Explore Putnam’s Archive Inventory under the letter “T.” These items are available by research request. Serious inquiries only.
Telephone Pioneers Collection 2003-35
Inclusive Dates: 1880s-1990s, bulk dates 1930s-1970s
Scope Notes:
This collection contains materials related to the Telephone Pioneers of America organization. Telephone company workers created this organization in 1911 and it became a fraternal type group that focused on service and activities. This is a nationwide organization divided into different chapters. Most of this collection pertains to the “Hawkeye Chapter” or “Chapter 17” which included Davenport. Some of the materials also pertain to the Muscatine chapter.
The items donated came from a museum, created by the Telephone Pioneers, in the telephone building at 6th and Main in Davenport, Iowa. The museum was created to document the creation of, and continued technology of the telephone and to document the Telephone Pioneers as an organization. Ms. Mary Ann Wilkison, in memory of W. B. “Red” Sebern, donated the items when the museum closed. The reason for the closure of the museum was because the space taken by the museum was needed by the telephone company.
The collection includes multiple scrapbooks documenting the Telephone Pioneers activities, manuals belonging to the employees, newsletters sent to members, records of pole locations, treasurer records, newspaper clippings mentioning the organization, correspondence from former employees, information about the “Facsimile Picture Service”, and items from binders belonging to members. The collection also includes three large maps, a “Theodore N. Vail” certificate and letter, an “Outstanding Safety Performance Award”, membership and ID cards, and watercolors of the local area. Three-dimensional objects were also donated with this collection.
The photographic collection includes photographs of early telephone services, prints of telephone buildings in the area, and photographs of Telephone Pioneer activities including retirements and anniversaries. The Memorandum of Gift states that there are approximately 161 photographs. Around 140-150 photographs were counted.
Only names which were specifically mentioned within a document or those people who where often documented were placed on the cross reference of names. The scrapbooks contained many people who are not referenced on this list. Also, the photographic collection contained many people who have been identified on the envelopes but are not included on the cross reference of names.
Storage Location:
Box 1-7: LIB- ARCH- R6- Cab 1 and 2 Top
Box 8 (Oversized): LIB- ARCH- R9- 55B
Oversized Folders: LIB- ARCH- R8-05- Cab 2- D13
Box 1
Folder 1: Muscatine Rural Exchange pole records (1 of 2 folders)
• Record Book with news clippings dated September 13, 1910- July 6, 1916
• Golden Anniversary of the Telephone in Muscatine Booklet by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
• Muscatine Rural Exchange Pole Records from 1936-1972 (scattered dates)
Folder 2: Muscatine Rural Exchange pole records (2 of 2 folders)
• Muscatine Rural Exchange Pole Records continued– 1936-1968 (scattered dates)
Folder 3: Muscatine Pole Records (1 of 3 folders)
• Muscatine Pole Records from 1925-1975 (scattered dates)
• Two joint use contract billing summaries between the Muscatine Water and Electric Company and the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company (1974, 1976)
Folder 4: Muscatine Pole Records (2 of 3 folders)
• Muscatine Pole Records continued– 1925-1967 (scattered dates)
Folder 5: Muscatine Pole Records (3 of 3 folders)
• Muscatine Pole Records continued– 1925-1959
• Drawings of pole locations by Muscatine Power and Water
o Explains which poles are to be sold between Northwestern Bell and Muscatine Power and Water
Folder 6: Muscatine- Wapello pole records and powerline conflicts
• Joint use billing agreement between Iowa Southern Utilities Company and the Northwestern Bell Company
• Muscatine-Wapello Pole Records from 1925-1961 (scattered dates)
• Reports of Proposed Situations of Proximity with foreign lines
o Includes two maps of Louisa County, Iowa and one of Muscatine County, Iowa
Folder 7: Muscatine- Wapello pole records and powerline conflicts
• Reports of Power line crossing or conflict
• Reports of higher voltage crossings
• Pole inspection records
Folder 8
2003.35.61c and 2003.35.61d- Two letters announcing and congratulating Daniel Soesbe as a Theodore N. Vail Medal recipient
2003.35.62a- Outstanding Safety Performance Award to W. A. Marker
• Ten membership and ID cards and holder belonging to Amy M. Karbatsch
2003.35.63a- Identification card
2003.35.63b- Golden Age Movie Club card
2003.35.63c- Membership to Hawkeye Chapter no. 17 card (1957)
2003.35.63d- Membership in Union card (1957)
2003.35.63e- Membership in Union card (1951)
2003.35.63f- Identification card (Jan. 1, 1944)
2003.35.63g- Insurance card
2003.35.63h- Retirement card (July 1, 1957)
2003.35.63i- Life Membership in the Pioneers of America (July 1, 1957)
2003.35.63j- Honorary Life Membership– metal card
2003.35.63k- ID holder
Folder 9: Summary of employee histories
• 235 summaries/ histories of former employees
Folder 10: 2003.35.64- Correspondence from past employees (folder 1 of 7)
• Correspondence from 1-25 regarding their employment histories as solicited by chapter historians
Folder 11: 2003.35.64- Correspondence from past employees (folder 2 of 7)
• Correspondence from 26-50 regarding their employment histories as solicited by chapter historians
Folder 12: 2003.35.64- Correspondence from past employees (folder 3 of 7)
• Correspondence from 51-80 regarding their employment histories as solicited by chapter historians
Folder 13: 2003.35.64- Correspondence from past employees (folder 4 of 7)
• Correspondence from 81-119 regarding their employment histories as solicited by chapter historians
Folder 14: 2003.35.64- Correspondence from past employees (folder 5 of 7)
• Correspondence from 120-139 regarding their employment histories as solicited by chapter historians
Folder 15: 2003.35.64- Correspondence from past employees (folder 6 of 7)
• Correspondence from 140-169 regarding their employment histories as solicited by chapter historians
Folder 16: 2003.35.64- Correspondence from past employees (folder 7 of 7)
• Correspondence from 170-237 regarding their employment histories as solicited by chapter historians
Folder 17:
• Two Golden Anniversary of the Telephone in Muscatine booklets by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
Box 2
2003.35.65a- Home study course book, The Application of Electricity and Magnetism to Transmission in the Telephone Plant– Section I: Elementary Principles- Direct Currents, c. 1923 and reprinted in 1931 by the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and Associated Companies. Owned by Ken Durr, labeled 1935
2003.35.65b- Home study course book, The Application of Electricity and Magnetism to Transmission in the Telephone Plant– Section V: Specific Applications- Transmission Measurements, c. 1923, revised in 1928, and reprinted in 1929 by the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and Associated Companies. Owned by Ken Durr, labeled 1927-1928
2003.35.65c- Home study course book, The Principles of electricity applied to Telephone and Telegraph Work, Owned by Ken Durr, labeled 1932
2003.35.65d- Training course text book, Principles of Electricity applied to Telephone and Telegraph Work, c. 1939, November 1938 edition by the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and Associated Companies. Used by Ken Durr
2003.35.65e- Bell System Practices: Station Installation and Maintenance, Sections C44.201 to C59.220. Copyright date depends on section
2003.35.65f- Bell System Practices: Outside Plant Construction and Maintenance, Sections G00-200.1 to G31-090.3. Book mislabeled sections G00-400.1 to G31-090.3. Copyright date depends on section
2003.35.65g- Bell System Practices: Outside Plant Construction and Maintenance, Sections G21.430 to G32.125.1. Book label is mislabeled G21.430 to G31.203. Copyright date depends on section
2003.35.65h- Bell System Practices: Outside Plant Construction and Maintenance, Sections G32.126 to G50.625.1. Book label is mislabeled G31.201 to G50.625.1. Copyright date depends on section
2003.35.65i- Bell System Practices: Outside Plant Construction and Maintenance, Sections G50.625.3 to G53.103.1. Copyright date depends on section
2003.35.65j- Bell System Practices: Outside Plant Construction and Maintenance, Sections G50.654.1 to G61.622.6. Book label is mislabeled G53.105.1 to G61.622.6. Copyright date depends on section
2003.35.65k- Bell System Practices: Outside Plant Construction and Maintenance, Sections G61.640.1 to G97.515.1. Copyright date depends on section
2003.35.65l- Booklet, Safety Code- Suggestions Adopted for the Prevention of Accidents. Printed for the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. Hand dated 1924
2003.35.65m- Booklet, Safety Practices- At Work, At Home, and On the Highway. Printed for the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
2003.35.65n- Booklet, The Dean Hand-Book on Rural Lines- The Best Method of Installing and Operating, c. 1911 and published by The Dean Electric Company.
Used by E. L. Blocker in 1914 when employed by an independent electric company
2003.35.65o- Booklet, Matthews’ Telephone Line Construction Book, c. 1908 and published by the W.N. Matthews & Brother in St. Louis U.S.A.
2003.35.65p- Book, Telephone Services for the Motion Handicapped, c. 1968 and published by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and prepared with the cooperation of Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine- New York University Medical Center
Deals with the needs of disabled people for telephone services and the applicability of various items of telephone equipment to their problems. Based on a two-year study at the Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University Medical Center with sponsorship by the American Telephone and Telegraphy Company.
2003.35.65q- Book, Davenport Exchange History and Details of 1928 conversion (including Cedar Rapids)
History of Michael Donahue and Dr. W. F. Peck with installing the first telephones in Davenport, and the story of the growth of the telephone in Davenport
Meeting Reports (1928)
Includes Newspaper clippings about Davenport and the telephone service
Meeting summons
Publicity with historical advertisements
S. N. 50 Service Orders
Commercial Cutover Practices
2003.35.65ee- Notebook, Plant Department- Sales Training Manual, by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
No paper with notebook
Folder 1
2003.35.65r- Booklet, Principles of Health
• Compilation of health educational materials written by L. D. Bristol , Dr. P. H., Health Director of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, prepared for employees and designed to assist them in the maintenance of positive health
2003.35.65s- Booklet, General Health Course for Women of the Bell System, c. and revised in 1931 and printed for the American Telephone & Telegraph Company
2003.35.65t- Advertisement for the Telephone Workers Insurance Company
2003.35.65u- Booklet, Agreement between Communication Workers of America- CIO and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, executed August 15,1953
Folder 2
2003.35.65v- Central Union Telephone Co.- Exchange and Toll Station Directory. Reprint from one of Davenports first telephone directories, which is believed to have been distributed about 1884
2003.35.65w- duplicate of previous
2003.35.65x- Booklet, Davenport Iowa Number Change List effective June 30, 1935
2003.35.65y- duplicate of previous
2003.35.65z- Brochure, Glossary of Telephone Words and Terms, as compiled by Emerson C. Smith. Revised Edition Copyright November 1954
2003.35.65aa- Booklet, Easter on Sixth Avenue- Des Moines, 1965 as published by Northwestern Bell in Iowa
• The sixth avenue bridge collapsed causing seven telephone cables to go down, thus causing thousands to lose phone service. Explains the story of what happened and how it was fixed
2003.35.65bb- Booklet, The Telephone in Iowa- The Story of the Northwestern Bell Company in Iowa
2003.35.65cc- Instructional guide, How to Use your New Bell Telephone
2003.35.65dd- Booklet, Telephone Almanac for 1960, as printed by the Illinois Bell Telephone System
Box 3
Folder 1: 2003.35.66- The Telephone Pioneer Newsletter
• Thirteen of the “Telephone Pioneer Newsletter” ranging in dates from May 1953 to March 1959
Folder 2: 2003.35.66- Iowa Pionews
• Iowa Pionews 1952-1954 (scattered dates)
Folder 3: 2003.35.66- Hawkeye Pioneer/ Monthly News
• The Hawkeye Pioneer Monthly News, July 1960 to April 1963. 24 items
o Mailed to Anna O. Ellinghouse
• The Hawkeye Pioneer: Hawkeye Chapter- Telephone Pioneers of America, 1956 to Spring 1960. 7 items
Folder 4: 2003.35.66- Hawkeye Chapter # 17
• Hawkeye Chapter News, July 1968 to May 1969 (scattered dates)
• Hawkeye Happenings, February 1993 and March 1994
Folder 5: 2003.35.66- Davenport Council Newsletter 1957-1958
• Davenport Council Newsletter, “Newsletter”, Volume 1, issues 1-10; and Volume 2, issues 1-7. July 1956 to June 1958
Folder 6: 2003.35.66- Davenport Council Newsletter 1958-1959
• Davenport Council Newsletter, “Newsletter”, Volume 3, 10 issues in collection. July 1958 to June 1959
Folder 7: 2003.35.66- Davenport Council Newsletter 1959-1960
• Davenport Council Newsletter, “Newsletter”, Volume 4, 11 issues in collection. July 1959 to June 1960
o In October 1959, the name “Newsletter”, changed to “Tele-scope”
Folder 8: 2003.35.66- Davenport Council Newsletter 1960-1961
• Davenport Council Newsletter, “Tele-scope”, Volume 5, 8 issues in collection. July 1960 to May 1961
Folder 9: 2003.35.66- Davenport Council Newsletter Volume 6, 1961-1962
• Davenport Council Newsletter, “Tele-scope”, Volume 6, 4 issues in collection. July 1961 to May 1962
Folder 10: 2003.35.66- Davenport Council Newsletter Volume 7, 1962-1963
• Davenport Council Newsletter, “Tele-scope”, Volume 7, 6 issues in collection. July 1962 to May 1963.
• Newly revised “Tele-scope”, July 1964 to Aug 1964, 2 issues in collection
Folder 11: 2003.35.66- Various Council Newsletters 1958-1959
• Cedar Rapids Council Newsletter, The Pioneer Post, Telephone Pioneers of America. 6 issues in the collection. June 1958 to May 1959.
