Archive Inventory: H

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ISRAEL HALL   1948-3
Collection related to family of Israel Hall, pioneer settler of Scott County. Family members include wife, Rachael, daughter Sarah, son George and daughter Lottie. For information about George’s service during the Civil War – see Lt. Hall Collection. Lottie married Byron Whitaker and their children were Edna and George Whitaker, donors of the collection. The Personal papers includes letter from family members including the Allens, Davis, and Halls. Byron’s papers include correspondence from college friends. Three folders contain letter and papers addressed to J. J. Hall – connection to Israel unknown but may be Israel’s brother Joseph J. Hall. Israel Hall’s financial papers include receipts and documents related to local firms and businesses including Dimock and Gould.
Folder 1a             Collection inventory and notes
Folder 1b             Miscellaneous Genealogy
Personal Letters
Folder 2.  Letters to George Fletcher Hall
902.      Letter to George Fletcher Hall from Rachel B. Hall, n.d.
903.      Cyrus Gunn (to George); Eunice Gunn to Mrs. Hall, 22, February 1851
              Letters to Israel Hall 1830-1839
904.      Mary Baldwin, Ottawa, IL, 3 October – , typed copy
905.      Sally Allen, Ludlow, 19 December, – postscripts from Adaline Allen to George, Julia Allen to George, and George Allen to George, typed copy
906.      E. W. Green, Brattleboro, 30 July – , Ebenezer Cook, great revival
907.      E. W. Green, 20 August -, Ebenezer Cook
908.      Nancy Baldwin, Ottawa, IL, 4 November – , George Allen
909.      T. H. Hardy, 28 December -, Mrs. Baker
910.      Lois Hall, Halifax, 18 April -, sale of sugar
911.      L. A. Hardy, 20 April –
912.      Emily Baldwin, Marshall Town, 4 September -, death of “mother”
913.      Lois W. Hall, Halifax, 22 November -, Perry’s health improving
914.      William A. Davis, fragment, pages 7 and 8 (some genealogy of family)
915.      Rachel Hall (I. Hall’s wife), Brattleboro, 13 June -, final arrangements proceeding her departure.
916.      Leura Hall, Plymouth, VT, 1 April 1835, Mrs. Tyler, Birchard (the revivalist) typed copy
917.      Joseph Hall, Wardsboro, VT, 16 July 1839, questions about Iowa, Rachel, typed copy
Folder 3.  Letters to Israel Hall 1840 – 1845
918.      Leura Hall, Halifax, 28 March 1840, poor mail service, Mr. Green, deaths, postscript from Perry Hall, typed copy
919.      Leura Hall, Halifax, 2 August 1840, death of Dea Corkin’s wife, Whig Convention (7 July) Daniel Webster and Hiland Hall, Baptist “reformation”, postscript from Charlotte M. Pratt, typed copy
920.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 25 July 1841 marriages, 30 July 1841 crops, weather typed copy.
921.      Joseph Hall, Wardsboro, 6 December 1841, hard times, worse since Whigs took office, religion at low ebb, typed copy
922.      Henry Allen, Chardon, OH, 1 October 1843, sending draft on Israel Hall. Typed copy
923.      Joseph Hall, Wardsboro, 29 October 1843, Vermont, family news, religion–Millerism. Typed copy
924.      Cyrus Davis, Brattleboro, VT, 26 September 1844, Vermont Millerism, Clay, Polk, Birney, Liberty Party. Typed copy (letter sent with John C. Holbrook)
925.      Joseph Hall, Rhoda Hall, and Luentha Hall, Hammond Mills, VT, January 1845, Vermont, family news, prices, crops, Millerism. Typed copy
Folder 4.  Letters to Israel Hall 1845 – 1849
926.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 14 September 1845, family news, railroad from Boston to Montreal.  Typed copy.
927.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 5 April 1846, family news. Typed copy
928.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 17 August 1846, prison in Windsor, family news. Typed copy.
929.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 13 December 1846, family news. Typed copy
930.      Leurann Baldwin, 8 September 1847, family news. Typed copy.
931.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 14 November 1847, family news, railroads, Mexican war. Typed copy
932.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 28 November 1847, family news, railroads and politics divert attention from religion, two boys sent to prison for stealing, 30 November 1847, family news. Typed copy
933.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 5 March 1849, family news, bad reputation of California, railroad. Typed copy
934.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 3 June 1849, family news. Typed copy
Folder 5.  Letters to Israel Hall 1850 – 1859 1 of 2
935.      Cyrus Davis, Brattlesboro, 23 June 1850, state of religion, family news.
936.      L.E. Baldwin, Ottawa, IL, 11 September 1850, family news, crops
937.      E.W. Green, Brattlesboro, 3 December 1850, cemetery lots in Davenport, Vermont. Typed copy
938.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 9 May 1851, family news, crops, prices, railroad, church news. Typed copy.
939.      Sally Allen, Ludlow, 6 July 1851, family news, crops. Typed copy
940.      Envelope from DOC 939
941.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 9 November 1851, family news, crops. Typed copy
942.      Joseph Hall, West Wardsboro, 13 December 1851, family news, crops and prices
943.      L.E. Baldwin, Ottawa, IL, 3 May 1852, family news, possible move to Texas, railroad, prices
944.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 10 October 1852, family news
945.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 9 November 1852, family news, train wreck, Sally.
946.      Joseph Hall, Wardsboro, 20 December 1852, family news, farm prices, California fever, religious revival, low interest in Presidential election
947.      Samuel Baldwin, Ottawa, 17 January1853, selling coal, railroad coming, Governor says to Rock Island next year
948.      Perry Hall, 23 January 1853, sorrow-Eudorah’s death, family news, farm prices, postscript from Lois W. Hall, sorrow-Eudorah’s death, postscript from Rachel Hall, sorrow-Eudorah’s death. Typed copy.
949.      Perry Hall, Halifax 6 February 1853 family news, postscript from Rachel Hall, thanks for ‘miniature’.
950.      Sally Allen, Ludlow, 2 April 1853, family news
951.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 15 May 1853, family news, sugar, liquor law, postscript from Lois Hall, mention of sugar, postscript from Rachel Hall, Israel lives so far away. Typed copy
952.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 10 October 1853, family news, religion, farm prices, Gallop’s crime and trial, liquor law, fall elections: Whigs in Whitingham went Democratic. Typed copy.
953.      Henry Baldwin, Ottawa, 23 October 1853, sorrow-Eudorah’s death, family news, railroad, postscript from N. Baldwin, Henry’s first letter, visit when railroad is finished
[955].   Joseph Hall, Wordsboro, 11 January 1854, family news, farm prices, religion, Grafton and Dover, Mr. Hammond bought government land near Geneseo, politics-Democratic governor
955.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 13 March 1854 “Father’s” lip cancer, family news, farm prices
956.      Joseph Hall, Wordsboro, 5 March 1855, Kansas and Illinois
957.      Leura Clark, Plymouth, 22 July 1855, family news, Dr. Little’s daughter married, settled in Davenport. Typed copy
Folder 6.  Letters to Israel Hall 1850 – 1859 2 of 2
958.      Leura Clark, Plymouth, 17 September 1855, dysentery, good crops, Freeman Pearsons moving to Iowa, state and county fair.
959.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 21 December 1855, family news, farm prices, gravestones, postscript from Rachel Hall, revivals
960.      Henry Allen, Ludlow, 17 March 1856, loan to pay on farm. Typed copy
961.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth 25 March 1856, family news, Freeman Pearsons, state elections. Typed copy
962.      Sally Allen, Ludlow, 23 April 1856, family news
963.      Perry Starr, Jacksonville, VT, 21 July 1856, journey home thru Wisconsin and Michigan. Typed copy
964.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 29 August 1856, family news, postscript from Rachel Hall, her loneliness
965.      Sally Allen, Ludlow, 27 October 1856, family news, people she saw while travelling
966.      Cyrus Davis, Hartford, CT, 2 March 1857, move to Connecticut, his sons, inquiry about printing business in Davenport
967.      Joseph Hall, Wardsboro, 4 March 1857, family news, farm prices, religion.
968.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 16 March 1857, people moving west, farm prices, elections: Republican majority
969.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 3 April 1857, family news
970.      L.E. Baldwin, Ottawa, IL, 23 September 1857, farm prices, railroads, inquiry about jobs in Davenport. Typed copy
971.      Unsigned note, 8 March 1857 winter of 1857, death of writer. Typed copy
972.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 27 March 1858, visit to Vermont, people moving west, corn prices
973.      Henry Allen, Shushan, NY, 14 February 1859, notes to Israel Hall and Sylvester (Allen?)
974.      Joseph Hall, Wardsboro, 7 March 1859, family news, crops, history of Vermont by Thompson. Typed copy.
975.      Henry Allen, Shushan, NY, 10 March 1859, received note.
976.      ——-, Halifax, 3 April 1859, family news, last part of letter missing. Typed copy
977.      Rachel Hall, Halifax, 2 August 1859, family news, desire to see Israel Hall and his family.
978.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 17 October 1859, family news, religion, Freeman Pearson. Type copy
979.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 22 October 1859, family news, father’s death, trip to Halifax in September
980.      George F. Hall, Plattsmouth, Nebraska Territory, 1 (?) May 1859, description of trip from Davenport, road conditions, farm prices, miles traveled per day.
981.      George F. Hall, Nebraska Territory, 3 May 1859, farmers’ comments about crops, prices, etc., his location in relation to the river, Plattsmouth, and Nebraska City
Folder 7.               Letters to Israel Hall 1860 – 1869 1 of 3
982.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 22 April 1860 sugaring, family news
983.      Henry Allen, Shushan, N.Y., 4 March 1861, need of a loan, Sylvester’s situation in Iowa
984.      Henry Allen, Shushan, N.Y., 8 March 1861, money, Sylvester, and family news.
985.      Louise M. Allen, Ludlow, 14 July 1861, recopied letter from A. Dupuy, Paris, France, which gives account of George’s (Allen?) death, Louie requests Mr. Conant in Rock Island be given a copy of the letter.
986.      Rachel Hall, Halifax, 4 October 1861, enlistments, family news, religion at low ebb.
987.      Henry Allen, Shushan, N.Y., 11 November 1861, loan, Sylvester working in mines, family news
988.      Joseph Hall, Wordsboro, 3 February 1862, buying farm near Dover, family news, war, enlistments, death
989.      Sylvester Allen, Denver City, 2 April 1862, received deed and singed it, sorrow about George, prefer active service, Wallace in Burnsides expedition, no pay for the last three months.
990.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 19 April 1862, family news, brother-in-law Lt. Col. Thomas Clark with Gen. Shields and the 29th Ohio, Methodist Church folded.
991.      Rachel Hall, Halifax, 17 August 1862, Perry’s work on behalf of the soldiers’ wives, no need to draft yet.
1086. Israel Hall, Corinth MS, 10 October 1862, description of conditions near battlefield, information on several Scott County men, will not return home until he finds George (son).
992.      Minerva Allen, Jacksonville, 14 December 1862, news of Wallace, family news, postscript from E. L. Allen, taxes on Minerva’s land, requests description of the land
993.      Sally A. Pollard, Plymouth, 23 December 1862, family news, farm prices, war: George, Sherman near Savanna, deaths.
994.      ——-, Plymouth, 17 January 1863, family news, no draft, high bounties
995.      Cyrus Davis, West Jefferson, OH, 15 March 1863, sons in the army-where they have been and are; what they have done, returning to Baltimore and wife in a few months
996.      Henry Allen, Shushan, NY, 30 March 1863, note given to Sylvester for land (DOC 975)
997.      Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 30 March 1863, family news, Lt. Col. Clark, woman in town had relatives killed by Indians in Minnesota, good crops.
998.      Perry Hall, Halifax, 16 April 1863, sugaring, leg still hurts
999.      Cyrus Davis, West Jefferson OH, 27 April 1863, receipt of money, leave for Davenport soon.
1000.   Cyrus Davis, Buffalo, NY, 30 July 1863, boat trip thru Great Lakes, plan of travel.
1001.   Cyrus Davis, Fredricksburg, MD, 10 August 1863, visited Gettysburg on way to Maryland-detailed description
1002.   Cyrus Davis, Baltimore, MD, 10 September 1863, “Love Feast” 1820 friends are gone, preaching changed, people are mostly for the union, some Southern sympathizers
1003.   Samuel Baldwin, Ottawa, IL, 23 Oct, 1863, barrel of apples shipped by rail, crops good
1004.   William B. Brunton, 1st Lt., Co. A, 2nd Iowa Cavalry, Collinsville, Tenn., package from George, sent thru Adams & Co., on 21 November 1863.
1005.   Rachel Hall, Halifax, 7 December 1863, death of Perry’s daughter, family news.
1006.   George W. Hall, Halifax, 7 March 1864, hoping to see I. Halls’ family, family news, direct letters to Jacksonville, VT.
1007.   S. A. Pollard, Plymouth, 21 April 1864, family news.
1008.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 2 May 1864, family news, war, hard times and high prices
1009.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 10 May 1864, sugar, family news, shortage of laborers.
1010.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 5 June 1864, more sugar soon, spring work interrupted by being drafted for a short time
1011.   Cyrus Davis, Baltimore, MD. 18 August 1864, people are primarily sympathetic to the rebellion, his sons, description of raids, prices
1012.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 11 September 1864, Wallace Allen died of wounds, crop is fair, draft expected, high prices
1013.   Margaret R. Holmes, Columbus, OH, 23 December 1864, request of Hall to learn the particulars of her son’s death (at the Arsenal)
Folder 8.   Letters to Israel Hall 1860 – 1869 2 of 3
1014.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 6 March 1865, Family news.
1015.   Rachel Hall, Halifax, 11 April 1865, family news, the war.
1016.   R. Benton, Davenport, 7 June 1865, report on Davenport, Hall’s business
1017.   Cyrus Davis, Baltimore, 8 June 1865, condition of his son, Clinton
1018.   Leura H. Clark, Janesville, WI, 23 August 1865, visit with her husbands relatives, boat trip up river from Iowa
1019.   ——–, Plymouth, 20 September 1865, family news, rest of letter missing.
1020.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 22 October 1865, family news, prices
1021.   Samuel Baldwin, Ottawa, IL, 29 October 1865, barrel of onions picked up by wrong Samuel Baldwin, family news
1022.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 23 November 1865, family news, prices
1023.   Sally A. P(ollard), Plymouth, 10 December 1865, family news, fear for Sylvester-reports of Indian barbarities, visits
1024.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 26 February 1866, family news. Typed copy
1025.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 17 April 1866, sympathy about George F.’s death, sugaring good, Mother sends some to Harvey Briggs
1026.   Envelope from DOC 1025
1027.   Lois W. Hall, Halifax, 13 May 1866, sympathy about George F.’s death, family news.
1028.   Envelope from DOC 1027
1029.   Joseph Hall, Leverette, MA, 24 August 1866, new farm, family news, sympathy about George F.’s death
1030.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth,17 September 1866, sympathy about George F.’s death, visits to family and friends
1031.   Cyrus Davis, Baltimore, 7 October 1866, family news, Johnson party, shootings and stabbings
1032.   ——- (Sally Pollard), Plymouth, 11 November 1866, visits to family and friends, comparison of loss of Wallace to Loss of George F.
1033.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 21 January 1867, Davenport Pioneer Settlers’, family news, Mr. Pollard’s “oddity”.
1034.   P. Starr, Jacksonville, 18 February 1867, trade bonds for land, Mother (Rachel) Hall died 16th (February)
1035.   Cyrus Davis, Baltimore, 3 April 1867, sickness and peculiarity
1036.   Nancy Baldwin, Ottawa, IL, 21 April 1867, visit Iowa, family news
1037.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 21 April 1867, sent sugar, prices, family news, World’s Fair in Paris
1038.   ——-(Sally Pollard), Plymouth, 22 April 1867, family news, Mother’s death
1039.   Charles H. Davis, Baltimore, 24, May 1867, inquiries about opportunities in Davenport, Jews are taking over tailoring, can work as printer as well, family news
1040.   H. Gillian, Walcott, 13, August 1867, news of crops
1041.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 13 October 1867, family news, postscript on back from Lois W. Hall, about rats
1042.   Chris W. Hall, Middlebury, VT, 19 October 1867, family news, life at college, new president and several professors
1043.   Joseph Hall, North Leverett, MA, 24 October 1867, receipt of draft, crops, family news
1044.   E. L. Allen, Jacksonville, VT, 15 December 1867, family news, prices, Thomas lost money in Paris Exposition, postscript from Minerva, children, family news, Christmas
Folder 9.   Letters to Israel Hall   1860 – 1869   3 of 3
1045.   Nancy Baldwin, Marshalltown, IA, 18 December 1867, family news
1046.   Emily Baldwin, Ottawa, IL, 20 December 1867, will be in Davenport soon
1047.   Cyrus Davis, Baltimore, 26 December 1867, family news, business in Baltimore, decline in gold speculation
1048.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 6 February 1868, religion, J.K. Chase, Davenport Baptists could get him.
1049.   E. L. Allen, Jacksonville, VT, 23 February 1868, family news, prices, road conditions, Perry’s health
1050.   Byron Ohle, Ravenna, 15 March 1868, job at tinning, Hall’s arrangements for a job.
1051.   George W. Hall, Halifax, 15 March 1868, his father’s illness.
1052.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 21 April 1868, Perry’s leg troubles, Perry’s son’s sugaring, family news.
1053.   P. Starr, Jacksonville, VT, 30 June 1868, crops, Perry Hall, holding Davenport City Bond
1070.   N. Baldwin, Marshalltown, IA, 23 July 1868, family news
1054.   M.G. Hamill, Grand View IA, 26 August 1868, soapstone stove, starting a school, quiet,
               pleasant community
1055.   Byron (Ohle), 20 September 1868, helping his father build a house, cabinet shop, needs money
1056.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 23 September 1868, money matters, family news
1057.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 26 September 1868, family news
1058.   Byron Ohle, 21 October 1868, found situation in tin shop, needs money
1059.   Christopher W. Hall, Wardsboro, VT, 10 December 1868, detailed description of his school, family news, bill at Middlebury left to be paid when possible
1060.   C.W. Hall, Wardsboro, VT, 12 January 1869, gratitude for loan, family news, Sylvester and Indians, I. Hall’s “antiquarian collection”, Eastern vs. Western colleges, inquiry about Iowa University, invite to commencement
1061.   Nancy Baldwin, Marshalltown, IA, 24 January 1869, family news, loan for Emerson
1062.   P. Starr, Jacksonville, VT, 4 February 1869, Davenport Bond, requests opinion of Grant & Smith – Davenport Attorneys, Perry’s health greatly improved
1063.   L.E. Baldwin, Chebanse, IL, 8 March 1869, needs black onion seeds, hoping for loan (DOC 1061
1064.   Nancy Baldwin, Marshalltown, IA, 4 April 1869, family news
1065.   Christopher W. Hall, Middlebury, VT, 10 April 1869, his school, trip for Delta Upsilon fraternity (at Middlebury). Old coins for I. Hall’s collection
1066.   E.L. Allen, Jacksonville, (VT.) 18 April 1869, sugaring, what he will ship to Hall, prices
1067.   Louise M. Allen, Lathrop, MO, 17 June 1869, travels, would like to visit Hall’s, inquiry about their trip East
1068.   ——-(Sally Pollard), Plymouth, 21 June 1869 gold prospectors, family news
1069.   N. Baldwin, Marshalltown, IA, 17 July 1869, family news
1071.   Christopher W. Hall, Middlebury College, 25 September 1869, loan to pay bills, college life, invitation to “Junior Exhibition”, family news
1072.   Sally Pollard, Plymouth, 31 October 1869, Nancy Baldwin’s death, flood damage, family news, prices
1073. Joseph Hall, North Leverett, 4 November 1869, Nancy Baldwin’s death, flood, family news, prices.
1074. Christopher W. Hall, Wallingford, CT, 26 November 1869, gratitude for loan, school he is teaching, college term, family news
Folder 10.   Letters to Israel Hall    1870 – 1879   1 of 2
1087.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 25 April 1870, sugar shipped, leg well.
1088.   Sally A. Pollard, Plymouth, 19 July 1870, family news
1089.   Christopher W. Hall, Middlebury College, 28 October 1870, college life, crops, Senior Exhibition
1090.   Joseph Hall, North Leverett, 13 December 1870, family news, religious interest growing
1091.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, 12 March 1871, family news, sugaring
1092.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 14 March 1871, sugaring, family news
1093.   S. H. Baldwin, Fifteen Mile Grove, 24 March 1871, new settlement, family news, Sabula, Ackley, & Dacota railroad soon
1094.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 2 April 1871, will send sugar, family news
1095.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 8 April 1871, crops, family news
1096.   Cyrus Davis, Baltimore, 28 April 1871, family news, poor health, Lager beer business thriving, religious slump.
1097.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 2 May 1871, returns on sugar and butter from commission merchants in New York and Boston, family news
1098.   ——-(Sally Pollard), Plymouth, 20 August 1871, crops, family news
1099.   Cyrus Davis, Washington DC, 30 November 1871, Clinton’s wife has driven them (Cyrus and wife) from Baltimore home, moved in with other son and working in the Government Printing Office.
1100.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 30 December 1871, his school, family news
1101.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 26 January 1972, Hall manage money matters, Dr. Parry’s removal from position in Washington.
1102.   J.E. Hall, Omaha, 30 May 1872, found Israel Hall’s land, appraised by William Southwick, small maps with topography drawn (Wyoming Hotel stationary)
1103.   Business card of Thurston and Zimmerman, Land Agents, Davenport map on back shows land parcel.
1104.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 7 September 1872, money matters
1105.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 10 September 1872, money matters
1106.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 14 December 1872, receipt of money, family news
1107.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 1 March 1973, push for theater in Montezuma, book by William A. Seward, family news, may buy some land
1108.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 7 March 1873, sugaring prospects bleak, family news.
1109.   Sally Pollard, Tyson Furnace, 4 March 1873, family news
1110.   Minerva S. Allen, Jacksonville, 1 May 1973, sugaring taxes, family news
1111.   Perry Hall, Halifax, 7 May 1874, sugaring, family news
1112.   Envelope from DOC 111
1113.   Minerva Allen, Jacksonville, 12 July 1874, I. Hall’s trip, court case, family news, postscript by E.L. Allen
1114.   Sally A. Pollard, Tyson Furnace, 13 December 1874, auction, family moving into house, Pollard’s death, family news
Folder 11.  Letters to Israel Hall   1870 – 1879  2 of 2 
1115.   Sylvester Allen, Greenwood, CA, 3 January 1875, regrets he cannot go live with his mother
1116.   Joseph Hall, North Leverett, 21 Jan. 1875, family news
1117.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 11 March 1875, sickness, railroad building, Cutter estate
1118.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 14 May 1875, sickness of relations in East, railroad, building a house, school
1119.   Charles H. Davis, Washington, DC, 14 May 1875, anticipating visit, death of his father (Cyrus Davis), family news
1139. Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, NH, 30 October 1876, family news, Myron’s bees, Centennial Fair, crops. Typed copy
1120.   Clinton Davis, Baltimore, 2 January 1877, gratitude for Christmas gifts, his situation, family news
1140. Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, NH, 11 January 1877, family news, evangelist Rev. Mr. Potter. Typed copy.
—–.  Typed copy of: Myron J. Clark, 26 February 1877, trip to Philadelphia for Centennial, boarding and teaching, family news. (Museum does not have original, which is privately owned)
1121.   Ira Hall, Grayson, CA, 5 June 1877, his situation, Justus’ situation, inquiries about the family
1122.   J.C. Hall, Central City, 14 December 1877, mining operation he is in charge of, Ira working for him, comparison of Black Hills with Vermont and Iowa.
1125.   Israel Hall, Davenport, 6 December 1877, biography and portrait, mention of his life-size oil portrait (copy of letter to American Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago)
1124.   American Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 8 December 1877, more generous offer to print I. Hall’s picture
1123.   Ira Hall, Central City, Dakota Territory, 25 December 1877, his situation, relations at home, Justus.
1126.   Ira Hall, Central City, Dakota Territory, 22 February 1878, family news, low opinion of mining, losing money
1127.   Ira Hall, Central City, Dakota Territory, 13 Janury,1879, has stayed, Justus doing well, family news
1131.   S. H. Baldwin, Grundy Center, IA, 3 November 1879, his situation, circulars concerning loans on farm lands.
1141.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, NH, 24 December 1879, George’s marriage, family news. Typed copy.
1142.   Card, bearing the name, “Mr.” and Mrs. G. A. Clark” with “Hattie G. Anderson,” in lower left corner, see DOC 1141.
1134.   Business card of William Burris, Attorney and Solicitor of Patents, address, references (on back, Instructions)
1135.   Business card of William Burris, Attorney and Solicitor of Patents, address, references (on back, Instructions)
1136.   William Burris, Washington DC, 15 December 1876, situation of Sallie Oaden (?), requests Hall’s help.
1137.   William Burris, Washington, DC, 28 December 1876, expressing thanks, granddaughter (Mary’s daughter).
1138.   William Burris, Washington, DC, 25 February 1880, reports decision of Putnam and Rogers, Requests advice concerning sale of farm, family new
Folder 12.   Letters to Israel Hall  1880 – 1889 1 of 3
1143.   E. S. Barrows, Marietta, GA, 8 January 1880, 40 years of friendship, Monticello Express (paper), philosophical view of the mind, ‘Origin and Growth of Religion’ by Max Muller.
1144.   Emily Baldwin, Columbus, KS, 27 February 1880, financial situation, family news, scarlet fever Epidemic
1145.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, NH, 8 March 1880, family news, her 64th birthday. Typed copy.
1146.   I.H. or J.H. Baldwin, Grundy Center, IA, 22 April 1880, postcard telling of his new wife (Priscilla)
1147.   Clinton W. Davis, Baltimore, 30 April 1880, gratitude for draft, his address, Mr. Poole’s address
1148. Strong Burnell, 2 July 1880, directs sale of his lot in cemetery, reasons for leaving Davenport, Present situation.
