Explore Putnam’s Archive Inventory under the letter “G.” These items are available by research request. Serious inquiries only.
James Grant, an attorney who immigrated to Iowa around 1836, became a member of the Iowa Territorial Legislature, district judge for counties in northeast Iowa, president of the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad, and representative for Scott County in the Iowa (State) Legislature. The James Grant Collection of the Putnam Museum of History and Natural Sciences consists of 15 linear feet of personal papers, correspondence, financial records, and documents related to Grant’s various careers.
The organization of this collection is determined by an item-level card index which lists dates and subjects of correspondence by correspondent; documents are classified as General File, Legal Case File, and Personal File. These three files comprise the main series of the collection. The General File consists mostly of correspondence and is organized chronologically, with primary documents dated from 1843 to 1887. The Legal Case File is organized alphabetically by case, with most documents dated in the 1870s and 1880s. The Personal File is organized by topic and includes biographical information, financial records, notebooks, correspondence with relatives, and other personal records; primary records in the Personal File are dated 1830s to 1880s. The following outline is a folder-level inventory of the James Grant Collection.
F. 2 A. n.d./1843-1864
F. 3 B. 1866-1867
F. 4 C. 1868-1869
F. 5 D. 1870
F. 6 E. 1871
F. 7 F. January 1-15, 1872
F. 8 G. January 16-31, 1872
F. 9 H. February 1-15, 1872
F. 10 I. February 16-29, 1872
F. 11 J. March 1-15, 1872
F. 12 K. March 16-31, 1872
F. 13 L. April 1872
F. 14 M. May 1-14, 1872
F. 15 N. May 15-31, 1872
F. 16 O. June 1-15, 1872
F. 17 P. June 16-30, 1872
F. 18 Q. July 1872
F. 19 R. August 1872
F. 20 S. September 1872
F. 21 T. October 1-17, 1872
F. 22 U. October 18-31, 1872
F. 23 V. November 1-14, 1872
F. 24 W. November 15-30, 1872
F. 25 X. December 1872
F. 26 Y. January 1-17, 1873
F. 27 Z. January 18-31, 1873
F. 28 AA. February 1-12, 1873
F. 29 AB. February 13-28, 1873
F. 30 AC. March 1-15, 1873
F. 31 AD. March 16-31, 1873
F. 32 AE. April 1-14, 1873
F. 33 AF. April 15-30, 1873
F. 34 AG. May 1-15, 1873
F. 35 AH. May 16-31, 1873
F. 36 AI. June 1-18, 1873
F. 37 AJ. June 19-30, 1873
F. 38 AK. July 1-15, 1873
F. 39 AL. July 16-31, 1873
F. 40 AM. August 1-14, 1873
F. 41 AN. August 15-31, 1873
F. 42 AO. September 1-18, 1873
F. 43 AP. September 19-30, 1873
F. 44 AQ. October 1-15, 1873
F. 45 AR. October 16-31, 1873
F. 46 AS. November 1-15, 1873
F. 47 AT. November 16-30, 1873
F. 48 AU. December 1-15, 1873
F. 49 AV. December 16-31, 1873
F. 50 AW. January 1-15, 1874
F. 51 AX. January 16-31, 1874
F. 52 AY. February 1-15, 1874
F. 53 AZ. February 16-28, 1874
F. 54 BA. March 1-16, 1874
F. 55 BB. March 17-31, 1874