• Council Pioneer News- Des Moines, Hawkeye Chapter No. 17, Telephone Pioneers of America. Dated approximately 1958/1959
• CO. Bluffs Council Pioneers- Party Line. July 1958, September 1958, and March 1959
• Spencer District Pioneer Patter. Dated approximately 1958/1959
• Waterloo Council, Telz-all-agram. Telephone Pioneers of America. November 1958 and February 1959
Folder 12: 2003.35.66- Veterans Memorial Folio
• Veterans Memorial to Honor all Veterans and their Families
o Includes sections
Sponsors Memorial Overview
Themed Drawings
Endorsement Letters
Memorial Construction Budget
Memorial Contribution Information
Folder 13: 2003.35.66- Newsletter Davenport/ Muscatine Regular Club
• Davenport/Muscatine Regular Club. December 1989 and February 1990
• Telephone Pioneer Newsletter. July 1989 and September 1989
Folder 14: 2003.35.66
• Telephone Pioneers of America Red Notebook
Folder 15: 2003.35.66- Pioneer Region 3 Membership Roster- Chapter 17
• Membership Roster for May 1989, May 1992, June 1993, and 1997
Folder 16: 2003.35.66- Correspondence from Secretary binder 1953-1954
• Program, Pioneer Dinner and Annual Meeting for Chapter 17, Telephone Pioneers of America
• Various Letters Sent to Telephone Pioneer Members
• Various Letters received by Catherine O’ Connor as Secretary/ Treasurer
Folder 17: 2003.35.66- Ladies Activity Chair Binder 1966-1971
• Ladies Activity Chair Papers
o Includes sections
Training Manual
Club “21”- Hostesses for year
Women’s Activity correspondence and meeting
Fund Raisers- Articles and Prices
Cherrydale farms- Candy and Nuts
Popcorn- Vinton, IA. Don Yalger
Davenport Club Membership
Life Memberships
Hawkeye Chapter Membership
Folder 18: 2003.35.66- Davenport Club Members List 1973-1974
• Address list for the Davenport Club Regular Members Southeast Council
• Calling list of Davenport Members
• Address list for the Davenport Club Life Southeast Council
Folder 19: 2003.35.66- Hawkeye Chapter Constitution 6-8-1973
• Constitution for the Hawkeye Chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of America. Dated June 8, 1973
Folder 20: 2003.35.66- Chapter Officers 1973-1974
• List of Chapter Officers of Telephone Pioneers of America with addresses and phone numbers in the Iowa area for 1973-1974.
• List of Chapter “Eligibles” for the Hawkeye Chapter for 1973 including previously eligible.
Box 4
Folder 1: 2003.35.66- Secretary’s Binder 1973 to 1974
• Papers from the secretary’s binder
o Includes one section about “20 year people”
Folder 2: 2003.35.66- Hawkeye Chapter Club President’s binder 1976-1977
• Papers from the Hawkeye Chapter President’s binder
o Includes sections
President’s Calendar
Planning Meetings
Regular Eligibles
Work Sheets
Folder 3: 2003.35.66- Telephone Pioneers President’s Binder 1976-1977
• Papers from the Pioneers President’s binder
o Includes sections
Officers 1976-1977
Membership RPT
Folder 4: 2003.35.66- Annual Assembly 1976
• Assorted paperwork from the assembly including an agenda
Folder 5: 2003.35.66- National Constitution, September 1975
• Full national constitution
Folder 6: 2003.35.66- Community Service Activities 1976-1977
• Community Service Listings
• Monthly statement of chapter accounts
• Membership Report for January 1974
• Telephone Pioneers Monthly Summary of Membership Statistics for December 31, 1973
• Community Service News- Ideas to stimulate participation newsletter
• PePtalk- News and Project Ideas for your Pioneer Environmental Program newsletter
Folder 7: 2003.35.66- Directory: Hawkeye Chapter Club Officers 1974-1975
• Directory of Hawkeye Chapter Club Officers. Telephone Pioneers of America
2003.35.66e- Folder/Binder, Telephone Pioneer Practices Organization and Activities–Pioneer President.
Includes information about the presidential position and its roles
Folder 8: 2003.35.66- Historians Binder- management minutes; members roster; committee guidelines; Historian 1987-1988
• Includes sections
o Board Meetings
o Active Members
o Pioneer Inst.- Telephone Pioneers of America–A Guideline for Chapter/Council/Club Committee Chairpersons
Folder 9: 2003.35.66- Club Meeting Minutes 1986-1991
Folder 10: 2003.35.66- Presidents Binder 1989-1990
• Papers from the President’s Binder including the calendar, officers, order of business, list of the president’s duties, and the constitution
Folder 11: 2003.35.66- Fellowship Chair Binder 1988-1989
• Binder includes sections
o Chairs- has guideline for chairperson
o Practice- explains what the fellowship committee does
o Year 1989-1990- Notes by the fellowship chair and activities done
o Year 1988-1989- Same as above
o 1988 Meetings- Same as above
o Year 1987- 1988- Same as above
Folder 12: 2003.35.66- Board Minutes 1989-1990
Folder 13: 2003.35.66- Membership Report 1989-1990
Folder 14: 2003.35.66- Chapter Participation Reports 1989-1990
• Fundraising Reports
• Monthly Participation Reports
Folder 15: 2003.35.66- Programs: Hike Trike 1989/ Report on 1989 Bazaar, C. Cooper/ Adopt-A-Highway Programs/ Pioneer Trains
• Brochure, Services to Others- The Pioneer Purpose
• Postcard to order a hand operated tricycle
• Assorted activity information
Folder 16: 2003.35.66- Hawkeye Chapter Constitution 5-11-93
• Hawkeye Chapter Constitution for the Telephone Pioneers of America as revised 5-11-93
Folder 17: 2003.35.66- Southeast Council Meeting Minutes 1993-1994 and Conference Call Minutes
Folder 18: 2003.35.66- Misc.
• Hawkeye Chapter Telephone Pioneers Annual Budget Statement for 1980-81, 1981-82, and 1982-83
• Committee list for 1957-1958
• Executive committee list 1957-1958
• Program for Eddie L. Blocker’s Retirement on August 4, 1961
• List of names of people from different chapters. Dated 1986. Includes a 3 digit number by each name
• Two Telephone Pioneers of America Application for Membership cards and Payroll allotment authorization for Telephone Pioneers of America forms
• A page of Telephone Pioneers of America items including
o Significance of the Telephone Pioneer emblem card
o It’s a Pioneer Partner card
o Congratulations on Becoming a Life Member card
o An Associate Member of this Chapter card
o Volunteer Services– Presented by Telephone Pioneers of America sticker
o Volunteer Services– Repaired by Telephone Pioneers of America sticker
Folder 19: 2003.35.66- Hawkeye Chapter Income Statements July 1978 to May 1981
• Annual reports for 1978-79, 1979-80, 1980-81
• Income Statements for July 1978 to May 1981
Folder 20: 2003.35.66- Hawkeye Chapter Income Statements July 1981 to June 1982
• Income Statements for July 1981 to June 1982
Folder 21: 2003.35.66- Hawkeye Chapter Income Statements July 1982 to June 1983
• Income Statements for July 1982 to June 1983
Folder 22: 2003.35.66- Hawkeye Chapter Income Statements July 1983 to June 1984
• Annual report for 1983-1984
• Income Statement for July 1983 to June 1984
Folder 23: 2003.35.66- Hawkeye Chapter Income Statements July 1984 to June 1985
• Annual report for 1984-1985
• Income Statement for July 1984 to June 1985
Folder 24: 2003.35.66- Davenport Regular Income Statements Aug 10, 1985 to June 1986
• Income Statements for the month July 1985 to June 1986
Folder 25: 2003.35.66- Davenport Regular Income Statements Aug 10, 1986 to June 1987
• Income Statements for the Month of July 1986 to June 1987
Folder 26: 2003.35.66- Davenport Regular Income Statements July 1987 to June 1988
• Income Statements for July 1987 to June 1988
Folder 27: 2003.35.66- Davenport Regular Income Statements July 1988 to June 1989
• Income Statements for July 1988 to June 1989
Folder 28: 2003.35.66- Davenport Regular Income Statements Sept. 1989 to May 1990
• Income Statements for Sept. 1989 to May 1990
Folder 29: 2003.35.66- Cash Book– July 20, 1973 to July 6, 1985
• Book used to balance the budget from July 20, 1973 to July 6, 1985
Folder 30: 2003-35.58b- Papers from A. A. Black’s Scrapbook
• Consists mainly of letters addressed to A. A. Black
Folder 31: 2003.35.60- Submarine Cable No. 1 Repair
• Tells the Story of the submarine cable trouble in the Mississippi River in 1937 caused by a dredge ruining the line
Folder 32: 2003.35.60- Pole Locations and Photographs (1 of 4)
• Pictures of the telephone line and poles from St. Louis to Davenport
Folder 33: 2003.35.60- Pole Locations and Photographs (2 of 4)
• Pictures of the telephone line and poles from Chicago to Omaha
Folder 34: 2003.35.60- Pole Locations and Photographs (3 of 4)
• Pictures of the telephone line and poles from Davenport to Minneapolis
Folder 35: 2003.35.60- Pole Locations and Photographs (4 of 4)
• Pictures of the telephone line and poles from Davenport to Iowa City, Davenport to Clinton, and from Wyanet to Davenport
Folder 36: 2003.35.60- Facsimile Picture Service/ Marine Cable/ Personal Pictures 1940s-1950s
• News clippings telling about the Facsimile Picture service coming to the Quad Cities
• Photos of telephone poles
• Pictures of various events
• Going away party for Mr. Murphy photograph from January 1952
Folder 37: Misc.
• Davenport, Iowa, “W.O.S.A” Annual Outing for the Lend-A-Hand Camp, September 24, 1919. It shows the program for the day and lists contests and games to be played
• Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co. switchboard specifications from January 28, 1930
• Joke about inflation
• Letter to member of the Telephone Pioneers of America by Marv Stevens, chapter historian
• Envelope addressed to Marv Stevens by H. Zelle
• Letter to past life members and combined club presidents from the Telephone Pioneers of America from Murray Goff with a written note to Marv Stevens on the bottom
• The Northwestern Bell for March 1925- Work of Choice and Town of Choice keep Mr. Huebner Ever Young” by Charles E. Hall
Folder 38: Newspaper Clippings
• News clipping, Phone Changes of Schedule, telling how the phone is changing to a dial system- no date given
• News clipping, Program Supplies School Supplies to Children, April 20, 1993
• News clipping, Fathers for a day for Fathers Day
o Miss. Doris Fowler of Des Moines, IA, the out of hours activities director for the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, was the special guest
• News clipping from a swimsuit contest.
o Fort Madison and Keokuk Northwestern Bell operators were guests
Box 5: Photographs
Folder 1: 3×5 envelopes
• 2003.35.55a- 2003.35.55p (16 envelopes)
Folder 2: 5×7 envelopes
• 2003.35.55 t- 2003.35.55rr and 2003.35.55kkkkkk- 2003.35.55mmmmmm (31 envelopes)
Folder 3: 8×10 envelopes (1 of 5)
• 2003.35.55ss- 2003.35.55ggg (15 envelopes)
Folder 4: 8×10 envelopes (2 of 5)
• 2003.35.55hhh- 2003.35.55www (15 envelopes)
Folder 5: 8×10 envelopes (3 of 5)
• 2003.35.55xxx- 2003.35.55nnnn (17 envelopes)
Folder 6: 8×10 envelopes (4 of 5)
• 2003.35.55 oooo- 2003.35.55fffff (18 envelopes)
Folder 7: 8×10 envelopes (5of 5)
• 2003.35.55 ggggg- 2003.35.55 qqqqq, 2003.35.55 aaaaaa and 2003.35.55nnnnnn (13 envelopes)
Box 6- Scrapbooks: 2003.35.66 (Unless stated otherwise)
• “Clip-O-Log scrapbook labeled Pioneers
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered up to 1976
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of anniversary and retirement parties
o Chronology of the telephone and clippings referring to operator service telephones in foreign countries
o Article about the teletypewriter
• Telephone Pioneers Davenport Council scrapbook labeled No. 2
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered from 1955-1957
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of anniversary and retirement parties
o Pictures of Amy Karbatsch receiving her life membership card
o Selective Signal Metallic Circuit Contract
• Telephone Pioneers Davenport Council scrapbook labeled No. 3
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered from 1950-1959
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of anniversary and retirement parties
• Telephone Pioneers Davenport Council scrapbook labeled No. 4
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered from 1957 to 1961
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of anniversary and retirement parties
o Six Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, THIS PASS Will Admit the Bearer J. E. Peebler to the Telephone Building During the Service Transfer
o Two Davenport Crossbar Tandem: THIS PASS… as belonging to J. E. Peebler and K. H. Durr
• Telephone Pioneers Davenport Council scrapbook labeled No. 5
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered from 1931 to 1964
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of anniversary and retirement parties
• Telephone Pioneers Davenport Council scrapbook labeled No. 6
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items from 1971, and a photograph of 6th and Main from the 1930s
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of anniversary and retirement parties
• Telephone Pioneers Davenport Council scrapbook labeled No. 7
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered from 1926 to 1978
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of anniversary and retirement parties
o 1926 photograph of women operators and photos from the 1930s- the 1950s
o Pictures of people in the Pioneer Museum looking at these scrapbooks
• Telephone Pioneers Davenport Council scrapbook labeled No. 8
o Photographs from 1950-1959
o Mostly blank
2003.35.56a: Scrapbook for Peruvian Operators– White scrapbook with seashell front
• Put together by the international committee to exchange with operators in Peru. Did not get this exchanged
• August 1989
• Gives the history of Iowa itself and tells about Davenport’s AT&T company from the perspective of somebody who is an outsider.