1149.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, NH, 16 August 1880, family news, crops. Typed copy
1150.   Strong Burnell, Fidalgo Island, WA, 17 August 1880, cemetery lot.
1151.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, NH, 12 December 1880, family news. Typed copy.
1152.   Strong Burnell, Anacorte, WA, 20 December 1880, instructions for sending payment for cemetery lot, 24 December 1880, old Settlers, third wife, railroad coming through.
1153.   C. Davis, Washington, DC, 25 December 1880, news of his mother and family
1154. James Poole, Baltimore, 15 March 1881, situation with Davis’ and their mother, revival in Baltimore.
1155.   James Poole, Baltimore, 19 March 1881, Charles Davis has left his mother with the Poole’s
1156.   Emily Baldwin, Columbus, KS, 25 April 1881, title for land, money matters
1157.   Emily Baldwin, Columbus, KS, 12 August 1881, crops poor, money matters.
1158.   James Poole, Baltimore, 15 August 1881, Charles Davis took his mother to Washington, rumored to be in an institution, Hall should come to Baltimore around 10 October for the Jubilee, family news
1159.   Leura H. Clark, Plymouth, NH, 2 December 1881, family news.
1160.   Leura H. Clark, Jacksonville, VT, 30 March 1882, family news.
1161.   Leura H. Clark, Montezuma, IA. 5 July 1882, voting on an amendment, family news.
1162.   Leura H. Clark, Acworth, NH, 10 January 1883, family news. Typed copy
1163.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 9 February 1883, loaning money out at interest
1164.   Perry Hall, Jacksonville, 8 March 1883, family news, sugaring
1165.   Joseph Hall, North Leverett, 26 March 1883, family news, growing old
Folder 13. Letters to Israel Hall 1880 – 1889 2 of 3
1166.   Leura H. Clark, Tilton, NH, 5 April 1883, new home, renting from Dr. R.C. Gould, family news
1167.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 9 April 1883, family news, money loaned out, bees, prospects for shipping coal
1168.   Leura H. Clark, Tilton, NH, 20 October 1883 travels to relatives and friends, learning to use coal
1169.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 25 December 1883 deed for land sent, Miss Campbell of Des Moines
1170.   Leura H. Clark, Tilton, NH, 17 March 1884, Family news, her situation, newspaper clipping about Rev. A. B. Kindig. typed copy
1171.   Leura H. Clark, Tilton, NH, 8 June 1884, family news
1172.   Envelope from DOC 1171.
1173.   Sally A. Pollard, Jacksonville, VT, 10 August 1884, family news, Minerva, family news
1174.   Ira I. Hall, West Marloboro, 29 August 1884, family news. Justus’ problem
1175.   Clark & Cheshire, Montezuma, IA, 27 September 1884 court case, family news
1176.   E. L. Allen, Jacksonville, 19 October 1884, family news.
1177.   Ira I. Hall, West Marlboro, VT, 28 October 1884 crops, George and Justus, postscript from Luella A. Hall.
1178.   Sally A. Pollard, Jacksonville, 9 November 1884, family news
1179.   Perry Hall, Jacksonville, 19 November 1884, family news
1180.   Perry Hall, Jacksonville, 8 December 1884, family news, postscript from Lois Hall, family news
1181.   Perry Hall, Jacksonville, 4 February 1885, family news, sugar
1182.   Perry Hall, Jacksonville, 4 March 1885, family news
1183.   Mrs. E.L. (Minerva) Allen, Jacksonville, 1 March 1885, family news, postscript from E.L. Allen, family news, farm situation
1184.   ——-(Sally Pollard), Jacksonville, 29 March 1885, family news.
1185.   Leura H. Clark, Tilton, NH, 30 April 1885, new boarding place with Mrs. Jason Philbrick, family news, Rev. Mr. Nutter. Typed copy
1186.   Envelope from DOC 1185
Folder 14. Letters to Israel Hall 1880 – 1889  3 of 3
1187.   Perry Hall, Jacksonville, 19 May 1885, family news
1188.   Mrs. E.L. Allen, Jacksonville, 24 May 1885, wedding, town poet, family news
1189.   Myron J. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 24 November 1885, Lumber business, crops, family news
1190.   Envelope from DOC 1189
1191.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 18 December 1885, money matters, family news
1192.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 26 January 1886, family news, loaning out money
1193.   H.F. and M. A. Whitney, Marlboro, VT, 14 March 1886, family news
1194.   L. Hall, Hastings, 11 April 1886, family news.
1195.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 27 May 1886, money matters, family news, law partner running for County Attorney
1196.   Myron J. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 8 June 1886, business slowing, bought new grain operation near Muscatine, Charlie (his brother), family news
1197.   George W. Hall, King’s Mountain, 21 June 1886, his situation, family news
1198.   Sara M. Hall, Jacksonville, VT, 29 June 1886, father (Perry) had accident with haying machine, family news
1199.   Emily Baldwin, Columbus, 12 July 1886 money matters, her situation, family news, gratitude for favors from I. Hall and Charles R. Clark
1200.   Ella—-, Acworth, NH, 4 August 1886, family news (post card)
1201.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 6 August 1886, family news
1202.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 3 September 1886, money matters, family news
1203.   Perry Hall, Jacksonville, 22 May 1887, family news
1204.   Sally A. Pollard, North Leverett, MA, 6 June 1887, family news
1205.   ——-(Sally A. Pollard), Shusan, NY, 31 July 1887, family news
1206.   Sally A. Pollard, Jacksonville, 28 October 1887, family news.
1207.   —–(Sally A. Pollard), Cummington, 13 May 1888, family news
1208.   Mrs. W.M.P. Wentworth, Deerfield, MA, 15 November 1888, information on Hall family from Hinman’s ‘Puritan Settlers’.
Folder 15. Letters to Israel Hall 1890-1894
            1879 Letters from Byron and Lottie Hall (DOC 1214-1219)
1209.   Mrs. F.L. Sargeant, East Templeton, 14 January 1890, Thanks to Hall for letter to her mother (Polly French) on her 100th birthday, information on family (Mrs. Sargeant’s mother is a cousin of Israel Hall)
1210.   C. Whitaker, Davenport, 26 September 1890, concerning a parcel of land sold in 1868, Anthony McLosky, Antoine LeClaire, James Thornington, land was in LeClaire’s Addition (8th)
1211.   Mrs. Ellen Davis, South Deerfield, MA, 28 June 1891, sorrow over Rachel’s death, Clinton (Davis)
1212.   John A. Davis, Middlebury, NY, 28, June 1891, sorrow over Rachel’s death.
1213.   Charles R. Clark, Montezuma, IA, 10 July 1894, Kansas and Hall’s ‘Baldwin Land’, strike is holding up all work
1214.   Lottie, Davenport, 23 August 1879, Mr. Woodward’s funeral, family news
1215.   Lottie, Davenport, 26, August 1879, B.B. Woodward’s Eulogy in church, inquiries about relatives, friends, postscript from Edna Whitaker, asking for candy for her and George
1216.   Lottie, Davenport, 30 August 1879, family news, inquiries about relatives, note from Edna asking for candy
1217.   Envelope from DOC 1216
1123.   Byron, Davenport, 31 August 1879, building in Davenport, Lottie, circus parade, Edna and George, relatives
1124.   Lottie, Davenport, 7 September 1879, local news, building at cemetery, family news
1125.   Envelop from DOC 1129
1218.   Lottie, Davenport, 12 September 1879, Byron received another contract, events in Davenport, family news.
1219.   Envelope from DOC 1218
1221    Lizzie—-15 February 1872, poem expressing love, addressed to Lottie
1222.   R .D. C., Trenton, 6 June 1875, family news, marriage —–, family news.
1223.   Envelope from DOC 1222 (addressed to Elizabeth F. Hall)
1224.   Carrie—-, 25 October 1885, her cousins marriage
1225.   R.D.C., fragment to?
Folder 16.            Letters to Byron and Lottie Whitaker (DOC 1226-1228)
                   Letters to George Whitaker (DOC 1229-1236)
1226. Joe (Whitaker), Carlton, NE, 29 May 1887, crops, family news, postscript, Doctors says Connie will not live through the fall.
1227.   Envelope from DOC 1226
1228.   George (Whitaker), Champaign, IL, 25 March 1900, class trip to Chicago, circular on treatment of oats for smut
1229.   Israel Hall, Brattleboro, VT, 6 September 1887, trip East, description of Brattleboro
1230.   Lottie Whitaker, Davenport, 9 November 1898, news from home, election in Davenport
1231.   Edna (Whitaker) news from home, sorry that George cannot make it for Thanksgiving
1232.   Envelope from DOC 1230 and 1231
1233.   Charles J. Smith, Meredosia, IL, 9 May 1917, fish traps, Benjamin Smith makes traps and would sell some to George
1234.   Envelope from DOC 1233
1235.   Benjamin Smith, Meredosia, IL, 30, May 1917, instructions for buying fish traps
1236.   Envelope from DOC 1235
Folder 17. Letters from Byron Whitaker to Lottie Hall  1871, 1872, 1873
1237.   Davenport, 29 May 1871, apology for not calling, requests picture
1238.   Envelope from DOC 1237
1239.   Davenport, nd., apology for not calling, Joe would not call in his place
1240.   Envelope from DOC 1239
1241.   Davenport, 17 September 1872, expresses hope that Lottie will be gone only six weeks, or he may go to Vermont
1242.   Envelope from DOC 1241
1243.   Davenport, 1 October 1972, John, how he (Byron) is spending the evenings
1244.   Envelope from DOC 1243
1245.   Davenport, 6 October 1972, love letter
1246.   Envelope from DOC 1245
1247.   Davenport, 13 October 1972, love letter
1248.   Chicago, 31 July 1873, arrival in Chicago, situation, his feelings
1249.   Chicago, 6 August (1873), his situation, desire to return
1250.   Chicago, 9 August 1873, his work, his feelings
1251.   Chicago, 10 August 1873, attended church, his feelings
1252.   Chicago, 16 August 1873, his feelings
1253.   Chicago, 22 August 1873, his feelings, working on Art Gallery at Exposition Building
1254.   Envelope from DOC 1253
1255.   Chicago, 28, August 1873, his feelings, description of his work
1256.   Envelope from DOC 1255 (in Lottie Hall’s handwriting on face is note concerning Bryon’s injury)
Folder 18. Letters from Bryon Whitaker to Lottie Hall 1874 and 1875
1257.   Davenport, 16 Sept, 1874, his feelings
1258.   Envelope, from DOC 1257
1259.   Davenport, 21 September 1874, events in Davenport, his feelings
1260.   Envelope from DOC 1259
1261.   Davenport, 24 September 1874, Events in Davenport, his feelings
1262.   Envelope from DOC 1261
1263.   Davenport, 27 September 1874, events in Davenport, his feelings
1264.   Envelope from DOC 1263
1265.   Davenport, 2 October 1874, events in Davenport, his feelings
1266.   Envelope from DOC 1265
1267.   Davenport, 8 October 1874, events in Davenport, his feelings
1268.   Envelope from DOC 1267
1269.   Davenport, 17 October 1874, local news, his feelings
1270.   Envelope from DOC 1269
1271.   Davenport, 23 October 1874, his feelings
1272.   Envelope from DOC 1271
1273.   F.U. Cate, Davenport, 2 November 1874, asks permission to call on Lottie
1274.   Nashville, 19 January 1875, number of Negroes, his feelings
1275.   Envelope from DOC 1274
1276.   Marietta, GA, 31 January 1875, his feelings, his situation
1277.   Atlanta, 3 February 1875, odd way ‘darkies come to town’, his affection
1278.   Envelope from DOC 1277
1279.   Atlanta, 21 February 1875, his affection
1280.   Atlanta, 22 February 1875, his affection
1281.   Atlanta, 24 February 1875, his affection
1282.   Atlanta, 26 February 1875, his affection
1283.   Atlanta, 28 February 1875, his affection
1284.   Atlanta, 1 March 1875, his affection
1285.   Envelope from DOC 1284
1286.   Atlanta, 2 March 1875, his affection
1287.   Envelope from DOC 1286
1288.   Atlanta, 5 March 1875, his affection
1289.   Atlanta, 6 March 1875, his affection
1290.   Atlanta, 7 March 1875, his affection
1291.   Atlanta, 9 March 1875, leaving for Chicago in a few days
1292.   Atlanta, 10 March 1875, leaving for Chicago the next day, anxious to see her
Folder 19. Letters to Byron Whitaker
1293.   Charley (Whitaker), Carleton, NE, 26 August –, safe arrival, horses, money matters
1294.   John J. Gould, Davenport, 20 August 1874, local news.
1295.   Envelope from DOC 1296
1296.   J. Albert Heileg, Gold Hill, (N.C.) 27, July 1875, his situation, inquires about Byron’s
1297.   Envelope for DOC 1296
1298.   J.W. Shaffer, Atlanta, 24 March 1875, (Nat. Surg. Institute), life in Atlanta, fires, greetings from Byron’s friends
1337.   J.C. Wilson, Camilla, GA, 19 October 1875, his business (Dry goods) crops, wishes success to Byron and ‘intended’
1299.   S.G. Schoonover, Alexandria, NE, 12, November 1882, sold his farm, family news
1300.   Envelope from DOC 1299
1301.   George A. Whitaker, Champaign, IL, 26 September 1899, situation at school, tuition, fees
1302.   Rhoda (Whitaker) Chrome, CO, 1 October 1899, description of the death of her husband (Joseph Whitaker), newspaper obituary attached
1303.   George A. Whitaker, Champaign, IL, 22, October 1899, situation at school, mention of the D.C. & E.R.R. Depot
1304.   Emeline B. Pease, Dubuque, IA, 14 August –, family news
1305.   Business card, Brows & Pease, dealers in grain and feed, on back, blank form dated 1874
1306.   Minnie Pease, Minneapolis, 14 August 1974, homesick at times, family news
1307.   Envelope from DOC 1306
1308.   Emeline, Minneapolis, 7 September 1874, offering Byron Sherman’s place, Mr. Pease is expanding the business
1309.   Minnie, Minneapolis, 2 October 1874, Minneapolis courting Mr. Cook
1310.   Emeline, Minneapolis, 3 October 1974, visit of Mr. Cook of Dubuque, requests Byron to send message to his Lawyer friend in Chicago to call on E.D. Cook
1311.   Envelope from DOC 1310
1312.   Emeline, Minneapolis, 9 October 1874, horses, Cyrus’ visit
1313.   Minnie, Minneapolis, 12 November 1874 courting, evening entertainment
[1313]Envelope from DOC 1313
1315.   Emeline, Minneapolis, 30 December –, family news
Folder 20.            Letters to Bryon Whitaker from John Ahrens (DOC 1316-1336)
                               Joseph Whitaker (DOC 1338-1348)
                               John Kennedy (DOC 1349-1351)
1316.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, nd., (top torn off) gave up position at Superior Clerk’s office, now at International Bank, wrote to Minnie, no response
1317.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 20 July 1871,his situation, difficulty of returning to Davenport
1318.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 28 May 1872, offer from Mr. Carroll to Byron
1319.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 22 September 1872, Chicago is ‘Fast’
1320.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 29 October 1872, visit home, reminisce about Davenport School House and the friends they had there
1321.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 6 November 1872,proposed reunion, horse sickness in Chicago, Grant’s election pretty sure in Chicago
1322.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 19 November 1872, reunion, growing a beard
1323.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 12 December 1872, four days for Christmas, church, studying for the bar
1324.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 30 December 1872, homesick
1325.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 22 June 1873 passed bar exam, Currie’s poetry
1326.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 6 July 1873, encourages Byron to join other Davenporters in Chicago, inquires after friend
1327.   Envelope from DOC 1326
1328.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 26 July 1873, Mr. Carroll may have employment for Byron, encourages him to come room with him
1329.   Envelope from DOC 1328
1330.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 28 October 1873, sympathy for Byron’s injury, inquiry after friends
1331.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 6 January 1874, spent Christmas calling ,inquiries after friends
1332.   Envelope from DOC 1331
1333.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 11 October 1874, enjoyed vacation hunting Davenport, encounter with whore
1334.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 1 November 1874, met Mr. Cook, Minnie (Pease), reaction to Byron’s response concerning encounter with whore
1335.   From John Ahrens, Chicago, 6 February 1875, encourages Byron about Georgia, friend’s visit to Chicago, Minnie (Pease) , law practice
1336.   Envelope from DOC 1335.
1338.   From Joseph Whitaker, Carleton, NE, 11 October –, his situation, inquiries after friends, inquiry about cost of grist mill
1339.   From Joseph Whitaker, Carleton, NE, 12 December –, requests loan at 12% for one year, family news
1340.   From Joseph Whitaker, Carleton, NE, 21 December –, times are bad, farm is paid, but still in debt.
1341.   Envelope from DOC 1340
1342.   From Joseph Whitaker, Carleton, NE, 26, December –, money matters, dances, his situation, query about marrying Annie.
1343.   From Joseph Whitaker, Carleton, NE, 12 June 1875, money matters, wagon and harness, crops
1344.   Envelope from DOC 1343
1345.   From Joseph Whitaker, Carleton, NE, 12 April 1875, crops, fear of grasshoppers, question about home
1346.   Envelope from DOC 1345
1347.   From Joseph Whitaker, Carleton, NE, 8 September 1882, cattle speculation, renting his farm out, horses, money matters
1348.   Envelope from DOC 1347
1349.   From John Kennedy, Maquoketa, IA, 24 December 1871, his situation.
1350.   From John Kennedy, Maquoketa, IA, 4 August 1872, his situation, suggests Byron come and cure a girl by the laying on hands-Kennedy has cured a girl.
1351.   From John Kennedy, Maquoketa, IA, 6 February 1875, considering going to work for his brother in Manchester, has lost his girl.
Folder 21.   Business Papers of Bryon Whitaker
1352.   Business note from W. L. Carroll, Davenport, 14 November —–, informing Byron he is in Iowa, requests Byron to tell Mr. Sprokers the same.
1353.   Itemized bill from H.H. Smith for groceries covering 18 June thru 4 July 1871
1354.   Notice of guardianship from H.H. Smith, guardian of George T. Shaw, judged insane, 20 August 1874
1355.   Business letter from W.L. Carroll, Chicago, 12 August 1874, has position for Byron
1356.   Business letter from Roger S. Pease, Minneapolis, 7 September 1874, offering a business (selling glass)
1357.   Envelope from DOC 1356
1358.   Receipt from J. A. Place, 26 April 1890, for printing
1359.   Receipt from N. Kuhnen, 20 January 1892, for land bought on terms given, also signed by J. Heinsfurter (agent of Byron Whitaker)
1360.   Notarized transfer of land from Andrew Lindbloom to Byron Whitaker, notarized by T.A. Murphy, 2 March 1892
1361.   Money order receipt for sum sent to Howard Tucker, 2 June 1893
1362.   Receipt from Howard J. Tucker for May premium, Iowa State Insurance Co. of Keokuk, 5 June 1893
1363.   Receipt from Howard J. Tucker for June premium, Iowa State Insurance Co., of Keokuk, 5 June 1893
1364.   Envelope from DOC 1362 and 1363
1365.   Receipt from Joe Eldridge & Son for stabling horses, 1 June 1894
1366.   Duplicate assessment role from I. J. Hild, showing assessments for taxes, 3 April 1893
1524. Agreement form from E. L. Stafford, 324 Brady, not filled in, used for scratch sheet
Folder 22. Papers of Joseph J. Hall Family  1850 – 1916 1 of 3
1367.   Letter fragment, nd., trouble in Cass County (Missouri) where an old man’s house was burned
1368.   Poem entitled, “The Dying Californian” no author or date
1369.   Sara Wetzel, nd. Inquiring after the J.J. Hall family, mention of Charley Churchill
1370.   Emma—, to Walter—, inquiring about Walters brothers and sisters
1371.   Sarah Wetzel, nd., their situation, request loan to keep from selling all of their possessions
1372.   —-nd., family news, inquiries after Hall family, direct letters to Mount Pisga, Morrow County
1373.   Envelope, nd.
1374.   Price figuring on hay and corn, nd
1375.   Envelope addressed to Walter Hall, Cadiz, WI, (Green County), nd, no return address, engraved picture on front
1376.   Envelope addressed to Jacob Hall, Cadiz, WI, from—-, Missouri, nd.
1377.   Envelope, message to Hall on front
1378.   Envelope, addressed to Mrs. Mary Hall, Cadiz, Green County, WI, postmarked Jewell, KS, nd
1379.   Business card of R. Pelck, gunsmith, Freeport, IL, on back, “C.D. Austin, Chicago, 20 River Street”, nd
1380.   —-, 30 June —-, lumbering, family news
1381.   Jane Hall, 28, June 1850, wants husband (J.J. Hall) to return home to fix the house for winter, children want him home
1382.   John W. and Susan F. Woods. Lancaster, MO, 19 April 1851, family news, hard winter, crops, stock, postscript from James and F. Hall (J.J. Hall’s parents), family news
1383.   James Ethridge, Fayette, 19 November 1853, his situation, needs his gun
1384.   W. A. Coeman, Lancaster, MO, 14 December 1853, answer to letter of J.J. Hall’s to his parents, family news
1389. James Ethridge, 11 February 1854, mining, abundance of women, needs his gun, direct letter to Yellowstone.
1385.   James and Franky Hall, 19 April 1854, requests J.J. to come, bring his gunsmith tools, directions to their place
1386.   James and Franky Hall, Schuyler County, MO, 30 June 1854, offering advice to come to Missouri, no gunsmith where they are, offers to help them move
Folder 23. Papers of J. J. Hall Family  1850-1916 2 of 3
1387.   G. W. Hall, Schuyler County, MO, 4 March 1855, hoping that J.J. will come, crops
1388.   James and Franky Hall, Lancaster, MO, 8 July 1855, opportunities in Lancaster, direction to Lancaster
1390.   Note from Mahlon McEnter (Orangeville?), 26 August 1861, demands payment immediately
1391.   Cousin Vi, Fairbury, 16 March 1862, (addressed to Mary) family news, Ma smoking her pipe, the war
1392.   R.D.C., Mt. Pisga, 18 May 1862, (addressed to Mary), expectation of the hereafter, family news, their situation, comment about the war.
1393.   L.L. McDowell, Fairbury, IL, 20 May 1862 (Addressed to Mary) new bonnet, visiting, family news, invitation to visit.
