History On Tap: Quad City Sports History
QC Sports and History Meet!
Join us for our February History on Tap event, where we will be hosting Don Doxsie, a local sports historian, who will share his knowledge on the Sports History of Quad Cities. This event is a great opportunity for sports enthusiasts and history buffs alike to come together and explore the rich sporting heritage of the Quad Cities.
Don Doxsie is a well-known name in the world of sports journalism, having spent over three decades covering sports events in the Quad Cities region. His presentation promises to be insightful, informative, and entertaining, as he takes us on a journey through the history of sports in the Quad Cities.
Thursday, February 15
Drinks at 6 PM (Cash Bar with snacks)
Speaker at 7 PM
Lardner Balcony
(On the second floor behind the GIANT Screen Theater)
Admission to History On Tap Events are FREE!
Let us know if you plan to attend.
History On Tap is every third Thursday of the month!