• Teal scrapbook dated 1989 to 1990 on cover
o Has photographs, newspapers clippings, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of the pioneer museum
o Mainly focused around the volunteer and group activities of the Telephone Pioneers of America Hawkeye Chapter
Box 7- 2003.35.66 (Unless stated otherwise)
2003.35.58a: A. A. Black: Red-orange scrapbook
• Items scattered from the 1930s through 1985
• Photographs of Black and other Pioneers
• Jacks’ and Jills’ Activities Group of Davenport, Iowa card
• Chapter member card 1958
• Letters to and from Art Black, mostly regarding work
• Paper clipping announcing A. A. Black’s death
• (Additional folder of items from Scrapbook in Box 4)
2003.35.57a: W. B. Sebern: Brown Scrapbook
• Old photographs of W. B. Sebern
• Items scattered from 1930 through 1965
• Retirement items including goodbyes from multiple staff members
• Certificate stating W. B. Sebern as a Member of Telephone Pioneers of America Retirement Club
• Handmade booklet telling about Sebern’s life
• Manual, How to operate the “TWX” Teletypewriter Exchange Service
• Unlabeled brown binder/scrapbook with gold leafing on the front
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered from 1985-1986
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service
Christmas Clown, Bix, etc.
• Blue Binder/Scrapbook with a Telephone Pioneers of America sticker on the front
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered from 1987-1988
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service
• Mauve-pink scrapbook dated 1990 to 1991 with Telephone Pioneers of America sticker on front
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered from the 1930s through 1991.
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of anniversary and retirement parties
o Certificate: General Health Course for Women of the Bell System as awarded to Amy M. Karbatsch on May 20, 1936
o History of Muscatine
Box 8: Oversized
Folder 1:
2003.35.59a- Watercolor of a riverboat with the Arsenal Bridge and dam in the background
2003.35.59b- Watercolor of a log building and canons
Folder 2:
2003.35.59c- Watercolor of Davenport from the river
2003.35.59d- Watercolor of the Centennial Bridge
Folder 3:
2003.35.59e- Watercolor of the Clock Tower on the Arsenal Island
2003.35.59f- Watercolor of Rock Island from LeClaire Park
Folder 4:
• The Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Mfg. Co.- Instruction to common return switchboard, 12 capacity, 4 equipped from Chicago on March 29,1898. Written to J.C. Dennison
• 2003.35.55rrrrr- 2003.35.55zzzzz (9, 11×17 envelopes)
• 2003.35.55 bbbbbb- 2003.35.55jjjjjj (9 oversized envelopes)
Large Black scrapbook labeled Snapshots with No. 1 labeled on the corner: 2003.35.66
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered from 1899 through 1961
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of anniversary and retirement parties
o Pictures of New Hampshire Hurricane damage as donated by Leo Freund
o Ice storm photographs
Red Scrapbook with “No. 1” labeled on the corner: 2003.35.66
o Has photographs, newspaper clipping, and other Pioneer items which deal with the members of the organization and the organization itself
o Items scattered from the 1930s through the early 1980s
o Includes photographs of activities, clippings about activities and service, pictures of anniversary and retirement parties
o Certificate for “General Health Course for Women of the Bell System” as completed by Amy M. Karbatsch on May 20, 1936
o History of Muscatine
o Prints from the opening of the Davenport Pioneer Museum, February 1982
Oversized Folders (Not in a box)
• Large booklet, City of Davenport, Scott County Iowa- Ft “A” Cable Route. Includes aerial photographs: 1987-1988
• 2003.35.61b: Theodore N. Vail Medal Certificate
• Topographical of the Tri Cities– Davenport, IA, Rock Island, and Moline Ill- Rock Island Arsenal and Rock Island rapids and Illinois and Mississippi Canal. C 1900
• A farmline map of the Davenport exchange for the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, June 27, 1950
• Toll route map of Iowa
• Map of Transfers for Bettendorf and part of Davenport
Subject Cross Reference for Archival Collection:
Arts– Fine– Painting (Box 8, Folder 1-3)
Boats & Boating– Riverboats– Misc. (Box 8, Folder 1)
Bridges– Centennial (Box 8, Folder 2)
Bridges– Fourth Government (Box 8, Folder 1)
Bridges– Misc. (Box 2, Folder 2)
Business & Industry– Advertisements (Box 2, Folder 1)
Business & Industry– Books (Box 2; Box 4, Folder 29; Box 7; Box 8, Folder 4; Oversized Material)
Business & Industry– Employees
Business & Industry– Misc. (Box 4, Folders 18-29; Box 4, Folder 36)
Business & Industry– Photography (Box 4, Folders 31-35)
Business & Industry– Public Utilities
Cities– Clinton [IA] (Box 4, Folder 35)
Cities– Davenport– Bird’s Eye & Aerial Views (Oversized)
Cities– Davenport– Misc.
Cities– Misc. (Box 3, Folder 11; Box 4, Folders 32-35)
Cities– Muscatine [IA] (Box 1, Folder 1-7, 17; Box 7; Box 8, Scrapbook)
Cities– Rock Island– Misc. (Box 8, Folder 3)
Communication– Telephone
Counties– Misc. (Box 1, Folder 6)
Counties– Muscatine [IA] (Box 1, Folder 6)
Disasters– Misc. (Box 8, Scrapbook)
Disasters– Snow & Ice (Box 8, Scrapbook)
Documents & Letters (Box 1, Folder 8; Box 3; Box 4)
Entertainment & Amusement– Motion Pictures (Box 1, Folder 8)
Farms & Farming– Misc. (Oversized)
Historic Sites & Museums– Misc. (Box 6; Box 8, Scrapbook)
Holidays & Celebrations– Christmas (Box 7)
Holidays & Celebrations– Misc. (Box 2, Folder 2; Box 6; Box 7; Box 8, Scrapbook)
Medicine– Misc. (Box 2, Folder 1, Box 7; Box 8, Scrapbook)
Military & War– Misc. (Box 3, Folder 12)
Military & War– Rock Island Arsenal (Box 8, Folder 3)
Newspapers & Periodicals– Misc. (Box 3; Box 4, Folder 36, 38; Box 6; Box 7; Box 8, Scrapbook)
Organizations & Clubs– Misc.
Schools & Education– Vocational/Technical (Box 2)
Social Life & Customs– Clothing (Box 4, Folder 38)
Social Life & Customs– Disabled Persons (Box 2)
Social Life & Customs– Misc. (Box 4, Folder 30, 38; Box 6; Box 7; Box 8, Scrapbook; Oversized Material)
Social Life & Customs– Old Age & Retirement (Box 6; Box 7; Box 8, Scrapbook)
Social Life & Customs– Parties (Box 4, Folder 36; Box 6; Box 7)
Social Services– Misc. (Box 4, Folder 6, 15, 37-38; Box 6; Box 7)
State, Illinois (Oversized)
State, Iowa (Box 6; Oversized)
Black, Art A. (Multiple Scrapbooks
Blocker, Eddie. L.
Bristol, L. D
Cooper, C.
Dennison, J. C.
Donahue, Michael
Durr, Ken H.
Ellinghouse, Anna O.
Emil (scrapbook No. 4)
Fowler, Doris
Freund, Leo
Goff, Murray
Hall, Charles E.
Karbatsch, Amy M.
Marker, W. A.
O’ Connor, Catherine
Peebler, J. E.
Sears (Multiple Scrapbooks)
Smith, Emerson C.
Soesbe, Daniel
Stevens, Marv
Yalger, Don
Zelle, H.
Octave Thanet Book Club 1994-69
Date: 1931-1991
(Note: should look at photos and determine if should add names to portrait list)
Subject Cross Reference
Organizations & Clubs – Misc.
Octave Thanet Book Club – Photographic Portraits contained in collection
The ones listed here are from loose photographs. Additional images (portrait and group shots) from various years into the late 1980s are contained in the scrapbooks within this collection.
Group photo, 1966
June Rutherfor
Nina Williams
Ann Litzen Lerger
Margaret Connelly
Corine Heiny
Inge Metcalf
Kathryn DeReus
Margaret Milota
Bea Sindt
Hildegarde Evanson
June Wallower
Mary Holbert
Mildred Petersen
Dorothy Hammerlinck
Ellen Roys
Ruth Jones
Group photo, 1961
Cassie Mortibo
Ann Litzen Lerger
Corine Heiny
Ruth Jones
Jane Wallower
June Rutherford
Julie McDonald
Ellen Roys
Bea Sindt
Mary Holbert
Inge Monkmeier Metcalf
Florence McDonald
Dorothy Hammerlink
Ruth Vellen
Ava’s Book Group, 1989
Barbara Hein
Sue Broderick
Marjorie Trevor
Martha Lewis
Leona Falkenhainer
Marjorie Hollen
Ava McFarlin
Jo Miller
Dorothy Hammerlinck
Florence McDonald
Individual portraits
France M. Ferrell
Elenor Ferrell Fry and Donald W. Fry
Thorington Collection 1950-33
Inclusive Dates: 1877-1955
Scope Notes: This collection was compiled by Dr. James Thorington. It includes the correspondence of his father James Strong Thorington to his family members, mainly while he served as consul to Colon Aspinwell, Panama, and newspaper clippings of the letters he wrote which were published in the Davenport newspaper (1873 to 1875). It also includes a series of letters related to James’s brother Monroe Parker Thorington, including letters related to his education and letters he wrote while serving in the Army at Fort Keogh, Montana, and in Kansas (1870s) The final series of letters and papers were written by or to Dr. James Thorington. They include letters to his family during his time as a surgeon for the Panama Railroad Company, letters from various family members including his sisters Dolly T. Pratt and Margaret T. Preston, and distant cousins in Alabama. Some letters are related to the genealogy of the Thorington and Parker families. The collection also contains newspaper clippings of obituaries of various family members.
James Strong Thorington (1816-1887) served as mayor of Davenport from 1843-1846, Iowa representative to Congress in 1855, and Davenport’s sheriff from 1861-1865, and consul to Panama from 1871 to 1882.
Dr. James Thorington (1858-1844) attended Princeton (1875-76) and Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia (1881), served as surgeon of the Panama Railroad Company (1882-1889), then established a practice in Philadelphia, specializing in ophthalmology.
See also the item-level card file in Curatorial Suite as well as Genealogy Coll., General Documents (GD), Legal Documents (LD) and Photograph Collection.
Subject Heading Cross Reference
Indians–Land Dispossession & Treaties
Military & War—Indian
Schools and Education–Colleges–Griswold
Social Life & Customs–Weddings
Pratt, George B
Pratt, Mary Thorington (Dolly)
Preston, George C
Preston, Margaret Thorington (Maggie)
Sheldon, D. S.
Thorington, James Strong
Thorington, James Dr.
Thorington, Monroe Parker
Thorington, Willela Chilton
Thorington, Chilton
Thorington, Jack
Tri-City Garden Club (1996-124)
This collection includes the following accessions: 1996-124, 2009-004, 2012-020, 2012-021, 2012-022)
Inclusive Dates: 1919-2009 Organization continues through the present date.
Scope Notes/History:
This collection contains organization documents of the Tri-City Garden Club, involving the cities of Davenport Iowa, Moline Illinois, and Rock Island Illinois. The organization was formed by a discussion held by Elizabeth Putnam in September of 1919 and the club became a branch of the Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association. Membership has extended to women residing outside Davenport, Moline, and Rock Island and has a maximum of 100 active members, unlimited associate members and unlimited honorary members. The Tri-City Garden Club has and continues to provide lectures, events, and exhibitions throughout the local Quad Cities area. Records include letters, minutes of executive and general meetings, articles, lecture presentations, financial information (checks, deposit tickets, statements, budgets, etc.), scrapbooks, lantern slides, accounting books, memberships lists, photographs, 35mm slides of activities & flower arrangements, constitutions/yearbooks, flower exhibitions, ribbons, and annual reports.
Lantern Slides Box #1
46 slides; House & Households – gardens
Lantern Slides Box #2
47 slides; House & Households – gardens
Lantern Slides Box #3
46 slides; 9 Houses & Households – gardens
9 Nature Scenes
23 Nature – flowers & plants
1 Travel
1 Recreation – children’s activities
2 Houses & Households – misc.
1 House & Households – urban – interior – unidentified
Tin Cash Box located in 3D collection
Box 1 (1996-124)
Record Book – Minutes
August 1919 – February 1926
Attendance log
Record Book 2 – Minutes
October 1935 – December 1942
Record Book 3 – Minutes
March 1926 – October 1935
Tri-City Garden Club Notebook – Minutes of General and Executive Meetings
January 1943 – November 1943
Black Binder – Minutes
November 1943 – November 1944
Record Book S141 R300 – List of members, minutes, constitution, and program
January 1945 – September 1956
Record Book – Minutes
September 1956 – December 1965
Record book D-R 56.231
January 1966 – December 8 1970
Annual report 1969
1971-79 General Meetings Binder
January 1971 – December 1979
1971-1979 Executive Board Binder – Minutes
February 1971 – November 1979
1978-81 – President’s copy
January 1978 – January 1982
1980-1985 Binder – Executive and General Minutes
January 1980 – November 1985
Small Black Binder – Minutes, Treasurer reports, letters
September 1981 – November 1984
Small Black Binder – Executive and General Minutes
March 1985 – November 8 1988
Small Black Binder – Executive and General Minutes
February 1986 – November 1988
1989-1991 Binder – Executive Minutes & Treasurer reports
January 1989 – April 1991
Folder 1: Copies
Tri-City Garden Club – 1924 Annual report?