1394.   Itemized bill from William M. Mesk, for laboring, 30 May 1862
1395.   R.D.C., Mt. Pisga, 22 February 1863 (?) (to Mary), her situation, fear of Indians, homesick
1396.   R.D.C., 19 April 1863, (to Mary), family news, her troubles
1397.   Joshua Trickel, 30 April 1863, his situation, people he has met, his injury (in Flarance City, WA,) coming home
1398.   Sara E. Hall, Schuyler County, MO, 5 March 1865, their situation, peace looks gloomy, prices, (lock of hair)
1399.   Promissory note from Moses H. Smith, Caidz, 9 (November?), 1865
1400.   Receipt for shoes, 7 February 1866 (horseshoes).
1401.   Receipt from shoeing, 7 February 1866
1402.   Receipt from Joseph Sweetman for repairs, 7 February 1866
1403.   Joseph D. Hall, 19 February 1866, his situation, moved from Missouri to Iowa, direct letter to Milton VanBuren County, Iowa
1404.   Receipt for blacksmithing, 23 February 1866
1405.   Receipt for wagon wrench, 23 February, nd
1406.   Receipt for four new shoes, 23 February 1866
1407.   Receipt for eight new shoes, 23 February 1866
1408.   Joseph D. Hall, 25 March 1866, their situation in Iowa, prices, postscript from Mary C. Hall, schoolhouse near, write
Folder 24. Papers of J. J. Hall Family 1850-1916  3 of 3
1409.   Itemized bill from W. W. Wright & Brother (Winslows, IL) for dry goods and clothing, 1 November 1867
1410.   R.D.C., Edinburg, 9 September 1869, Franky’s behavior, can’t loan any money, advice to move, family news.
1411.   Mary Erma Nilrich, Scioto Harlem, IL, 10 July 1870, contemplating a visit, family news
1412.   R.D.C., Edinburg, 4 February 1872, family news
1413.   Itemized bill from Hodge & Martin (Martin WI.) for dry goods, covers 31 July thru 12 October 1872
1414.   Notice from P. J. Clawson, Clerk of Court, Monroe, WI, concerning Mary Hall’s signature required on pension papers of R. D. Wilcox, 7 May 1873
1415.   Notice from Adams & Noble, grocers, (Monroe, WI.) account past due, must be paid, 16 December 1876
1416.   Business note from Rudolf Baier to John (Crygapic?) and John Roberts to each pay his part of thrashing to Walter Hall, 19 September 1889
1417.   Lizzie F. Brackham, Pleasant Valley, 13 October 1890, legal troubles, law suit involving Lange Templeton and Miller
1418.   Lizzie F. Brackham, 6 February 1891, their situation
1419.   Envelope from DOC 1418
1420.   Susannah Worick, Jewell City, KS, 28 June 1891, their situation in their new home
1421.   Tena Miner, Cornell, 13 April 1900, her situation, enjoyed father’s visit, family news
1422.   Freight bill from Illinois Central for freight on household goods from Warren, Illinois to Dubuque, Iowa, 15 January 1902
1423.   Rosetta Hall, 1 February 1902, sending money owed Hall by Bill Burke
1424.   Letter fragment, to Lynn and Co., N.Y., request new catalogue, complaint about a ring, 24 October 1916
Folder 25. Miscellaneous
1425.   Small card with prayer
1426.   Complimentary ticket for one admission to Forepaugh’s Circus, Hippedrome, Museum and Menagerie
1427.   Invitation to Grand Masquerade Ball at Winslow, IL, 22 February 1877
1428.   Catechism of the Methodist Episcopal Church, No. 11, pub. 1867
1429.   Grade report of G.H. Whitaker at University of Illinois, October 1900.
1430.   Bookkeeping practice book of George F. Hall’s, first entry is dated 26 February 1856; last entry is a paraphrase of “Oh Susanna” using George’s name instead
1431.   Handwritten book of poems, no author cited, possibly for penmanship practice.
1432.   Pamphlet describing the Vermont Historical Magazine, Ludlow, Vermont, June 1862, Abby M. Hemmenway, editor and publisher
1433.   Handwritten book of poems and stories, no author cited, possibly for penmanship practice
Folder 26. Miscellaneous
1434.   Handbill, “A Pleasant Gathering” a summary of the Hall Family reunion of 1885, poem by Mary Shearer on front
1435.   Handbill, “A Pleasant Gathering” a summary of the Hall family reunion of 1885, poem by Mary Shearer on front
1436.   Sheet with three methods of fortune-telling described in detail
1437.   Penmanship copybook of Lottie Halls’ (ca 1867)
1438.   Penmanship copybook of Lottie Halls’ (ca 1867)
1439.   Sarah Hall’s workbook, Paysen & Dutton’s Penmanship book no. 6, 1856
1440.   Sarah Hall’s workbook, Paysen & Dutton’s Penmanship Book, no. 8. For ladies, 1855
1441.   Sarah Hall’s workbook, Paysen & Dutton’s Penmanship Book, no 9, 1857 (5 May 1858)
Folder 27. Empty Envelopes
1442. Addressed to Israel Hall, nd
1443. Addressed to Israel Hall, nd
1444. Addressed to Israel Hall, nd
1445. Addressed to Israel Hall, nd
1446. Addressed to Israel Hall, nd
1447. Addressed to Israel Hall, nd.
1448. Addressed to Israel Hall, nd.
1449. Addressed to Israel Hall, nd
1450. Addressed to Israel Hall, January
1451. Addressed to Israel Hall, February
1452. Addressed to Israel Hall, March
1453. Addressed to Israel Hall, 4 March
1454. Addressed to Israel Hall, 16 March
1455. Addressed to Israel Hall, 25 March
1456. Addressed to Israel Hall, 27 March
1457. Addressed to Israel Hall, 5 April
1458. Addressed to Israel Hall, 10 April
1459. Addressed to Israel Hall, 12 April
1460. Addressed to Israel Hall, 18 April
1461. Addressed to Israel Hall, 15 May
1462. Addressed to Israel Hall, 16 May
1463. Addressed to Israel Hall, 25 May
1464. Addressed to Israel Hall, 27 May
1465. Addressed to Israel Hall, 9 June
1466. Addressed to Israel Hall, 30 June
1467. Addressed to Israel Hall, 12 August
1468. Addressed to Israel Hall, 13 August
1469. Addressed to Israel Hall, 15 August
1470. Addressed to Israel Hall, 11 September
1471. Addressed to Israel Hall, 26 September
1472. Addressed to Israel Hall, 8 October
1473. Addressed to Israel Hall, 15 October
1474. Addressed to Israel Hall, 27 October
1475. Addressed to Israel Hall, 31 October
1476. Addressed to Israel Hall, 5 November
Folder 28. Empty Envelopes
1477. Addressed to Israel Hall, 11 November
1478. Addressed to Israel Hall, 17 November
1479. Addressed to Israel Hall, 8 December
1480. Addressed to Israel Hall, 30 June 1863
1481. Addressed to Israel Hall, 30 July 1863
1482. Addressed to Israel Hall, 24 October 1863
1483. Addressed to Israel Hall, 6 August 1864
1484. Addressed to Israel Hall, 25 August 1865
1485. Addressed to Israel Hall, 24 October 1865
1486. Addressed to Israel Hall, 16 March 1871
1487. Addressed to Israel Hall, 3 May 1871
1488. Addressed to Israel Hall, 8 March 1873
1489. Addressed to Israel Hall, 5 May 1873
1490. Addressed to Israel Hall, 17 August 1880
1491. Addressed to Israel Hall, 25 December 1880
1492. Addressed to Israel Hall, 10 April 1883
1493. Addressed to Israel Hall, 25 January 1886
1494. Addressed to Israel Hall, 23 March 1886
1495. Addressed to Israel Hall, 30 April 1886
1496. Addressed to Israel Hall, 9 June 1886
1497. Addressed to Israel Hall, 15 July 1886
1498. Addressed to Israel Hall, 6 August 1886
1499. Addressed to Israel Hall, 29 October 1887
1500. Addressed to Israel Hall, 10 June 1894
1501. Addressed to Israel Hall, 24 April 1894
1502. Addressed to Byron Whitaker, nd
1503. Addressed to Byron Whitaker, nd
1504. Addressed to Byron Whitaker, 3 February
1505. Addressed to Byron Whitaker, 24 June
1506. Addressed to Byron Whitaker, 2 October
1507. Addressed to Byron Whitaker, 12 October
1508. Addressed to Byron Whitaker, 20 October
1509. Addressed to Byron Whitaker, 27 September 1899
Folder 29.  Financial Records of Israel Hall, undated
1.           Business Letter from J.K. Coolidge, 24 February –.
2.           Bill of sale, dress goods bought from D.C. Eldridge, 8 June thru 14 October
3.           Bill from Devers, Rock Island, for hauling, 6 November thru 29 December
4.           Bill for stone (window caps) n.d.
5.           Bill from John Weaver for hauling, 30 May thru 25 June
6.           Bill to Joseph Walster for coffin and hearse, 10 October
7.           Receipt from A. McNeil for mattress and lounge, 6 June
8.           Itemized bill from W.P. Bissell for hardware and wood, 24 October thru 5 December
9.           List of people and amounts owed them by Scott County 1 June thru 3 July
10.         List of people, numbers of days, meaning unclear, nd
11.         Price list from Daniel F. Meader & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, furniture, nd
12.         Bill from J. Glaspell, for strawberries, grapes and cider, nd
13.         Bill from John Hillen for work, nd
14.         Bill for corn to C. Kautz, nd
15.         Corn from C. Kautz to H. Ladehoff (I. Hall – $80.29) nd
16.         Receipt from Dimock & Gould, nd
17.         Receipt from H. Kirk for hardware and miscellaneous, nd
18.         List of I. Hall’s creditors, amount owed, nd
19.         List of furniture and priced nd
20.         Guarantee of purchase from N. Christi for Mr. Vanfleet, nd
21.         Copy of transaction – I. Hall’s % noted, nd
22.         Guarantee of purchase from W.R. Sligh for bearer, nd
23.         Bill from Rhodes & Hamilton for misc. items, 6 April thru 26 July
24.         Guarantee of purchase from Andrews & Shelly for bearer, nd
25.         Guarantee of purchase from C. Reid for Mr. Hanson, nd
26.         Bill/Receipt from H.T. Torbert for painting, nd
27.         Receipt from W. Renwick, 15 May
28.         Itemized account, meaning unclear, nd
29.         Receipt from Hastings & White for cards, nd
30.         Receipt from May A. Jamison for ½ of cash payment for church lot, 24 December
31.         Business note from Arrison directing Pentith to take measurements for a coffin, nd
32.         Receipt from Stevenson & Carnahan for miscellaneous items, 6 October
33.         Itemized account of H. C. Howard, showing furniture and prices, nd
34.         Receipt from Wickersham, nd
899.      Weight receipt for Ladehoff’s crop, nd
Folder 30. Financial Records of Israel Hall 1845-1852
35.         Agreement to discharge stated amount on mortgage made by Robert Parker with Inslee & Owens, 1 November 1845
36.         Receipt for coffins shipped on steamer Dew Drop by agent Sanders, 22 March 1850
37.         Receipt from Foster, Lee & Co., for merchandise, 6 August 1850
38.         Receipt from T.V. Blakemore, Jr. for hardware, 5 October 1850
39.         Bill from Dimock, Pitts & Babbitt, for furniture, January 1851
40.         Bill/receipt from J.H. Morton for repairs, 3 January 1851 thru 12 May 1852
41.         Contract between H.H. Reynolds and George McGranahan & Andrew Ringlesby to sell flour on commission, 12 February 1851
42.         Itemized bill from Eldridge & Sons for groceries, 5 March thru 10 May 1852
43.         Receipt from J.W. Waggoner for furniture and work to Burris & Hall, 22 August thru 10 October 1851
44.         Business note from J.W. Waggoner to Burris & Hall, scarcity parts prevents filling of order, 21 September 1851
45.         Itemized bill from J.W. Waggoner to Burris & Hall for parts, rising water will close shop soon, 27 September 1851
46.         Itemized bill from Dimock, Pitts, and Babbitt, for parts, to Burris & Hall, 20 October 1851
47.         Itemized receipt from Thomas Scott for stone and implements 29 October 1851
48.         Guarantee of purchase from Carpenter & Rhodes for John Graham, to Burris & Hall, 8 November 1851
49.         Itemized bill from A.H. Miller to Burris & Hall for office supplies, 5 December 1851 thru 25 May 1852
50.         Itemized bill from Dimock, Pitts & Babbit, for bedstead shipped on Steamer Hawkeye, to Hall & Pentith, 14 August 1852 (note concerning payment and future orders)
51.         Receipt from Dimock, Pitts & Babbit, for Hall & Pentith, 15 August 1852
52.         Receipt from Dimock, Pitts & Babbit, for Hall & Pentith, 27 August 1852
53.         Receipt from Dimock, Pitts & Babbit, for Hall & Pentith, 20 September 1852
54.         Receipt from Dimock, Pitts & Babbit, for Hall & Pentith, 22 December 1852
55.         Account/Receipt from George L. Davenport for groceries and rent, 3 January 1852 thru 31 December 1852
56.         Bill from Sanders & Davis for Gazette, Advertising and printing (25 April 1850 thru 2 August 1851) to William Burris, 1 January 1852
57.         (Attached to DOC 56) note from William Burris requesting Hall to pay balance of bill, 22 January 1852
96.         Receipt from Sanders & Davis, 5 January 1853 (cf DOC 56 and 57)
58.         Itemized bill from Cotes & Davis for building materials, 24 April 1852
59.         Receipt for legal fees, Township of Davenport vs. John Kecke from Justice of the Peace Tichnor, 10 May 1852
60.         Guarantee of purchase from Burrows & Prettyman for W.D. Moore, 22 May 1852
61.         Itemized bill from T.H. Wickerhsam for hardware, to Francis Pentith, 16 June 1852
62.         Itemized bill from S. Burrell for furniture legs and miscellaneous parts, to Hall & Pentith, 29 June 1852
63.         Receipt from T.V. Blakemore for tin, to Hall & Pentith, 13 July 1852
64.         Receipt from N. Squire, 9 August 1852
65.         Itemized bill from J.H. Morton for miscellaneous items, 17 September 1852
66.         Guarantee of purchase from James Hall for bearer, 18 October 1852
67.         Business note requesting payment to Mr. Hillhouse on behalf of John Ohl, 17 November 1852
68.         Bill from C.F. Knapp for clothing for Mr. Pearson, 20 November 1852
69.         Bill from William Lee for stone, 29 December 1852
Folder 31. Financial Records of Israel Hall 1853
144.      Statement of account from Dimock & Gould, 19 March 1853 thru 10 February 1854
70.         Receipt by courier Thomas Arrison–draft on Cook, Sargeant & Parker, 1853 (cf DOC 139, credits, 16 September 1853)
71.         Receipt, from Dimock & Gould for bedstead account, 11 March 1853
72.         Receipt from Dimock & Gould, by courier Thrombeck, 13 April 1853
73.         Itemized invoice from Dimock & Gould, note explaining shortage of trundles, request for future orders, 14 April 1853
74.         Receipt from Dimock & Gould, by courier Thomas Arrison, 20 April 1853
75.         Business note from Dimock & Gould, informing Hall of supply of bedsteads sent to Pentith, more stock soon, 22 April 1853
76.         Itemized bill/invoice, from Dimock & Gould, for bedsteads, balance of shipment later in day, remarks concerning weather and road conditions, 13 May 1853
77.         Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 20 May 1853
78.         Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 20 June 1853
79.         Itemized bill/invoice from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, and pails, note explaining the shipment of one size pail, 25 June 1853
80.         Business note from Dimock & Gould confirming order, explaining delays, 29, June 1853
81.         Bill/receipt from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 5 July 1853
82.         Bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 16 July 1853
83.         Receipt from Dimock & Gould by courier Thomas Arrison, 2 September 1853
84.         Business note, from Dimock & Gould, machine broke, order not filled, 8 September 1853
85.         Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 10 September 1853
86.         Business note from Dimock & Gould explaining delay and differences in steads made with old machine vs. new, 10 September 1853
87.         Receipt, by courier Thomas Arrison, 3 October 1853
88.         Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads and table legs, note about trundles sent to Pentith, 5 October 1853
89.         Bill from Dimock & Gould for trundles, 6 October 1853 (cf DOC 88)
90.         Receipt from Dimock & Gould by courier Thomas Arrison, 3 November 1853
91.         Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould, for bedsteads, note on back concerning difficulty of filling order, 5 November 1853
92.         Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould, for bedsteads, 23 November 1853
93.         Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould, for bedsteads, note concerning scarcity of walnut, 1 December 1853
94.         Receipt from Dimock & Gould, by courier Thomas Arrison, 9 December 1853
95.         Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould, for bedsteads, note concerning lateness of delivery, 10 December 1853
97.         Itemized bill from Sanders & Davis for Gazette, printing, 1 January 1853 thru 16 October 1854
98.         Itemized bill from T.V. Blakemore for hardware, 7 February 1853
99.         Itemized bill from James Donnel for roofing and lights, 11 April 1853 thru 30 July 1855
100.      Itemized bill from J.H. Morton for labor, 15 April 1853 thru 19 May 1854
101.      Promissory note from Ezra Carpenter, 3 May 1853
102.      Itemized bill from J.H. Ricke for hardware, rails, and banisters, 22 December 1853 thru 3 January 1854
103.      Itemized bill from Woolford & Scott for music items, 15 June 1853
104.      Receipt from Strong Burnell & Lambate, 16 July 1853
105.      Receipt from H. Johnson & Co., St. Louis, 13 August 1853
106.      Receipt from Henry H. Smith, 6 September 1853
107.      Receipt from J.H. Emiz for shoes and boots, 21 September 1853 thru 20 August 1854
108.      Itemized bill from R. Christi for lumber, 6 October 1853 thru 21 October 1854
109.      Business letter from W. D. Smith requesting delivery of a previously ordered sign, 12 October 1853
110.      Itemized bill from A.H. Miller for repairs, 13 October 1853
111.      Bill from John Peterson for coffin, 23 October 1853
112.      Itemized receipt from S.A. Brabrook, for window shades and pictures frames, 29 October 1853
113.      Itemized bill from C. Reed for boots, 12 December 1853 thru 11 December 1855
Folder 32.            Financial Records, 1854: Boyden & Willard, Chicago (DOC 114-133)
                                                               Dimock & Gould (DOC 134-159)
                                               Scarritt & Mason, St. Louis (DOC 219-234)
114.      Statement of account from Boyden & Willard, covering 3 March thru 13 June 1854, payment of balance requested, 17 August 1854
115.      Itemized bill from Boyden & Willard for furniture, 3 March 1854
116.      Shipping receipt from Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 4 March 1854, signed by L. Thomas and A. L. Wait
117.      Shipping receipt from Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 4 March 1854, signed by L. Thomas and A. L. Wait
118.      Shipping receipt from Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 4 March 1854, signed by L. Thomas and A. L. Wait.
119.      Business letter from Boyden & Willard, receipt of payment, shipment of rocker will be sent soon, prices for mattresses, 4 March 1854
120.      Itemized bill from Boyden & Willard for rockers and mattresses, 11 March 1854
121.      Shipping receipt from Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 13 March 1854
122.      Business note from Boyden & Willard, concerning shipment of rockers, 13 March 1854
123.      Business note from Boyden & Willard, receipt of payment, stock on hand, bill for rockers enclosed, 12 April 1854
124.      Itemized bill from Boyden & Willard, for bureaus and mattresses, 12 April 1854
125.      Shipping receipt from Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 13 April 1854, signed by A. L. Wait
126.      Business note, from Boyden & Willard, receipt of payment, received Dimock & Gould’s order, May 3, 1854 (cf) DOC 145)
127.      Itemized bill from Boyden & Willard for bureaus and mattresses, 5 May 1854
128.      Shipping receipt from Chicago & Rock island Railroad, 6 May 1854, signed by Wait
129.      Business note, from Boyden & Willard, merchandise in stock, 11 May 1854 (cf DOC 146)
130.      Itemized bill from Boyden & Willard for bedsteads, 23 May 1854
131.      Shipping receipt from Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 24 May 1854, signed by Wait
132.      Receipt from Boyden & Willard, 13 June 1854
133.      Business note from Boyden & Willard, receipt of payment, 24 August 1854 (cf DOC 114)
134.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 14 January 1854
135.      Statement of account from Dimock & Gould, covering 25 January thru 13 December 1854
136.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads and table legs, 25 January 1854, note on side concerning account
137.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, etc. 16 March 1854
138.      Business note from Dimock & Gould, different styles of bedsteads, 16, March 1854
140.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 28 March 1854
141.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 31 March 1854
142.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, etc. 6 April 1854, note concerning length of rails
143.      Business note from Dimock & Gould, lateness of order, shipment of castors, 15 April 1854
144.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, etc. 15 April 1854 (cf DOC 143)
145.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 3 May 1854, received Boyden & Willard’s letter, presume order went to Chicago, (cf DOC 126)
146.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, etc 6 May 1854, note concerning ability to fill orders for two to three weeks (cf DOC 129)
147.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 22 May 1854
148.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 9 June 1854
149.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould by courier Thomas Arrison, 21 June 1854
150.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads 26 June 1854
151.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 13 July 1854
152.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 22 July 1854, note concerning work shutdown caused by heat, notification to leave island
153.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, order for W.L. Luys, 31 July 1854
154.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould 5 August 1854
155.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 25 August 1854
156.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, etc. 22 Sept, 1854
157.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, etc. 30, September 1854
158.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 10 October 1854, note requesting return of broken stead.
159.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould 13 December 1854
219.      Itemized bill from Scarritt & Mason for assorted furniture, 9 June 1854
220.      Itemized bill from Scarritt & Mason for assorted furniture, 16 June 1854
221.      Itemized bill from Scarritt & Mason for assorted furniture, 24 June 1854
222.      Itemized bill from Scarritt & Mason for assorted furniture, 11 July 1854
223.      Business letter from Scarritt & Mason, missed chance to ship tables, price increases, stock in good shape, 11 July 1854
224.      Itemized bill from Scarritt & Mason, for assorted furniture, 14 July 1854
225.      Business letter from Scarritt & Mason, order shipped on steamer Jenny Lind, receipt of payment, 18 July 1854
226.      Itemized bill from Scarritt & Mason for assorted furniture, 22 July 1854
227.      Business letter from Scarritt & Mason, receipt of payment, pleased with news of new warehouse and expected increase of orders, stock is larger, 16 August 1854
228.      Business letter of Scarritt & Mason, receipt of payment, missed shipping order on steamer May 6, will ship on steamer Julia Dean, 31 August 1854
229.      Business letter from Scarritt & Mason, receipt of payment, out of stock items, expect large fall order, 2 October 1854
230.      Itemized bill from Scarritt & Mason, for assorted furniture, 2 October 1854 Itemized bill from W.L. Collins for hauling, 20 December 1854
231.      Receipt from Scarritt & Mason, 26 October 1854, check from Cook & Sargent
232.      Business letter from Scarritt & Mason, receipt of payment, anticipate order to arrive on steamer Mary C., 26 October 1854
233.      Bill of lading for furniture shipped on the Mary C, 6 November 1854
234.      Itemized bill from Scarritt & Mason for furniture, 7 November 1854 (cf DOC 233)
Folder 33. Financial Records, 1854: Miscellaneous
160.      Itemized bill from Eli Adams, Iowa Book Rooms, for paper and misc. books, 1854-1855
161.      Itemized bill from J.B. Ricke for table legs, banisters, 11 January thru 6 May 1854
163.      Itemized bill from H.H. Smith, for clothing material, 6 March 1865
164.      Bill/receipt from P. Benton for livery, 21 March 1854
165.      Receipt from A. & C. Drew & Co., for mattresses, 25 March 1854
166.      Itemized bill from Drs. Hickman and Parker for medicine and visits, 28 March thru 1 September 1854
167.      Account/receipt from J.M. Cannon for fencing and sheeting, 30 March thru 1 May 1854
168.      Guarantee for purchase from H. Wickersham for a bureau for Joseph Loick, 3 April 1854
169.      Account/receipt from Knapp & Redman for coats and ribbon, 3 April 1854
170.      Receipt from Wickersham & Son for nails for Scott County, 2 May 1854
171.      Account/receipt from Parker & Spearing for livery, 3 May thru 30 May 1854
172.      Account/receipt from J.H. Morton for painting, 3 May 1855 thru 31 December 1855
173.      Receipt from Cotes & Davis for lumber, 4 May 1854
174.      Business letter from I. A. Birchard to William Burris concerning employing a physician by the year, 10 May 1854
175.      Receipt from John Hiller for labor and material for cellar wall, 20 May 1854
176.      Receipt from Charles Tid for teaming, 27 May 1854
177.      Receipt from R. McIntosh for cedar posts to Scott County, 28,May 1854
178.      Account/receipt from Parker & Spearing, 1 June thru 27 June 1854
179.      Receipt for pledge to Methodist Episcopal church, 1 June 1854
180.      Receipt for pledge to Methodist Episcopal Church, 1 June 1854
181.      Two receipts (not separated) for pledge to Methodist Episcopal church, 1 June 1854
182.      Account/receipt from Child & Baker for hardware, 10 June thru 11 December 1854
183.      Receipt from Samuel Starrs Nowe for subscriptions to the Sunbeam and Iowa State Journal 13 June 1854
184.      Receipt from H. Johnson & Co. (St. Louis) for varnish, 17 June 1854
185.      Bill from H. Johnson & Co. (St. Louis) for varnish, 17 June 1854
186.      Receipt from Cotes & Davis for flooring, 24 June 1854
187.      Five-year lease from Methodist Episcopal Church for seat No. 27, 27 June 1854
188.      Receipt from A. F. Mast, Postmaster, for postage bill 1 July 1854
189.      Account/receipt from Parker & Spearing for livery, 5 July thru 22 July 1854
190.      Itemized receipt from Johan George Koch for carpentry, 5 July 1854
191.      Receipt from J.E. Davidson for freight on tables shipped on steamer Mary C, 7 July 1854
192.      Receipt from Benjamin Atkinson for bricklaying, 15 July 1854
193.      Receipt from A.W. Smith for well-cleaning, 21 July 1854
194.      Receipt for freight on furniture shipped on steamer Mary C, 27 July 1854
195.      Account/receipt from Parker & Spearing for livery, 2 August thru 8 October 1854
196.      Business letter from A.H. Renolds inquiring about his old business, 6 August 1854
197.      Receipt from Benjamin Atkinson, 19 August 1854
198.      Business letter from William Burris concerning an insane woman to be removed to the East, 22 August 1854
199.      Receipt from J.H. Cannon, 25 August 1854
200.      Receipt from H. Johnson & Co. (St. Louis) 5 September 1854 paid by check on E.W. Clark & Bro.
201.      Receipt from H.S. Lower for funeral expenses of H. Goldsmith and James Gelfare, 6 September 1854
202.      Receipt from Smith, Hitchcock & Marquis for lumber, 9 September 1854
203.      Receipt from Hill & E.W. Mitchell for muslin, 11 September 1854
204.      Account/receipt from Dr. W.G. Gibson, 12 September 1854 thru 1 January 1857
205.      Receipt from Benjamin Atkinson for bricklaying, 16 September 1854
206.      Promissory note from John Wheeler, 27 September 1854
207.      Receipt from Burnell, Gillet & Co. for lumber, 3 October 1854
208.      Account/receipt from Burnell, Gillet & Co. for lumber, 6 October 1854 thru 4 April 1855
209.      Receipt from LeClaire, Davenport & Co., 14 October 1854
210.      Receipt from George L. Davenport for rent on Odd Fellows Hall, 20 October 1854
211.      Receipt from R. D. Myers for extracting Mrs. Hall’s teeth, 26 October 1854
212.      Account/receipt from R. Christi for lumber, 18 November thru 26 December 1854
213.      Account with R. Christi, for lumber, 18 November 1865 thru August 1855, balance due.
214.      Account/receipt from J.J. Souter for hardware, 30 November 1854 thru 5 March 1855
215.      Account/receipt from Knapp & Redmon, December 1854 thru 2 August 1855
216.      Receipt from Davenport & LeClaire for bound iron, 6 December 1854
217.      Account/receipt from Henry C. Riordan for plumbing and sheet metal work, 11 December 1854 thru 13 June 1855
218.      Itemized bill from W. L. Collins for hauling, 20 December 1854.
Folder 34.            Financial Records, 1855: H. Closterman, Cincinnati, Ohio (DOC 235-244)
                                               Dimock & Gould (DOC 245-264)
                                               Foster, Lee & Co., New York (DOC 265-272)
                                               Taylor, Seymour & Co., Troy, New York (DOC 358-366)
235.      Itemized bill from H. Closterman for furniture, 5 May 1855
236.      Itemized bill from H. Closterman, for furniture, 29 May 1855
237.      Business letter from H. Closterman, most of order shipped on steamer Fanny Harris, payment arrangements, 29 May 1855
238.      Receipt from H. Closterman, 12 June 1855, note soliciting future orders
239.      Business letter from H. Closterman, invoice for chairs enclosed, solicit future orders, 26 June 1855
240.      Itemized bill from H. Closterman for chairs, 25 June 1855
241.      Bank draft from H. Closterman, 15 September 1855
242.      Receipt from H. Closterman thru courier Collins, 1 October 1855
243.      Business letter from John Collins, dealings with Closterman, shipment to care of Burrows & Prettyman, 1 October 1855
244.      Bank draft from H. Closterman, 31 October 1855
245.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for steads, 8 January 1855
246.      Business letter, from Dimock & Gould, return piece to be repaired, new prices – one more load at old prices, 8 January 1855
247.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 3 February 1855, note concerning keeping rails so the wood will season
248.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads and banisters, 19 February 1855
249.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads and banisters, 2 April 1855
250.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 21 April 1855
251.      Itemized bill for bedsteads, 2 May 1855
252.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 19 May 1855
253.      Itemized bill for bedsteads, 2 June 1855
254.      Itemized bill for bedsteads and rails, 18 July 1855
255.      Business letter from Dimock & Gould fill orders as near as possible, 18 July 1855
256.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 9 August 1855
257.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 9 August 1855
258.      Business letter from Dimock & Gould, error on bill noted, corrected, 9 August 1855
259.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 22 August 1855
260.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 15 October 1855
261.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 7 November 1855
262.      Business letter from Dimock & Gould , bedstead stock depleted, will fill order as soon as possible, 8 December 1855
263.      Receipt from Dimock & Gould, 12 December 1855
264.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould, for bedsteads, 18 December 1855
265.      Itemized bill from Foster, Lee & Co., for furniture, 19 June thru 24 July 1855
266.      Bank draft from Foster, Lee & Co. (4524), 29 June 1855
267.      Bank draft from Foster, Lee & Co. (4525), 29 June 1855
268.      Bank draft from Foster, Lee & Co. (4526), 29 June 1855
269.      Bank draft from Foster, Lee & Co. (4527), 29 June 1855
270.      Itemized bill from Foster, Lee & Co., for furniture and cloth, 7 August 1855
271.      Business letter from Foster, Lee & Co., shipment of goods, bill (cf DOC 265), bank drafts (cf DOC 266-269), 20 August 1855
272.      Bill from Foster, Lee & Co., for table top, 16, October 1855.
358.      Itemized bill from Taylor, Seymour & Co., for chairs, 28 September 1855
359.      Bill of lading Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 29 September 1855
360.      Bank note drawn on Cook & Sargent, 1 October 1855
361.      Itemized bill from Taylor, Seymour & Co., for chairs, 2 October 1855
362.      Bill of lading, Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 2 October 1855
363.      Itemized bill from Taylor, Seymour & Co., for chairs, 9 October 1855
364.      Bill of lading, shipment in care of Chicago & Rock Island Railroad by Griffiths W. Line, 9 October 1855
365.      Business letter from Taylor, Seymour & Co., statement of account, 29 September thru 9 October 1855; letter dated 22 November 1855
366.      Business letter from Taylor, Seymour & Co., 3 December 1855
Folder 35. Financial Records, 1855: Miscellaneous
273.      Receipt from H. Price, collector for Scott County, for 1854 County, State and road taxes, 2 January 1855
274.      Itemized bill from John Weaver for hauling, 3 January thru 30 May 1855
275.      Part of DOC 274
276.      Part of DOC 274
277.      Note from William Burris, county Judge, investigate case explained by bearer, and report to Burris, 17 January 1855  (Mrs. Brown?)