F. 56 BC. April 1-15, 1874
F. 57 BD. April 16-30, 1874
F. 58 BE. May 1-13, 1874
F. 59 BF. May 14-31, 1874
F. 60 BG. June 1-18, 1874
F. 61 BH. June 19-30, 1874
F. 62 BI. July 1-14, 1874
F. 63 BJ. July 15-31, 1874
F. 64 BK. August 1-15, 1874
F. 65 BL. August 16-31, 1874
F. 66 BM. September 1874
F. 67 BN. October 1-15, 1874
F. 68 BO. October 16-31, 1874
F. 69 BP. November 1-19, 1874
F. 70 BQ. November 20-30, 1874
F. 71 BR. December 1-19, 1874
F. 72 BS. December 20-31, 1874
F. 73 BT. January 1-17, 1875
F. 74 BU. January 18-31, 1875
F. 75 BV. February 1-14, 1875
F. 76 BW. February 15-28, 1875
F. 77 BX. March 1-17, 1875
F. 78 BY. March 18-31, 1875
F. 79 BZ. April 1-14, 1875
F. 80 CA. April 15-30, 1875
F. 81 CB. May 1-14, 1875
F. 82 CC. May 15-31, 1875
F. 83 CD. June 1-14, 1875
F. 84 CE. June 15-30, 1875
F. 85 CF. July 1-15, 1875
F. 86 CG. July 16-31, 1875
F. 87 CH. August 1-15, 1875
F. 88 CI. August 16-31, 1875
F. 89 CJ. September 1-23, 1875
F. 90 CK. September 24-30, 1875
F. 91 CL. October 1-18, 1875
F. 92 CM. October 19-31, 1875
F. 93 CN. November 1-11, 1875
F. 94 CO. November 12-30, 1875
F. 95 CP. December 1-16, 1875
F. 96 CQ. December 17-31, 1875
F. 97 CR. January 1876
F. 98 CS. February 1876
F. 99 CT. March 1-16, 1876
F. 100 CU. March 17-31, 1876
F. 101 CV. April 1-14, 1876
F. 102 CW. April 15-30, 1876
F. 103 CX. May 1-15, 1876
F. 104 CY. May 16-31, 1876
F. 105 CZ. June 1-16, 1876
F. 106 DA. June 17-30, 1876
F. 107 DB. July 1-17, 1876
F. 108 DC. July 18-31, 1876
F. 109 DE. August 1876
F. 110 DF. September 1-16, 1876
F. 111 DG. September 17-30, 1876
F. 112 DH. October 1-16, 1876
F. 113 DI. October 17-31, 1876
F. 114 DJ. November 1-15, 1876
F. 115 DK. November 16-30, 1876
F. 116 DL. December 1-18, 1876
F. 117 DM. December 19-31, 1876
F. 118 DN. January-April 1877
F. 119 DO. May-July 1877
F. 120 DP. August-September 1877
F. 121 DQ. October-November 1877
F. 122 DR. December 1877
F. 123 DS. January-March 1878
F. 124 DT. April-August 1878
F. 125 DU. September-December 1878
F. 126 DV. 1879
F. 127 DW. January-April 1880
F. 128 DX. May-December 1880-1887; 1975
F. 129 A. American Emigrant Company vs. Calhoun County: 1872-1876
F. 130 B. Brown, Campbell and Sully vs. Lancaster: 1872-1873
C. Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota Railway Company Cases
F. 131 1. March-June 1875
F. 132 2. July 1875
F. 133 3. August 1875
F. 134 4. September 1875
F. 135 5. October 1875
F. 136 6. November 1875
F. 137 7. December 1875
F. 138 8. January-April 1876
F. 139 9. May-June 1876
F. 140 10. July-September 1876
F. 141 11. October-December 1876
F. 142 12. 1877-1880
D. Burlington and Southwestern Railway Company Foreclosure
F. 143 1. n.d./1871-August 1874
F. 144 2. September 1874
F. 145 3. October 1874
F. 146 4. November-December 1874
F. 147 5. January-April 1875
F. 148 6. May 1875
F. 149 7. June 1875
F. 150 8. July 1875
F. 151 9. August 1875
F. 152 10. September 1875
F. 153 11. October 1875