Beginners’ Flower Gardens for Democrat
Beginners’ Flower Gardens for Argus
General and executive minutes of Tri City Garden Club
August 1919 – November 1929
2 copies of the Tri-City Garden Club Constitution
Box 2 (1996-124)
Folder 1: Lectures/Papers
February 10, 1931 My Favorite Flower by Mrs. H. Railsbocks (5 pages)
November 10, 1931 Pests & Remedies by Mrs. C.C. Johnson (6 pages)
September 11, 1934 Anemones paper by Mrs. Charles Irwin (7 pages)
August 14, 1934 Thalictrum Paper by S.R. Evans (9 pages)
April 9, 1935 – from grey 5 hole report cover
Delphinium & Phlox Paper by Mrs. Joe Dain (2 pages)
Perennials for Shady Places Paper by Mr. P.E. Wadsworth (2 pages)
October 8, 1946 Gloxinias Paper by Mrs. Parker Weeks (22 pages)
October 8, 1946 Begonias Paper by Mrs. H.H. Cleaveland, Jr. (3 pages)
The Art of Color and Design Paper – Maitland Graves by E. Schocker
(5 pages)
October 14, The Lovely Garden Chrysanthemum Paper by Paula K. Valluem
(11 pages)
Folder 2: Correspondence
1919 letter from Stella H. Luebb to Miss Elizabeth D. Putnam – checks for dues
September 1919 list of members – letter to Miss Webb
March 5, 1926 letter from Ann Shuler to Mrs. Tegeler
Newspaper article drafts
1938 letter from Elsie Schocker to Mrs. B.J. Lachner regarding library inventory
August 30, 1939 letter from Louisa King
September 6, 1939 thank you letter of invitation to Mrs. Ebersole from Mrs. L.W. Huff
1940 thank you letter from Mrs. H.W. Braack
November 30, 1945 thank you note from Red Cross
July 22 1953 letter from Greg to Mrs. R. Bruce (Marge) Collins
1962 Blue Ribbon winner letter
December 13, 1993 letter from Marilyn Bulat to Mrs. Povall
Letter from E.H. Mueller to ‘Garden Friends’
Letter from Marge Collins to members
Folder 3: Minutes/Documents
August 1919 –December 1929 Minutes (44 pages)
Tri-City Garden Club, Flower Exhibits, Officers holding positions for the years 1919-1925 (2 pages)
List of members of the Woman’s National Farm & Garden Association
(paid and not paid)
Speech by Marilyn Bulat regarding the Slide Program (3 pages)
Folder 4: Old Constitutions
Three copies of constitutions
2 mock ups of 1971 constitution for yearbook
Folder 5: Resolutions/Tributes
February 13 1940 Resolution on death of Mrs. J.H. Harressa
September 20 1940 Resolution on death of Verma C. Wessel from Mrs. William F. Evans – with envelope
“One Morning in a Garden” The Funeral of Miss Putnam by Mrs. E.H. Hal
Tribute of Mrs. Peek (7 pages)
Folder 6: Putnam Exhibition – Victorian Gardens 1 of 3
August 1919 – November 1929 minutes (44 pages)
July 8 1987 outline of Putnam Museum Project (2 pages)
SITES Victorian Gardens: Horticultural Extravaganza (3 copies)
SITES Victorian Gardens Itinerary
SITES National Soldiers Home Flower Garden and Lakes Stereoscopic Card
SITES Wax Flower Art Recreations
SITES Centennial Exposition Described and Illustrated Plant Stands
Gallery guide to “A Victorian Horticultural Extravaganza”
The Horticultural Extravaganza of the Victorian Age
Designs with Fresh Flowers and Fruit – Victorian Arrangements (2 pages)
Eclectic Victorian Victory
Miscellaneous information on Victorian horticulture
Victorian – pages 80-84 (3 pages)
Collier’s Weekly
Miscellaneous information – From Smithsonian (2 pages)
Response to “Victorian Garden Questionnaire by Garden Club Members
Victorian Garden Exhibit questionnaire
Putnam Gardening exhibit questionnaire
Davenport Parks (3 pages)
Victorian Garden Exhibit Davenport Parks (13 pages)
History of the Little Stone House in the village of East Davenport by Marlys Svendsen
Article-LW Ramsey landscapes for Stapp home – Argus December 30 1922
Victorian Garden Research Committee revised January 25 1988
Temporary Receipt for objects deposited with museum July 19 1988
August 23 1988 Blooms Along the Path draft
August 30 1988 Blooms Along the Path Exhibit outline
Packet of Blooms Along the Path
March 11 1989 Opening Description
Layout of exhibit
Landscaping & Gardening in the Quad Cities 1850-1940 (12 pages)
Spring Specials
Folder 7:Putnam Exhibition – Correspondence 2 of 3
March 5 1987 letter between Babs Murphy & Mike Smith
March 2 1987 SITES Horticultural Extravaganza letter from Gail A Kaplan
March 23 1987 letter to Sandy
April 30 1987 letter to Sandy from Babs Murphy (2 pages)
May 26 1988 Memorandum to Babs Murphy from Mike Smith (2 pages)
June 24 1988 letter to James R. Buckler from Mike Smith CC: Mary Ann Linden BCC: Babs Murphy (2 pages)
July 27 1988 Memo and research to Janice Hall to Babs Murphy (small yellow memo note and 3 pages of yellow legal pad paper)
September 16 1988 letter to Alan Efflandt from Barbra Murphy
January 12 1989 Letter to Babs Murphy (Barbra) from Mike Smith
January 24 1989 letter to James Buckler from Mike Smith CC: Babs Murphy (2 pages)
January 25 1989 letter to Mrs. Frank A. Folk from Mike Smith (2 pages)
February 16 1989 Correspondence between Mike Smith & James Buckler
Enclosed: Curriculum Vital (2 pages)
March 3 1989 letter to Whitney Watson from Babs Murphy
April 12 1989 letter to Karen Johnson from Babs Murphy (3 pages and business card)
Folder 8: Putnam Exhibition – Publications 3 of 3
Spring Event in Quad Cities “Blooms Along the Path: Landscaping & Gardening in the Quad Cities, 1850-1940”
Members (Putnam) newsletter & Calendar spring 1989 featuring “Blooms Along the Path landscaping & Gardening in the Quad Cities 1850 – 1940”
Putnam Pathways mailer spring 1989
Language of Flowers Victorian Gardens A Horticultural Extravaganza
January 1989 Putnam Museum Bluestem – Important News for Schools
March 12 1989 Putnam invitation to “The Horticultural Extravaganza of the Victorian Era”
March 12 1989 Sunday Dispatch & Argus “Step back in time at Putnam”
March 19 1989 Sunday Dispatch & Argus “Take a leap into Spring at Putnam
March 26 1989 Sunday Dispatch & Argus “Beat rainy-day blues at the QC places”
May 18 1989 Thursday Dispatch & Argus “Putnam plans special Events”
A Bloomin’ Bash booklet
Summary of attendance volunteers and work hours
Gardening in the Heartland June-July 1989
Garden Glories Quarterly Winter 1989
Folder 9: Miscellaneous
1964 Entry form for Awards for District
National council state stipulation for slide program
1984 Exhibition Davenport Art Gallery – America’s Paintbox
Tri-City Garden Club 1984 Exhibition Davenport Art Gallery (6 pages)
Davenport Art Gallery Exhibition Notes MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE “Period Flower Arrangements” (2 pages)
January 1989 Babs Murphy – Lecture describing the beginning of the Tri-City Garden Club (10 pages)
Folder 10: Committee Reports and Programs
July 2 1922 letter from Camilla L.W. Burrome to Mrs. Tegeler
1930-1931 Secretary’s Report
1930-1931 Treasurer’s Report (2 pages)
1938 Report of Program Chair (2 pages)
Executive Committee notes
Folder 11: Hillside Gardens
February 11 1989 note on business card from Fred McGourty to Mrs. Carell
March 26 1987 newspaper article Garden Center to hear advice on maintenance
Horticultural Slide Lectures by Frederick McGourty
Horticultural Programs by Mary Ann McGourty
Brief biography of Fred McGourty
Brief biography of Mary Ann McGourty
List of Flowers available for purchase (3 pages)
Book order form for Book by the McGourtys
Folder 12: Membership Roster for Iowa
By-Laws District I of the Garden Club of Illinois Inc. Revised October 1976
1980-1982 the Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc Officers Committee Chairmen Clubs
District I
Blank Annual Report 1980
1981 official membership and subscription list – Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa
(3 pages)
Blank member certification cards (27)
Nature conservatory membership card
Recommendation for Membership form
Window sticker
Yearbook memo
Blank Garden Therapy Questionnaire
Folder 13: Re-Contribution 1982 to John Deere Road Wild Flower Planting
October 19 1981 letter to Jack Michaelsen from House of Representatives – Tom Railshack
The Future Begins Today A constructive plan for a proud community
Contributors to the John Deere Expressways beautification Project
Folder 14: Supporting Memberships & Publications (“New Officer” Reporting Form)
Blank form-election of new officers – The Garden Clubs of Illinois
National Wildlife Federation envelope
The Garden Clubs of Illinois Inc. Club Membership Roster for Tri City Garden Club with blank forms of names and addresses (3 pages)
The Illinois Prairie Path Trail Map (2 copies)
The Illinois Prairie Path happenings
Recommendation for membership the Nature Conservancy
The Illinois Prairie Path sticker
News of the Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa Summer 1982
Garden Glories Quarterly 1982 July-August-Sept
The Illinois Prairie Path newsletter Spring 1982
The Illinois Prairie Path newsletter Fall 1982
The Illinois Prairie Path Newsletter Winter 1982 (blue)
The Illinois Prairie Path newsletter Winter 1982 (cream)
Folder 15: Ribbons
*1st prize – Davenport Garden Center September 20 1948
*Special Award – Davenport Garden Center
*Davenport Garden Center tag for Elsa G Ploehn
*Were paper clipped together
2nd prize – Davenport Garden Center September 20 1948
3rd prize – Davenport Garden Center September 20 1948
Two 1st prizes – Tri-City Men’s Rose & Garden Club
Two 2nd prizes – Tri-City Men’s Rose & Garden Club
3rd prize – Tri-City Men’s Rose & Garden Club
Folder 16: Photographs
Black Hawk State Park – July 9 1934
Arrangement in gallery space – photography by John Evans
July 7 1934: 7 negatives 4”x5” and 1 photo for Wessel
9 prints of Arrangements for April meeting – “Through a Judges Eye” April 11 1991
10 prints of Art Gallery
Folder 17: Crow Valley Photographs
33 prints of Crow Valley Oct 1984
Folder 18: Garden Club Program
November 14 1995 program/skit (14 pages – 5 packets)
28 photographs
Folder 19: Slide Program
January 13 1931 program notes
Folder 20: 35MM copies of original glass slides
1925 checklist of lantern slides (5 pages)
7 pages of slides, 4 across 5 down = 140 slides subtract 1 from page 3 and 1 from page 7 = 138 slides
Folder 21: From Kodaslide Compartment File with Tan lid
Inventory list for “This is the year that was.”