278.      Account/receipt from A. McNeil for mattresses, 29 January thru 8 May 1855
279.      Account/receipt from J.B. Ricke for woodworking, 7 February thru 27 February 1855
280.      Business letter from Scarritt & Mason, 12 February 1855
281.      Receipt from C. Reid. 14 February 1855
282.      Business letter from Scarritt & Mason, 5 March 1855
283.      Statement of account from J.B. Ricke for woodworking, 8 March thru 4 April 1855
284.      Statement of account from T. Lafrenz, 19 April thru 23 March 1855
285.      Itemized bill from S. B. Flint for furniture, 28 March 1855
286.      Note concerning bank drafts (cf DOC 287)
287.      Bank draft on Cook & Sargent to S. B. Flint, 28 March 1855
288.      Itemized receipt from John Burt for furniture, 2 April 1855
289.      Business note from A. Morgan concerning his account, 2 April 1855
290.      Itemized bill from J. K. Coolidge (assignor of Joseph Walter) for furniture shipped on steamer Ohio Belle, 5 April 1855
291.      Bill from H. Johnson & Co. for varnish, 10 April 1855
292.      Bill of lading from H. Johnson & Co., for varnish shipped on steamer New York State, 10 April 1855
293.      Business note from H. Johnson & Co., order shipped 10 April 1855
294.      Itemized bill from S. B. Flint for furniture, 23 April 1855
295.      Receipt from Louis Barouse for whitewashing, May 1855
296.      Guarantee of purchase from R.M. Prettyman, for bearer, 11 May 1855
297.      Receipt from Cotes & Davies for lumber, 16 May 1855
298.      Receipt from Thomas Robinson & Co. 19 May 1855
299.      Statement of account from J.B. Ricke, 21 May thru 20 September 1855
300.      Account/receipt from Andrews & Shelley for wagon and hearse 25, May thru 25 October 1855.
301.      Guarantee of purchase from F.H. Fitzpatrick for Mr. Snyder, 26 May 1855
302.      Itemized receipt from F. Close & Co. for hardware, 26 May 1855
303.      Guarantee of purchase from F.H. Fitzpatrick for A. Fitzpatrick, 31 May 1855
304.      Itemized bill from J.H. Coolidge (assignor of Joseph Walter) for furniture shipped on steamer 76, 4 June 1855
305.      Bank draft on Cook & Sargent to J.K. Coolidge (assignor of Joseph Walter) 4 June 1855
306.      Receipt from Riordan & Shead for groceries, 6 June 1855
307.      Itemized receipt from H.F. & E.W. Mitchell for dry goods, 7 June thru 8 November 1855
308.      Business letter from Cincinnati Furniture Co., shipment of order, 18 November 1855
309.      Receipt from H. C. Adams for bricks, 29 June 1855
310.      Receipt from A F. Mast, Postmaster for postage bill, 1 July 1855
311.      Business note from A. Bennick, payment to bearer, 2 July 1855
312.      Guarantee of purchase from A. Sanders to Mrs. Doyle or bearer, 5 July 1855
313.      Bill from J .M. Cannon for lumber, 9 July 1855
314.      Receipt from W.W. Thomas for D. A. Woodworth for Woodworth’s Youth Cabinet, 16 July 1855
315.      Receipt from Donnell & Dunn for painting, 20 July 1855
316.      Itemized receipt from B. Tyler & Co. for labor, 21 July 1855
317.      Itemized bill from Wickersham & Hicks, 23 July 1855
318.      Statement of account from Wickersham & Hicks, 23 July thru 13 October 1855
319.      Business note from Walker, Bronson & Co. – Walker Kellog & Co. concerning shipment on Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 25 July 1855
320.      Business note from Walker, Bronson & Co. – Walker Kellog & Co. , concerning shipment on Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 31 July 1855
321.      Receipt from Chicago & Rock Island Railroad for freight, 1 August 1855
322.      Statement of account from Child & Baker for hardware, 7 August 1855 (covers 20 January 1854 thru 7 August 1855)
323.      Business note from Walker, Bronson & Co.,-Walker, Kellog & Co., concerning shipment on Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, 7 August 1855
324.      Business note from J.K. Coolidge (assignor of Joseph Walters), 8 August 1855
325.      Bank draft on Cook & Sargent for Foster, Lee & Co., 9 August 1855
326.      Receipt from S. B. Flint, 11 August 1855
327.      Statement of account from R. Christi, 20 August 1855 thru 9 January 1856
328.      Itemized receipt from Rhodes & Hamilton for blacksmithing, 24 August thru 17 November 1855
329.      Receipt from Andrews & Shelley, 27 August 1855
330.      Statement of account from L.C. Dessaint for furniture, 5 September thru 9 October 1855
331.      Itemized bill from L.C. Dessaint for furniture, 5 September 1855 (cf DOC 330)
332.      Itemized receipt from JA. & R.W. High for livery, 7 September 1855 thru 25 July 1856
333.      Business letter from Cincinnati Furniture Co., shipment on steamer Governor Meigs, 7 September 1855
334.      Itemized receipt from H.H. Smith for cloth, 8 September 1855 thru 5 January 1856
335.      Itemized bill from H. H. Smith for cloth, 8 September 1855
336.      Itemized receipt from Twichell & Gillett for stove and tinware bought by J.F. Reid, 8 September 1855
337.      Itemized receipt from J. Collins for digging cellar for H. Maller, 10 September 1855
338.      Itemized receipt from J.B. Ricke for woodworking, 26 September 1855 thru 1 October 1856
339.      Itemized receipt from LeClaire & Davenport for mason work, 26 September 1855
340.      Promissory note from L.C. Dessaint, 1 October 1855
341.      Receipt from A. F. Mast, Postmaster, for postage bill, 1 October 1855
342.      Itemized receipt from J.M. Cannon for shingles and lumber, 2 October 1855
343.      Receipt from J.M. Fream for lumber, 3 October 1855
344.      Itemized receipt from Child & Baker for hardware 4 October thru 14 November 1855
345.      Itemized receipt from L.C. Dessaint for furniture, 10 October thru 4 November 1855
346.      Itemized receipt from A. Grant for hauling 15 October 1855
347.      Receipt from Robert McCullough & Co. for chairs bought by Mr. Burnell, 26 October 1855; note on back from S. Burnell requesting bill be paid
348.      Itemized receipt from Johan Georg Koch for labor, 26 October 1855
349.      Guarantee of purchase from M. Dalzell for Mr. Harman, 27 October 1855
350.      Receipt from S. B. Smith, 5 November 1855
351.      Receipt from Samuel Perry, 16 November 1855
352.      Promissory note to L.C. Dessaint, 21 November 1855
353.      Receipt from Cannon & Small for lumber and hauling, 15 November 1855
354.      Business letter from Tilden & Nephew, 27 November 1855, written on copy of invoice dated August 22
355.      Receipt from George Alling & Co. for flooring, 30 November 1855
356.      Itemized receipt from Wiley & Munger for groceries, 13 December 1855 thru May 1856
357.      Receipt for city property taxes for 1855, 31 December 1855
Folder 38.            Financial Records, 1856: Miscellaneous
                                               Dimock & Gould (DOC 367-373)
367.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 21 January 1856
368.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 11 March 1856
369.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 12 March 1856
370.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 22 May 1856
371.      Itemized bill from Dimock & Gould for bedsteads, 23 May 1856, note concerning unpainted rails
372.      Business letter, request payment by check to be sent with bearer, 29 May 1856
373.      Receipt, 13 September 1856
374.      Statement of account from John Collins for sundries January thru April 1856
375.      Receipt from Burnell, Gillet & Co., 5 January 1856
376.      Receipt from J.M. Bosh, collector for Scott County, for State, County and road taxes for 1855, 8 January 1856
377.      Itemized receipt from Wickersham & Hicks, 17 January 1856 thru 17 September 1856
378.      Receipt from Robert Henne for Henry Topp’s bill, 27 January 1856 thru 17 September 1856
379.      Business letter from Cincinnati Furniture Co. concerning account and orders, 9 February 1856
380.      Itemized receipt from John Knapp for cloth, 10 February 1856 thru 21 February 1857
381.      Receipt from C.H. Platt for subscription to Vermont Republican 15 February 1856
382.      Receipt from D. Moore, 19 February 1856
383.      Business letter from Cincinnati Furniture Co. concerning draft and orders, 26 February 1856
384.      Bill from Israel Hall to Jacob Baker, grocery account on back 1 March 1856
385.      Receipt from Cotes & Davies, 4 March 1856
386.      Bill from Saunders and Davis, 4 March 1856 covering 14 September 1854 thru 1856
387.      Guarantee of purchase from J.M. Carmen for Mr. Avery, 17 April 1856
388.      Receipt from Enos Tichenor for funds from the Treasury of Scott Division No. 1, Sons of Temperance, 27 April 1856
389.      Due bill from S. R. Fuller for boards, 10 May 1856
390.      Receipt from S. R. Fuller for boards 10 May 1856
391.      Itemized bill from J. M Cannon for wood, shingles and siding, 19 May 1856
392.      Receipt from B. W. Merriam 2 June 1856
393.      Itemized bill from H. Closterman for chairs shipped on steamer Tennessee Belle, 2 June 1856
394.      Business letter from John C. Holbrook, requesting a gravestone be placed to mark his wife’s grave, 4 June 1856
395.      Account/receipt from J. C. Washurn for hardware, 11 June thru 12 November 1856
396.      Itemized bill from James Cromey, for chairs shipped on steamer Fashion to St. Louis, to be forwarded to Davenport by B. C. Samhair, 14 June 1856
397.      Bill from James Cromey, 16 June 1856
398.      Business note from James Cromey concerning bank draft, 18 June 1856
399.      Business letter from John C. Holbrook, payment for gravestone, requests stone be placed, 24 June 1856
400.      Itemized receipt from Donnell & Dunn for painting, July 1856
401.      Receipt from A. F. Mast, Postmaster, for postage bill, 1 July 1856
402.      Account/receipt from J.M. Cannon, 7 July 1856
403.      Account/receipt from Robert Simpson, 9 July thru 4 October 1856
404.      Itemized receipt from Cotes & Davies for lumber, 9 July thru 12 August 1856
405.      Receipt from Chas. F. Ranzow for varnishing chairs, 11 July 1856
406.      Bill from Wickersham & Hicks, 21 July 1856
407.      Itemized receipt from J.E. Daniels Co, for furniture 22, July 1856
408.      Receipt from Nathan Rambo for plastering, 25 July 1856
409.      Receipt from Joseph A. Crandall for wallpaper, 2 August 1856
410.      Business note from James Cromey (Louisville) 6 August 1856
411.      Itemized/receipt from Parker & Spearing for livery, 21 August 1856
412.      Itemized receipt from McNeil & Bro. for furniture, 29 August thru 12 November 1856
413.      Itemized receipt from F. Pentith for furniture, 8 September 1856 thru 19 January 1857
414.      Bill from Sears, Wood & Co. for lumber, 9 September 1856
415.      Receipt from Chas. Goodrich for lumber 10 September 1856
416.      Bill from Sears, Wood & Co. for bedsteads, 20 September 1856
417.      Receipt from J.M. Dunn, October 1856
418.      Bill from J. A. & Wm. R. High for livery, 9 October 1856
419.      Receipt from Cotes & Davies for lumber, 14 October 1856
420.      Receipt from J.M. Cannon for lumber, 15 October 1856
421.      Receipt from R. Christi for lumber, 21 October 1856
422.      Receipt from James Donnell for painting, 25 October 1856 for work done July & August 1856
423.      Receipt from William L. Collins for labor and hauling, 3 November 1856
424.      Receipt from H.H. Smith for cloth, 18 November 1856
425.      Receipt from Sears, Wood & Co., 17 December 1856
426.      Receipt from Gillett, & Co., 31 December 1856
Folder 37.            Financial Records, 1857: Miscellaneous
                                               Crane, Breed & Co., Cincinnati (DOC 427-435)
427.      Business letter from Crane, Breed & Co., concerning bank draft 14 May 1857
436.      Bill of lading for caskets shipped on steamer Messenger, 9 June 1857
428.      Itemized bill from Crane, Breed & Co., for caskets, 30 September 1857, note explaining delay in shipment
429.      Business note from Crane, Breed & Co., explaining delay of order, 6 October 1857
430.      Itemized bill from Crane, Breed & Co., for caskets, 14 October 1857, note concerning shipped by steamboat
431.      Business letter from Crane, Breed & Co., concerning payment, 27 October 1857
432.      Business letter from Crane, Breed & Co., concerning bank draft, 6 November 1857
433.      Business letter from Crane, Breed & Co., concerning caskets damaged in shipment, 9 November 1857
434.      Business letter from Crane, Breed & Co., payment (Nebraska funds, New York, or New Orleans exchanges acceptable) offer for rights to sell caskets to Barry Barr, 23 December 1857
435.      Business letter From Crane, Breed & Co., account credited for damaged coffins, 31 December 1857
437.      Receipt from A. F. Mast, Postmaster, for postage bill 1 January 1857
438.      Receipt from W. K. Lindsay for engraving coffins (names listed) January 1 thru 17 June 1857
439.      Promissory note to H. C. Adams, 6 January 1857
440.      Itemized receipt from W. Wiley for groceries, 17 January thru 6 May 1857
441.      Receipt for weighing coal for Kennedy, signed by R.M. Prettyman and J.B. Rowse, 28 January 1857
442.      Receipt from Burnell, Gillett & Co., 30 January 1857
443.      Receipt from R. Simpson for lumber, February 1857
444.      Receipt from McManus & Wilkinson for bricks and bricklaying, 10 February 1857
445.      Receipt from Cotes & Davies for lumber, 10 February 1857
446.      Receipt from R. Simpson, 14 February 1857
447.      Receipt from R. Simpson, 19 February 1857
448.      Itemized receipt from J. A. & William R. High for livery, 22 February thru 31 July 1857
449.      Itemized bill from L.C. Dessaint for furniture, 26 February thru 2 April 1857
450.      Receipt from weighing hay from Locum, signed by R.M. Prettyman and J. B. Rowse, 14 March 1857
451.      Receipt from Sears, Wood & Co., 18 March 1857
452.      Receipt from Smith & Remington, 18 March 1857
453.      Receipt from M. Dalzell & Co., 1 May 1857
454.      Itemized receipt from McNeill & Bro., 6 May thru 6 August 1857
455.      Itemized receipt from F. Pentith for bedsteads, 14 May thru 8 September 1857
456.      Receipt from N.M. Rambo & Co., for whitewashing, 10 May 1857
457.      Receipt from Gould & Steers for cloth, 23 May 1857
458.      Receipt from Phelps & Kingman (New York) 26 May 1857
459.      Itemized receipt from Cotes & Davies for lumber, 27 May thru 24 July 1857
460.      Bill of lading from H. Closterman for chairs shipped on steamer Messenger, June 1857
461.      Receipt from Cannon & French, 18 June 1857
462.      Receipt from Burrows & Prettyman, July 1857
463.      Itemized receipt from Sears, Wood & Co., for bedsteads, July 1857
464.      Itemized receipt from Child & Hoath for hardware, 26 July 1857 thru 7 February 1858
465.      Receipt from Burnell, Gillett & Co., 3 August 1, 1857
466.      Receipt from Burnell, Gillet & Co., 3 August 1857
467.      Receipt from George Alling Company, 2 September 1857
468.      Receipt from Cotes & Davies for lumber, 4 September 1857
469.      Receipt from J.K. Mills & C., 8 September 1857
470.      Itemized receipt from J.C. Washburn for hardware, 11 September 1857
471.      Receipt from A. F. Mast, Postmaster, for postage bill, 1 October 1857
472.      Guarantee of purchase from R. Simpson for C.M. Hendee, 20 October 1857
473.      Receipt from George Alling Co., for lumber, 27 October 1857
474.      Business letter from H. Closterman concerning a bank draft thru U.S. Express Co., 28, October 1857
475.      Receipt from Collins & Harner for carpentry, 3 November 1857
476.      Promissory note from I.W. Matthews, 9 November 1857
477.      Business letter from H. Closterman concerning shortage of funds, requests payment, 10 November 1857
478.      Business letter from H. Closterman concerning Eastern Exchange funds, Wisconsin money undesirable, 30 November 1857
Folder 38. Financial Records 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861: Miscellaneous
479.      Record of taxes paid in Clay and O’Brien Counties in Iowa from 1858 thru 1875, floor plan on reverse side
480.      Weigh bill from Fairbanks City Scales for Logan for load of hay, signed W.W. Kennedy, January 1858
481.      Business note from Crane, Breed & Co., requesting a recommendation for their coffins, to be used on a pamphlet which will serve as an ad for Hall, 28 January 1858
482.      Business note from Crane, Breed & Co., regarding shipment, 6 February 1858
483.      Receipt from George Crimp for work done at German Methodist Episcopal Church, 1 March 1858
484.      Weigh bill from Fairbanks City Scales for Logan for load of hay, signed by W.W. Kennedy, 8 March 1858
485.      Weigh bill from Fairbanks City Scales for Logan for loan of hay, signed by W.W. Kennedy, 9 March 1858
486.      Promissory note from F. Mankee to Alison & McBride, 1 April 1858
487.      Business letter from H. Closterman concerning remittance, mention of Hall retiring, 10 April 1858
488.      Bank note, written across note “Rec’d payment in full on all accounts, 1 April 1858” (note is dated 18 October 1857) attached to DOC 489
489.      Business letter from H. Closterman concerning note (DOC 488) which was not accepted, 19 April 1858
490.      Promissory note from Jackson Armil to Hall or bearer, 1 November 1858
491.      Business note from John Hornby requesting payment of Iglehart balance due for work on German Methodist Episcopal Church, 24 December 1858
492.      Bank note payable to Cotes & Davies, signed by John Hornby and Israel Hall, 1 January 1859
493.      Bank note payable to Wm. S. Cook, drawn on State Bank of Iowa, Merchants Branch at Davenport, 1 March 1859
494.      Business letter from John Monger, J. Dial Co., concerning notes drawn by H. Closterman on 26 April1857 and 24 September 1858; mentions letter from H. Closterman
495.      Receipt from John G. Washburn, 20 May 1859
496.      Blank check from State Bank of Iowa, Merchants Branch, 186-
498.      Promissory note from Wm. H. Holcomb, 3 January 1860
499.      Business note from T.H. McGhee requesting payment to G.G. Caster, 5January 1860
500.      Business note from T.H. McGhee requesting Hall to be his agent, 2 July 1860
501.      List of notes, drafts, etc, authorization to Hall to collect on behalf of T. H. McGhee with instructions, 27 July 1860
502.      Account of transactions on behalf of T. H. McGhee, 31 July 1861 thru 8 April 1861
503.      Account of transactions with Scott County, for T. H. McGhee, 11 August 1860
504.      Receipt from John Hoehn, 13 September 1860
505.      Invoice from Tilden & Nephew for varnish, 19 September 1860
506.      Business note from T.H. McGhee, 8 October 1860
516.      List of notes, drafts, authorization for Hall to collect, 23 October 1860
507.      Business letter from Joseph Ringertee concerning gravestone, sympathy over Sarah Hall’s death, mention of election, 23 October 1860
508.      Business note from T.H. McGhee, 25 October 1860
515.      Continuation of DOC 508, requests Hall to procure specific items, 25, October 1860
509.      Business note with payment from Waldo Parkhurst to McGhee, 30 October 1860
546.      Business note form T.H. McGhee instructing Hall to give McGhee’s sister some money, 3 January 1861
510.      Business note from T.H. McGhee directing payment to Mrs. Sarah A. Waterman, 6 February 1861
511.      Business note from T.H. McGhee instructing Hall to join the Kansas Relief Committee, 19 February 1861
512.      Bill of lading from Wm. Resor & Co., for cider shipped on steamer Lehigh, 12 March 1861
513.      Telegram (Illinois & Mississippi Telegraph Co.) from T.H. McGhee, directing payment of note, 21 March 1861
514.      Receipt from McGhee to Dr. O. Reardon, 17 June 1861
517.      Business letter from Cook & Dawson concerning taxes in Clay and O’Brien Counties, Iowa, 4 December 1861
Folder 39. Financial Records, 1862-69: Miscellaneous
518.      Business letter from P. Starr (Jacksonville, Vermont) concerning Mississippi & Missouri Railroad Co., Davenport bonds, mention of Perry Hall, 19 June 1862
519.      Guardians letter appointing Israel Hall guardian of Georgianna McLasky, child of Robert McLasky, 12 July 1862
520.      Business letter from William Rumbold (St. Louis) concerning correspondence from Hall, payment of debt, 29 July 1862
521.      Business note from William Rumbold, payment of balance of debt, comment about the war, 11 August 1862
522.      Sheet from account book, bills and receipts covering September 1862 thru 2 December 1864
523.      Receipt from George F. Hall and C. Rowan, Co. C, 2nd Iowa Infantry, 24 March 1863
524.      Receipt from James Dougherty and George F. Hall for John Watson, 17 April 1863
525.      Business letter from P. Starr, bonds, Iowa Supreme Court decision, mention of Perry Hall, 20 May 1863
526.      Receipt from Henrich Tremeyer for fence, 12 July 1863
527.      Business letter from P. Starr, mention of Mississippi-Missouri Railroad and Rock Island Railroad, 13 July 1863
528.      Business note from Henry Beinke requesting a loan for Henry Hinkel, 30 July 1863
529.      Receipt from Henry Hinkel, 30 July 1863
530.      Receipt from Marwitz, 24 September 1863
531.      Business note from Chas. Cummings, histories of Vermont being put. By B. H. Hall & Abby Marie Hemmenway, 17 December 1863
532.      Bank check from W.H. Huchinson to Hall from State Bank of Iowa, Merchants Branch at Davenport, 13 January 1864
533.      Deed, an agreement between J.W. Darrah (administrator for the estate of A. A. McLasky) and Elizabeth McLasky and Israel Hall; land sold to Hall from estate notarized by D. L. Shorey, and signed by R. Linderman, County Judge, 18 June 1864
534.      Business letter from Wm. Wyland, Shelby Co. Iowa Treasurer and Recorder, taxes on Hall’s property, 20 July 1864
535.      Receipt from Alling & Williams, 7 October 1864
536.      Itemized receipt from Alling & Williams for lumber, 24 October thru 27 December 1864
537.      Receipt from Methodist Episcopal Church for pew rental, 1 November 1864, signed by C. S. Streeper
538.      Receipt from S. P. Otterson for Chicago Tribune, 13 December 1864
539.      Business letter from John Collins, cemetery lot deeds, 3 January 1865
540.      Receipt from Methodist Episcopal Church for pew rental, 9 January 1865, signed by C. S. Streeper
541.      Lease of Hall’s house to D.C. Eldridge for a grocery store, includes ban on sale of intoxicating beverages, 15 March 1865
542.      Notary Public form signed by Chas. H. Eldridge, 16 March 1865, attached to DOC 541
543.      Business note from Abby Marie Hemmenway, availability of her writings on history of Vermont, 25 April 1865
544.      Receipt from James Hitton for taxes on McLasky estate, 25 August 1865
545.      Receipt from C. E. Northrop, collected by Almet Skeel, 18 November 1865
547.      Itemized receipt from Stanchfield & Co. for lumber 17 May 1866
548.      Business note from Ezra Cluter (Portland), sale of his Davenport land to Hall, 20 October 1866
549.      Business note from Ezra Cluter (Portland), sale of his land, taxes, 22 November 1866
550.      Receipt from Keferstein & Bernke to Henry Illian for barley, 27 November 1866
551.      Envelope from DOC 552
552.      Business letter from H. Price (Washington) 1 December 1866
1084. Business letter from Thomas Cortis (Brooklyn, New York,) debt to Hall and cemetery lots, 25 March 1867
1526.   Form G., a letter from the Treasury Dept. sending I. Hall $279.20, the pay due the late Lt. George F. Hall, 23 May 1867
553.      Promissory note from W. Keferstein, Walcott, 1 July 1867
554.      Business note from C.H. Eldridge, Old Settlers’ Picnic, Davenport, 20 August 1867
555.      Itemized bill from W. W. Wright for groceries, 21 September 1867
1085. Business letter from Thomas Cortis (Brooklyn, New York), will pay debt and for lot by February, 31 December 1867
556.      Receipt from Chicago & Rock Island Railroad for freight on sugar, 1 May 1868
557.      Itemized receipt from P. Gaffney for painting, 23 June 1868 thru 21 June 1869
900.      Deposit slip from Davenport National Bank, 19 September 1868
558.      Itemized bill from John Rowe for hardware, 12 July 1869 thru 10 February 1870
559.      Itemized receipt from P. Gaffney for painting August thru 12 November 1860
Folder 40. Financial Records, 1870-1873: Miscellaneous
560.      Receipt from J.M. Dunn, 12 February 1870
561.      Receipt from Cook Melling Co. for taxes paid by the, 31, Mach, 1870
562.      Record of expenses for ‘fitten up lots’, amount paid. April 16 thru 30, 1870
563.      Receipt from R. D. Myers for Lottie’s partial set and tooth powder 7 May 1870
564.      Receipt from Daniel Gould for furniture, 13 July 1870
565.      Statement/receipt from Lindsay & Phelps, 30 July thru 1 October 1870
566.      Account/receipt from B. Ruch for bricks, 4 August thru 28 October 1870
567.      Account/receipt from McCosh & Donahue for stone, 15 August thru 21 November 1870
568.      Business letter from William S. Newton, Davenport bonds…demand payment 19 August 1870
569.      Receipt from George Balch & Co., for plastering 10 October 1870
570.      Receipt from 5th St. Methodist Episcopal church for pew rental for four quarters (4 tickets not separated along perforation) October 1870 thru September 1871
571.      Account/receipt from F. Weiss for glass, 1 November thru 7 December 1870
572.      Itemized receipt from John B. Lindsay for gas pipe, 5 November 1870
573.      Receipt from J. J. Brown for roof over stairs, 12 November 1870
574.      Account/receipt from P. Gaffney for painting December 1870 thru 12 August 1871
575.      Account/receipt from William Renwick for lumber, 11 January 1871 (covers 10 October thru 1 December 1870)
576.      Account/receipt from (?) for laboring 15 April thru 10 June 1871
577.      Receipt from W. P. Bissell for hardware, 1 May 1871