F. 154 12. November-December 1875
F. 155 13. January-May 1876
F. 156 14. June-September 1876
F. 157 15. October-December 1876
F. 158 16. 1877-1881
F. 159 E. Burrows vs. Crilley: 1872-1874
F. 160 F. Carroll County Swamplands: 1872-1875
F. 161 G. Carroll County vs. American Emigrant Company: 1872-1875
H. Case & Co. vs. United States
F. 162 1. n.d./1872-1873
F. 163 2. 1874-1876
I. Central Railroad of Iowa Foreclosure
F. 164 1. 1873-1874
F. 165 2. January-March 1875
F. 166 3. April-September 1875
F. 167 4. October-December 1875
F. 168 5. January-August 1876
F. 169 6. September-December 1876
F. 170 7. 1877
F. 171 8. 1878-1879
J. Chicago and Southwestern Railroad Cases
F. 172 1. 1873-1874
F. 173 2. January-May 1875
F. 174 3. June-December 1875
F. 175 4. 1876
F. 176 K. Clinton County Tax Case: 1871-1875
L. Colorado Mining and Railroads
F. 177 1. July 1878
F. 178 2. August 1878
F. 179 3. September 1878-1879
F. 180 4. 1880
F. 181 M. Corbin vs. Williams: 1872-1873
N. Davenport and St. Paul Railroad Cases
F. 182 1. 1872-1874
F. 183 2. January-July 1875
F. 184 3. August-September 1875
F. 185 4. October-December 1875
F. 186 5. January-June 1876
F. 187 6. July 1876-1877
O. Des Moines Valley Railroad Foreclosure
F. 188 1. 1872
F. 189 2. January-September 1873
F. 190 3. October-December 1873
F. 191 4. 1874-1878
F. 192 P. Dresser vs. Missouri and Iowa Construction Company: 1873-1876
F. 193 Q. Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Co. vs. Board of Supervisors, Buena Vista
County: 1872-1873
F. 194 R. Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Co. vs. Iowa Falls and Sioux City Railroad
Co.: 1871-1875
F. 195 S. Effie Afton Case: 1856-1874
F. 196 T. R.B. Hill: 1872-1875
F. 197 U. Mark Howard vs. City of Davenport et al.: 1872-1874
F. 198 V. Iowa Homestead Company vs. Des Moines Navigation and Railroad Company:
F. 199 W. January vs. Johnson County, Kansas: 1873-1878
X. Kansas and Missouri Bridge Company Cases
F. 200 1. 1874
F. 201 2. January-May 1875
F. 202 3. June-August 1875
F. 203 4. September-December 1875
F. 204 5. January-May 1876
F. 205 6. June-December 1876
F. 206 Y. James Lombard vs. Newton Township: 1872-1875
Z. Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co. vs. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
Railroad Co.
F. 207 1. 1871-1872
F. 208 2. January-May 1873
F. 209 3. June-July 1873
F. 210 4. August-December 1873
F. 211 5. 1874-1876
AA. Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company Cases
F. 212 1. 1873-1874
F. 213 2. January-March 1875
F. 214 3. April-December 1875
F. 215 4. 1876-1879
F. 216 AB. Nolan vs. Hobbs and Grant: 1877-1880
F. 217 AC. Platt Smith and Dubuque & Southwestern Railroad vs. Cedar Rapids &
Missouri River Railroad Co.: 1872-1875
F. 218 AD. Reynolds vs. Carroll County: 1872-1873
AE. River Roads Cases (Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota; Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque)