10 Slide Pages of flower arrangements
Folder 22: From Kodaslide Compartment File with Silver lid
7 Slide Pages of flower arrangements
Folder 23: Slide Pages
Six Slide Pages
Mrs. Frank Miller’s Garden
Flower Show Art Gallery 1968
Flower Show Art Gallery 1968
Art Gallery Show 1984
Slides of photographs in flower scrapbook from 1960s
Folder 24: Budget
August 1988 Guidelines for Forming the Budget
1990 Tri-City Garden Club Budget (2 copies)
Balance Sheet, General Fund, and Memorial Fund packet (4 pages – 2 copies of packet)
Folder 25: Treasurer Notes
December 31 1982 (10 pages)
Notes on notebook paper (2 pages)
Folder 26: Journal Receipts & Disbursements 1983
Folder 27: Journal Receipts & Disbursements 1984
Folder 28: Journal Receipts & Disbursements 1985
Folder 29: Yellow Photo Album- Re-housed August 20 2010
Photocopy of the photo album layout (9 pages)
June 11 & 12 1966 Flower Show Butterworth Center
(18 photographs #1-18)
Folder 30: Yellow Photo Album- Re-housed August 20 2010
October 5 & 6 1968 Flower and Art Exhibit Davenport Art Gallery
(13 photographs #19-31)
June 1969 Box Lunch Home of Mrs. W. Bettendorf
(2 photographs #32 & 33)
February 1970 Tea Butterworth Center
(2 photographs #34 & 35)
May 1970 Tea Rock Island Arsenal Quarters 1
(5 photographs #36-39)
June 1970 Annual Meeting – District 1 Iowa State Garden Clubs – Blackhawk Hotel
(5 photographs #40-44)
Folder 31: Miscellaneous Documents from 1989
Frank Lambert business card
March 12 1989 The Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc. Club Membership Roster (2 pages)
November 14 1988 Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa, Inc. letter from Robin Talley to Mrs. Jack D. Smit (Garden Club Presidents)
1989 budget for stamps
April 18 1989 luncheon record of checks (2 pages)
April 17 1989 Sheila Macqueen Workshops for Tri-City Garden Club Members
Checks – 35 New & 20 Complete
Checks – Amount Due, 20 Complete & 35 or 40? New
May 3 1989 workshop costs
May 9 1989 done from Julie Blew regarding Macmillan Distribution Ltd. (2 copies)
June 22 1989 Letter from Douglas Walker to Mary Ann regarding Illinois Annual Report
Note to Julie from Josephine deSilva regarding reimbursement
October 10 1989 note from President from Nature Conservatory regarding contribution
Note from Kate to Mary Ann regarding reimbursement
List of paid and unpaid members/guests for AM and PM
July 26 1989 Letter from Marilyn Rock to Julie regarding a refund
October 31 1989 letter from Mary Ann Linden to Dough Walker regarding payments
November 3 1989 Walker bill regarding payments from October 31 1989 letter
November 14 1989 Judith Schafernak fees written on Country Christmas show card
November 16 1989 Note card from Ann Duffy to Julie regarding fees
List of members that have paid for luncheon
March Luncheon list of paid members
List of members and guests (2 pages – yellow legal paper)
November 19 1989 bill from Science associates regarding eight photographed gardens
List of members for chicken or veal
November 1989 Luncheon list of members
December 13 1989 The Nature Conservancy membership card
Information regarding donation of land with envelope
Recommendation for membership
The Nature Conservancy sticker
Ranger Rick Gist Membership Renewal Notice
Where black tie and blue collar meet U.S. News & World Report March 21, 1988
December 15 1989 letter from Carol (Mrs. Michael Plunkett) to Mrs. Blew regarding a check
1989 Tri City Garden Club Budget
January 30 1989 MacMillan Distribution Limited Invoice 484649x (2 copies)
January 30 1989 MacMillan Distribution Limited Invoice 484640x (2 copies)
List of paid members
Note from Mary Ann Linden to Julie regarding reimbursement receipt
December 8 1988 receipt from Nomura Enterprise
January 6 1989 cash receipt from United States Postal Service
January 6 1989 receipt from the Minute Man Press for yearbooks
Note from Bob
January 7 1989 receipt for printing financial reports
January 9 1989 receipt for printing secretary’s annual report
January 10 1989 receipt for The Outing Club 23567
January 10 1989 receipt for The Outing Club 23585
January 13 1989 cash receipt from United States Postal Service
January 20 1989 receipt from Hedbergs
March 14 1989 receipt from U.S. Postal Service
April 17 1989 receipt from True Value
April 17 1989 receipt from Eagle Food Center
April 18 1989 receipt from the Blackhawk Hotel
May 5 1989 receipt from U.S. Postal Service
May 9 1989 receipt from Rock Island Arsenal Golf Club
May 9 1989 receipt from Corn Crib Lawn and Garden
May 10 1989 receipt from U.S. Postal Service
June 12 1989 receipt from Cinarco-Elliott Computer Center
August 10 1989 receipt from Cook’s Office Products & Gifts
August 16 1989 receipt from Bettendorf Office Product (2 receipts, machine and written)
September 12 1989 reimbursement form to Mary Ann Linden
September 14 1989 receipt from Patricia W. Hewitt
October 5 1989 receipt from Bettendorf Office Product (2 receipts, 1 printed and written)
October 10 1989 receipt from Davenport Country Club
October 20 1989 receipt for Garden Club – 20 membership forms
November 11 1989 receipt from U.S. Postal Service
November 5 1989 reimbursement form to Mary Ann Linden
November 11 1989 receipt from Schneff’s
November 28 1989 receipt from Short Hills Country Club
December 14 1989 receipt from Stecker Graphics Inc. Minuteman Press
Folder 32: Bank Statements 1989
VOID check August 7 1989 – #578
1988 Important Tax Information from First National Bank of Moline
Important Tax Information – Instructions for Recipient or Transferor
1989 Important Tax Information from First National Bank of Moline (FNBM)
Bank Statement from FNBM January 31 1989
Deposit Tickets
January 13 1989
January 13 1989
January 20 1989
Transaction Receipts
January 13 1989
January 13 1989
January 20 1989
December 28 1988 – #559
December 31 1988 – #560
January 6 1989 – #561
January 10 1989 – #563
January 10 1989 – #564
January 13 1989 – #566
January 20 1989 – #567
January 20 1989 – #568
Bank Statement from FNBM February 28 1989
Deposit Tickets
February 6 1989
February 22 1989
Transaction Receipts
February 7 1989
February 23 1989
January 8 1989 – #562
January 22 1989 – #569
Bank Statement from FNBM March 31 1989
Deposit Tickets
March 18 1989
March 27 1989
Transaction Receipts
March 20 1989
March 28 1989
January 11 1989 – #565
February 28 1989 – #570
March 12 1989 – #573
March 14 1989 – #574
March 15 1989 – #575
March 20 1989 – #576
Bank Statement from First National Bank of the Quad Cities April 24 1989
Deposit Tickets
April 6 1989
April 19 1989
April 19 1989
April 19 1989
April 25 1989
April 13 1989 – #101
April 18 1989 – #102
Bank Statement from FNBM April 30 1989
March 15 1989 – #571
April 6 1989 – #577
Bank Statement from First National Bank of the Quad Cities (FNBQC) May 23 1989
Deposit Tickets
May 10 1989
May 19 1989
May 31 1989
Checks: April 18 1989 – #104; April 19 1989 – #107; April 25 1989 – #108; April 25 1989 – #109; May 4 1989 – #110; May 7 1989 – #111; May 7 1989 – #112; May 7 1989 – #113; May 9 1989 – #114; May 9 1989 – #115
Bank Statement from FNBM May 31 1989
Bank Statement form FNBQC June 22 1989
Deposit Tickets: June 16 1989
Checks: May 9 1989 – #116; May 19 1989 – #117; June 13 1989 – #118; June 16 1989 – #119;
Bank Statement from FNBM June 30 1989
Bank Statement from First of America Bank (FAB) July 24 1989
Checks: June 16 1989 – #120; June 23 1989 – #121
Bank Statement from FNBM July 24 1989
Bank Statement from FNBM August 31 1989
Cashier’s Check: August 7 1989 –#441470
Checks: August 7 1989 – #579
Bank Statement from FAB August 23 1989
Deposit Tickets: August 7 1989; August 7 1989
Checks: August 5 1989 – #122; August 10 1989 – #123
Bank Statement from FAB September 22 1989
Deposit Tickets: September 19 1989
Bank Statement from FAB October 24 1989
Deposit Tickets: October 12 1989
Checks: August 23 1989 – #125; September 5 1989 – #126; September 12 1989 – #127; October 10 1989 – #129
Bank Statement from FAB November 26 1989
Deposit Tickets: November 7 1989; November 17 1989; November 28 1989
Checks: October 10 1989 – #128; October 15 1989 – #130; October 21 1989 – #131; November 5 1989 – #132; November 14 1989 – #133; November 10 1989 – #134
Bank Statement from FAB December 21 1989
Checks: November 27 1989 – #135; November 27 1989 – #136; November 30 1989 – #137; December 9 1989 – #138
Black Boorum & Pease Company Binder
1973 – 1983
1922 Black Binder
Garden Notes
Notes on Delphiniums
Metal Black Ink
Box 3 (1996-124)
Constitution of The Tri-City Garden Club – green cover – no date (3 copies)
Constitution of The Tri-City Garden Club – cream and blue cover – no date (2 copies)
1925 (2 copies), 1926, 1927 – 1928, 1928 – 1929
1930, 1932 – 1933, 1933 – 1934 (2), 1934 – 1935 (3), 1935 (4), 1936 (3), 1937 (2),
1938 (3), 1939
1940 (2), 1941 (2), 1942 (2), 1943 (3), 1944 (2), 1945 (2), 1946 (3), 1947, 1948 (2),
1949 (3)
1950 (4), 1951 (3), 1952 (3), 1953 (4), 1954 (3), 1955 (3), 1956 (3), 1957 (3), 1958 (3),
1959 (3)
1960 (2), 1961 (3), 1962 (3), 1963 (3), 1964, 1965 (2), 1966 (2), 1967 (3), 1968 (3),
1969 (3)
1970 (3), 1971 (2), 1972 (2), 1973, 1974 (2), 1975 (2), 1976, 1977 (3), 1978 (3), 1979 (3)
1980 (3), 1981 (3), 1982 (3), 1983 (3), 1984 (3), 1985 (3), 1986 (2), 1987 (2), 1988 (2), 1989 (4)
1990 (3), 1991 (3), 1992, 1993 (3), 1994 (4)
Check Stubs
February 5 1962
March 8 1966
Check Stubs
March 8 1966
March 11 1969
Check Stubs
March 11 1969
November 12 1971
Check Stubs
November 18 1971
May 4 1976
Check stubs
May 1976
April 1979
Small Black Memo Binder
Treasurer’s Reports
January 1 1958 – December 1970
Small Black Memo Binder
Treasurer’s Reports
January 1986 – December 1989
Addresses and membership information
Secretary Ledger
February 28 1981 – October 14 1983
Secretary Ledger
May 7 1988 – August 7 1989
Deposit Record Book
First National Bank
Book of Checks
First National Bank
21-300 12-R
Ledger from 1953 – 1969
Tri-City Garden Club Money Receipt Book
January 12 1982 – June 19 1989
Green Fleur de Lis Book
Guest Book
Box 4 (FY2006-053/2012-020)
1947 (1), 1948 (1)
1960 (1), 1964 (2), 1965 (1), 1966 (1)
1971 (1), 1972 (1), 1973 (2), 1974 (1), 1976 (1)
1986 (1), 1987 (1), 1988 (1)
1992 (2), 1995 (2), 1997 (2), 1998 (2)
2000 (1), 2001 (1), 2002 (2), 2003 (1), 2004 (1), 2005 (1)
Tri-City Garden Club Memorial Fund
(brown book)
1970 – 1997
Small Black Binder 1989 – 1990
Member Services Catalog
Constitution of the Tri-City Garden Club
1989 Budget
Executive Board Minutes
General Meeting Minutes
Treasurer’s Reports – account balances
Small Black Binder 1990 – 1994
Membership Retention certificate for 1989
Membership Retention certificate for 1992
Save those records! Article by Virginia Lopez Begg
Club Presidents Listing (2 pages)
The Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc. committees (3 pages)
General Meeting Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Members deceased
Account balances
Executive Board Minutes
Mrs. Robert Godwin address
Overlook In Bloom Program 1991
Thank you note for the Symphony in Bloom
Symphony in Bloom invitation
Luncheon with Martha Stewart invitation
1993 National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc Slides
1993 correspondence between Mrs. Povall and Marilyn Bulat
Small Black Binder 1998
Annual Meeting
1998 Budget
Executive Board Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Budget for events
General Meeting Minutes
Polaroid Photograph of 7 people – members?
Chicago Flower and Garden Show flyer
Slate of Officers for the Garden Clubs of Illinois 1998-2000 term
Quad City Botanical Center Flyer for Thomas Graceffa and Associates Lectures
(2 copies)
List of programs for the year 1998
Keeping in Touch pamphlet
Landscape Design Study
List of programs for the year 1999
1998 District I The Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc. annual spring meeting invitation
Liz Mueller change of membership from active to associate
Annual Meeting and Luncheon invitation January 13 1998
Guest Luncheon invitation April 14 1998
Plant Exchange and Luncheon invitation May 12 1998
Luncheon invitation September 8 1998
Coffee invitation October 13 1998
Luncheon invitation November 10 1998
Annual Meeting and Luncheon invitation January 12 1999
Coffee and Plant Exchange invitation May 11 1999
Note card from Barb Holmberg to Susan
Holiday Customs and Traditions invitation December 1 1998
Folder 1: Ribbons
1962 Blue Ribbon District I Garden Club of Illinois
1962 Yellow Ribbon District I Garden Club of Illinois – Best Year Book
1963 Yellow Ribbon District I Garden Club of Illinois ¬– Best Year Book
1964 Red Ribbon District I Garden Club of Illinois – Year Book
1964 Red Ribbon ‘Second Premium’ Mississippi Valley Fair – “90” doors
Blue Ribbon Club The Garden Club of Illinois, Inc.