578.      Account/receipt from W. P. Bissell for hardware, 4 May thru 1 July 1871
579.      Itemized receipt from Knostman, Peterson & Co. for furniture, 16 May 1871
580.      Receipt from G. Woeber & Bros. For carriage, 17 July 1871
581.      Receipt from Daniel Gould for furniture, 18 July 1871
582.      Receipt from John B. Lindsay for gas fixtures, 22 July 1871
583.      Itemized receipt from W. P. Bissell for hardware, 1 August 1871
584.      Receipt from McCosh & Donahue for stone, 3 August 1871
585.      Receipt from D. Stanchfield for poles, 4 August 1871
586.      Receipt from Daniel Gould for furniture 26 August 1871
587.      Receipt from O. H. Andrews, 1 September 1871
588.      Account/receipt from William Renwick, 18 September 1871 thru 9 April 1872
589.      Receipt from F. Weiss for glazing, 27 September 1871
590.      Empty envelope for insurance policy with the National Insurance Co. of Davenport, Iowa, dated 20 October 1871
591.      Receipt from Daniel Gould for furniture, 16 November 1871
592.      Receipt from P. Gaffney to W. Chapel, 18 November 1871
593.      Account/Receipt from F. Kirk for laboring 7 December 1871
594.      Account/receipt from G. Woeber & Bros. 28 December 1871 (covers 12 July, 31 July 1871)
595.      Account/receipt from Myers & Grace for dental work, 17 January thru 2 November 1872
596.      Receipt from Daniel Gould for carpet, 2 June 1872
597.      Receipt from B. Ruch for bricks, 3 June 1872
598.      Receipt from Washburn & Hender for stove, 5 August 1872
599.      Receipt from Methodist Episcopal Church for pew rental, 1 September 1872 signed by F.C. Grace, four unseparated tickets-one per quarter
600.      Receipt from Benton’s Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, 26 October 1872
601.      Receipt from Hosford & Nutting for pump, 31 October 1872
602.      Itemized receipt from William Renwick for lumber, 20 November 1872
603.      Itemized receipt from G. Woeber & Bros. For carriage 27 November 1872
604.      Itemized receipt from Washburn & Hender for stove heating pipes, 9 December 1872
605.      Business note from James Harland, Agriculture Report for 1871 mentioned in letter dated 24 February 1873
606.      Receipt from Frederick Lloyd, editor of the State Historical Society for subscription to Annals of Iowa for 1873
607.      Receipt from Knostman, Peterson & Co., for furniture, May 19, 1873
608.      Account/receipt from P. Gaffney for painting, 30 May 1873
609.      Receipt from J.B. Lindsay for gas pipe, 3 June 1873
610.      Account/receipt from Wm. Renwick for lumber, 16 June 1873
611.      Rent receipt from I. Hall to M. Bosse, 3 July 1873
612.      Receipt from D. H. Hartwell & Bros. for insurance 13 August 1873
613.      Receipt from P. Gaffney for painting, 27 September 1873
614.      Account/receipt from L.P. Hosmer for groceries, 1 October 1873 (covers June 28 thru September 8)
615.      Itemized receipt from Daniel Gould for furniture, 10 October 1873
616.      Itemized receipt from John Rowe for gas lights and pipes, 20 October 1873
617.      Itemized receipt from F. Weiss for picture frames and lights, 1 November 1873
618.      Itemized receipt from Wm. Renwick for lumber, 8 November 1873
619.      Receipt from Daniel Gould for furniture, 11 November 1873
620.      Receipt from Peoria & Rock Island Railway for freight, 15 November 1873
621.      Business letter from L.M. Pemberton, taxes on land in Clay County, his commission, 24 March 1873
622.      C.H. Eldridge’s business card, back shows location of Hall’s land on small township map (card attached to DOC 621)
623.      Business card for L.M. Pemberton (attached to DOC 621)
624.      Envelope from DOC 621
625.      Receipt from Methodist Episcopal Church 28 November 1873 signed by B.B. Woodward
Folder 41. Financial Records, 1874-1875: Miscellaneous
626.      Receipt from R. Neely for subscription to Daily Gazetteer Carrier, 10 January 1874
627.      Business note from C. E. Ricker (Grinnell), substance of the will of Mother Ricker, 2 February 1874
628.      Itemized receipt from Globe Printing Co. for books, 20 February 1874
629.      Receipt from Frederick Lloyd, editor Annals of Iowa for subscription to Annals of Iowa 1874, 30 March 1874
630.      Itemized receipt from Daniel Gould for furniture, 4 April 1874
631.      Account receipt from L. P. Hosmer for groceries, 6 April 1874 thru 22 May 1874
632.      Receipt from Frederick Lloyd, editor Annals of Iowa, for October issue of 1864, 7 April 1874
633.      Receipt from R. Neely for subscription to Daily Gazette, 11 April 1874
634.      Receipt from Nichols & Lorton for seeds and plants, 25 April 1874
635.      Itemized receipt from John Cameron for interior decorating, 27 April 1874
636.      Receipt from F. Rausch for lard, 27 April 1874
637.      Receipt from F. Kirk for lumber, 1 May 1874
638.      Receipt from Daniel Gould, 2 May 1874
639.      Account/receipt from P. Gaffney for painting, 2 May 1874
640.      Receipt from Davenport Water Co. for service pipe, 8 May 1874
641.      Receipt from John Rowe for plumbing, 20 May 1874
642.      Receipt from J. S. Altman for ice, 30 June 1874
643.      Receipt from G. Woeber & Bros. for carriage repairs, 17 June 1874
644.      Receipt from G. Woeber & Bros. for carriage repairs, 26 June 1874
645.      Receipt from Daniel Gould for mattress, 3 July 1874
646.      Account/receipt from John Rowe for plumbing, 13 July 1874
647.      Receipt from E.W. Baker for hauling dirt, 18 July 1874
648.      Itemized receipt from H. & C. T. Webb for dishes, 25 July 1874
649.      Receipt from Davenport Water Co. for hydrant, 1 August 1874
650.      Receipt from Davenport Water Co. for Mrs. Anderson’ bill (paid by Hall) 1 August 1874
651.      Itemized receipt from B. Whitaker for building, 10 August 1874
652.      Account/receipt from L P. Hosmer for groceries, 1 September 1874
653.      Itemized receipt from Lindsay & Phelps for lumber, 11 November 1874
654.      Itemized receipt from E.W. Baker, for labor, materials, 5 December 1874
655.      Receipt from Davenport Water Co. for service, 8 December 1874
656.      Itemized receipt from Day, Egbert & Fidlar for sewer hookup, 22 December 1874
657.      Receipt from Goss & Kircher, 18 December 1874
658.      Receipt from Davenport Water Co. for service (Hall, Mrs. Anderson, Thompson & Co.) 15 February 1875
659.      Itemized receipt from Moore & Oliver for books (titles listed) 16 March 1875
660.      Itemized receipt from Globe Printing Co. for books (titles listed) 17 April 1875
661.      Itemized receipt from William Renwick for flooring, 29 April 1875
662.      Itemized receipt from P. Gaffney for painting, 3 May 1875
663.      Receipt from Washburn & Hender for refrigerator, 2 June 1875
664.      Itemized receipt from W.H. Bennett for laboring, 9 June 1875
665.      Receipt from Davenport Water Co. for service (Thompson Grocery, Mrs. Anderson) 1 July 1875, rules & regulations
666.      Account/receipt from B. Schwarting for hardware, 11 June thru 20 October 1875
667.      Itemized receipt from Edward McWhinnie for building materials, 16 July 1875
668.      Receipt from Davenport Water Co. for service, 22 July 1875
669.      Itemized receipt from G. Woeber & Bros for carriage repairs, 3 August 1875
670.      Itemized receipt from John Rowe for plumbing installation, 1 September 1875
671.      Account/receipt from Franklin Kirk for building and materials, 1 September 1875
672.      Itemized receipt from Renwick, Shaw & Crossett for lumber, 6 September 1875
673.      Second sheet of above (attached DOC 672)
674.      Itemized receipt from Renwick, Shaw & Crossett for lumber, 16 September 1875
675.      Receipt from McCosh & Donahue for lime and hair, 24 September 1875
676.      Itemized receipt from Renwick, Shaw & Crossett for lumber, 23 October 1875
677.      Itemized receipt from Daniel Gould for dining chairs, 28 October 1875
678.      Itemized receipt from Washburn & Hender for dishes, 15 November 1875
679.      Tax statement for 1875 from J.B. Edmunds, Spencer and Clay Counties, Iowa, 24 November 1875 (lists property)
680.      Business letter from H. A. Sage, O’Brien Co., properties and taxes due for 1875, 29 November 1875
Folder 43.            Financial Records: 1876-1877: Miscellaneous
                Receipts Lottie Whittaker’s House (Dec 699-714)
682.      Receipt from F. Rausch for lard and cracklings, 16 January 1877
683.      Itemized receipt from Edward D. Robeson for meat, 31 January 1877
1220.   Business notice from Thomas McCullough concerning the arrival of Spring and Summer fashions, March 1877
684.      Itemized receipt from Hastings, White & Fisher for paintings, 2 April 1877
685.      Itemized receipt from Sickels, Preston & Adams for locks, 8 May 1877
686.      Business notice from Edward Russell, Postmaster, correct address for newspaper, 29 June 1877
687.      Deposit slip from Davenport Savings Bank for deposit to the account of the Academy of Science, 12 July 1877
688.      Receipt from Davenport Water Co., for service 12 July 1877
689.      Receipt from Davenport Academy of Science for Vol. II, 8 August 1877 (signed by J. Duncan Putnam)
690.      Account/receipt from Lindsay & Cameron for plumbing, 10 August 1877 (covers April 27 thru July 11, 1877)
691.      Second sheet of DOC 690 (attached), covers, July 23, thru 9 August 1877
692.      Receipt from Renwick, Shaw & Crossett for lumber, 5 September 1877
694.      Account/receipt from Lindsay & Cameron for plumbing, 3 November thru 14 December 1877
695.      Receipt from R. D. Myers for false teeth, 10 November 1877
696.      Itemized receipt from Renwick, Shaw & Crossett for lumber, 28 November, 3 December 1877
697.      Receipt from Lindsay & Phelps for posts and fencing, 13 December 1877
698.      Receipt from French & Stedman (Brattleboro, Vt.) for subscription to the Vermont Phoenix, 21 December 1877
1075.   Receipt from Davenport Water Company for service, 15 February 1876
1076.   Receipt from J .F. James for cordwood, 7 April 1876
1077.   Receipt from Davenport Water Co. for service, 9 May 1876
1078.   Account/Receipt from Edward D. Robeson for meat, 31 July 1876
1079.   Account/Receipt from Edward D. Robeson for meat, 31 August 1876
1080.   Receipt from Davenport Water Co. for service, 31, August 1876
1081.   Account/receipt from Edward D. Robeson for meat, 3 October 1876
681.      Receipt from Davenport Water Co. for service, 7 October 1876
1082.   Account/receipt from Edward D. Robeson for meat, 30 November 1876
1083.   Itemized receipt from W.H. Bennett for labor, brick, mortar, 28, December 1876
693.      Receipt from O. H. Andrews for sharpening tools, 1 January 1877
699.      Itemized account sheet showing money spent on house, 1877
700.      Envelope (postmarked 27 February 1877), in pencil on front ‘Receipts Lottie’s House’
701.      Receipt from W. P. Bissell for hardware, 9 May 1877
702.      Account/receipt from Franklin Kirk for doors, stairs, etc. 8 June thru 17 July 1877
703.      Receipt from B. Ruch for bricks, 24 June 1877
704.      Receipt from Walter Hender for gutters, pipe, labor, 10 July
705.      Itemized receipt from Lindsay & Phelps for lumber, 16 July thru 6 August 1877
706.      Receipt from J.H. Whitaker, reimbursement, 19 July 1877
707.      Account/receipt from W.H. Bennett for labor, 13 July 1877
708.      Itemized receipt from W. P. Bissell for hardware, 23 July 1877
709.      Itemized receipt from U. N. Roberts & Co. for doors, 23 July 1877
710.      Account/receipt from Renwick, Shaw & Crossett for lumber, July 26
711.      Itemized receipt from Chas. F. Ranzow & Son, for glass, 27 July 1877
712.      Receipt from Davenport Gas Light Co. for meter connectors, 8 August 1877
713.      Itemized receipt from Hubly & Powell for painting, 11 August 1877
714.      Account/receipt from McCosh & Donahue for door, lime, hearth, 22 August 1877
Folder 43.            Financial Records: 1878-1879: Miscellaneous
                               M. W. Cutter Estate (DOC 723-730)
715.      Itemized receipt from J. S. Wylie & Co. for coal, 10 January 1878
716.      Itemized receipt from G. Woeber & Bros. for carriage repairs, 12 January 1878
717.      Account/receipt from Renwick, Shaw & Crossett for lumber, 18 January 1878
718.      Account/receipt from Walter Hender for stoves, 19 January 1878
719.      Account/receipt from Renwick, Shaw & Crossett for lumber, 27 February 1878
720.      Itemized receipt from Hubly & Powell for painting, 4 March 1878
721.      Account/receipt from Edward D. Robeson for meat, 31 May 1878
722.      Account/receipt from Renwick, Shaw & Crossett for lumber, 1 June 1878
723.      Accounting sheet of M. W. Cutter Estate, figures, dates, meaning unclear, 3 September 1873 thru 29 October 1878
728.      Business note of M. W. Cutter Estate from F. Lower (Clyde, Kansas) deposit money in Davenport National Bank, disposition of notes to Mr. Shaw or Mr. Parker, 26 October 1877
731.      Business note of M. W. Cutter Estate, from F. Lower, deposit of money in Davenport National Bank, 22 December 1878
724.      Business note of M. W. Cutter Estate, from F. Lower, certificate of deposit received, inquiry about the other note, 6 January 1879
725.      Business note of M. W. Cutter Estate from B. F. Parker (Boston) document for Hall’s discharge, Mrs. Cutter, her daughters, Olm’s wedding, 12 June 1879
726.      Business note from B. F. Parker, receipt of balance of M. W. Cutter Estate, Hall’s handling of affairs, Olm’s greed, Flora, Velona, Mrs. Cutter, widow’s rights in Real Estate, 5 August 1879
727.      Envelope from DOC 726
729.      Business note about M.W. Cutter Estate from Cutter & Parker (Boston), document with W. B. Cutter’s wife’s signature, 20 December 1879
730.      Envelope from DOC 729
732.      Receipt from W. P. Bissell for pruning shears, 1 June 1879
733.      Business letter from H. M. Briggs (Salina, Kansas), need of loan, John’s “sprees”, general financial status, 4 December 1879
734.      Statement of assets and liabilities of H. M. Briggs, 4 December 1879
735.      Business note from H. M. Briggs, date on bank draft left blank for Hall to insert, 5 December 1879
736.      Business letter from H. M. Briggs, rebuttal to charges that John still has “sprees”, Charles success in business and sobriety, bank draft, 15 December 1879
Folder 44. Financial Records, 1881-1890: Miscellaneous
737.      Accounting of taxes paid on land in Clay and O’Brien Counties, from 1858 thru 1880, amount paid in each county, interest
738.      Account/receipt from Smith & McCullough for house hold items, 14 April 1882
739.      Receipt from H. Egbert for repairs of Church,18 April 1882
740.      Itemized receipt from Walter Hender for work done, 25 May 1882
741.      Itemized receipt from Walter Hender for pots and pans, 14 July 1882
742.      Weigh ticket from Walcott Independent Scale, 18 July 1882
743.      Draft note slip from First National Bank for Minerva Allen, 2 December 1882
744.      Business note from John T. Veatch, County Clerk, Cherokee Co. (Kansas), mortgages on land in county, purchase money paid by Kansas City, Fort Smith and Grandview Railroad (?), 2 February 1883
745.      Business note from C. S. Streeper (Strawberry Point, IA) payment of note, heavy snow, 5 February 1883
746.      Business note from C. J. & D. M. Wyland, Bankers, Harland Bank, Harlan, IA; release of notes of Wm. Casey for remittance, 7 February 1883
747.      Receipt from Edward D. Robeson for meat, 31 March 1884
748.      Receipt from Lindsay & Phelps for lumber, 10 September 1884
749.      Receipt from John B. Schmidt for meat, 3 October 1884
750.      Receipt from J. S. Altman for ice, 8 October 1884
751.      Receipt from Charles R. Clesh for note on Charles Hitch, 15 October 1884
752.      Receipt from Peter Bertram for kindling wood, 3 November 1884
753.      Receipt from J. B. Carmichael, 24 November 1884
754.      Receipt for subscription to Davenport Democrat, 1 January 1885
755.      Itemized receipt from John Rowe for plumbing, 1 February 1885
756.      Receipt from W. H. Fluke & Co. for wallpaper and hanging same, 18 March 1885
757.      Receipt for subscription to Davenport Democrat, 8 April 1885
758.      Itemized receipt from Smith & McCullough for carpet, 30 April 1885
759.      Account/receipt from John Rowe for plumbing, 15 May 1885
762.      Receipt from McCosh & Donhue for cement, 30 June 1885
763.      Account/receipt from Bennewitz & Co. for hardware, 2 July thru 4 August 1885
764.      Itemized account from Lindsay & Phelps for lumber, 6 July 1885
765.      Receipt from Nickels & Boldt for painting 24 July 1885
766.      Receipt from William Wunrath to Mr. Howe (?) for tin work, 20 August 1885
767.      Receipt from J J. Severance for set of lower teeth, 8 September 1885
768.      Receipt for subscription to Davenport Democrat, 8 September 1885
769.      Notice form P. J. Smith, Sidewalk Commissioner, to bring sidewalks up to city standards (listed) within ten days, 26 September 1885
770.      Receipt for subscription to Davenport Democrat, 28 October 1885 for Henry Beinke
771.      Itemized receipt from G. Woeber & Bros. for carriage repairs, 1 November 1885
772.      Postcard from H. Beinke, sale of wheat to Walcott Mill, 14 August 1886
901.      Weight receipt from Walcott Independent Scale, Makl’s crop, 23 August 1887
773.      Guarantee of purchase from Andres & Shelley, 27 June 1888
774.      Statement from Chas. Scribner’s Sons, Chicago, to Martin Cushing of Joliet, 13 January 1890
775.      Itemized receipt from Lindsay & Phelps for lumber, 30 September 1891
776.      Receipt from American Biographical Pub. Co. for Biographical History of Scott County, Iowa, 12 April 1894
777.      Corn record from Charles Kautz, 10 July 1894
778.      Weight receipt from Walcott Independent Scale for corn from Charles Kautz, 14 July 1894
779.      Business note from Schwartzing & Co., Walcott, IA, record of corn bought by company for H. Beinke, 14 July 1894
780.      Business note from Schwarting & Co., payment for share of profits from Charles Kautz’s barley, 22 February 1895
781.      Record of corn from Beinke, number of loads, amount of money, 18 May 1895
898.      Business letter from Stockdale & Dietz, Walcott, IA, check sent for oats, 26 June 1895
Folder 45. Financial Records of Guardianship of Francis Adolph Bennick
782.      Guardianship of Francis Adolph Bennick, judged insane b the County Court, Scott County, Iowa, William Burris, County Judge; Israel Hall appointed guardian, 16 December 1852
783.      Receipt from Thomas McGavran, for Francis Adolph Bennick, 22 September 1854
784.      Receipt from John Graham, board for Francis Adolph Bennick, 11, May 1854
785.      Note from F. A. Bennick to Mr. McGafvern (?), persuade I. Hall to allow him (Bennick) to work in the country, 12 January 1855
786.      Receipt from James B. Doane, clothes for Francis Adolph Bennick 13 January 1855
787.      Letter from Jonathan Casebeer, release Francis Adolph Bennick to his (Casebeer) custody, provision for management of money, 17 February 1855
788.      Receipt from W. J. Ruby for postage bill of Bennick’s paid by B. F. DuBois, note at bottom, see Judge of Probate, 13 March 1855
789.      Receipt from John Graham for board in jail of Scott County for Francis Adolph Bennick, n.d.
790.      Note from J. Hanson (Center Grove), Bennick’s behavior when there (Center Grove) mention of Mr. Casebeer as having Bennick’s property and being Bennick’s guardian, 20 January–.
Folder 46. Financial Records: Freight Bills from Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad
791.      Freight Bill for furniture from Chicago 24 July 1855
792.      Freight Bill for furniture from Chicago 26 July 1855
793.      Freight Bill for furniture from Chicago, 31 July 1855
794.      Freight Bill for marble from Chicago, 2 August 1855
795.      Freight Bill for table frame from Chicago, 7 August 1855
796.      Freight Bill for furniture from Chicago, 21 August 1855
797.      Freight Bill for furniture from Chicago, 22 August 1855
798.      Freight Bill for furniture from Chicago, 27 August 1844
799.      Freight Bills for rocker from Chicago, 28 August 1855
800.      Freight Bill for table frames, from Chicago, 18 September 1855
801.      Freight Bill for varnish from Chicago, 19 September 1855
802.      Freight Bill for furniture from Chicago, 26 September 1855
803.      Freight Bill for chairs from Chicago, 28 September 1855
804.      Business note from Western Transportation Co., shipment on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, 28 September 1855
805.      Freight Bill for chair stuff, 3 November 1855
806.      Freight Bill for Stock (?) from Chicago, 5 November 1855
807.      Freight Bill for “stuff” from Chicago, 6 November 1855
809.      Freight Bill for marble from Chicago, 1 December 1855
810.      Freight Bill for stock (?) from Chicago, 25 September 1857
811.      Freight Bill for chair stuff from Chicago, 1 November 1858
812.      Freight Bill for sugar from Chicago, 16 April 1868
813.      Freight Bill for sugar from Chicago, 28 April 1870
814.      Freight Bill for barrel merchandise from Chicago, 4 December 1870
815.      Freight Bill for sugar from Chicago, 3 April 1874
816.      Freight Bill for sugar from Chicago, 8 April 1874
817.      Freight Bill for sugar from Chicago, 31 May 1874
818.      Freight Bill for lumber, 3 July 1885
819.      Freight Bill for apples, 4 November 1885
Folder 47. Financial Records: German Methodist Episcopal Church
162.      Lease from trustees of Methodist Episcopal Church to Simon Burrows for portion of church basement to be used for a female school, 1 March 1854
820.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church, from W. L. Cook for building materials, nd
821.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church from Simon Barrows for privy, lattice work, and fence, 26 September 1855
822.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church from Richard O’hea for grading and laying out lot, October 1858
823.      Account/receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church, from J. C. Washburn for hardware, 25 October thru 29 December 1858
824.      Account/receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church, from Cotes & Davies for lumber, lattice and hauling, 17 November 1858 thru 1 Janury,1859
825.      Account/receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church, from Stevenson & Carnahan for turpentine, shellac, etc. 24 November 1858 thru 25 April 1859
826.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church, from Robert Richardson for lime, 25 November 1858
827.      Promissory note from Peter Fimtel (?) to German M. E. Church, 18 December 1858
828.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church, from I. H. Kaufmann for laboring, 30 March 1859
829.      Itemized receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church, from C. T. Webb for lamps, oil, and wicks, 10 June 1859
830.      Business note for German Methodist Episcopal Church, from VonGunter, give bearer two doors (specifications given) 27 June 1859
831.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church, from J. M. Dalzell for cement, 24 September 1860
832.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church from Jacob Klump for labor, 21 September 1860
833.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church from John Hoehn for labor, 27 September 1860
834.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church from Felise Kraft for sand, 12 October 1860
835.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church from J. G. Heismann for labor, 21 January 1861
836.      Receipt for German Methodist Episcopal Church from F. Merwin & Co. for lumber, 21 January 1861
837.      Business note for German Methodist Episcopal Church from M. L. Cook to VonGunter to pay Phelise Kraft for foundation (cf DOC 834) 18 December 1858
Folder 48. Financial Records: Guardianship of Byron and Laura Ohle
838.      Receipt for Byron and Laura Ohle, from R. Linderman, County Judge, for probate fees, 4 February 1863
839.      Receipt from Lucy A. Hearn for clothes, schooling and care of Byron and Laura Ohle, 17 February 1863
840.      Receipt for Byron and Laura Ohle, from R. Linderman, County Judge, for probate fees, 16 July 1863
841.      Petition from A. Davidson, attorney for Israel Hall, to James Thornington, to sell Ohle property to pay expenses of Israel Hall as guardian of Byron and Laura Ohle, 10 November 1864
842.      Itemized receipt from Kent & Goldsbury for sale of land for Byron and Laura Ohle, 25 November 1864
843.      Receipt from John Lyter, Sheriff and H. H. Andreson for services rendered in sale of real estate for Byron and Laura Ohle, 26 November 1864
844.      Receipt from Davison & True, legal fees in connection with sale of real estate for Byron and Laura Ohle, 26 November 1864
845.      Copy of report of Israel Hall to County Judge and Judge of Probate, accounting for money of Byron and Laura Ohle, 1 January 1865 (covers 13 July 1864, 3 thru 1 January 1865)
846.      Receipt from Lucy A. Hearn for schooling and care of Byron and Laura Ohle, 22 April 1865
847.      Receipt from B. S. Ohle, 10 October 1865
848.      Receipt from J. H. Hearn for schooling and clothing for Byron and Laura Ohle, 22 October 1865
849.      Report of Israel Hall to County Judge and Judge of Probate, accounting for money of Byron and Laura Ohle, 25 March 1866 (covers 14 January 1865 thru 26 March 1866)
850.      Receipt from B. S. Ohle, 19 March and 10 April 1868
851.      Letter from Laura Ohle, 22 April 1868, money to come to Davenport, jobs for “Pa” (J. H. Hearn), inquiry about Byron
852.      Letter from Byron Ohle, 2 February 1869, receipt of check, quit Mr. Ferry, wants to work for Mr. Washburn for board.