F. 219 1. January-September 1875
F. 220 2. October-December 1875
F. 221 3. January-June 1876
F. 222 4. July-August 1876
F. 223 5. September-October 1876
F. 224 6. November-December 1876
F. 225 7. 1877-1878
F. 226 AF. Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis Railroad: 1872-1880
AG. St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad Company Cases
F. 227 1. 1873-1874
F. 228 2. 1875
F. 229 3. 1876-1884
F. 230 A. 1851-1871
F. 231 B. 1872
F. 232 C. 1873
F. 233 D. 1874
F. 234 E. 1875-1876
F. 235 F. 1877
F. 236 G. 1878
F. 237 H. 1879-1884
F. 238 I. Biographical Information: n.d./c. 1964-1986
F. 239 J. Biography of J.M. Williamson: c. 1870s
F. 240 K. Deeds, Mortgages, Notes and Miscellaneous: 1841-1873
L. Finance
F. 241 1. August Belmont & Co. Accounts: 1874-1877
F. 242 2. Central National Bank Accounts: 1872-1874
F. 243 3. Clark, Dodge & Co. Account Sheets: 1870-1876
4. Clark, Dodge & Co.
F. 244 a. 1868-1873
F. 245 b. 1874-1875
F. 246 c. 1876
F. 247 d. 1877
F. 248 e. 1878-1879
F. 249 5. Fourth National Bank Accounts: 1875
F. 250 6. Morton Bliss & Co. Accounts: 1875-1876
F. 251 7. National Park Bank Accounts: 1873-1875
F. 252 M. Game Cocks: 1866-1877
N. Horses
F. 253 1. n.d./1866-1873
F. 254 2. 1874-1880
O. Notebooks
F. 255 1. “Book for Citations of Authorities No. 2”: no date
F. 256 2. “Note Book of Law Cases No. 3”: no date
F. 257 3. “Book of Cases A”: c. 1837
F. 258 4. “1850-1860 Court Cases-Decisions”: c. 1850- c. 1860
F. 259 P. Peoria and Rock Island Railway Subscription Payments: 1872-1873
Q. Publications
F. 260 1. n.d./1842-1871
F. 261 2. 1872-1873
F. 262 3. 1874
F. 263 4. 1875
F. 264 5. 1876-1877
F. 265 6. 1878-1880
R. Receipts
F. 266 1. no date
F. 267 2. 1835-1859
F. 268 3. 1860-1867
F. 269 4. 1868-1870
F. 270 5. 1871-1872
F. 271 6. 1873
F. 272 7. 1874
F. 273 8. 1875
F. 274 9. 1876-1884
S. Relatives
F. 275 1. Baren, Bettie (niece): 1875-1880
F. 276 2. Bustin, Coffield (cousin): 1867-1874
F. 277 3. Grant, David C. (nephew): 1873-1876
F. 278 4. Grant, Elizabeth L. (wife): 1868-1879
F. 279 5. Grant, G.W. (brother): 1872-1875
F. 280 6. Grant, Gough B. (nephew): 1872-1880
F. 281 7. Grant, James B. (nephew): 1871-1877
F. 282 8. Grant, Whit M. (nephew): 1871-1875
F. 283 9. Grant, Dr. William W. (nephew): 1867-1878
F. 284 10. Hamilton, H.E. (nephew): 1874-1880
F. 285 11. Johnston, Gough (nephew): 1871-1874
F. 286 12. Johnston, James G. (nephew): 1867-1880
F. 287 13. Johnston, Maggie (niece): 1873-1876
F. 288 14. Johnston, Pattie (niece): 1872-1873
F. 289 15. Johnston, William A. (nephew): 1872-1880
F. 290 16. Kaeiser, Maria (niece): 1874-1876
F. 291 17. Kaeiser, Mattie (niece): 1872-1880
F. 292 18. Kaeiser, William M. (nephew): 1872-1880
F. 293 19. Leonard, Bessie (niece): 1872-1880
F. 294 20. Leonard, Eddie J. (nephew): n.d./1873-1880
F. 295 21. Ransom, M.W. (cousin): 1867-1874
F. 296 22. Ransom, Gen. Robert (cousin): 1874-1875
F. 297 23. Whitaker, Matt (uncle): 1868-1872
F. 298 24. Whitaker, Matt (cousin): 1873-1874
F. 299 25. Whitaker, Spier (uncle): 1867-1869
F. 300 26. Whitaker, Spier Jr. (cousin): 1869-1873
F. 301 27. Whitaker, T.L. (cousin): 1873
F. 302 28. Miscellaneous Relatives: 1868-1880; 1960-1986
F. 303 T. Robert H. Rogers Notes, Receipts, Deeds, Etc.: 1857-1877
F. 304 U. Scott County Agricultural Society: 1869-1880
V. Sheep and Wool
F. 305 1. 1866-1872
F. 306 2. 1873-1880
F. 307 W. Sheffield Mining and Transportation Company Trustees Affairs: 1852-1880
F. 308 X. Tax Receipts: 1840-1877
F. 309 Y. Writings, Speeches, History Notes: n.d./1878
Farms & Farming–Organizations–Misc.
Farms & Farming–Special Types–Livestock
Law & Law Enforcement–Judges
Railroads–Chicago & Rock Island Railroad
When the James Grant Collection was inventoried in 1998, an existing system of organization was used in order that the item-level card index to the collection would still be useful. At the time of the 1998 inventory, some documents were found to be mis-filed; either the dates had been mis-identified during the previous organization and indexing of the collection, or the documents had been mis-filed since. If dates had been mis-identified at the time of indexing, the card index will refer to the wrong dates. The following notes will help to locate documents that had been incorrectly filed by date.