Folder 2: Garden Club 1 of 5
(Received from Large Black Binder marked Garden Club)
Folder 3: Garden Club 2 of 5
Board of Directors
Folder 4: Garden Club 3 of 5
SIB (Symphony in Bloom)
Folder 5: Garden Club 4 of 5
Colonel Davenport Home
Folder 6: Garden Club 5 of 5
Civic Beautification
Folder 7: 1969 Civic Improvement Contest
Illinois District I from Tri-City Garden Club application
Folder 8: News of the Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa
Summer 2001
Winter 2001
Spring 2002
Summer 2002
Fall 2002
Folder 9: Tri-City Garden Club – Short Course
Garden Club 101 (3 page packet)
Folder 10: Officers
2002 Officers (2 copies)
Membership Proposal Tri-City Garden Club
Questionnaire For New Member Tri-City Garden Club
Folder 11: Extra Copies of Community Service
Community Service Projects for 2002 Outline (4 copies of 2 page packet – 2 extra copies of 1st page)
Community Service Projects for 2002 Detailed Packet (13 copies of 2 page packet)
Folder 12: Program & Hostess Guidelines
1998 Tri-City Garden Club Hostesses and Committees
2000 Letter to Mary Sue and Martha – discusses chairmen and hostesses
2001 Guidelines for Monthly Meetings Tri-City Garden Club (2 copies of 2 page packet & note from Ann McCarthy– 1 extra copy of 1st page)
Folder 13: Membership List from Faye
January 2001 Garden Club Active Members (5 pgs)
October 2001 Garden Club Active Members (2 copies of 9 page packet)
Change of Status
2002 Actives (2 pgs)
2002 Associates & Honorary
Iowa Active Members (2 copies of 2 page packet)
Iowa Associate Members (2 copies)
Illinois Active Members (2 pgs)
Illinois Associate Members (2 copies)
Other Members (2 copies)
Garden Club Calls
Folder 14: Bettendorf Centennial Garden
July 2002 Correspondence between Gary Kamp (Bettendorf Parks and Recreation Foundation) and Tri City Garden Club
Making a Knot Garden Worksheet
Bettendorf’s Centennial Garden Brochure
Mock up of Bettendorf Garden
Folder 15: Colonel Davenport
Description of Seed from the Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants (2 pgs)
Folder 16: Resolutions Read Jan 8 2002
Correspondence to Ana from Marin
In Memoriam of
Vivian Strombeck
Josephine Marie Spelletich
Elizabeth Mueller
Kaye Spelletich Getz
Katharine Califf
Folder 17: Symphony in Bloom
Co-Chairs and committee
June 2005 correspondence to Ann from Laura M Evans (Symphony in Bloom)
Folder 18: By Laws for District I Illinois
April 2002 Illinois Judges Council
October 2002 Garden Clubs of Illinois Inc. District I fall meeting form
Required Reading for the Living Earth Environmental Studies School
April 2003 Annual meeting notice
Dynamic Dainty Dimensions handout
April 2002 GCI-District Dues
May 2002 Letter from Sally Lind (Director of Garden Clubs of Illinois Inc. District I) (2 pgs)
June 2002 Letter from Sally Lind (Director of Garden Clubs of Illinois Inc. District I) (2 pgs)
Officers 2002-2003
Proposed Bylaws for District I letter from Sally Lind
1993 Bylaws for District I of The Garden Clubs of Illinois (5 pgs)
Proposed Bylaws February 2002 (4 pgs)
2002 copy of Bylaws (4 pgs)
Awards Guide
Folder 19: Garden Club
January 1989 Letter to Mother Anthony speaking about Tri-City Garden’s Club involvement with the St. Francis of Assisi Garden
1982 Thoughts and Suggestions for St. Francis of Assisi Garden
1982 Report on St. Francis of Assisi Garden
Letter to Tish regarding irrigation for St. Francis of Assisi Garden
1975 St. Anthony’s Continuing Care Center Blueprint for Rain
July 1982 quote of installation of “water” system for St. Anthony’s garden areas
Drawing of garden with water system
St. Francis of Assisi Garden Monthly committees
1982 attendance of St. Francis Garden project (10 copies)
1982 expenses
Photograph of fountain
Photograph of rose bushes
August 1981 Photograph of walkways with garden in between
1981-1982 notes
Mueller-Bahnsen Lumber Co receipt # 46636
Mueller-Bahnsen Lumber Co receipt # 46641
1981 List of workers
1982 To monthly chairmen of St. Francis of Assisi Garden (1 original and 4 copies)
St. Francis Garden notes (1 original and 2 copies)
1982 Thoughts and Suggestions for St. Francis of Assisi Garden (1 original and 2 copies)
1981 Garden layout
New Member addresses as of March 2002
2002 President speech (Ann)
October 13 1982 Petal Pusher Quad City Times article
January 1978 correspondence between Mrs. George F. Neiley, Jr. and Ellen Neuwald
regarding Miss Thalassa Cruso
March 1978 Correspondence between Thalassa Cruso and Mrs. Ginny Neiley
Rough draft of letter to be sent to Mrs. Neuwald
Rough draft of letter to be sent to Mrs. Cruso
List of common plant names with botanical name and native habitat (3 copies)
1969 Czechoslovakian baked meringued decorations (2 copies)
Czechoslovakian baked meringued decorations
Victorian Figures
Frosty Weeds
Directions for sugar plum tree in dome
Tree of Dried Materials or Fresh Greens
Folder 20: Past Treasurer Reports 2000-2003
June 2000 Correspondence letter between Mrs. Sue McDevitt and Douglas R. Walker
2000 Annual Report
Annual Report 2001 (2 copies)
Proposed Budget 2002 (2 copies)
2002 Treasurer’s Report
June, July, August
December (3 copies)
Annual Report 2002 (2 copies)
Proposed Budget 2003 (2 copies)
2003 Treasurer’s Report
January/February (3 copies)
March (2 copies)
April (2 copies)
May (2 copies)
June, July, and August (4 copies)
September (2 copies)
October (2 copies)
Year to Date Report January – October
Folder 21: Articles of Incorporation
By-Laws of the Tri-City Garden Club (2 copies of 7 pg packet)
1988 Articles of Incorporation (3 pgs)
1989 Internal Revenue Service District Director – Department of Treasury
(4 pgs)
1993 Internal Revenue Service District Director – Department of Treasury
Folder 22: Meetings
January 1988 Annual Meeting
Notes (3 pgs – 2 yellow legal pad papers)
1997 Officers
January 14 1997 Annual Meeting Minutes
Marc 1 1997 Treasurer’s Report
March 5 1997 Executive Board Minutes
March 5 1997 General Meeting Minutes
April Meeting Notes
April 1 1997 Treasurer’s Report
April 7 1997 Executive Board Minutes
April Executive Board Agenda
April 8 1997 General Meeting Minutes
May 1 1997 Treasurer’s Report
May 13 1997 Executive Board Minutes
May 13 1997 Executive Board notes (2 pgs – retrieved from brown three ring binder marked 1997)
May 13 1997 General Meeting Minutes
June 10 1997 General Meeting Minutes
June 10 1997 Executive Board Minutes (2 pgs)
June 1997 Executive Board Meeting notes (2 pgs of legal pad paper)
September 8 1997 Executive Board Minutes (2 pgs)
September 9 1997 General Meeting Minutes (2 pgs)
November 11 1997 Executive Board Minutes (2 pgs)
November 1997 General Meeting Minutes
December 1997 Executive Board Agenda
Executive Board Agenda – November
Blue Star Memorial Markers
Blue Star Memorial Dedication
October 1997 Blue Star Memorial Highway Dedication Mississippi Rapids Welcome Center (2 pgs)
Blue Star Memorial Highway
Honor Guard Certificate for Blue Star Memorial Marker (retrieved from brown three ring binder marked 1997)
Meeting Agenda (3 pgs of small yellow legal pad papers)
September 9th Meeting agenda (small yellow legal pad paper)
September 6th Executive Board agenda
Note card with figures of bus trip
Folder 23: Documents
Advisory committee for St. Francis Garden
1997 St. Francis Garden Schedule
February 1997 correspondence from Janelle Johnson of payment due (2 pgs)
Youth Garden Club form
Donations to the Garden Clubs of Illinois Inc. Funds (2 pgs)
Increase in Membership Certificate from National Council of State Garden Clubs
Serenity in the Dirt: Yoga for Gardeners
Tri-City Garden Club Stationary:
Blank Note card
Blank Envelope
Blank Index card
Blank Postcard
Folder 24: Garden Club 2002 1 of 4
January 2002-January 2003 (From Big Blue Binder)
Executive Board
Folder 25: Garden Club 2002 2 of 4
General Meetings
Treasurer’s Report
Folder 26: Garden Club 2002 3 of 4
Community Service
Folder 27: Garden Club 2002 4 of 4
Schedule for New President
Changes in Status for 2002
State Dues 2002-2003
Hostessing [Hosting] a State Meeting
Hostess and Program Guidelines
Folder 28: Items found in Booklets
May 22, 1947 Newspaper clipping Floral Arrangements…Garden Club
May 26-29 1947 Spring Flower Fashions program
March 28 1947 Newspaper clipping Millions of Trees Being Planted Throughout State
1948 Membership card – dues paid
1949 committee suggestions
1957 Joy of June flower show program
October 7 1958 Newspaper Clipping Garden Club Committee
Plant list and garden layout
1963 Membership card – dues paid
1964 Membership card – dues paid
April 1966 newspaper Clipping Was Born Loving Flowers – – Her Displays Are Proof
January 11 1967 Thank you letter from Janet to Lois Welch
October 3 1973 Memorial Fund information
Schedules for United Airlines
Annual Meeting notes (3 pgs)
Box 5 (FY2009-045/2012-021)
Secretary Tablet
January 1996 – June 1998
Secretary Tablet
January 2 2002 – December 31 2005 (savings, checking, pin # checking)
Secretary Tablet
July 6 1998 – August 31 1999 (checking and money market)
Secretary Tablet
January 11 1993 – December 31 1995
Blue Three Column Journal
January 2001 – December 2004
Blue National Binder
Memorial Account ledger January 1970 – 1981
1999 Small Black Binder
January 1999 – January 2000
Executive and General Meeting Minutes
Note cards
Assorted reports
Yearbooks “Programs”
Folder 1: Finances
(Received from Blue Mead Binder)
1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990 General Fund receipts and disbursement
1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990 Memorial fund receipts and disbursements
1994, 1993, 1992, 1990 St. Anthony’s Garden Fund receipts and disbursements
Balance sheet 1990
Treasurer’s explanation September 2 1983
Conducting an audit
Notes for treasurer (4 pgs)
Guidelines for forming the budget August 1988
Audit committee report 1987(2 pgs)
Balance sheet 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980 (2 copies),
Memorial fund receipts & disbursement 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981
General fund receipts 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980
Audit committee report 1986 (3 pgs)
Income and expense show-house greenery 1981
Receipts and disbursements 1979 (2 copies)
Annual statement 1979, 1978, 1977, 1976, 1975
Memorial and contingency funds 1978, 1977,1976
Member sales instruction 1981
Cash count worksheet
Sales ticket tally sheet
Audit committee report Jan 1986
Audit committee Recommendations 1986
Audit Committee Report 1987 (3 pgs)
Annual Report 1989 (4 pgs)
Folder 2: 2001 Garden Club – Ana Kehoe – Combined Notebooks 1 of 10
(Received from binder marked 2001 Garden Club…)
Executive Meeting Postcard
Thank you note from Maureen Golimdaux to Ana
Photograph January 9 2001
2003 Bettendorf’s Centennial Garden Brochure
2002 The National Gardener magazine
Sign Up Sheets
Folder 3: 2001 Garden Club – Ana Kehoe – Combined Notebooks 2 of 10
Folder 4: 2001 Garden Club – Ana Kehoe – Combined Notebooks 3 of 10
Abbreviated Report for Tri-City Garden Club
Folder 5: 2001 Garden Club – Ana Kehoe – Combined Notebooks 4 of 10
Notes for next meeting
Advice/Suggestions from Past Years
Folder 6: 2001 Garden Club – Ana Kehoe – Combined Notebooks 5 of 10
Calls/Contacts/Conversation Correspondence
Executive Meeting Agendas/Minutes
Folder 7: 2001 Garden Club – Ana Kehoe – Combined Notebooks 6 of 10
Regular Meeting Minutes/Notes
Treasurer Reports
Colonial Davenport House
Folder 8: 2001 Garden Club – Ana Kehoe – Combined Notebooks 7 of 10
Symphony In Bloom
St. Anthony’s
State Information
2001 Board/2001 Programs
Beverly’s Art (2000 Yearbook) – manila folder
Folder 9: 2001 Garden Club – Ana Kehoe – Combined Notebooks – Publications 8 of 10
Fall 2001 Garden Glories publication
Winter 2001 Garden Glories publication
2001 Lawn Garden & Flower Show
Autumn 2001 Inside Durr LTD
Fall 2000 News of the Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa
Winter 2000 News of the Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa
Horticulture Garden Programs Brochure
Folder 10: 2001 Garden Club – Ana Kehoe – Combined Notebooks 9 of 10
2001 The Garden Clubs of Illinois
2001 The Garden Clubs of Illinois, INC. packet (6 pgs)
2001 The Garden Clubs of Illinois, INC. Application for state award (2 copies)
2001 The Garden Clubs of Illinois, INC. packet (9 pgs)
2001 The Garden Clubs of Illinois, INC. packet (9 pgs)
2001 – 2002 Program Book for The Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc.
75th anniversary of The Garden Clubs of Illinois Inc. announcement.