853.      Letter from Byron Ohle, 22 February 1869, in process of buying flour and feed store, needs balance of inheritance
Folder 49. Financial Records: Scott County Poorhouse
854.      List of paupers, days boarded from John Reed for Scott County Poorhouse, nd
855.      Poorhouse bill for work on premises, June
856.      Bill from John Reed to Directors of Poorhouse for labor, May 1865, Hall’s OK on back
857.      Affidavit from George Pranger, concerning Margaret Harvorn, notarized by John F. Dillon, 27 July 1854
858.      Warrant to John Reed from William Burris, County Judge, ordering Margaret Harvorn returned to Utica, New York, having failed to qualify for care at Scott County Poorhouse, signed also by John F. Dillon, prosecuting attorney, 28 July 1854
859.      Business note from William Burris, County Judge, George Walker in care of George Havel, be sent to Poorhouse, 22 September 1854
860.      Notice from James Scott and David Steel, trustees of LeClaire, to Directors of Poorhouse requesting Matteas Collengen be sent to the Poorhouse, 13 October 1854
861.      Receipt from J. J. Lower for team to Poorhouse, 2 November 1854
862.      Account/receipt from Rhoades & Hamilton to county for hardware, 9 January thru 22 February 1855
863.      Notice from Directors of Scott Co. Poorhouse, Poorhouse rented to a steward for his use in return for management of the Poorhouse, February 1855
864.      Proposal from Joseph N. Dowden for Steward’s position, James Quinn given as reference, 1 February 1855
Folder 50. Financial Records: Steamboat Freight Bills
                                               Tuition Receipts for Hall children
865.      Steamboat freight bills for varnish on steamer Grey Cloud, Capt. P. A. Alford, June 1854
866.      Steamboat freight bills for furniture on steamer Lady Franklin, L. Morehouse, Master, 26 June 1854
867.      Steamboat freight bills for furniture on steamer Gossamer, 5 April 1855
868.      Steamboat freight bills for varnish on steamer York State 5 April 1855
869.      Steamboat freight bills for table and marble on steamer Julia Dean 30 April 1855
870.      Steamboat freight bills for furniture on steamer York State, 19 May 1855
871.      Steamboat freight bills for furniture on steamer Cumberland Valley, 23 June 1855
872.      Forwarding agreement between Hall and Merchants Western Line, 28 June 1855
873.      Steamboat freight bills for furniture on steamer Ella, July 1855
874.      Receipt from Merchants Western Line, for furniture from Foster, Lee & Co. 2 July 1855
875.      Receipt from M. W. L. for furniture from F. L. & Co. 3 July 1855
876.      Receipt from M. W. L. for furniture from F. L. & Co. 3 July 1855
877.      Receipt from M. W. L. for furniture from F. L. & Co. 6 July 1855
878.      Receipt from M. W. L. for furniture from F. L. & Co. 7 July 1855
879.      Receipt from M. W. L. for furniture from F. L. & Co. 2 August 1855
880.      Shipping notice from M. W. L., furniture shipped on steamer Sebastapol, Capt. Watts, 11 September 1855
881.      Business note from A. Wellington Hart, copies of invoices for goods on steamer Sebastapol (wrecked off Milwaukee) 24 October 1855
882.      Invoice from Lambdon & Brother (St. Louis), furniture shipped on steamer Minnesota Belle, 18 June 1856
883.      Steamboat freight bills for furniture on steamer Minnesota Bell, 21 June 1856
1510.   Steamboat freight bills for burial cases on steamer Northern Light, 18 April 1857
884.      Steamboat freight bills for furniture on steamer Messenger, 19 June 1857
885.      Steamboat freight bills for burial cases on steamer Henry Clay, Capt. James W. Campbell, 21 October 1857
886.      Steamboat freight bills for burial cases on steamer Clara Hine, Master Robert Martin, 31 October 1857
887.      Steamboat freight bills for books on steamer Muscatine, 31 October 1870
888.      Tuition receipt for Sarah Hall from Juliette Byron, 5 May 1854
889.      Tuition receipt for George F. Hall, from Iowa College, 4 June 1855
890.      Tuition receipt for Sarah Hall from Anne Ryder, 13 April 1855
891.      Tuition receipt for Sarah Hall from Anne Ryder, 30 June 1855
892.      Tuition receipt for George F. Hall, from Iowa College, 20 September 1855
893.      Tuition receipt for Sarah Hall, from Anne Ryder, 16 November 1855
894.      Tuition receipt for George F. Hall, from Iowa College, 3 January 1856
895.      Tuition receipt for Sarah Hall, from Anne Ryder, 1 February 1856
896.      Tuition receipt for Sarah Hall, from Anne Ryder, 12 December 1856
897.      Tuition receipt for Sarah Hall, from G. L. Severence and E. P. Bennett, 24 January 1857
Folder 51. Oakdale Cemetery
497.     Receipt for evergreens for Oakdale, 186-
1511.   Letter from office of A.A.Q.M., Rock Island Arsenal, 24 June 1869, regarding repair of lots from which bodies of 160 soldiers were removed from Oakdale
1512.   Letter from C.C. Parry, resigning position on Board and recommending his cousin Chas. E. Pickering, 28 November 1870
1513.   Letter from C.C. Parry concerning sale of his cemetery lots, 15 December 1870
1514.   Letter from Dept. of Interior, Census Office 7 May 1890
1515.   Organization document of the association, with signatures and amounts pledged, no date
1516.   Note with cost of surveying cemetery ground, from Henry Lambeth, 20 May 1856
1517.   Sheet with income and outgo for 1867-68-69
1518.   Receipt for sale of lots, signed by Wm. Renwick, 21 September 1871
1519.   Soft-bound booklet, Articles of Incorporation and Rules and Regulations, 1880
1520.   New regulations sheet, 1885
760.      Notice from Oakdale Cemetery Co. explaining new regulations and fees for care of lots, June 1885
761.      Blank acceptance and agreement form from Oakdale Cemetery Co. (cf DOC 760)
1521.   Billing form, Oakdale Cemetery letterhead, 189-
1522.   Itemized bill from F. Kirk, including stakes for Oakdale, no date
1523.   5 pages of buyers, listing names, lot and section number; Jan. thru May, Aug. thru Sept. no year
Book 1  Expense, 1 July 1845 thru 27 February 1847
Book 2. Individual accounts (names listed alphabetically in front), 5 June 1845 thru 2 January 1854
Book 3. Individual accounts (names listed alphabetically in front, 13 September 1851 thru 5 December 1854; stock list, 11 September 1851, 5 January 1852, 2 January 1854; sales 5 January 1852 thru 8 January 1853; expenses, 5 January 1852 thru 8 January 1853; coffins, 25 August 1851 thru 25 March 1852
Book 4. Expenses, 31 January 1852 thru 2 May 1855; sales (daily), 8 January 1853 thru 31 December 1857; individual accounts 10 January 1853 thru 3 September 1853; sales (monthly totals) 1858-59-60-61-62-63-65, June, February 1866; stock list, 1 September 1857
Book 5. Individual accounts (names listed alphabetically in front, 3 March 1854 thru 2 June 1857
Book 6. Sales (Daily) 3, May 1854, thru 13 March 1856
Book 7. Burial records (names, towns), 12 January 1856 thru 31 December 1857; lists of lumber, types of coffins, hardware and trimmings.
Book 8. Individual accounts (names listed alphabetically in front), November 1856 thru 17 February 1866; Byron and Laura Ohle, 1862 thru 1869; rents collected, 1 January 1871 thru December 1874.
Book 9. Sales (daily) 17 March 1856 thru 8 August 1858
Book 10.              Listing of firms dealt with, 19 September 1856 thru 8 April 1857; sales (daily), 1 August 1861 thru 23 July 1862; inventory of metallic burial cases, 1 January 1857
Book 11.              Cash book for house and shop, 1 January 1858 thru 31 October 1863; cash and goods receipts, 24 December thru 14 January 1865; itemized list of benefits to soldiers’ families
Book 12.              Treasurer’s book, Grand Division, Sons of Temperance, State of Iowa, 1 February 1848 thru 18 October 1858 (originally sealed by pieces of paper glued to the first and last page); sales (daily) 9 August 1858 thru 31 July 1861
Book 13.              Sales (daily), 28 July 1862 thru 27 April 1864; amount paid monthly for Federal tax, September 1862 thru April 1866
Book 14.              Sales, (daily-burial records), 1 May 1864 thru December 1869, relief for soldiers’ families, 24 December 1864 thru 28 December 1864
Book 15.              Sales (daily), 3 October 1864 thru 27 July 1865; individual accounts, May 1867, thru May 1868; sales of crops, 21 September 1867 thru July 1868; individual accounts, 21 May 1868; expenses for building house, 8 June 1868 thru 26 October 1868; crops, 24 August 1868; farm expenses, 1862 thru 1892.
Book 16.              Expenses-receipts, 14 January 1869 thru 5 January 1871; Oakdale Cemetery Co., 26 April 1869 thru January 1870; expenses (house, other) 1 January1878 thru July 1883; orders for maple sugar, 1882 thru 1883
Book 17.              Expenses-receipts, 1 January 1872 thru 31 December 1877; expenses for building house, 5 May 1877 thru 3 September 1877
Book 18.              Estate of Nathaniel Squires (died 22 January 1878), Scott County Circuit Court Probate.
Book 19.              Expenses-receipts, July 1883 thru 3 January 1887; sugar sales, 1884 thru 1885
Book 20.              Lottie Hall Diary for 1869; classmates at school; small compartment in back with love poem and death notice (Mrs. Fannie Hopkins) from a newspaper; scores from High School exams
Book 21.              Lottie Hall Diary for 1870; letters sent and received; monthly cash account; brief description of a trip to Chicago, 10 May
Book 22.              Lottie Hall Diary for 1872; poems, weight, letters sent and received; monthly cash account
Book 23.              Lottie Hall Diary for 1873; letters sent and received; monthly cash account; poems; list of books read; list of buttons, cloth and thread, cost of each; clipping from Charles R. Clark’s Wedding; love poem
Book 24.              Lottie Hall Diary for 1874; letters sent and received; monthly cash account
Book 25.              Oakdale Cemetery, ownership of lots in sections 1, 2,3, 7, 8, 9, 10; arranged by section numbers, 6 January 1871
Book 26.              Oakdale Cemetery, ownership of lots in sections 1, 2,7, 8, 9, 10; arranged by section numbers, nd
Book 27.              Oakdale Cemetery, ownership of lots in sections 1 thru 10; arranged alphabetically, nd
Book 28.              Daily sales record for Oakdale Cemetery, 10 January 1874 thru 17 January 1876
Book 29.              Oakdale Cemetery, ownership of lots in sections 1 thru 11, 13, 15; arranged by sections numbers, nd
Book 30.              Oakdale Cemetery stock certificates, #639, 1 January 1854; back used for scrapbook; mostly Christmas poems, some Thanksgiving, plus numerous miscellaneous poems, including one by George Whitaker and one on Lowell’s death
Book 31.              Daily sales record for Oakdale Cemetery, 28 July 1875 thru 30 December 1882
Book 32.              Daily sales record for Oakdale Cemetery, 9 January 1868 thru January 1871
Book 33.              Daily sales record for Oakdale Cemetery, 23 February 1864 thru 16 December 1868
AT 32 Lottie Hall’s atlas; Mitchell’s New General Atlas, 1863 (with atlases in library)
AT 50 Sarah Hall’s atlas: Mitchell’s School Atlas, published by Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1848 (with atlases in library)
These artifacts have been removed to the 3 dimensional collection:
    Leather Wallet, “Israel Hall, Davenport”
    Leather Wallet, no identification
    Metal nameplate, “ISRAEL HALL”
Subject Headings – subjects lists refer to local connections; much of the personal correspondence includes information about family and events in Vermont and other places
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Clara Hine (Doc. 886)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Cumberland Valley (Doc. 871)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Dew Drop (Doc. 36)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Ella (Doc. 873)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Fanny Harris (Doc. 237)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Fashion (Doc. 396)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Gossamer (Doc. 867)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Governor Meigs (Doc. 342)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Henry Clay (Doc. 885)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Jenny Lind (Doc. 225)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Julia Dean (Doc. 228; Doc. 869)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Lady Franklin (Doc. 866)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Lehigh (Doc. 512)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Mary C. (Doc. 232, 233, 191, 194)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Messenger (Doc. 463, 460; Doc. 884)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Minnesota Belle (Doc. 882, 883)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Muscatine (Doc. 887)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–New York State (Doc. 292)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Northern Light (Doc. 1510)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Ohio Belle (Doc. 290)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Sabastapol (Doc. 880, 881)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–76 (F. 36, Doc. 304)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–Tennessee Belle (Doc. 393)
Boats & Boating–Riverboats–York State (Doc. 868, 870)
Business & Industry–Banking (F. 38; Doc. 687)
Business & Industry–Blacksmith (Financial Records, 1855)
Business & Industry–Books (Doc. 160)
Business & Industry–Boots & Shoes (Israel Hall Financial papers)
Business & Industry–Bricks (Financial Records, 1855)
Business & Industry–Carpenter (Israel Hall Financial papers)
Business & Industry–Carriages (Doc 587, 693)
Business & Industry–Construction
Business & Industry–Drug & Pharmacy (Doc. 486)
Business & Industry–Dry Goods (Financial Records, 1855, 1856)
Business & Industry–Furniture & Appliances (Israel Hall Financial papers, Financial Records, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1870-73, 1874-75)
Business & Industry–Grocery (Financial Records, 1856, 1857)
Business & Industry–Furriers (Israel Hall Financial papers)
Business & Industry–Hardware (Israel Hall Financial papers, Financial Records, 1854)
Business & Industry–Ice (Doc. 642, 750)
Business & Industry–Insurance (Israel Hall Financial papers)
Business & Industry–Jewelry (Doc. 657)
Business & Industry–Livery Stable (Doc. 1365; Financial Records, 1854, 1856, 1857)
Business & Industry–Lumber (Financial Records, 1855, 1856, 1857)
Business & Industry–Meats (F. 42)
Business & Industry–Paint (F. 39, 40, 41)
Business & Industry–Plumbing (Doc. 217)
Business & Industry–Printing (F. 41)
Business & Industry–Public Utilities (F. 41)
Business & Industry–Real Estate (Doc. 1102, 1210, F. 21)
Cemeteries & Headstones–Identified (F. 43, 51)
Churches & Religion–Methodist–Methodist Episcopal (F. 34, 40, 49)
Farms & Farming–Crops–Field (Doc. 1040)
Historic Sites & Museum–Davenport Academy of Sciences (Doc. 687, 689)
Medicine–Dentist (Doc. 211; Doc. 767)
Medicine–Doctors (Doc. 166)
Military & War–Civil War–Battles (Doc. 1086)
Military & War–Civil War–Misc. (Doc. 523, 524)
Military & War–Civil War–Prisons (Doc. 1013)
Military & War–Rock Island Arsenal (Doc. 1013, 1511)
Newspapers & Periodicals–Misc.
Organizations & Clubs–I.O.O.F. (Doc. 210)
Organizations & Clubs–Misc. (Doc. 388)
Politics (Doc. 924)
Pioneer Life & Immigrants (Doc. 915; Doc. 1148, 1152)
Postal Service–Delivery & Sorting (Financial Records, 1856, 1857)
Railroads–Chicago & Rock Island (Israel Hall Financial papers, Financial Records, 1855)
Railroad–Illinois Central (Doc. 1422)
Railroad–Misc. (Doc. 620)
Railroads–Mississippi & Missouri (F. 39)
School & Education–Misc. (Doc. 162)
Social Life & Customs–Funerals (F. 37)
Social Protest–Prohibition (Doc. 388)
Social Services–Misc. (F. 49)
People – names in bold are believed to be local residents

–Adams, Eli (Doc. 160
–Adams, H. C. (Doc. 309, 439)
–Ahrens, John P. (Doc. 1316-1336)
–Alford, Capt. P. A. (Doc. 865)
–Allen, E. L. (Doc. 992, 1044, 1049, 1066, 1114, 1176)
–Allen, George (Doc. 905)
–Allen, Henry (Doc. 922, 973, 975, 983, 985, 987, 996)
–Allen, Louise M. (Doc. 985, 1067)
–Allen, Minerva (Mrs. E. L.) (Doc. 743, 992, 1044, 1110, 1113, 1183, 1188)
–Allen, Sally (Doc. 905, 939, 950, 962, 965)
–Allen, Sylvester (Doc. 973, 983, 984, 987, 989, 1023, 1060, 1072, 1115)
–Allen Wallace (Doc. 989, 1012)
–Allers, L. (Doc. 779)
–Altman, James S. (Doc. 962, 750)
–Andresen, H. H. ( Doc. 843)
–Andrews, O. H. (Doc. 587, 693)
–Armil, Jackson (Doc. 490)
–Arrison, Thomas (Doc. 31, 70, 74, 83, 87, 90, 94, 149)
–Atkinson, Benjamin (Doc. 192, 197, 205)
–Baier, Rudolph (Doc. 1416)
–Baker, E. W. (Doc. 647, 654)
–Baker, Jacob (Doc. 384)
–Baldwin, Emily (Doc. 912, 1046, 1144, 1156-57, 1199)
–Baldwin, I. H or J. H. (Doc. 1146)
–Baldwin, L. E. (Doc. 936, 943, 970, 1063)
–Baldwin, Leurann (Doc. 930)
–Baldwin, Mary (Doc. 904, 908)
–Baldwin, Nancy (Doc. 953, 1036, 1045, 1061, 1064, 1069, 1072-73)
–Baldwin, S. H. (Doc. 1093)
–Baldwin, Samuel (Doc. 947, 1003, 1021)
–Barouse, Louis (Doc. 295)
–Barrows, E. S. (Doc. 1143)
–Barrows, Simon (Doc. 821)
–Beinke, Henry (Doc. 528, 742, 770, 772, 779, 781)
–Bennett, Wm. H. (Doc. 644, 1083, 707)
–Bennick, A. (Doc. 311)
–Bennick, Francis Adolph (Doc. 782 – 790)
–Benton, P. (Doc. 164)
–Benton, R. (Doc. 1016)
–Birchard, I. (Doc. 174)
–Bissell, W. P. (Doc. 8, 577, 578, 583, 701, 708, 732)
–Blakemore, T. V., Jr. (Doc. 38, 63, 98)
–Bosh, J. M.
–Bosse, M. Doc. 611)
–Brabrook, S. A. (Doc. 112)
–Brackham, Lizzie F. (daughter of P. P. Hall) (Doc. 1417, 1418)
–Bringgs, H. M. (Doc. 733-36)
–Brown, J. J. (Doc. 573)
–Brown, L. (Doc. 1404)
–Brunton, William B. (Doc. 1004)
–Burnell, Strong (Doc. 62, 104, 347, 1147, 1150, 1152)
–Burris, William (Doc. 174, 198, 277, 782, 859, 1136-38)
–Burrows, Simon (Doc. 162)
–Burt, John (Doc. 288)
–Byrne, J. (Doc. 744)
–Callen or Callin, Marvin (Doc. 854)
–Cameron, John (Doc. 635)
–Campbell, Capt. James W. (Doc. 885)
–Cannon, J. M. (Doc. 167, 199, 313, 342, 391, 402-420)
–Carmen, J. M. (Doc. 387)
–Carmichael, J. B. (Doc. 753)
–Carpenter, Ezra (Doc. 101)
–Carroll, W. L. (Doc. 1352, 1355)
–Casebeer or Cassbeer, Jonathan (Doc. 787)
–Casey, William (Doc. 746)
–Caster, G. G. (Doc. 499)
–Cate, F. U. (Doc. 1273)
–Chapel, W. (Doc. 592)
–Chase, Rev. J. K. (Doc. 1048)
–Christi, N. (Doc. 20)
–Christi, R. (Doc. 108, 212, 213, 327, 421)
–Chrome, Rhoda (Whitaker, wife of Joseph Whitaker) (Doc. 1302)
–Clark, Charles R. (Doc. 438, 1048, 1056, 1095, 1100, 1101, 1104, 1105, 1107, 1117, 1118, 1163, 1167, 1169, 1175, 1191, 1192, 1195, 1201-02, 1213)
–Clark, Ella (daughter of Leura Clark) (Doc. 1200)
–Clark, Leura H[all] (Doc. 920, 926, 928, 932, 933, 938, 945, 957, 958, 961, 968, 972, 978-979, 990, 997, 1008, 1014, 1018, 1022, 1024, 1030, 1033, 1052, 1057, 1091, 1139, 1140, 1149, 1151, 1159-62, 1166, 1168, 1170-71, 1185)
–Clark, Myron J. (Brother of Charles) (Doc. 1139, 1189, 1198)
–Clest, Chas. R. (Doc. 751)
–Closterman, H. (Doc. 235-264, 393, 460, 474, 477-78, 487-89, 494)
–Cluter, Ezra (Doc. 548, 549)
–Coeman, W. A. (1384)
–Collengen, Matteas (Doc. 860)
–Collins, John (Doc. 243, 337, 374, 539)
–Collins, William. L. (Doc. 218, 423)
–Collridge, J. K. (Doc. 290, 304, 305, 324)
–Cook, Ebeneezer (Doc. 906, 907)
–Cook, M. L. (Doc. 837)
–Cook. W. L. (Doc. 820)
–Cook, Wm. S. (Doc. 493)
–Cortes, Thomas (Doc. 1084-85)
–Crandall, Joseph A. (Doc. 409)
–Crimp, George (Doc. 483)
–Cromey, James (Doc. 396-99, 410)
–Cuelck, J. (Doc. 901)
–Cummings, Chas. (Doc. 531)
–Cushing, Martin (Doc. 774)
–Custer, Mrs. (Doc. 438)
–Cutter, M. W. (Doc. 723-31, 1117)
–Dalzell, J. M. (Doc. 831)
–Dalzell, M. (Doc. 349)
–Darrah, J. W. (Doc. 533)
–Davenport, George L. (Doc. 55, 210)
–Davidson, J. E. (Doc. 191)
–Davis, Charles H. (Doc. 1039, 1119, 1153)
–Davis, Clinton (Doc. 1017, 1099, 1120, 1147)
–Davis, Cyrus (Doc. 924, 935, 966, 995, 999-1002, 1011, 1017, 1031, 1035, 1047, 1096, 1099, 1119)
–Davis, Mrs. Ellen (Doc. 1211)
–Davis, John A. (Doc. 1212)
–Davis, Wm. A. (Doc. 914)
–Davison, A. (Doc. 841, 844)
–Deets, L. (Doc. 1405)
–Dessaint, L. C. (Doc. 300-31, 340, 345, 352, 449)
–Dillon, John F. (Doc. 858)
–Diven, E. (Doc. 1406)
–Doane, James B. (Doc. 786)
–Donnell, James (Doc. 99, 422)
–Dougherty, James (Doc. 524)
–Dowden, Joseph L. (Doc. 864)
–Doyle, Mrs. (Doc. 313)
–Dubois, B. F. (Doc. 788)
–Dunn, J. M. (Doc. 417, 560)
–Edmunds, J. B. (Doc. 679)
–Egbert, H. (Doc. 739)
–Eldridge, Charles H. (Doc. 542, 554, 622)
–Eldridge, D. C. (Doc. 2, 541)
–Eldridge, Joe (Doc. 1365)
–Elsum, Ann (Doc. 438)
–Emiz, J. H. (Doc. 107)
–Ethridge, James (Doc. 1383)
–Fairfield, Benjamin F. (Doc. 389)
–Fimtel, Peter W. (Doc. 827)
–Fitzpartick, A. (Doc. 303)
–Fitzpatrick, F. H. (Doc. 301, 303)
–Flint, S. B. (Doc. 285, 287, 294, 326)
–Fream, J. M. (Doc. 343)
–Frohmme, L. (Doc. 901)
–Fuller, S. R. (Doc. 390)
–Gaffney, P (Doc. 557, 574, 592, 608, 613, 639, 662)
–Gatz, John (Doc. 854)
–Gerfare, James (Doc. 201)
–Gibson, Dr. W. C. (Doc. 204)
–Gillian, H. (Doc. 1040)
–Glaspell, J. (Doc. 12)
–Goldsmith, H. (Doc. 201)
–Goodrich, Chas. (Doc. 415)
–Gould, Daniel (Doc. 564, 581, 586, 591, 596, 615, 619, 630, 638, 645, 677)
–Gould, John J. (Doc. 1294)
–Graham, John (Doc. 48, 784, 789)
–Grant, A. (Doc. 346)
–Green, E. W. (Doc. 906, 907, 937)
–Gunn, Eunice (Doc. 903)
–Gunn, Winson (Doc. 924)
–Hackett, Isaac (Doc. 854)
–Hall, Benjamin H. (Doc. 531)
–Hall, Christopher W. (Doc. 1042, 1059, 1060, 1065, 1071, 1074, 1089)
–Hall, Eudorah (daughter of Israel Hall) (Doc. 948, 953)
–Hall, Franky (mother of J. J. Hall)
–Hall, George Fletcher (son of Israel) (Doc. 523, 524, 889, 892, 894, 902, 903, 980, 981, 989, 1004, 1025, 1027, 1029, 1030, 1032, 1086, 1430, 1525)
–Hall, G. W.
