx. Boiler room of [Putnam or Parker building], n.d.

yy. Boiler room of [Putnam or Parker building], same room as previous but later date, n.d.

zz. Elevator in main entrance of Putnam Building with operators and [doorman?], [1913], duplicate of  2005.14.2s-t

Folder 3 – Miscellaneous shots of Putnam Property, various years, 2005.14.2 cont.

aaa. Lighted sign “Shops Buildings” taken at night, exterior of Trust property, [c. 1915]

bbb. View of storefront of The Shoe Market and Louie’s Clothing Shop, [c. 1915]

ccc. The Bee Hive Clothing Store at southwest corner of 2nd and Brady, [c. 1920]

ddd. View of doorway of “Shops Building”, [c. 1915]

eee. Artist’s rendering of Putnam property development concept by D. M Burnham architects, [c. 1910]  (see duplicates 2005.14.2xxx-aaaa, nnnn)

fff. Artist’s rendering of Putnam Building concept by D. M Burnham architects, [c. 1910]

ggg. Artist’s rendering of Putnam property with central building rebuilt, Putnam Building and part of Parker  Building visible, [c. 1960]

hhh. View of stairway leading to J. B. Hostetler’s studio at 215 Brady Street, [c. 1912]

iii. View looking up Main Street from upper story of bank building at Main and 2nd Streets, Putnam  Building at right, 1913

jjj. Duplicate of previous

kkk. Panoramic view Brady and 2nd Street corner, looking west down 2nd and north up Brady showing  LeClaire Row/Putnam property, [c. 1900]

lll. Portrait of William Clement Putnam

Folder 4 – views of Putnam property, various years, 2005.14.2 cont.

mmm. View of Putnam property on 2nd between Main and Brady, July 1964

nnn. Duplicate of previous

ooo. Duplicate of previous

ppp. View of northeast corner of 2nd and Brady, looking west down 2nd street, showing Parker Building,  just completed, [c. 1923]

qqq. Duplicate of previous

rrr. View of Putnam Trust Properties on north side of 2nd Street between Main and Brady, [c. 1923]

sss. View of Putnam Trust Properties looking east along 2nd street, [c. 1930]

ttt. View of Putnam Trust Properties looking west along 2nd street, [c. 1930]

uuu. View of Putnam Building, Main Street side, [c. 1940]

vvv. View of Putnam Trust Properties on north side of 2nd Street between Main and Brady looking east,  July, 1964

www. View of Putnam Trust Properties on north side of 2nd Street between Main and Brady looking east, [c.  1930]

xxx. Artist’s rendering of Putnam property development concept by D. M Burnham architects, 1909  (duplicate of 2005.14.2eee, nnnn, photographic copy of 2005.14.3, size 9 1/4 x 11 1/4)

yyy. Duplicate of previous (size 10 x 12)

zzz. Duplicate of previous

aaaa. Duplicate of previous

Folder 5 – 2005.14.2 continued, also includes 2005.14.4

bbbb. View of Scott County Courthouse from rooftop “garden” of Putnam Building, August 1911

cccc. View of LeClaire Row buildings, north side of 2nd Street between Main and Brady looking east,  showing The Why and Bee Hive clothing stores and The Fair furniture store, [c. 1905]

dddd. Construction of Putnam Building, steel work complete, exterior walls up to 4th floor, view looking up  Main Street, September 2, 1910

eeee. Interior view of Putnam Building first floor store space looking out the store windows, 1910 (duplicate  of 2005.14.1nn)

ffff. Interior view of Putnam Building first floor store space, 1910 (duplicate of 2005.14.1oo)

gggg. [Housecleaning staff of Putnam Building], 1917

2005.14.4 Aerial photograph of downtown Davenport with Putnam Trust property in the center,  c. 1965  – J. C. Penney building completed between Putnam and Parker buildings

Oversized photographs (stored in Box 2)

hhhh. View of central section of Putnam property after remodeling including Kinney Shoes and C. C. Miller  Dixie Shop, September 17, 1957

iiii. View of downtown Davenport from roof of Putnam Building, looking towards the Hotel Blackhawk,  February 1915

jjjj. View of downtown Davenport from roof of Hotel Blackhawk, looking towards the Putnam Building,  February 1915

kkkk. View of downtown Davenport from roof of Hotel Blackhawk, looking towards the Putnam Building and  west down 3rd Street, February 1915

llll. Barber shop showing chairs and mirrors, probably in basement of Putnam Building, April 1914

mmmm. Retouched photo of Putnam Building, [c. 1915]

nnnn. Artist’s rendering of Putnam property development concept by D. M Burnham architects, 1909  (duplicate of 2005.14.2eee, www-aaaa, photographic copy of 2005.14.3) 

2005.14.2 Oversized rendering of original architect’s concept for Putnam Trust properties, c. 1910

Subject Cross Reference

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY—ADVERTISEMENTS (1i, w, cc, kk, ll, pp, tt, ww, hhh, iii, 2r, aaa, ccc, hhh)


BUSINESS & INDUSTRY—BOOTS & SHOES (2y, z, aaa, bbb, hhhh)


BUSINESS & INDUSTRY—CONSTRUCTION (1a-ii, qq-iii, 2a-r, eee-ggg, dddd)

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY—DEPARTMENT STORES (1b, g, I, ee, ll, nn, oo, hhh, iii, 2r, eeee, ffff)

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY—DRY GOODS (1rr, 2bbb, ccc, sss, www, cccc, hhhh)

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY—EMPLOYEES (1a, b, g, h, v, w, cc, tt, uu, xx, yy, ddd, fff, 2g, h, i, j, n, p, s, t, u, y, z, aa, bb, cc, dd, ii, jj, kk, oo, dddd, gggg)





BUSINESS & INDUSTRY—MISC. (2ff, ii, jj, nn, ddd-ggg, www-aaaa, nnnn, 3)

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY—OFFICE INTERIORS (2s, t, W, x, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, hh, jj, kk, ll, nn, oo, pp, qq, rr, ss, tt, uu, vv, ww, zz)



BUSINESS & INDUSTRY—TOBACCO (1pp, tt, 2s, t, aa)

















TRANSPORTATION—AUTOMOBILES (1jj, ll, mm, pp, 2ccc, mmm-ooo, sss, ttt, vvv, hhhh)



TRANSPORTATION—WAGONS & BUGGIES (1e, g, i, j, k, l, m, v, bb, dd, gg, ii, ll, 2cccc)



CITIES—DAVENPORT—MISC. (2eee-ggg, www-aaaa, mmmm, nnnn, 3)

CITIES—DAVENPORT—STREET SCENES—BUSINESS—1900-1919 (1a, b, d, g, i, q, r, bb, cc, dd, ff-nn, pp-uu, iii, 2iii, jjj, kkk, cccc, dddd, eeee, kkkk

CITIES—DAVENPORT—STREET SCENES—BUSINESS—1920-1959 (2a-d, f, ccc, ppp, qqq, rrr, sss, ttt, uuu, www, hhhh)






Putnam/Hostens Collection 1992-48

Inclusive dates: 1861- c. 1925

Scope notes:

The collection is comprised of images (11 copy negs) of Charles Morgan Putnam and his family. Individual names are listed below. Originals are in possession of the donor. Family genealogy in folder 1. See also Putnam Family Collection XXVIII.

Folder 1

Inventory, notes

Folder 2


Kendall, Duncan

Kendall, Mary Putnam

Kendall, Othel

Putnam, Charles Morgan

Putnam, Eunice Morgan

Putnam, Harriet

Putnam, Mary Duncan


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