Announcement of 2001 The Garden Clubs of Illinois Convention (2 copies)
2001 The Garden Clubs of Illinois Convention registration form
Recommended changes to GCI bylaws
2001 GCI Summer Meeting announcement
February 2001 Greetings from Julie Hansen GCI
Wetlands Initiative
October 2001 The Wetlands Initiative letter
The Wetlands Initiative Hennepin Hopper Lakes Restoration Project Plant Species List
The Wetlands Initiative Hennepin Hopper Lakes Restoration Project: Bird Observations
The Wetlands Initiative Brochure
Muscatine Garden Club
February 2001 correspondence between Ana Kehoe and Linda Siegenthaler
Layout of Muscatine Garden Club program
General Rules and information
Folder 11: 2001 Garden Club – Ana Kehoe – Combined Notebooks 10 of 10
Mock up of 2001 yearbook “program”
Note card stating the passing of two club members
2000 Questionnaire for new member Tri-City Garden Club
2001 correspondence between Marj, Ana, and Faye
Tri-City Garden Club active members and offices held
Proposed slate of officers for the year 2002
Tri-City Garden Club Committees for Year 2000
2001 Tri-City Garden Club recognition in Gold Book publication
Presentation worksheets (5 copies)
2000 Luncheon and Meeting postcard
October 11 1999 Executive Board Meeting notice
Folder 12: 2004 President’s Book – Kandee Herr 1 of 4
(Received from binder marked 2004 President’s Book…)
Annual Calendar/Deadlines
2004 Yearbook
Agendas and Minutes
Folder 13: 2004 President’s Book – Kandee Herr 2 of 4
Board of Directors and Committees
Treasurer’s Reports
Folder 14: 2004 President’s Book – Kandee Herr 3 of 4
Community Projects
Civic Beautification
Illinois District I Meeting hosted by Tri-City Garden Club
Folder 15: 2004 President’s Book – Kandee Herr 4 of 4
District I Dues Garden Clubs of Illinois
Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa Dues
Tri-City Garden Club, Inc Annual Report
2004 Resolutions
Folder 16: Member Lists & Dues
May 13 1997 list of members paid
1998 membership dues list (4 pgs)
1999 Club Members list (4 pgs)
June 15 1999 June Garden walk member list (4 pgs)
January 2000 list of club members (3 pgs)
List of members
Honorary Members (3 pgs)
Associate member list of paid members (3 copies of 3 pg packets)
Illinois active paid members (4 pgs)
Iowa active members (2 copies of 2 pg packets)
Folder 17: Event/Project Documents
1996 Plant Exchange Expense Report
1996 Symphony in Bloom Expense Report
December 8 1998 Expense Report for Christmas Tea
1999 Christmas Tea report
May 9 2000 Coffee and Plant exchange report
May 2000 receipts and labels of flowers for Colonel Davenport Home
Marigold medium yellow
Verbena blue violet
Babylon verbena silver
Safari red marigold French dwarf
10” Termari-verbena hanging basket
Tick seed coreopsis Grandiflora ‘Baby Sun’
December 12 2000 Garden Club Tea Sandwich menu and bill
October 6 2001 invoice of flowers for meeting from Staack Florist
2004 Colonel Davenport Garden Expenses
Folder 18: Audit Information
1997/1998 Notes for Audit – Bernie Murphy
List of documentation needed for an audit
January 11 1999 conducting an audit sheet (3 pgs)
1999 Audit list (2 pgs)
2000 audit
Treasurer notes by Jeanette Carpentier (9 pgs)
Folder 19: 1994 Treasurer’s Reports
1994 Notice of receipts and disbursements
1994 General fund receipts and disbursements
1994 St Anthony’s Garden fund receipts and disbursements
1994 Memorial fund receipts and disbursements
Folder 20: 1995 Treasurer’s Reports
1995 January – December St. Anthony’s Garden Fund receipts & disbursements
(3 copies)
1995 January 1 – December 31 Memorial Fund (3 copies)
Folder 21: 1996 Treasurer’s Reports
1996 Annual treasurer’s report (2 copies)
1996 Assistant treasurer’s annual report (2 copies)
1996 January 1 – August 31 St. Anthony’s Garden Fund (2 copies)
1996 Monthly Reports
April (2 copies)
May (2 copies)
June (3 copies)
August (3 copies)
October (2 copies)
November (2 copies)
1996 Disbursements
1996 Income
Folder 22: 1997 Treasurer’s Reports
1997 Annual Treasurer’s report (2 pgs) 2 copies
1997 Monthly Reports
January (2 copies)
April (2 copies)
May (2 copies)
June (2 copies)
September (2 copies)
November (2 copies)
1997 Income report (1 original & 2 copies)
1997 Disbursements (1 original & 2 copies)
1997 Cash receipts and disbursements review on January 7 1998 (2 copies)
Folder 23: 1998 Treasurer’s Reports
1998 Annual Treasurer’s report combined account balance (2 copies)
1998 Annual Treasurer’s report St. Anthony’s Garden & Memorial Account (2 copies)
1998 Monthly Reports
Folder 24: 1999 Treasurer’s Reports
1999 Annual Treasurer’s Report – Dated January 1 2000 (2pgs)
1999 Monthly Reports
Folder 25: 2000 Treasurer’s Reports
2000 Budget
2000 Monthly Reports
Folder 26: 2001 Treasurer’s Reports
2001 Monthly Reports
Folder 27: 2003 Treasurer’s Reports
2003 Treasurer duties
2003 Treasurer’s annual report
2003 Monthly Reports
Folder 28: 2004 Treasurer’s Reports
2004 Monthly Reports
January (2 copies)
February/March (2 copies)
April (2 copies)
May (2 copies)
June-July-August (2 copies)
September (2 copies)
October (2 copies)
November (2 copies)
Treasurer’s annual report
2004 Proposed Budget
Oct 2004 Treasurer’s Report for District 1 meeting
Folder 29: 2005 Treasurer’s Reports
2005 Annual report
2005 Monthly Reports
Folder 30: General Meeting Minutes
1995 Annual report
April 14 1998 – General Meeting
1999 Minutes
January 12 – Annual Meeting Minutes
March 11
April 13
May 11
June 15 – Garden walk flyer
June 15 – Garden walk meeting minutes
September 14
September 14/October 12
November 9
2000 Minutes
January 11 2000 Annual meeting (2 pgs)
March 10 2000 minutes
October 10 2000 minutes
2001 General Program (4 pgs)
November 14 meeting minutes
Folder 31: Executive Meeting Minutes & Notes
September 7 1976 notes of Oct 3 1973 recommendations
June 11 1996 minutes (2 pgs)
1998 Minutes
January 13
April 13 (2 pgs) 2 copies
May 12 (2 pgs) 2 copies
June 8
September 2 (3 pgs)
October 7 (4 pgs – 2 copies of 2nd page)
November 4 (2 pgs) 2 copies
1999 Minutes
March 11
April 13 & notice of next meeting
May 10
May 22 1999 notice of proposed amendments to the by laws
June 2 & notice of next meeting
September 8
November 8
December 8
2000 Minutes
January 11
April 7 (2 pgs)
May 9 2000 agenda & minutes (2 pgs)
June 13
September (2 pgs)
November 10 (3 pgs)
Folder 32: Correspondence
January 2005 CD of postcard formats and mailing list
April 1996 Note card – enclosed overpayment by Vi Elliott
July 1996 Note card – correspondence between Marvel and Barb Van Vooren
October 22 1996 Note card – reimbursement by Barb Van Vooren with bill for Holly Shimuzu
September 12 1996 note for reimbursement by Jeanne Flynn with bill for Anne Blaisdell
February 27 1997 correspondence between Beverly Walker and Jane Taylor
December 1997 Thank You note from Friends of Vander Veer
May 14 1998 Letter correspondence between Faye Waterman and Jackie Jones of Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa, Inc. (4 pgs includes letter, list of officers, 2 pgs of members)
December 31 1998 correspondence of gift to Quad City Botanical center (2 copies)
February 1999 Thank you note from Cynthia Bottrell (Botanical Center) to Mary Phares (President of Tri-City Garden Club)
May 31 2000 correspondence between Leon Larson and Susan Anderson
July 11 2000 correspondence between Leon Larson and Susan Anderson
December 2000 Iowa State Horticultural society letter to Garden Club Presidents
2000 Christmas Tea correspondence between Susan and Mary
February 2001 Note card – memorial donation
May 15 2001 correspondence between Leon Larson and Susan Anderson
June 5 2001 note card– change of membership by Sue McDevitt
June 14 2001 correspondence between Mrs. Stengel and Leon Larson with receipt
July 12 2001 note card – change of membership by Betty Moran
July 24 2001 correspondence between Mrs. Stengel and Leon Larson with receipt
November 14 2001 – thank you letter from Symphony in bloom – Laura Evans
November 16 2001 letter about Francis Rose Garden by Sr. Mary Dolores
December 2 2001 note card – thank you by Lois & Leon Larson
May 7 2004 correspondence between Jeff Licht and Faye Waterman
July 9 2004 correspondence between Jeff Licht and Faye Waterman
February 4 2005 itinerary for Clement Todesco
April 21 2005 correspondence between Lynn and Diane Whealy
January 23 2006 correspondence between Carolyn and Deann
Note card – change of membership by Lynn Goebel
Note card – change of membership by Beverly
Note card – change of membership by Elaine Smith
Note card – rumor of Beth Howerton’s death
Note card – deactivitation of Mimi Gabrilson
Index card – change of address for Janelle Johnson
Folder 33: Presentation and Speaker Documents
October 5 1998 Kathy Pufahl Presentation document
October 5 1998 Debra Phillips Presentation document
October 5 1998 Lee Zieke Presentation document
October 5 1998 Cynthia Buff Presentation document
July 18 2000 documentation and notice of agreement of Presentation “Lilies: Queens of the Garden” by Woody Imberman
August 2000 Itinerary/invoice of flight for Ann Sheehy (2 pgs)
August 17 2001 notice of agreement of Presentation “Holiday Celebration” by Janet Brown/Durr (2 pgs)
Folder 34: Corresponding Secretary
Official duties
1985 Sympathy note examples
Courtesy membership letter example
January 8 1978 Member going to associate member letter sample
Sample membership invitation
1981 & 1983 Invitation to membership
Sample for accepting a resignation
Sample for transfer from active to associate membership
Sample for honorary membership
1972 – 1992 Acknowledging resignations sent to (2 pgs)
1972 – 1992 Invitation to membership sent to
April 9 – January 1975 Invitation to membership (2 pgs)
1974 List of people for membership proposals to be sent to
1974 – 1993 List of members changing from active to associate status
Letter of honorary membership Ruth Leegen
1976 – 1977 List of members acknowledging Resignation
1977 – 1978 List of people sent a letter of honorary membership
1976 – 1977 Letters to new members (2 pgs)
1977 – 1980 Forms issued to people for membership proposals
1978 – 1980 Letters to new members & change of status (2 pgs)
1979 – 1980 Acknowledged resignations
1981 Status change (2 pgs)
1981 Invitation for membership
1981 Membership proposals sent
1982 Membership proposals sent
1982 New member Correspondence
1982 Resignations
1983 Membership proposals
1983 Invitation for membership
1983 Status Change: Resignation
1983 Status Change: Active to Associate
1984 – 1985 New members (2 pgs)
1984 Resignations
1984 Change of Status
1984 Thank you notes sent
1984 Membership proposals sent
1985 New members
1985 Resignations
1985 Change of Status
1985 Thank you and sympathy notes sent
1985 Membership proposals sent
1986 Forms for proposal to membership
1986 New members
1986 Resignation
1987 & 1988 Status change (2 pgs)
1989 New member
1989 Thank you sent
1990 Change of status
1991 Change of Status
Invitation to membership
New members
Sympathy notes
Sympathy notes
Honorary member
1992 Resignations
Active to Associate
New members
Invitation to membership
October 1992 Thank You sent to Tom Greene
1993 Resignations
Change of status
Invitation to status
New members
1993 Sympathy notes
1994 Resignations
Change of status
Invitation to membership
1994 New members notes
1995 Resignations
Change of status
1995 Thank You notes received
Sympathy notes sent
1996 New members
Regret invitation
Sympathy notes
1996 Change of status
1997 Invitation letter
Questionnaire received
1997 Executive Meeting
New members associate member
Honorary member
Associate acknowledgement
1997 Associate status
1998 – 2001 Thank You notes membership invitations (6 pgs)
Membership invitations
Reaffiliation notice
Notes sent
2002 Status changes
Notes sent
2003 Notes sent
Invitations to membership
Change of status
Notes sent
2003 Sample for sympathy note
2004 Notes sent (2 pgs)
2005 Notes sent (2 pgs)
2005 Invitation to membership (2 pgs)
Box 6
1960 (Possibly)
Box 7
2012.22.1 Scrapbook Years 2003-2005
2012.22.2 Scrapbook Years 2006-2009
2009.4.1 Scrapbook Years 1998-2000
2009.4.2 Scrapbook Years 2001-2002
1996-124 Scrapbook Years 1989-1993
Box 8
1920’s (Possibly)
Date unknown
Identified in the first picture is Mrs. H.H. Cleaveland Sr. on the left side
Date unknown
Black book with “Photographs” written in gold lettering located in upper left hand corner
Black and white photographs with addresses to identify them
Houses & Households – Gardens
Houses & Households – Misc.
Houses & Household – Urban – Interior – Unidentified
Nature – Flowers & Plants
Organizations & Clubs – Misc.
Recreation – Children’s Activities
Bettendorf Parks & Recreation Foundation
Colonel Davenport Home
Muscatine Garden Club
Putnam Museum
Tri-City Men’s Rose & Garden Club
Anderson, Susa
Buckler, James
Bulat, Marilyn
Carpentier, Jeanette
Collins, Marge
Cruso, Thalassa
Evans, Mrs. William F.
Evans, Laura
Hal, Mrs. E. H.
Herr, Kandee
Johnson, Karen
Kehoe, Ann
Larson, Leon
Leagen, Ruth
Licht, Jeff
Linden, Mary Ann
Luebb, Stella
Lugen, Ruth
McCarthy, Ann
McDevitt, Sue
Moran, Betty
Mueller, Elizabeth
Murphy, Barbra (Babs)
Murphy, Bernie
Neiley, Ginny
Neuwald, Ellen
Putnam, Elizabeth
Schocker, Elsie
Shuler, Ann
Siegenthaler, Linda
Smith, Mike
Van Vooren, Barb
Waterman, Faye
Walker, Douglas
Wessel, Verma C
Turner Collection (Davenport Turngemeinde) 1960-15
Inclusive Dates: 1854-1953
Scope Notes: This collection documents the activities of the Davenport Turner Society. This German American organization promoted a sound mind and body through entertainment, educational and physical activities. Theatrical performances, singing societies and festivals and gymnastics events are prominent among their activities.
See the attached collection inventory for detailed listing of items in this collection. The people in this cross reference are names which appear in the inventory and largely deal with construction of the Turner Hall in the 1880s and with leases, contracts and job applicants. Many more names appear in the membership lists included in the collection.
Subject Heading Cross Reference
Business & Industry–Banking
Business & Industry–Construction
Entertainment & Amusement–Halls & Opera Houses
Entertainment & Amusement–Misc.
Entertainment & Amusement–Theatre
Ethnic and Minority Groups–Germans
Military & War–National Guard
Organizations & Clubs–Turners
.Best, Loui
Cameron, James
Clausen (architect?)
Edinger, Ed.
Hill, John
Moehlke, Carl S.
Mueller, Ch.
Naeckel and Son
Penn, Carl
Reuter, Wilhelm
Schulz, Emil
Seidal, Friedrich
Uthoff, Emil
Wahlke, L.
Wunder, J.