Document Mis-Filed As Actual Date of Document
1-29-1866 11-29-1866
1-20-1870 6-20-1870
1-25-1872 1-21-1872
2-1-1872 2-16-1872
3-7-1872 3-7-1871
3-18-1872 3-18-1873
5-4-1872 5-14-1872
5-31 (?) 1872 8-14-1872
5-31-1872 July 1872
July 1872 July 1873
7-7-1872 2-7-1872
9-1-1872 9-7-1872
12-20-1872 12-20-1871
2-10-1873 1-10-1873
4-22-1873 4-2-1873
6-3-1873 6-3-1874
7-29-1873 9-29-1873
1-24-1874 6-24-1874
2-5-1874 2-5-1872
4-24-1874 4-27-1874
5-5-1874 5-15-1874
6-5-1874 6-15-1874
6-7-1874 7-7-1874
9-3-1874 9-19-1874
9-5-1874 9-14-1874
10-2-1874 10-20-1874
10-24-1874 10-20-1874
12-4-1874 12-14-1874
12-31-1874 12-31-1875
1-8-1875 1-18-1875
Document Mis-Filed As Actual Date of Document
2-11-1875 1-22-1875
2-11-1875 February 1875
4-14-1875 4-17-1875
6-9-1875 4-9-1875
12-8-1875 12-8-1874
12-15-1875 12-15-1874
12-22-1875 12-22-1874
12-24-1875 12-24-1874
12-26-1875 12-26-1874
12-27-1875 12-27-1874
3-1-1876 3-1-1875
5-24-1876 5-27-1876
7-3-1876 7-30-1876
8-22-1876 9-25-1876
In addition, the following items in the General File may now be filed elsewhere than indicated by the card index.
receipt addendum dated 4-2-1872 to note of 3-27-1872 had been filed as 3-27-1872; now filed 4-2-1872
undated note from H.L. Swartmont (?) labeled “1872” in pencil had been filed as 12-30-1872; now filed at beginning of 1872
document dated 1-6-1872 by author is dated 1-6-1873 by Grant (?); probably an error by author of sender; document now filed as 1-6-1873
document dated 1-1-1874 by author is dated 1-1-1875 by Grant (?); probably an error by author of sender; document now filed as 1-1-1875
documents dated 3-12-1875 and March 1875 were stapled to two letters from Amos Steckel, both dated 4-30-1875; now filed as dates on documents
document dated 5-16-1875 also appears to be dated 4-16-1875; now filed as 4-16-1875, which appears to be the original date
document dated 11-12-1875 had been stapled to document dated 11-19-1875; now filed 11-12-1875
document dated December 6, no year, had been and remains filed as 1875
copies of letters dated 7-24-1876 and 7-17-1876 had been filed with copy of letter from Crook & Jenkins 7-27-1876
Burlington and Southwestern Railway Company Foreclosure
undated note regarding Barnes case had been filed as November 11, 1876 now filed as c. 1876?
Burrows vs. Crilley
5-4-1874 had been filed as 5-4-1873
6-8-1874 had been filed between 1874 and 1875
7-12-1874 had been filed between 1874 and 1875
Case & Co. vs. United States
undated note was filed between February and March 1875; now filed as “no date”
Clinton County Tax Case
1-3-1872, 8-19-1871, and 1-12-1872 had all been stapled together
6-24-1874 had been filed as 1-24-1874
Des Moines Valley Railroad Foreclosure
6-13-1872 had been filed between 7-13-1872
January vs. Johnson County, Kansas
1-30-1874 had been filed between September and November 1874
Kansas and Missouri Bridge Company Cases
undated note was filed as c. April 1875 is now filed as c. 1875?
Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company Cases
newspaper article dated 5-9-1876 had been filed after October 1876
St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad Company Cases
document with dates 8-31-1876 and 9-7-1876 had been clipped to document dated 7-8-1876; now filed as c. 9-7-1876
undated document clipped to 7-1-1876 is now filed as c. July 1876?
note dated 6-30-1884 had been clipped to 7-1-1876 now filed as 6-30-1884
undated notes with copies from 4-21-1875 and 6-11-1874 had been clipped to 7-1-1876;
now filed as c. July 1876?
River Roads Cases (Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota; Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque)
1-7-1878 had been filed as 1-7-1877
Game Cocks
1-2-1873 is mis-dated on front and had been filed as 1-2-1872; now filed 1-2-1873
undated document filed as c. September 1867?
