Funbundle Friday
May 22, 2023
11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Now THIS is fun!
Visit the Putnam Museum, QC Botanical Center, or Niabi Zoo to enter to win a FREE FunBundle! Also receive 25% off of your FunBundle when you buy it today!
What is the FunBundle?
Your FunBundle and FunBundle+ come with additional perks at each location.
Putnam Museum & Science Center
- Six electronic guest passes or theater tickets
- Pre-seating for GIANT Screen Movies
- Reciprocity benefits at 290+ other museums and science centers nationwide — click here for additional information
Quad City Botanical Center
- Four free one-time guest passes
- First access to Spring plant sale
- Reciprocity benefits at 300 gardens across the country – click here for additional information
Niabi Zoo
- Niabi Zoo supporter magnet
- Monthly member specials for gift shop
- Reciprocity benefits at nearly 40 other zoos and aquariums across the country – click here for additional information.