Index Turner Collectio
nI. From the Cornerston
e4 Business Cards
.3 Bank Statements
.1 List of Turner (gym) students
.1 Membership List of Davenport Shooting Society (a brief handwritten history, list of the yearly kings)
.1 Brief History of the German Health Insurance Society
.1 Envelope of the German Savings Bank (empty)
.1 Book of By-Laws Co B of 2nd Regiment of Iowa National Guard
.List of Officers and Privates of 2nd National Guards
.1 Empty Envelope
.1 Envelope of Citizens National Bank with 1887 statement. 1 Membership List of Turners of 1872
.1 Constitution with By-Laws
.1 History of Founding of North-West Davenport Turners
.1 Copy of Cornerstone Ceremony
.1 Letter turning the content of the cornerstone over to the Museum
.1 Copy of Articles of Incorporation od Davenport Turners
II. Miscellaneous by yea
r1. 1887 Slip of paper in German
.2. 1888 Bills for furniture and building materials
.3. 1889
A. Bills for building materials, furniture, newspaper subscription, repair bills for Turner Hall
.B. payments for ads, lawyers fees, goods
,C. Building inspector’s reports and bids
.D. Insurance policies and bills
.4 . 1890
A. Report of Stockholders Vote
.B. Attorney’s report
.5 . 1891 A. Printing Bills
.B. Bill for Materials
.C. Title Abstract
.6 . 1894 Savings Books
.7 . 1901 A. Mortgage and Security Agreements
.B. Insurance policies
.8 . 1902 Insurance Policies
.9. 1903 Insurance Policy
.10.1904 Insurance Policy
.11. 1905 2 New Insurance Policies
.12. 1908 2 New Insurance Policies
.13. Undated
:A. Bill for fixtures of Turner Hall
.B. Legal Report ‘Concerning unpaid subscriptions
.C. Incomplete name list
.D. Post Office Register Receipt
.E. Insurance
III. Treasurers and Secretary’s Reports (incomplete) for the following years: 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891
IV. Davenport Turngemeinde (Turner Association)
.1. August 1, 1870 $25.00 certificate of indebtedness #415, 424, 425, 426, 427, 440, 441, 442
.2 . Lease agreement forms to the Turners from
:A. Weidemann and Hill August 1870
.B. J. Hill March l87~
.C. J. Wunder August 1877
.D. J. Hill 1878
.E. J. Hill 1883
.F. Mississippi Island December 1901
3. Resurgence of mortgage December 1888
4. Security Bonds
.A. Mueller ($300., Dec. 1891)
.B. John Hill ($1,000, July 1897)
.C. W. Muller ($300, July 1897)
.D. L. Wahlke ($1000, August 1897)
5. Contracts to Gym Instructors
.A. With Emil Schulz for 1873
.B. (2 identical) Wilhelm Reuter 1882-1883
V. Turner Hall Clu
b1. Lease of building from Turner Hall Building Association, Feb. 14, 1899
.2. Lease (duplicate) Lease from Turngemeinde of the “Turnhalle”, including opera house 1902-1905
.3. Lease (duplicate) March 1905-1906
.4. Notification of Light Company be the Turner Hall Club that it sold its business to the Davenport Turngemeinde (August 1905)
.5. Correspondence concerning the hiring of an administrator for Turner Hall
:A. Letter of Dyrenforth, President of Personal Rights League to Mr. Muller, recommending Mr. Seidel for the position (May 5, 1880)
.B. Letter of recommendation of Mr. Seidel to Mr. Muller from the board of the Personal Rights League (May 6, 1890)
.C. Letter of recommendation of Mr. Seidel from Carl Penn (May 12, 1890)
.D. Letter of recommendation of Mr. Seidel to Mr. Reupke, retired Turner, from Carl S. Moehlke (May 18, 1890)
.E. Telegram from Moehle to Seidel May 20, 1890)
.F. Cover letter from Friedrich Seidel to Ch. Mueller from July 4, 1890, sending the contract
VI. Davenport Turner Hall Building Association
.1. 1887 Document of founding of Society, March 11, 1887
.2. Letter to Cochrans, architects (thin paper) from secretary Louis Best, describing specifications of the hall and asking for bids (March 17, 1887)
.3. Letter from Cochrans: Refusal, March 18, 1887
.4. A. Architects first estimate (undated)
. B. Bond for carpenter on Hall (June 22, 1887)
5. March 24, 1887: Bid by architect Peege. On back: refusal
.6. Letter from a commission criticizing 2 plans for the building (Clausen and Gullig) March 29, 1887
.7. April 4, 1887: Letter informing stockholders about bids for the hall, reviewed by a committee, consisting of: Stelling, Koch, Scharnweber, Meuk1ing, the brothers Hill; and the possibilities dealing with them
.8. April 11, 1887 Architect Reuter’s bid
.9. April 19, 1887 Agreement to division of property
.10. April 25, 1887: Sale of property to the newly formed Davenport Turner Hall Building Association from Davenport Turngemeinds. Association formed in order to build the hall
.11. April 27, 1887: Bill of sale
.12. June 13, 1887: Bond for members
.13. Bond for Carpenter, June 22, 1887
.14. May 10, 1887: Contract to Ed. Edinger for excavation
.15. June 1, 1887: Building Agreement for brickwork
.16. June 8, 1887: Contract with Mr. Ericks for work on Turner Hall
.17. July 26, 1887: Letter from L. Best, Secretary, to the stockholders of D.T.H.B.A. explaining the cost of the building and the reason why it could not be finished in time
.18. Letter from W. Petersen to Louis Best, refusing the presidency of the Ass., August 11, 1887
.19. October 10, 1887: Letter from Builder Clausen to Board of Directors explaining and reporting extra work to be done
.20. Oct, 17, 1887: Secretary’s report to stockholders asking for more money
.20. (A) Architect’s report (Undated)
.21. October 18, 1887 Building agreement with James Cameron for gas and plumbing
.22. October 28, 1887 Painting Agreement with Naeckel and son
.23. October 28, 1887 Agreement to pour sidewalk with Forster
.24. November 25, 1887 Certificate of boiler
.25. 1888 Feb. 2, Architect Clausen’s report
.26. Feb. 20, Letter of excuse from Rohlfs to Louis Best: Not attending meeting, subscriptions are low
.27. Feb. 27, Letter from Clausen, notifying of ensuing contract
.28. Undated architect’s report
.29. March 7, Decoration contract let
.30. March 9, Report and resignation of Andreses
:Now he got the ball rolling he wants to retire
31. May 26, Correspondence with architect Clausen
.32. July 9, Clausen’s report and examination report
.33. July 13, Clausen’s report to the Board of Directors
.34. Nov. 23, Request of loan terms from the Scott County Savings Bank
.35. German Savings Bank reply to the request, Dec. 3
.36. 1000,00 Dollar bond dated December 31
.37. 1889 March 2: Claim of the Association against several people
.38. March 4: Davenport Mayor gets abstract
.39. March 4: Treasurer’s annual report
.40. Tax receipt
.41. 1890 May 24: Lease of building by Seidel
.42. March 25: Becker Br. ask for renting of the Hall
.43. Lease to Emil Uthoff
VII. Minutes of Davenport Turner’s Association
.l. Book 1: From January 8, 1867 to November 7, 187l
.2. Book 2: From November 14, 1871 to April 2, 1878
.3. Book 3 : From May 7, 1878 to June 8, 1893.
4. Book 4: From July 6, 1893 to October 18, 1898
.5. Book 5: From November 8, 1898 to Feb. 2, 1905
.6. Book 6: From Feb.5, 1905 to Oct. 12, 1911.
VIII. Minutes of Trustee Meetings.
1. Book 1: From Jan. 30, 1871 to Jan 21, 1884 (followed by notes on insurance, starting page 234)
.2. Book 2: From March 1, 1884 to March 3, 1899. From April 6, 1899 to June 30, 1904 there are notes of transactions of money from cashier to Treasurer
.3. Book 3: From June 13, 1901 to June 27, 1912. Page 28 – 34: Excerpts from the minutes of the Ass., as they concern the Trustees, covering Jan. 10, 1901 to June 8, 1904. Minutes start page 50, contain names of officers and proceedings, page 296 starts notes of insurance dates in English. In the book we find loose papers: Reports, bills, notes (correspondence and business)
IX. Minutes of the Committee for Spiritual Endeavors
.1. Book 1: From March 14, 1873 to Sept. 29, 1885
.Page 1 states the regulations, page 2 starts with the minutes, page 136/37 states regulations and order of business, page 138/39 contains a membership list and attendance record for 1873. The two back pages contain notes on some of the members (first in German, then in English)
.2. Book 2: From Sept. 5, 1897 to May 1, 1929. It contains the proceedings, names of the comm. members, expenditures and income
X. Minutes of the Com~ittee for Exhibition Sports
.1. Book 1: From March 5, 1876 to March 1908, contains proceedings, programs, expenditures, paper clippings
.2. Book 2: From Oct. 29, 1908 to April 20, 1925. Proceedings, names of members, programs, records of receipts and expenditures, paper clippings, beneficials for the instructor, other activities of the Turners which are for the public especially New Year’s Eve Balls, the Ball Proceeding
s(page 91-97) are typed and are in English. Between page 120 and 121 again several typed pages in English about New Year’s Eve Ball of 1917. From April 3, 1919 on the minutes are in English
XI. Minutes of Amusement Committees
.1. Masquerade Ball Committee from Feb 8, 1896 to Feb 4, 1903. 1 book, containing names, minutes, expenditures. From page 63 (Jan 9, 1901) on proceedings in English, page 82 to end (starting Jan 2, 1903) again in German
.2. Fair Committee from Nov. 1900 to Jan 8, 1907. One book, includes proceedings, advertising, clippings, notes, expenditures for different fairs. page 183 ff. states the names of the committee members of the different fairs, no dates
.3. Children’s Festival Committee from May 10, 1905 to August 11, 1926: to Nov 6, 1916 in German (no page numbers), from December 12, 1916 in English, handwritten to July 10, 1922 (though several typed pages were inserted earlier), typed from then on, with advertisements, notes, etc
. 4. Mixed minutes and records of Fair and Exhibitions Comm., starting in 1926
.Loose papers, tied together, typed or handwritten in English. Mixed and pasted, in need of sorting
XII. Membership Lists
.1. Book 1: Registry of members, from 1858 on. It contains names, professions, addresses of the members; it is preceded by an alphabetical list, gives no dates. The last pages contain a list of “watches”. (There also is a 2 page watch list just before the membership list starts). No dates, except in front (the year 1858), and in the middle of the book is a page with the notation: “Davenport, Dec. 15, 1863”
.2. Book 2: Membership List, apparently complete (first entry for May 1854) to Dec. 11, 1888. It is in alphabetical order, indicating when admitted and in which manner, how and when departed. This is followed by statistical tables from 1878 to 1889 (pages 44-55)
.3. Membership Lists, one book, apparently compiled for revision checks. The list is in alphabetical order, without dates except for resignation or suspension, giving name and address of the member
.4. Membership List from July 1, 1903 to July 1, 1904. This is a printed booklet containing the names of the members in alphabetical order, no other data given. It includes also the Ladies Section. This list is preceded by a list of officers of the district, and officers of the Davenpor
tTurners, members of the standing committees, officers of the Ladies Section, and dates and hours of all regular meetings, including the instructions, and the celebrations for the year
.5. Membership List from July 1, 1907 to July 1, 1908. A printed booklet, organized like above
XIII. Cash Book for the Choir Section from Jan 1, 1883 to Dec. 1908
.One book. It contains the names of the members and their record of payment. There are some loose receipts and advertisements
XIV. Watch Book of the Health Committee, alphabetically arranged, from August 3, 1852 (#1) to July 10, 1905 (#1089)
.One book. Association Members are required to visit and “watch” sick members. This list of names gives the dates they joined the society, their address, and the manner in which they left the Society: By suspension or death, otherwise names are just crossed out (expulsed). It is not certain when this book was started, but it includes all members who have been active and required to “watch” from the #1 member Christan Mueller (date: August 3, 1852) to #1089 A. Becker (date: July 10, 1905)
XV. Guest book from April 30, 1899 to November 28, 1912. One book with an index to the autographs at the end
XVI. Minutes of the Turtier Hall Building Association from March 11, 1887 to September b, 1901
.One book, complete. It contains minutes, bills, and clippings, Treasurer’s reports, letters. The very last of the minutes (Sept. 6, 1901) is in English
XVII. Index Record Book of Shares sold for the building of Turner Hall
.One Book
XVIII. Cash Receipts and Tax Returns. Loa se Paper s
.1. Tax Receipt from City of Davenport, October 1, 1889
.2. Tax Receipt of Scott County, Sept. 30, 1889
.3. Treasurer’s report, June 1891
.4. Receipt for 2 shares of Davenport Turner Hall Holding Co., March, 1912
.5. Treasurer’s balance sheets for 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919
.6. Tax Returns for 1925, 1934, 1935, 1936
.7. Expense Receipts for 1937
XIX. Printed Matter
.1. Choir
.A. 2 Programs for a concert on Dec. 31, 1906/1907
.B. Special Newspaper for the Fourth Singing Festival of the Working Men’s Singer Association of the Northwest United States, June 1907, printed in Davenport. One bound book, containing pictures of the artists, poems, notes on the performers, articles, advertisements, the program, in German
.C. Special Newspaper of the NorthWest Singers Association for their 25th convention, July 1912 in St. Paul, Minn. 2 issues, paper. Contain pictures, poems, articles, advertisements, the program, in German
.D. Special Newspaper of the NorthWest Singers Ass. for their 26th convention in July 1915 in Omaha, Neb. One issue, paper, in German
.E. Program for the Singer Festival of Central IL, held in Davenport, June 6-7., 1931. One issue, paper, in English
.F. Program of the NorthWest Song Festival, held in St. Paul, Minn. June 1932. One paper, in English
.2. Manuals and Annual Reports of Turner Society
.A. A Book: Physical Exercise by Ed. Mueller. A manual for the members of the Socialist Gymnastics Federation~ (1852) in German
.B. The Constitution of the Davenport Turners. (In German) Booklet with handwritten revisions. No date apparent
.C. Annual Report of the National Executive Committee of the American Turner Society. 2 booklets in English for the years 1947/48 and 1951/52
.3. Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Upper Mississippi Gymnastics District
.Printed paper booklets in English for the following years: 1921, 1922, 1924, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953
,4. History of the Turner Movement by H. Metzler. One Book
.Printed in 1874. Contains the history of the Turner Movement in America, in German
.5. History of the Davenport Turners by August Paul Richter
.One book, in German, in Honor of its 50-year anniversary in 1902
.6. Brief History of Davenport Turners at their 75th anniversary. 2 copies of a paperback booklet in English. (1927
)7. Advertising pamphlet in English about Turner Movement, 1938
.8. Several Out-of-Town convention-, constitution-,and anniversary- report
.A. Constitution of the Denver Turnerbund. 1 booklet in German, 1886
.B. Rocky Mountain District Convention. Paper, 1887, in German
.C. Minutes of the New York Turner Convention of 1950, in English
.D. Centennial Celebration Book of the New York Turners in 1950, in English
.E. Centennial Celebration booklet of the Athenaeum Turners of Indianapolis, 1951, in English
.9. Address book of German-American Societies for 1926/27 (paperback)