–Hall, George W. (Doc. 1006, 1051, 1197, 1387)
–Hall, Hiland (Doc. 919)
–Hall, Ira
–Hall, Israel
–Hall, J. E. (nephew of Israel Hall) (Doc. 1102)
–Hall, J[acob] J. (Doc. 1384-89, 1399-1402, 1404-07, 1413, 1132, 1415, 1422)
–Hall, James (father of J. J. Hall) (Doc. 66, 1382, 1385-86, 1388)
–Hall, Jane (wife of J. J. Hall) (Doc. 1381)
–Hall, Joseph (Doc. 914, 921, 923, 925, 942, 946, 954, 956, 967, 974, 1029, 1043, 1040, 116, 1165, 1132)
–Hall, Joseph D. (Brother of Jacob J.) (Doc. 1403, 1408)
–Hall, Joseph J. (brother of Israel) (Doc. 1367-1424)
–Hall, Lottie (daughter of Israel)
–Hall Leura (Doc. 916, 918, 919)
–Hall, Lois (Doc. 910, 913, 948, 1027, 1041)
–Hall, Mary C. [Molly] (Doc. 1132, 1391-93, 1408, 1410, 1411, 1414)
–Hall, Melissa (Doc. 1408, 1132)
–Hall, P. P. (Doc. 1417, 1418)
–Hall, Perry (Doc. 581, 525, 918, 927, 929, 931, 934, 941, 944, 948, 949, 951, 952, 959, 964, 969, 982, 998, 1009, 1010, 1012, 1020, 1025, 1037, 1041, 1049, 1053, 1062, 1087, 1092, 1094, 1097, 1106, 1108, 111, 1164, 1179-82, 1187, 1198, 1203)
–Hall, Rachel (wife of Israel) (Doc. 903, 915, 1211-12)
–Hall, Rachel B. (mother or wife of Israel Hall) (Doc. 902, 948, 949, 951, 959, 964, 977, 986, 991, 1005, 1015, 1034, 1038)
–Hall, Ranse (Doc. 1421)
–Hall, Rosetta (Doc. 1423)
–Hall, Sara E. (Doc. 1398)
–Hall, Sara M. (daughter of Perry) (Doc. 1198, 1398)
–Hall, Sarah (Doc. 507, 888, 890, 891, 893, 895-97, 1439-41)
–Hall, Walter (Doc. 1370, 1416)
–Hamill, M. G. (Doc. 1054)
–Hanson, Mr. (Doc. 25)
–Hanson, J. (Doc. 790)
–Hardy, L. A. (Doc. 911)
–Hardy, T. H. (Doc. 909)
–Harlan, James (Doc. 605)
–Harman, Mr. (Doc. 349)
–Hartwell, D. H. (Doc. 612)
–Harvorn, Margaret (Doc. 857, 858)
–Havel, George C. (Doc. 859)
–Hearn, J. H. (Doc. 848)
–Hearn, Lucy A. (Doc. 839, 846)
–Heileg, J. Albert (Doc. 1296)
–Heinsfurter, J. (Doc. 1359)
–Heismann, J. G. (Doc. 835)
–Hemmenway, Abby Maria (Doc. 531, 543, 1432)
–Hendee, C. M. (Doc. 472)
–Hender, Walter (Doc. 704, 718, 740, 741)
–Henne, Robert (Doc. 378)
–Hickman, Doctor (Doc. 166)
–High, J. A. (Doc. 332, 418, 448)
–High, R. W. (Doc. 332, 418, 448)
–Hild, I. J. (Doc. 1366)
–Hillen, John (Doc. 13)
–Hiller, John (Doc. 175)
–Hillhouse, Mr. (Doc. 67)
–Hinkel, Henry (Doc. 528, 529)
–Hitch, Chas. (Doc. 751)
–Hoehn, John (Doc. 504, 833)
–Holbrook, John C. (Doc. 394, 924)
–Holcomb, Wm. H. (Doc. 498)
–Holmes, Margaret R. (Doc. 1013)
–Hornby, John (Doc. 491, 492)
–Hosmer, L. P. (Doc. 614, 631, 652)
–Howard, H. C. (Doc. 33)
–Huchinson, W. H. (Doc. 532)
–Iglehart, Mr. (Doc. 491)
–Illian, Henry (Doc. 550)
–James, J. F. (Doc. 1076)
–Jamison, May A. (Doc. 30)
–Kautz, C. (Doc. 14, 15, 777, 778, 780)
–Kecke, John (Doc. 59)
–Kennedy, John (Doc. 1349-51)
–Kennedy, W. W. (Doc. 441, 480, 484, 485)
–Kirk, Franklin (Doc. 593, 637, 672, 702, 1522)
–Kirk, H. (Doc. 17)
–Klump, Jacob (Doc. 832)
–Knapp, C. F. (Doc. 68)
–Knapp, John (Doc. 380)
–Koch, Johan Georg (Doc. 190, 348)
–Kraft, Felise (Phelise) (Doc. 834, 837)
–Kuhnen, Nicholas (Doc. 1359)
–Ladehoff, H. (Doc. 15, 899)
–Lafrenz, T. (Doc. 284)
–Lambeth, Henry (Doc. 1516)
–Lee, William (Doc. 69)
–Lindbloom, Andrew (Doc. 1360)
–Linderman, R. (Doc. 519, 533, 838, 840)
–Lindsay, John B. (Doc. 572, 582, 609)
–Lindsay, W. K. (Doc. 438)
–Lloyd, Frederick (Doc. 606, 629, 632)
–Loick, Joseph (Doc. 168)
–Lower, F. (Doc. 724, 728, 731)
–Lower, H. S. (Doc. 201)
–Lower, J. J. (Doc. 861)
–Luys, W. L. (Doc. 153)
–Lyter, John (Doc. 843)
–Maller, H. (Doc. 337)
–Mankee, F. (Doc. 486)
–Martin, Master Robert (Doc. 877)
–Mast, A. F. (Doc. 188, 310, 341, 401, 437, 471)
–Marwitz, F. R. (Doc. 530)
–Matthews, I. W. (Doc. 476)
–Mays, W. P. (Doc. 438)
–McCullough, Robert (Doc. 347)
–McCullough, Thomas (Doc. 1220)
–McDowell, L. L. (Doc. 1393)
–McEnter, Mahlon (Doc. 1390)
–McGavran, Thomas (Doc. 783)
–McGhee, T. H. (Doc. 499-503, 506, 508-11, 513-16, 546)
–McGranahan, George (Doc. 41)
–McIntoch, R. (Doc. 177)
–McLasky, A. A. (Doc. 533, 544)
— McLasky, Elizabeth (widow of A. A.) (Doc. 533)
–McLasky, Georgianna (daughter of A. A. and Elizabeth) (Doc. 519)
–McLasky, Robert (son of A. A. and Elizabeth) (Doc. 519)
–McLoskey, Anthony (Doc. 1210)
–McNeil, A. (Doc. 7, 728)
–McWhinnie, Edward (Doc. 667)
–Merriam, B. W. (Doc. 392)
–Mesk, William M. (Doc. 1394)
–Miller, A. H. (Doc. 49, 110)
–Miner, Tena (Doc. 1421)
–Mitchell, E. W. (Doc. 307)
–Mitchell, H. F. (Doc. 307)
–Moore, D. (Doc. 382)
–Moore, W. D. (Doc. 60)
–Morgan, A. (Doc. 289)
–Morehouse, Master L. (Doc. 866)
–Morton, J. H. (Doc. 40, 65, 100, 172)
–Muller, Max (Doc. 1143)
–Murphy, T. A. (Doc. 1360)
–Myer, R. D. (Doc. 211, 563, 695)
–Newton, William S. (Doc. 568)
–Nilrich, Mary Erma (Doc. 1411)
–Northrup, C. E. (Doc. 545)
–Nowe, Samuel Starrs (Doc. 183)
–Neely, R. (Doc. 626, 633)
–O’Hea, Richard (Doc. 822)
–Ohl, John (Doc. 67)
–Ohle, B. S. (Doc. 847, 850)
–Ohle, Byron (Doc. 838-53, 1050, 1055, 1058)
–Ohle, Laura (Doc. 838-53, 1050, 1055, 1058)
–Otterson, S. P. (Doc. 538)
–Parker, B. F. (Doc. 725, 726)
–Parker, Doctor (Doc. 166)
–Parker, Robert (Book #1)
–Parkhurst, Waldo (Doc. 509)
–Parry, C. C. (Doc. 1512-13)
–Pearson, Mr. (Doc. 68)
–Pearsons, Freeman (Doc. 958, 961)
–Pease, Emeline B. (aunt of Byron Whitaker (Doc. 1304-15)
–Pease, Minnie (cousin of Byron Whitaker) (Doc. 1304-15)
–Pease, Roger S. (relative [uncle] of Byron Whitaker) (Doc. 1356)
–Pelck, R. (Doc. 1379)
–Pemberton, L. M. (Doc. 621, 623)
–Pentith, Francis (Doc. 413, 455)
–Perry, Samuel (Doc. 351)
–Peterson, John (Doc. 111)
–Pickering, C. E. (Doc. 1512)
–Place, J. A. (Doc. 1358)
–Platt, C. H. (Doc. 381)
–Pollard, Sally A[llen] (Doc. 933, 1007, 1023, 1032, 1038, 1068, 1088, 1098, 1109, 1114, 1173, 1178, 1184, 1204-07)
–Poole, James (Doc. 1154, 1155, 1158)
–Pratt, Charlotte M. (Doc. 919)
–Prettyman, R. M. (Doc. 296, 441, 450)
–Price, Hiram (Doc. 273, 552)
–Pronger, George (Doc. 857)
–Pross, Mr. (Doc. 854)
–Putnam, J. Duncan (Doc. 689)
–Quinn, James (Doc. 864)
–Rambo, Nathan M. (Doc. 408, 456)
–Ranzow, Chas. F. (Doc. 405, 711)
–Rausch, F. (Doc. 636, 682)
–Reardon, Dr. O. (Doc. 514)
–Reed, Conrad (Doc. 25, 113, 281, 831-36)
–Reed, J. F. (Doc. 336)
–Reed, John (Doc. 854, 856, 858)
–Renwick, W. (Doc. 588, 602, 610, 618, 661, 1518)
–Reynolds, A. H. (Doc. 196)
–Reynolds, H. H. (Doc. 41)
–Richardson, Robert (Doc. 826)
–Ricke, J. B. (Doc. 161, 279, 283, 299, 338)
–Ricke, J. H. (Doc. 102)
–Ricker, C. E. (Doc. 627)
–Ringertee, Joseph (Doc. 507)
–Ringlesby, Andrew (Doc. 41)
–Riordan, Henry C. (Doc. 217)
–Roberts, John (Doc. 1416)
–Robeson, Edward D. (Doc. 683, 721, 747, 1078, 1079, 1081, 1082)
–Rowan, C. (Doc. 523)
–Rowe, John (Doc. 558, 616, 641, 646, 670, 755, 759)
–Rowse, J. B. (Doc. 441, 450)
–Ruby, W. J. (Doc. 788)
–Ruch, B. (Doc. 566, 597, 703)
–Rumbold, William (Doc. 520-21)
–Rupp, M. (Doc. 742)
–Russell, Edward (Doc. 686)
–Ryan, Edgar (Doc. 438)
–Sanders, A. (Doc. 312)
–Sargeant, Mrs. F. L. (daughter of Polly French, cousin to Israel Hall) (Doc. 1209)
–Schmidt, John B. (Doc. 749)
–Schoonover, S. G. (Doc. 1299)
–Schwarting, B. (Doc. 666, 779, 780)
–Scott, James (Doc. 860)
–Scott, Thomas (Doc. 47)
–Severance, John J. (Doc. 767)
–Shaffer, J. W. (Doc. 1298)
–Shaw, George J. (Doc. 1354)
–Shorey, D. L. (Doc. 533)
–Simpson, Robert (Doc. 403, 443, 447-47, 472)
–Skeel, Almet (Doc. 545)
–Sligh, W. R. (Doc. 22)
–Smith, A. W. (Doc. 193)
–Smith, Benjamin (Doc. 1235)
–Smith, Charles J. (Doc. 1233)
–Smith, H. H. (Doc. 344)
–Smith, Henry H. (Doc. 106, 163, 335, 424, 1353, 1354)
–Smith, Moses H. (Doc. 1399)
–Smith, P. J. (Doc. 769)
–Smith, S. B. (Doc. 350)
–Smith, W. D. (Doc. 109)
–Snyder, Mr. (Doc. 301)
–Souter, J. J. (Doc. 214)
–Squire, Nathaniel (Doc. 64)
–Squires, Mrs. (Doc. 438)
–Stafford, E. L. (Doc. 1524)
–Starr, P. (Doc. 518, 525, 527, 963, 1034, 1053, 1062)
–Steel, David (Doc. 860)
–Streeper, C. S. (Doc. 537, 540, 745)
–Sweetman, Joseph (Doc. 1402)
–Thomas, L. (Doc. 116)
–Thomas, W. W. (Doc. 314)
–Thompson, Stephen (Doc. 389)
–Thorington, James (Doc. 841, 1210)
–Thrombeck (Doc. 72)
–Tichenor, Enos (Doc. 388)
–Tid, Charles (Doc. 176)
–Topp, Henry (Doc. 378)
–Torbert, J. T. (Doc. 26)
–Tremeyer, Henrich (Doc. 526)
–Trickel, Joshua (Doc. 1397)
–Tucker, Howard J. (Doc. 1361-63)
–Van Fleet, M. (Doc. 20)
–Veatch, John T. (Doc. 744)
–Von Gunter, U. (Doc. 830)
–Waggoner, J. W. (Doc. 43-45)
–Wait, A. L. (Doc. 116-18, 125, 128, 131)
–Walker, George (Doc. 859)
–Walster, Joseph (Doc. 6)
–Walter, Joseph (Doc. 290, 304, 305)
–Washburn, J. C. (Doc. 395, 470, 495, 823, 598, 604, 663, 678)
–Waterman, Mrs. Sarah (Doc. 510)
–Watson, John (Doc. 524)
–Watson, Thomas (Doc. 1401)
–Watts, Capt. (Doc. 880)
–Weaver, John (Doc. 5, 274-76)
–Webb, C. T. (Doc. 829)
–Webber, John (Doc. 854)
–Webster, Daniel (Doc. 919)
–Weiss, F. (Doc. 571, 589, 617)
–Wentworth, Mrs. W. M. P (Doc. 1208)
–Wetzel, John (Doc. 1407)
–Wetzel, Sara (Doc. 1369, 1371)
–Wheeler, John (Doc. 206)
–Whitaker, Byron (husband of Lottie Hall)
–Whitaker, C. (Doc. 1210)
–Whitaker, Charley (Doc. 1293)
–Whitaker, Edna (daughter of Lottie & Byron) (Doc. 1231)
–Whitaker, George (son of Lottie & Byron)
–Whitaker, J. H. (Doc. 706)
–Whitaker, Joseph (Doc. 1226, 1338-48)
–Whitaker, Lottie Hall
–Whitney, H. F.
–Whitney, M. A.
–Wickersham, H. (Doc. 168)
–Wickerhsam, T. H. (Doc. 34, 61)
–Wiley, W. (Doc. 356, 440)
–Wilson, J. C. (Doc. 1337)
–Woods, John W. (Doc. 1382)
–Woods, Susan F. (Doc. 1382)
–Woodward, B. B. (Doc. 625)
–Worick, Susannah (Doc. 1420)
–Wright, W. W. (Doc. 555)
–Wunrath, William (Doc. 766)
–Wyland, C. J. (Doc. 746)
–Wyland, D. M. (Doc. 746)
–Wyland, William (Doc. 534)

Harrison, C. E. Coll. 1907-70
•            Mimeograph letter from R. G. Cousins to Prof. W. D. Wells Davenport Schools, August 11, 1897
•            Letter, exec. Office letterhead; from F. M. Drake (Gov. IA) to Frank W. Smith, Davenport, re: recommendation of Dr. John Wright for Deputy ??? Surgeon
•            Mimeograph letter, hand signed from F. M. Drake to Frank M. Smith, Davenport, re: Drake’s attendance at a memorial service at Congregational Church, May 20, 1896
•            Handwritten letter to Miss French? Clover Bend, Ark? From ? Aug. 20, 1890?
•            Mimeograph letter from T. S. Parvin to C. E. Harrison, Davenport re: reports for the Masonic library
•            Handwritten letter on letterhead C. Burd-Stuyvesand Glue Co., St. Louis, from M. S. Stuyvesant to Parker & Parker, Davenport, Oct. 15 or 25, 1890, with note on back dated Oct. 10, 1890
•            Handwritten letter on postal stationary, Davenport, from Warren Tule(?) asst. Postmaster to Postmaster Ackley, IA, with postscript from asst. PM Coole(?) re: location/address of Dr. Lockwood, Feb. 18, 1891
•            Postcard, postmarked Mar. 10, 1891; written March 8, 1891, to Dr. Jennie McCowen, Davenport from ? receipt re: a report?
•            Hand written letter on State University of Iowa Botany Dept. letterhead, from B. Shimek to C. E. Harrison re: an autograph request March 26, 1891
•            Handwritten letter on State University of Iowa Botany Dept. letterhead, from B. Shimek to C. E. Harrison re: thanks and a visit to Davenport
•            Handwritten letter on Grand Lodge of IA stationary from J. S. Parvin to R. S. (?) Harrison, Davenport re: April 14, 1891
•            Handwritten letter from Mrs. Ida Davis to C. E. Harrison re: location of Charles E. DePuy, June 11, 1891
•            Letter on State of Ohio, Governor’s office, letterhead, from James E. Campbell to Fred A. Lischer, Davenport August 9, 1891, re: RSVP to an invitation to Mississippi Carnival Assoc. meeting
•            Mimeograph letter on State of West Virginia, executive dept, letterhead; from Jas. W. Ewing, private secretary to Governor, to Fred A. Lishcer, August 12, 1891; re: RSVP to invitation to view the Grand Carnival of Boats on Sept. 8, 1891
•            Postcard, postmarked from White Hall, NY, April 23, 1892, to C. E Harrison
•            Handwritten letter on Commissioners of Pharmacy for State of Iowa letterhead; C. A. Weaver; from C. E. Harrison to Cassius M. Clay re: finding a relative April 17, 1892
•            Letter on Iowa Sate Library letterhead, The Aldrich Coll. Des Moines, from Charles Aldrich to J. H. Harrison, re: location of person
•            Letter from W. H. Barris to C. E. Harrison re: illness Jan. 6, 1892
•            Postcard postmarked Feb. 15, 1892, to J. H. Harrison from Charles Aldrich re: a loan? An artifact?
•            Postcard to Charles E. Harrison from Julia Carney (?) re: request for autograph copy and corrections, April 14, 1892
•            Letter on Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co., R. R. Cable, President, A. Kimball, Asst. to President, Davenport; to A. Marsh from A. Kimball Oct. 3, 1892, re: introduction to J. H. Harrison
•            Letter to C. E. Harrison from G. H. Mosier re: opening a Toolesburro mound
•            Thank you note from Elizabeth B. Custer to editor of the Democrat, April 13, 1893
•            Letter on Iowa Fish Commission, T. J. Griggs, Spirit Lake, IA, June 8, 1893, from T. J. Griggs to J. H. Harrison re: a hatchery
•            Letter on Atlantic City Hotel Brighton, stationary, from Aug. G. Gobb to J. H. Harrison, August 3, 1893, re: quoting his book in a lecture
•            Letter and envelope, Jan. 6, 1894, Philadelphia postmark; from Alice to C. E. Harrison, re: article and receiving future issues of the Democrat
•            Letterhead Children’s Homefinder, the American Educational Aid Assoc., a monthly magazine; to C. E. Harrison from Geo. K. Hoover, June 12 1894, re: an autograph from Maj. Hendershot.
•            Letter to Harrison from W. D. Middleton re: credit request
•            Letter on Davenport Library Association letterhead to J. H. Harrison from A. W. Vanderveer Oct. 22, 1894, re: board meeting
•            Letter to Frank W. Smith, Davenport, from J. C. Burrows Dec. 15, 1894, re: assistance request
•            Letter from Claude B. Warner re: encyclopedia purchase
•            Letter from ? H. Roper, Jan. 4, 1896, re: encyclopedias
•            Letterhead Treasury Dept. Washington, D. C., March 6, 1896, to W. C. Hayward, Pres. Dav. National Bank from M. H. Echel, comptroller, re: legality of stamped signatures
•            Letterhead U.S. House of Rep., March 25, 1896, to Frank Luce from R. Glousins, thank you note
Not numbered
•            Letterhead Harrison Pharmacy, to Mumat Halstian from C. E. Harrison, April 2, 1896, re: a Cuban flag
•            Letterhead, “The Raleigh” [hotel?] Washington D. C.; April 7 1896, to C. E. Harrison from Gouzalo de Duesada re: flag color/style
•            Letterhead “Partido Revolucionano Cubano, Tesorena, New York” April 7, 1896, from B(?) Guerra to P[?] E. Harrison re: Cuban flag description
•            Letterhead with picture of Cuban flag attached at top “Partido Revolucionano Cubano Delegacion” New York; April 13, 1896, to C. E. Harrison from Lugayn, secretano
•            Letterhead W. H. Ludewig M.D. rock Island; to J. H. Harrison from Ludewig, May 2, 1896, re: thank you for paper order
•            Letter to Harrison from Iowa City / MMH?/ editor of Iowa? Aug. 20, 1896
•            4 page letter to J. H. Harrison from ? Sept. 30, 1896
•            Letter to Harrison from first Unitarian Minister in Davenport ? Judy, Oct. 1896, re: cancelled visit
•            Receipt “Harrison’s Pharmacy” from Chas. Santorino, Jan. 19, 1894
•            Letter Iowa Agricultural College, Dept of Zoology, entomology and Geology, Ames, letterhead, to J. H. Harrison from Herbert Osborn, Sept. 10, 1897 re: specimen received
•            Letter to Mr. Harrison from G. S. Rollins, Oct. 9, 1897, return of ticket for extension course
•            Letter, Mayor’s office, Davenport, Jan. 13, 1898, to J. H. Harrison from S. F. Smith, mayor, return of ticket for lecture
•            Letter, Iowa State Board of Medical Examiners, Des Moines, March 19, 1898, to J. H. Harrison from J. F. Kennedy re: thank you
•            Letter Davenport High School letterhead, May 22, 1899 to C. E. Harrison, from W. D. Wells re: enclosed autographs
•            Letter from Camp Cuba Libre Florida, T. C. Dalzell to C. E. Harrison, Sept. 6, 1898, re: thank you for money sent to help Co. B. get home
•            Letter “Headquarters, Executive Committee, The Republican of Kentucky, Newport, KY” Sept 9, 1898, to John from Geo. W. Lieberth, Sec. re: receipt for tickets
•            Handwritten on personal stationary “Norland, Wallingfor, PA” July 7, 1899, re: thank you
•            Certificate of receipt and thanks from Board of Commissioners of Central Park, New York, May 10, 1869 to C. E. Harrison from Comptroller re: donation of Golden Eagle
•            Photo of Robt. Chausbers, and page of his manuscript published Edinburgh, Oct. 2, 1855
Not numbered
•            Instruction for making sundial
•            Postcard, to J. H. Harrison from ? thank you/retiring/incoming governors
•            Note from Mrs. J. M Buford (?) to Cowen (?) [Jennie McCowen?] re: Miss Ahrens interview for nursing position
•            Handwritten from B. Davenport to ?, no date
•            Letter to Harrison from ? Sunday noon
•            Letter “Holiday Harbour, Miller’s Place, Long Island, N.Y. Aug. 29 ?, to Dr. J. McCowen from Gracie H Dodge
•            Note to ? Mr. Aldrich ? from Brookfield, London, April 2 ? re: “likeness” request
•            Handwritten note – autograph request
•            Letter “State of Iowa, Adjutant General Office, Davenport, Oct. 31, 1861, from John C. Culbertson
Not numbered
•            Orders to H. F. Gurley, U. S. Dis. Atty, Davenport, from H. M. Hoxie, U. S. Marshall, Sept. 12, 1861, re: transfer of gunpowder at Marengo
•            Orders to U. S. Dist. Atty H. F. Gurley and H. M. Hoxie, Keokuk, from R. M. Corvine, Sept. 23, 1861
•            Letter from C. Washington, Capt. 13th U. S. Infantry to Gurley, Oct 21, 1861, re: news of war/unrest
•            Letterhead Attorney General Office, Washington, Nov. 7, 1861, to H. F. Gurley, Dav. From T. J. Coffey, re: legal question and domains
•            Note from General land office, Nov. 7, 1861, J. M. Edmunds, Comm. Pensions to Gurley, re: bonds for Chas. Richards, Fort Dodge, Dexter Bloomer, Council Bluffs, and Wm. Pigelow, Sioux City
•            Note from J. M. Edmunds, Comm. Of General land office, Dec. 10, 1861, to Gurley re: officials bonds for ? T. Edie of Sioux City
•            Letter from War Dept. Simon Earneson (?), Secretary of War, Dec. 30, 1861, to A. C. Fulton, Davenport, re: receipt of New Orleans map
•            Letterhead Iowa Pharmaceutical Association 19th annual meeting, Clear Lake, IA July 6-8; from John L. Etzel, Pres. to J. H. Harrison, Feb. 25, 1898; re: appoint delegate to Wash. D. C. meeting
Not numbered
•            Envelope with 34 autographs/signatures
•            Letterhead office of Commissioners of Pharmacy, State of Iowa, Oskaloosa, April 18, 1890, to J. H. Harrison from John H. Picket, re: meeting April 23, 1890
•            Letterhead Iowa State Pharmaceutical Association, Marshalltown, April 26, 1890; from Rosa Upson, secretary, to ? re: election of delegates to convention May 6, 1890, Geo. H. Shafer, J. H. Harrison & Emil L. Boerner
•            Letterhead Iowa State Pharmaceutical Association, President’s office, May 30, 1895, from Milo W. War, to J. H. Harrison re: meeting reminder
•            Empty envelope to J. H. Harrison, Commissioner of Pharmacy, 1891
•            Letterhead State University of Iowa, president’s office, Oct. 8, 1894, to J. H. Harrison from Charles Schaeffer, re: thank you for article
•            Letterhead University of Iowa, president’s office, April 26, 1890, from Charles A. Schaeffer to: re: delegate & alternate to May 7th convention – Emil L. Boerner, P. J. Farnsworth & Launcelot Andrews, Atls – George H. Schafer & J. H. Harrison
•            Letterhead State of Iowa Executive Office, Des Moines, Feb. 21, 1888, to J. H. Harrison from Fred. W. Hossfield, private secretary, re: acknowledgement of request received for Dr. G. H. Schafer
•            Letterhead State of Iowa Executive Office, April 23, 1886, to J. H. Harrison from Fred W. Hossfield, re: acknowledgment of request and appointment made prior to arrival of letter
Not numbered
•            Letterhead State of Iowa Executive Office, Feb. 12, 1896, to J. H. Harrison from M. H. Blessing, private secretary, re: recommendation for J. H. Mitchell
•            Letterhead State University of Iowa, Medical Dept. March 22, 1887, to Harrison from P. J. Farnsworth, re: application for staff position
•            Letterhead office of commissioners of Pharmacy for State of Iowa, Des Moines, July 11, 1888, to J. H. Harrison from C. A. Weaver, sec. /treas., re: request for copy of congressional bill
•            Letterhead “The Herald” Dubuque, May 21, 1880, to Geo. W. Schaffer from M. M. Hamm, editor, congratulations
•            Letterhead McBride & Will, Druggists & Apothecaries, Marshalltown, May 20, 1885, to Harrison, from W. S. McBride re: thank you
•            Letterhead State of Iowa, Executive Office, Feb. 28, 1890, to J. H. Harrison from Fred W. Hossfield, re: appt. to Pharmacy Commission
•            Letterhead “American Drugs and Medicine” to J. H. Harrison from F. V. Lloyd, April 19, 1884, re: decline invitation and new book
•            Letterhead Iowa Pharmaceutical Association, President’s office, Independence, Jan. 20, 1886, to Harrison from Pres. Wallace re: appointments to positions
•            Letterhead “A. H. Miles, Pharmacist, Des Moines, Feb. 15, 1886, to Harrison from ??