7-15-1872 ?: receipt says “June 15 1871 for payment” but all charges on receipt are from
1872; now filed as 7-15-1872
Bill Gress Collection 1995.23.44
Inclusive Dates: 1962-1972
Scope Notes: Bill Gress presented “Comment” editorial program WOC radio and TV. The collection includes program scripts which initially ran on radio and/or TV and later was run on TV only. Some scripts indicate “Sources” of information on which the commentary was based. Occasionally the binders will include commentaries made in response to Gress’ programs.
Donation also included 16mm? film of [program] “Focus ’65.” Stored on film shelf. (Received in film mailing box addressed to Bill Gress. Box discarded) Donated to Bettendorf Children’s Museum by Delores Gress Lesser.
Note: These scripts were originally stored in 3-ring binders. The papers were removed from binders and each “binder” given a number based on chronological order. Folders were labeled accordingly. Years 1962 and 1963 don not appears to be filed in chronological order.
Box 1, Binders #1-10
1. Index – list of program subjects by dates 1962-Feb. 1969
2. Index – list of program subjects by dates February 22, 1969 – January 8, 1971
3. July 31, 1961 – January 2, 1962
4. January 2, 1962 – May 4, 1962
5. May 2, 1962 – June 27, 1962
6. June 28, 1962 – October 1, 1962
7. June 19, 1962 – October 29, 1963
8. June 21, 1962 – March 26, 1963
9. October 2, 1962 – November 16, 1962
10. November 16, 1962 – January 30, 1963
Box 2, Binders #11-21
11. January 31, 1963 – April 29, 1963
12. May 1, 1963 – August 31, 1963
13. July 25, 1963 – September 22, 1963
14. September 21, 1963 – November 30, 1963
15. December 1, 1963 – March 31, 1964
16. April 2, 1964 – July 21, 1964
17. August 1, 1964 – December 31, 1964
18. January 1, 1965 – April 30, 1965
19. May 3, 1965 – August 31, 1965
20. September 1, 1965 – January 31, 1966
Box 3, Binders # 21-33
21. February 1, 1966 – June 29, 1966
22. June 30, 1966 – December 30, 1966
23. January 4, 1967 – June 30, 1967
24. July 3, 1967 – September 26, 1968
25. February 3, 1969 – May 30, 1969
26. June 2, 1969 – October 3, 1969
27. October 6, 1969 – March 5, 1970
28. July 9, 1970 – November 30, 1970
29. December 1, 1970 – March 30, 1971
30. April 1, 1971 – July 16, 1971
31. July 16, 1971 – November 17, 1971
32. November 18, 1971 –February 29, 1972
33. March 1, 1972 – May 30, 1972
Box 4
The following is a list of folders with brief description of contents. Original folders were replaced but in most cases original order maintained.
Folder 1 – brief biography for William (Bill) Gress and two portrait photographs
Folder 2 – Booklet – 40-Year Album of Pioneer Radio Stations (originally in folder with previous folder)
Folder 3 – “Requested Comments” – appear to be “Comments” programs retyped when requested by public
Folder 4 – “Speeches” – speeches given by Bill Gress
Folder 5 – “Speeches” continued
The following folders are TV special program scripts.
Folder 6 – “The busy sky” 1/24/69, re: general aviation, includes letter from Elliot Aviation and booklets: “The Newsmen and Air Accidents”, “The Truth About General Aviation” and newsletter “Beechcraft Altimeter Vol. 13, No. 1 Jan. 1968
Folder 7 – “Bix Beiderbecke Pgm”, c. 8/1971
Folder 8 – “The Candidate”, aired Nov. 8, 1968, re: Roger Jepsen’s campaign for Iowa Lt. Governor
Folder 9 – “The Friendly Stranger”, aired 1/26/68, re: police officers
Folder 10 – “The Lazy River”, aired 8/16/68, re: pleasure boating on Mississippi River
Folder 11 – Alcoholism Special, n.d., found in “The Lazy River” folder
Subject Headings
Boats & Boating—Recreational & Pleasure
Law & Law Enforcement—Misc.
Law & Law Enforcement—Police
Rivers & Creeks—Mississippi
People—Beiderbecke, Bix
People—Gress, William (Bill)
People—Jepsen, Roger