•            Letterhead Office of New Remedies, An Illustrated monthly trade journal, New York, Jan. 28, 1890, to George W. Schafer from Mastte(?) re: information
•            To J. H. Harrison from G. B. ? re: Schafer’s request
•            Letterhead Iowa Pharmaceutical Association Executive Chairman office, Cedar Falls, May 4, 1887, to ? from Wm. C. Bryant, re: meeting
•            Letterhead Iowa Clerk Supreme Court, Des Moines, Feb. 7, 1892, to J. H. Harrison from G. B. Pray re: legal matter
•            Letterhead Chicago College of Pharmacy Dept. of Theory & Practice of Pharmacy, Nov. 10, 1884, to J. H. Harrison from Oscar Oldberg, re: for proceedings publication
•            Letterhead Iowa Pharmaceutical Association, president’s office, Marshalltown, Feb. 19, 1883, to J. H. Harrison from A. R. Townsend, re: Board Meeting
•            Letterhead Iowa Pharmaceutical Association, treasurer’s office, Des Moines, June 6, 1883, to J. H. Harrison from C. H. Ward, re: receipt of dues
•            Letterhead the American Journal of Pharmacy, Philadelphia, Jan. 31, 1880, to Geo. H. Schafer, from John M. Maison (?) re: thank you
•            Letterhead American Pharmaceutical Association, treasurer’s office, Dover N. H., May 6, 1886, March 10, 1886, to Lin (?) from Chas. A. Tufts, and from J. H. Harrison, re: uncashed check
•            Official receipt for Davenport Library Association to J. H. Harrison from S. F. Smith, May 1, 1890
•            receipt – same – May 1, 1881
•            receipt – same – May 1, 1882
•            receipt – same – May 1, 1883
•            receipt – same – May 1, 1884
•            Handwritten profession of faith signed Thomas Gardner Salter, June 14, 1840, Edward Stearns signature also
•            Endorsement document for Sydney Smith from Rgt. Rev. H. W. Lee DDLLD Bishop of Diocese of Iowa and the standing committee of said Diocese, Oct. 27, 1868
•            Receipt for wages for 1869-1870 from H. Tucker, treas. Of Diocese of Iowa, signed Harvey W. Lee, to Rt. Rev. H. W. Lee, June 8, 1869
•            Receipt from Howard Tucker for Henry W. Lee for salary for Bishop duties received Keokuk, Nov. 8, 1869
•            Receipt from H. Tucker for remainder of H. W. Lee’s salary for year ending Oct. 31, 1869, Ottumwa, May 21, 1870
•            Receipt for quote for diocese of Iowa ($9.25) to H. Tucker from W. S. Perry, Geneva, NY Feb. 4, 1870
•            Letter of profession of faith to Protestant Episcopal Church by George Luds (April 4, 1839), Edward Livermore (April 20, 1839), David S. Devans (July 8, 1829) Edmund Nevilles (July 24, 1839), James B. Soo???? August 3, 1839)
•            Receipt from Howard Tucker (S.A.) for salary for Henry W. Lee (S.A.) received Nov. 30, 1870, Nov. 28,1870
•            Receipt donation from St. John’s church Keokuk, June 7, 1870, H. Tucker and H. W. Lee
•            Receipt with 2 cent stamp; from Keokuk May 24, 1870, Keokuk, H. Tucker & H. Lee
•            Receipt, Davenport September 7, 1870
•            Receipt, Davenport July 14, 1870
•            Receipt, Davenport April 11, 1870
•            Receipt, March 28, 1870
•            Receipt, January 16, 1871
•            Receipt, April 11, 187?
•            Receipt, May 28, 1870
•            Receipt, January 7, 1871
•            Receipt, April 1, 1871
•            Receipt, April 27, 1871
•            Receipt, June 15, 1872
•            Receipt, November 1, 1872
•            Receipt, December 16, 1873
•            Receipt, November 26, 1873
•            Receipt, May 28, 1873, Marshalltown
•            Receipt, December 1, 1873
•            Receipt, July 5, 1873
•            Receipt, April 14, 1874
•            Receipt, July 23, 1874
•            Receipt, April 6, 1874
•            Receipt, April 15, 1874
•            Receipt, June 4, 1874
•            Receipt, August 6, 1874
•            Receipt, March 30, 1874
•            Receipt, April 6, 1874, from Christ Church, Davenport
•            Receipt, March 13, 1874
•            Receipt, Feb. 19, 1874
•            Receipt, January 3, 1874, donations from 3 churches
•            Receipt from Office of the Iowa State Insurance Company for $1,000
•            Loan voucher from Keokuk Savings Bank, November 17, 1874 for 90 days and letter of November 21, 1874 indicating need to liquidate funeral expenses for Bishop
•            Receipt December 7, 1875, A. P. Crouch
•            Receipt for $60 from J. L. Daymude(?) treas. of Diocese Board of Missions, first installment for 1875-1876, Sydney Smith Feb. 6, 1876
•            Receipt Feb. 18, 1876, Rev. F. E. Judd
•            Receipt November 30, 1876, Rt. Rev. W. S. Perry, Bishop salary
•            Receipt, March 1, 1879
•            Receipt Feb. 7, 1877
•            Receipt May 4, 1877 with special note at bottom
•            Receipt May 5, 1877 with special note at bottom
•            Receipt November 20, 1879
•            Receipt May 29, 1879
•            Receipt, July 15, 1879
•            Receipt from Wm. Garrett, Treas., to Wm. Steven Perry, Bishop IA, August 31, 1885
•            Receipt from W. F. Ross, Treas., Trinity Parish, Davenport to W. S. Perry, Nov. 30, 1880
•            Receipt Wm. Garrett to Wm. S. Perry Nov. 11, 1885
•            Receipt, May 28, 1886
•            Receipt, May 29, 1885
•            Receipt, December 23, 1885
•            Receipt, May 29, 1886
•            Receipt, March 25, 1886
•            Receipt, April 22, 1886
•            Receipt, April 9 1886
•            Receipt, May 25, 1886
•            Receipt, January 24, 1886
•            Receipt, May 15, 1886
•            Handwritten Thank you note and envelope from Mary Louise Middleton to C. E. Harrison, June, 4, 1902
•            Mimeograph style letter of receipt and thanks from Webster Davis, Washington D. C. to Mr. A. C. Fulton April 19, 1900
•            Handwritten letter from ?, City of Mexico, April 7, 1900, to Mulzger RSVP to invitation to speak at annual encampment June 12-14, 1900, “boys in blue”
•            Handwritten note from Francis Darwin (son of Charles Darwin) Wychfield Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, December 22, 1885, response to request from CW’s manuscript to? Charles Aldrich
•            Handwritten note on company letterhead from C. W. Deere, to B. F. T?? Emp. [Emporium], June 9, 1888, info for article on water power in Tri-Cities book (com’er Columbian Exp.)?
•            Handwritten note on letterhead, Iowa State Board of Health, July 24, 1883, to J. H. Harrison, from R. J. Farquharson, decline of invitation to serve
•            Handwritten note on letterhead “Harrison’s Pharmacy” August 23, 1883, to Colonel from E. P. Lynch request for hosting professors on Arsenal Island
•            Handwritten letter to C. E. Harrison from ? W. Darren? Feb. 1, 1884
•            On letterhead “The Druggist, A Western Journal of Pharmacy, Chemistry and the Allied Arts” Feb. 19, 1884, to J. H. Harrison, thanks congratulations and Marshalltown meeting, from G. P. Englehard
•            Typed to Charles Aldrich from C. F ?, March 4, 1885, re: Abigail Adams autograph
•            Handwritten letter to Harrison from W. H. ? July 17, 1885, Washington D. C., put name on list for new bureau report
•            Letterhead “Office of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department, Washington, D. C. August 1, 1885, to J. M. DeArmond, D.M., from D. M. Connille, auditor correction on money order #6654
•            Letterhead Seth Morgan, Attorney, to A. J. ? re: quick claim on land, August 7, 1885
•            Letterhead “Office of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department” September 30, 1885, and October 2, 1885, A. Cliffor, Acting Auditor, cert. dep. #8455 correction
•            Referral letter from Dr. E. F. Clapp to Dr. W. F. Peek, January 15, 1885, re: hernia patient
•            Letter from John Ritchie, Jr. to H. A. Pitsby (?) Jan. 10, 1885, re: samples/specimens
•            Letterhead Smithsonian Institution Bureau of Ethnology, Jan. 22, 1886, to C. E. Harrison, from James R. Pelmer, chief clerk re: request for annual bureau report
•            Letterhead Minneapolis, Minnehaha & Ft. Snelling Railway, August 14, 1886, to Col. Henry Egbert, Rock Island, IL, from W. McCrary re: excuse to not join Army & Navy
•            Letter from F. McGinnis to H. Egbert, August 16, 1886, re: decline reunion invitation;
•            Envelope front and letter Sept. 7, 1886, to H. Egbert from H. D. Demont re: decline invitation to speak oast at reunion
•            Letterhead Hilbourne & Jacobs Manufacturing Co., Columbus, OH, Sept. 10, 1886, to Henry Egbert from James Kilbourne re: decline invitation to society meeting and toast
•            Letterhead Smithsonian Institution, Sept. 29, 1886, Spencer F. Baird, Sec., from ? to “My dear friend”
•            From J. L. Miles to A. J. Montague, April 6, 1887 re:?
•            Postal notice from J. L. Woodbridge, Supt. Of Division to Postmaster, Davenport IA, May 18, 1887 re: forwarded cards
•            Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, General Passenger Dept, Feb. 25, 1888, to O. P. Judd, put Educational Journal Clinton, IA, from A. V. H. Carpenter Gen’l Pass and tkt. agt. Re: running ad
•            From L. ? Eads April 18, 189?
•            Dept. of Interior, U. S. Gen’l Survey, Washington, D. C., May 25, 1889, to Mr. Aldrich from C (?) F (?) White re: thanks for recognition
•            Letterhead, Nebraska Savings Bank of Omaha, June 19, 1889, mimeograph style, to Mr. Montague, Parker & Clark, from J. L. Miles, re: denial of payment request
•            Letterhead, Northern Iowa Normal School, Algona, IA, June 28, 1889, to Prof. Charles Edward Shelton, Clinton, from J. C. Gilchrist re: depth of education necessary
•            Receipt from Fred W. Horsfeld to J. B. Bowman, Supt. Davenport Schools, Nov. 8, 1889, receipt of records for month of October for Davenport
•            Letter from George Dexter, Sec’y Mass. Hist. Soc. To J. H. Harrison, Nov. 21, 1879, re: location of Washington portrait
•            Feb. 25, 1879, London, from Arthur, Duke of Connaught, son of Queen Victoria, to Theodore Martin, thank you for wedding gift.
•            Postcard J. H. Harrison from Joel Munsell, Dec. 2, 1876 re: portrait
•            Postcard to S. A. from Amencus Sy?, Dec. 19, 1878
•            Postcard, Aug. 4, 1878
•            Postcard, July 20, 1878
•            Postcard, Nov. 16, 1876 from Samuel A. ?, Lib. ? Hist. Soc. Re: engraving sent
•            Letter and contract form J. A. Butterfield to R. S. Price, Nov. 11, 1877
•            Order of book from Samuel G. Drake to J. H. Harrison Oct. 30, 1874
•            To Dr. Hammond from Sunset Cox, June 28, [18]71, re: thank you
•            Burlington & Missouri River RR in Neb. ???
•            April 18, 1873 to Luther Eads from Jas. R. Eads foreclosure question
•            Jan. 22, 1872, S. A. re: value of will property
•            Nov. 14, 1871 ??
•            Re: legal claim – Oct. 31, 1870 – lawsuit Harrison & Stark?
•            From Cha….. Eldridge to Masonic Mutual Aid Society of Iowa April 13, 1870 resignation as secretary
•            Visitors admission card to Grand Lodge of Iowa A.F. and A.M., June 6-8, 1893, C. E. Harrison, June 8, 1893, Signatures T. Schriener, J. on G. Tgler
•            Program for May 25, 1899, Opie Read performance at Burtis Hotel, Davenport, signed
•            Advertisement for Egg White Soup and Harrison Pharmacy with names and numbers handwritten on back
•            From office of Auditor of Treasury for Post Office, to Wm. H. F. Gurley, U. S. Dist. Attorney, Davenport, April 16, 1862, request for debt payment
•            Denver and Rio Grande Railway Company, President’s office, Colorado Springs, Co, 2nd page only of letter from Wm. J. Palmer, Pres., to Whittier(?) Feb. 17, 1879
•            Receipt for liquor purchase Nov. 7, 1887, #469
•            Receipt, Aug. 7, 1886, #H70
•            Receipt, Oct. 20, 1887 #1170
•            Receipt, Feb. 1, 1887, #H70
•            Receipt, March 14, 1888, #469
•            Letterhead Galt House, Louisville, KY, Dec. 30, 1898, to Mr. Harrison, from James P. Donahue, order for elastic stockings
No number
•            Prescription for glutton suppos. From J. Matzsk? M.D., no date
•            Letterhead T. W. Ruete, wholesale and retail druggist, Dubuque, IA, Jan. 1, 1892, to Mr. Harrison from T. W. Ruete, compliments of city & people & request for employee recommendation
•            Rock Island Arsenal, Oct. 5, 1885, to Mr. Harrison from J. (?) Outling (?) an order for supplies
•            To Mr. Harrison from J. H. Lukens, June 7, 1894, an order
•            Prescription request from Mary L. McElroy, St. Katherine’s Hall, Davenport, March, 181?, to Mr. Harrison
•            Davenport Democrat editorial rooms, March 2, 1898, to Mr. Harrison from B. F. Tillinghast, request for cough medicine
•            To Mr. Harrison from B. F. Tillinghast, August 28, 1885, request for delivery of Ayer’s cherry pectoral
•            “The Davenport Democrat, editorial rooms, July 3, 1897, to Mr. Harrison from J. E…..? request for delivery
•            Rock Island Arsenal, March 27, 1883, #99; from Lt. Col. D. W. Flagler to J. H. Harrison purchase request
•            To Mr. Harrison, from M. F. Gass purchase order for horse powder, April 4, 1896
•            To “Harrison Bros.” from Samuel W. Heold, Jan. 12, 1891, request for stiff hair brush
•            To Harrison from Samuel W. Heold, Sept. 5, 1892, letter of intent to pay bill due
•            To J. H. Harrison from A. N. Fredrick, Feb. 27, 1891, prescription request
•            State University of Iowa, Medical dept., Oct. 21, 1891, to J. H. Harrison, from J. M. ? request
•            J. B. Morgan, DDS, Davenport, to Harrison, from J. B. Morgan, order toothbrush and mouthwash
•            Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Saint Katherine’s Hall, Davenport, August 12, 1894, to J. H. Harrison from Miss E. S. Rice, Buffalo NY prescription renewal request
•            To Mr. Harrison from Mr. A. Kimball, May 2, 1890, request “died March 23, 1891” (?)
•            To J. H. Harrison from A. Kimball, Supt of C, RS & B, re: Nov. 13, 1888, payment
•            Letterhead American Water Works Association, 14th annual convention, Minneapolis, MN, August 21-23, 1894, office of President, Davenport, IA; Jan 6 1894, to J. H. Harrison from James F. Donahue, payment
•            State University of Iowa, Dental Dept. June 17 1899, to J. H. Harrison from Wm. S. Hasford, Prof. prosthetic dentistry, payment
•            Oldberg-Wall Laboratory, St. Louis MO, April 23, 1888; to J. H. Harrison from O. A. Wall re: incorrect order
•            Iowa State Board of Health, Office of Henry H. Clark, M.D., McGregor, July 30, 1892; to J. H. Harrison from H. H. Clark re: personal recommendation
•            St. Paul, M & M Railway Co., Office C. C Wrenshall, Master of Road, St. Paul, MN, ? 15, 1882; to J. H. Harrison, from Wrenshall, purchase request
•            To Harrison from Dr. W. F. Peck, Feb. 23, 1891, purchase request
•            Post card; March 7 1875, Norfolk VA; Mary F. Scott – Tiddons (?) actress, to Mr. Harrison, request and thanks?
•            From J. B. Young to J. H. Harrison, Sept. 11, 1888, purchase request
•            To Harrison from E. Sanders (?) July 12, 1898
•            Soldier’s orphans home Davenport, Dec. 3, 1893; to J. H. Harrison, from J. H. Lukenss, purchase
•            Davenport Associated Charities, Jan. 2. 1890, to Harrison from ?
•            To Harrison, from ? Feb. 23, 1895, purchase
•            To Harrison, from H. A. Burrell, July 18, 1891, purchase prescription
•            The Press, H. A. Burrell, Editor, Washington, IA, March 2, 1892; to Harrison from H. A. Burrell, re: prescription
•            To Harrison from E. P. Lynch purchase?, Feb. 10, 1890
No #
•            To Ellmer from ? Diagnosis & treatment plan, Sept. 24, 1885
•            The Press, Washington IA, March 30, 1891; to Mr. Harrison from H. A. Burrell, re: purchase request
•            United States Internal Revenue, Iowa, April 18, 1890, to J. H. Harrison from ???; permission transfer alcohol from leaking barrel
•            From Dr. W. F. Peck to ?? prescription for W. Ennis in Iowa city
•            To Mr. Harrison from H. Burtis, Sept 27, 1887
•            To Mr. Harrison from M. E. Whitney, Jan. 24, 1893 re: purchase
•            Iowa State Board of Health, R. J. Farquaharson, Des Moines, July 11, 1884,
•            E. Merck, Manufacturing Chemist, New York, March 12, 1889; to J. H. Harrison from E. Weicker, re: price quote
•            Isaac M. Ricker Lumber, Groton, VT, Feb. 25, 1893; to J. H. Harrison from D. N Richardson, purchase request
No #
•            Cohrs & Green, Attorney, April 15, 1890, to Harrison from John W. Greene, prescription
•            Iowa State Jobbers & Manufacturers Assoc., Office of Secretary, Des Moines, August 29, 1889, to J. H. Harrison from Fred Wild, re: payment
•            To Harrison from D. C. Garrett, Burlington, June 26, ??, request for acct. bill at Kimball House
•            Fuller & Fuller Co. Importers and Wholesale Druggists, Chicago, July 12, 1890; to Charley from C. F. Vincent, free cigar samples
•            The Ebbitt House, Washington, D. C., Dec. 26, 1892; Harrison Bros., from J. ? Murphy, prescription request
•            Office of Davenport Democrat, Richardson Bros. Feb. 13, 1879; to Harrison from Richardson, prescription request
No #
•            Office of Soldier’s Orphan’s Home Davenport, Sept 27, 1896; to Harrison from M. T. Gass, supt. Prescription request
•            St. Katherine’s Hall, August 18, 1890, to J. H. Harrison from Miss E. A. Rice, Ocean City NJ, prescription
•            From Jas. Rockwell, Jr. Capt. To ?, Aug. 6, 1887, toothbrush request
•            To Harrison from C. S. Mercer, Jan. 22, 1857, request & City of 1852 essay
•            Roger ? University, Nashville TN, Jan. 12, 1886, to J. H. Harrison from Wm. H. Hifler (?) request
•            US Engineer’s Office, Philadelphia, Oct. 23, 1878; to Harrison & Hohman (?) from J. Macomb (?) Col., request perfume
•            US Engineer’s office, Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1878; to Harrison & Hohman (?) from J. Macomb (?) Col., request cologne
1907-070 “Bishops of Dioceses in MD, IL, MA, RI, AK, & TX to IA Diocese”
(All bear number 18500)
•            June 1st 1863: William Rollinson Whittingham, Bishop of Maryland, to Rt. Rev. Dr. A. W. Lee, Bishop of Iowa, on deposing Matthias L. Forbes on Sunday May 31st 1863 according to Canon 5, Title II, parts I, III, & IV.
•            June 19th 1863: W. H. Odenheimer, Bishops of New Jersey, to Rt. Rev. Dr. Lee, Bishop of Iowa, on deposing of Deacon George Hubbard on Friday June 19th 1863 under Canon 5, Title IV, parts 1, III, & IV .
•            Nov. 6th 1863: notice by Martin(?) Lantham(?), Bishop of Massachusetts of Deacon Sylvester J. Sawyer’s renouncement of the ministry and his deposition from the ministry under Canon V.
•            Apr. 14th, 1864: Thomas M. Clark, Bishop of Rhode Island, to Ecclesiastical Authority of Iowa on deposing Rev. Joshua S. Bodfoh, Deacon, from the ministry of P. E. Church under Canon 5, Title 2 of Digest of Canons.
•            Mar. 16th, 1868: George L. Whitehouse, Bishop of Illinois, to Ecclesiastical Authority of Iowa on renunciation by Rev. John Niglas, LL. D., M.D., in compliance with Canon 5, Title 2 of Digest of Canons.
•            Apr. 19th, 1869: W. H. Odenheimer, Bishop of New Jersey, to Ecclesiastical Authority of Iowa on Rev. Marshall B. Smith’s deposition according to the canon. Undersigned by secretary M. J. Harrington.
•            Nov. 25th, 1872: Alex Gregg, Bishop of Texas, to Ecclesiastical Authority of Iowa on notice of acceptance of letters of Rev. John Partmes (Portmep?) as of Sept. 10th 1872.
•            Feb. 10th, 1868: Henry C. Lay, Missionary Bishop of Arkansas, to the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Iowa on rejecting the application for Holy Orders of Mr. Stephen B. Brown, a transfer from the Diocese of Missouri “and previously a candidate in other diocese. IN this case, there is no moral disqualification. My refusal is founded upon the absence of any aptitude for ministerical usefulness.” Rejected under Canon 4, Section 1, Title I.
•            Jun.2nd, 1871: George L. Whitehouse, Bishop of Illinois, to the Ecclesiastical Authority of Iowa on the verdict of an Ecclesiastical Court held in Chicago on Rev. Charles Edward Cheney, Presbyter and Rector of Christ Church with the sentence of “the Canonical and Ecclesiastical Sentence of Degradation from the Ministry in the Church of God.”


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